Posts Tagged ‘apprentices’

Hello Great One


Hello Great One,
This is Gregg F. One of your great Neothink apprentices. I want to thank for coming into my life when life wasn’t all that great. I always knew there was another world where humans thought and saw things the way I did. There you were! Since joining the society; you’ve open mind from bicameral tendencies to endless possibilities. The literature and visions you’ve shown me have brought my mind out of the dark and in to the light! I can’t thank you enough for helping me break through illusions and really seeing what is. I’m very pleased to see that TVP is full speed ahead. This movement could change my life, plus everyone around me. People can say what they want. You’re the answer. The only answer if our civilization want to move ahead into the Twelve Visions World. It’s time to get rid of old and began with the new. That’s you! Don’t feel alone. We are here if you need us. Again, thank you for showing me the right road to travel. Your road is way smoother than that of our present anticivilization. I know it will be kind of a rough battle. At the end I know you will prevail! Sometimes, in order to get through the woods. You got to chop a few trees down. I’m in it until the motor stop. Thank you again.

Gregg F

thanks a lot Mr. mark Hamilton


well Mr. mark first of all I want to thank you for open my eyes to the reality and I don’t know what else I can say to you right now because am exhaust with all of this that you all ready revealed to me and that is something that I really appreciate because nobody has been talking to me like that and in some kind of ways you awake the child of the past the child that still living inside of me also I thank you for the invitation to be one of yours apprentices well by the way I think that my Friday night essence is to read and write your own grammar the English language you know Mr. mark am a Mexican that’s why my English is broke actually I read better than I write and talk English and I need to learn to talk and write because I need to be able to communicate whatever I need in your own language in English and I know by reading and hearing I will get practice I been listening to the CDs the ones that you sent me also I use to read and write your manuscripts trying to learn and absorb the information that is on them just like if I was in the harry potter school well am doing all of this on my mini day every day thanks to you am trying to do everything exactly how did jack London do it? because he established  four physical movements, four mini-days that would achieve his desire of becoming a writer;(1) reading,(2) intense grammar study,(3) self-education (a library-study program),and again thanks to you am all set to do it also miss Annabel has been inspired me to continue reading and writing just like if I was in her class room hooping to be somebody one day I guess about it for the time been so now am  on the road to succeed thanks a lot Mr. mark Hamilton and I want you to know that you are the man that put me back on track and that is something that I cannot denied billions of thanks Mr. mark Hamilton and I feel sorry for your loops so please receive with this my most sincere condolences your friend and apprentice Leo C

In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

Thank you for including me in your family of Apprentices. Wish I could have done more with it.

In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.

When all the guys started  getting together & talking about different things. needless to say my ears perked up. It is all so interesting. I especially liked the part of honesty. I have had more stolen from me than most people have. I never thought of people stealing ! Didn’t realize there were that many dishonest people in the world. In this program, we are taught honesty, love, compassion for others, how to live with ourselves & make an honest living,

In the neo-think world we  all will be prosperious & happy. What more could a person want ?

Mr. Hamilton, I too am concerned about you. You know how cruel the media can be. I know you will be honest about everything, but if you could soften the Religious part a bit,

you know how the south is so religious, with churches on every corner & probably the rest of the country also. I notice also a lot of the members refer to religion as thou they haven’t changed much.

I some how feel, this isn”t exactly what you wanted, but the best I can do. I have a difficult time with my eyes & have not advanced in the level as I would like. Hopefully that will come about soon.

Love & Caring

Peggy L

The Neothink Society, has remarkably transformed my life for the better.

The Neothink Society, has remarkably transformed my life for the better.

When I was introduced to Neothink, like so many others, I was living in fear and doubt about the future of my finances, health, and relationships with my loved ones. I was searching for something that could not only give me the answers to my questions, but to help me implement real solutions. My search was over when I discovered the Neothink Society. The Society has given me absolute and verifiable truths about the world we live in. It has opened my eyes to all of the lies and misconceptions that I’ve been  living with all my life. The illusions of what is truth and what is not has been revealed to me through the wonderful Generational Manuscripts that I have read over the past couple of years. Truths about our political system, and our religious beliefs. The manuscripts have given me a solid foundation on which to build my future, my friend and wonderful mentor and author of these wonderful manuscripts, Mark Hamilton is truly a visionary, with a pure and honest way of disseminating the information to his apprentices. Now that I have discovered Neothink, through my reading and meeting with Mr. Hamilton, I have increased my income, work status, my relationship with my mate has blossomed into something totally new and wonderful. Neothink doesn’t try to brainwash you into thinking any particular way or do anything that you don’t want to. It simply lets you discover the truth for yourself. It doesn’t try to educate it just “Stimulates” your thought pattern to let you remove the veils and peel back what has been hidden and let you see how you’ve been misled is so many areas all of your life. Neothink has truly changed by life for the better and I would recommend it for everyone and anyone who is searching for real answers to the tough questions about life.

Larry D. G

Everett, Washington

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way…

“Mark Hamilton’s Heirloom Manuscripts Have Changed My Way Of Thinking, And Has opened My Eyes To See Through The Illusions To What Is.”

Hi, Mr. Hamilton

    I just want to say thank you for all that you do, you really mean a lot to me as far as a mentor.

Every month I get so excited, because do to the monthly meetings with you; I know that your going to bring value, stimulation, and knowledge that is new and refreshing.

The value and true knowledge that you have shared with myself and all of your apprentices has done something that no-one else has been able to do.

That is to awaken the child-of-the-past that is buried and lying dormant deep inside of each and everyone of us.

We were all searchers, looking for that something better in life that we knew was always there, but didn’t know how to find it.


Loosing you as a mentor means loosing all this value-creation, and that would be a tragedy, because no-one else can bring this to us.

Now getting to your literature, I have always enjoyed reading, but your literature is very powerful and life changing.

Every time I read through and study your literature exhilaration rises up within me from the truths that are brought to the forefront, and as far as I’m concerned that’s priceless.

I am honored to have had the opportunity to own this literature that you (Mr. Hamilton) have made possible for anyone in the world to have.

So, not having this literature is not an option.

Being a part of the (Neothink Society) means a lot to me because of it’s many advantages: one being the secret-website, which allows you to interact with like-minded people within the society.

Now, the (Twelve Visions Party) is something I’m looking forward to and means everything to me and my family as far as the country’s future. The world needs all the benefits from the (Twelve Visions Party) such as: prices dropping in every industry; which will make all the people rich, government being used for protection of the people only; which will allow the people to live as individuals and think for themselves, better health-care and the best doctors,etc.

Thank You For Everything Your Doing For Society (Mr. Hamilton).


     Marvin C

Mark Hamilton, you are incredible!

As a Level One apprentice member and as I continue my journey!  I have never been through such a revelation in my life!  I feel strong, energized and most importantly very confident !  In reading this email I can’t help but to stand for what I feel is right and I don’t want anyone or anything to take that away!!  Mark Hamilton, you are incredible!  You have been great to me and this is just another obstacle to get over and with apprentices like me and the society we are here for you!! Stand for what you believe in and everything else will see itself through!             

 Orlando P

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening my eyes to what life is all about as appose to what I always believed it to be. Although I have yet to fully absorb the power of Neothink. That’s just because I’ve yet to free myself from all of the external authorities that surround me and I blame no one but myself for that. I’m not rich or even have a income, but at least I now know that once I do break the chains from around my brains I will be more than just okay. I expect the government to attack the truth, how else can they remain in power other than by keeping society ignorant to what is and feeding the people what they want to believe.  All Neothink does is allow individuals their rights to think on there own, and unless your a weak misguided individual, you should want to be free to be your own man. Me myself wants to give more to the world then I take from it. I also would love to live forever and be able to cure any and all diseases who wouldn’t. I know those who refuse to think for themselves and think what is, is how it’s suppose to be.ill always stay in following mode and be obedient slaves to the government and churches. But I always new since I was a child that the world wasn’t right. But living in a deceitful world and not knowing it, I was blinded and was led away from righteousness. But with Neothink I’m finding my way back and once I’m whole and free from all external authorities even if you stop Mark Hamilton, you won’t be able to prevent me and all of his apprentices from changing the world for the better.

Yours Truly

March 2025