Posts Tagged ‘apprentices’

The personal and professional attacks on Neothink and Mark Hamilton are …

The personal and professional attacks on Neothink and Mark Hamilton are unjust, unfounded and simply false. I’ve been reading his manuscripts for a year now and have kept abreast for six months through his monthly videos to his members/apprentices.

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I have waited three years, enduring “technical difficulties” of epic proportions and other manageable obstacles to add my testimonial. Neothink, as it was introduced to me by Mark Hamilton, which is now called Neothink and was once Neothink has immeasurably my existence in all capacities.

Having been introduced into the Neothink Society when I was 26 yrs. grown, significantly for the quality of person I was on the inside(concerning particular, essential elements) which is a major component as to how Mark Hamilton’s apprentices we’re chosen), now at 29 years of age and well-read in Neothink(NEOTHINK SOCIETY) literature–my Heirloom Packages, I find that my excitement and enthusiasm about life, my life and the future for all Value Creators is growing continuously and exponentially.

Growing up to now, I had always felt an innate orientation within honesty–most specifically honesty to myself. As I observed a, frankly sad, many others in a plethora of situations exercise an internal allegiance toward immediate comfort or gratification no matter if it was immoral or irrational, I always exercised. Sometimes with sordid, envious opposition…an allegiance to nothing else but the truth. The truth–which can be discovered through deep, honest, rational, introspection.

I have an eternally versatile, highly integrated personality developed stemming from my core and have often had to defend myself psychologically and morally in my adult years. It eventually became apparent to me that people who’ve personally experienced me the most viewed me as kind, strong-willed, confident, completely dismissing any consideration as to how that was developed–that it was largely developed through life experiences like: trial and error, enormous battles defending my inclination towards morale and rational mentality and those many large battles increasing the space between me with the Aristotelian-based philosophy I carried and the Platonistic-based philosophy my attackers carried; this increasingly distinguished for me and enhanced who I am in terms of Honesty, Morale and Rationality from others who are inclined towards dishonesty, immoral and irrationality. I was often attacked on those fronts PRIMARILY BECAUSE WE ARE TEMPORARLY LIVING IN A WORLD SUPRESSED BY THE PLOYS OF THE ANTI-CIVILIZTON…INCLUDING THE PLAGUE OF MYSTISM–a world that from the base of their mystism plagued reasoning is often self-persuaded to create problems where none exist! Sadly, I even endure resistance from members of my immediate family. Along with my exhibiting an undeniable and distinct laser focus, upon getting a glimpse of my heirloom packages, significant opposition arose leading to their researching of flamer sites and posts online about Neothink and the literature I owned, referring to them as “those black books!”..telling me things like, “Neothink will lead to your downfall!” These were relatively ugly exclamations with envious undertones that ultimately express a lack of understanding on their part. I am gloriously exited and anticipating the culmination of the Prime Law Amendment to the United States Constitution that the Twelve Visions Party with the entire NEOTHINK SOCIETY is pushing forth to bring about the Twelve Visions World on earth.

Kareem G.

“You, Sir, are a National Treasure”

Dear Mark Hamilton:
Attached to this email is my testimonial that you requested, per which I would like to quote, “You, Sir, are a National Treasure”. I am trying one last time to get through to you because I have much value to add to your cause, if you will just hear me out. You see, I understand that the “Miss Annabelle” story was actually about you; namely, you were Miss Annabelle and we apprentices were your students, and I was one of the main students you needed to reach. I know that is a bold statement, but what I am about to provide you is the living proof. I can only hope that this finally reaches you, for it was to be for your eyes only.
First, some constructive criticism, not intended to chastise you in any way, but to give a new boost to the cause of the Twelve Visions World to which I am so committed. Everything about the Annabelle story was so intriguingly conceived, but, with one fatal flaw–not the story, but the manner in which it was carried out with the apprentice group; namely, Miss Annabelle was readily accessible to her students at all times, but you were not; e.g. I wonder how successful the Miss Annabelle story would have been if her students had to do posts on a website, along side of other students, hoping to maybe get the attention of Miss Annabelle, and, then, hoping she would sort through the maze and respond???
I completely understand that you have to protect what you have worked so long to achieve, and the reluctance anyone would feel in your situation to open up the flood gates by letting down the wall. I also understand how multi-tasked and busy you have been. Hopefully, you can also understand that many of your apprentices feel the same way. I know for a fact that had you heard what I am going to share hopefully with you, you would not have had to plead for testimonials for fear of the neo-cheaters reaction, because the battle would have already been won. When you hear me out, you will have to admit it too. You see, you did not have to get 50 million Americans to understand the plan, but only a very small fraction using the right approach.
Before I get into “the approach”, let me tell you about myself. I have an extremely high I. Q., once measured to be 232 when I was in college. Today at age 61, I believe I probably would break the measuring scale. I skipped the 5th grade and had 1500+ on my SAT score entering college. I tried to attend some Mensas meetings but become so frustrated by the groups impracticality and never joined–they had the “paralysis of analysis” and never seemed to want to come to a solution of the problem they were working on as a group. You see, I had been using Neothink all my life and never knew it. However, I never understood the concept of the massive anti-civilization which thwarted me all the time when I tried to add value to the world–I have the cure for cancer and have had it for over 35 years; a plan for elimination of every harmful virus and bacteria on the planet, the total answer to the dilemmas of Einstein’s theory and string-theory, and many other values to add to the world. Thanks to you, I now do understand what I have been up against.
The value I wish to share is a not only a marketing approach that works every time without massive exposure, but also a further insight into understanding how the universe operates. I am sure you have heard of the “100 Monkey Principle”, as per your statement about the need of 50 million Americans understanding Neothink. Many have heard of this concept but very few really understand it. It is about time you heard about it from one of the originators ( and maybe the only one). You see, I first became aware of the idea in 1964, at the age of 15. I saw one of the very first articles published on the unusual monkey experiment done in 1957 but not mad public for several years. I was fascinated that, once the monkeys on one island finally learned to wash the sand off of the raspberries by going to the sea water, they went to the second island and the first monkey went right to the ocean to wash it off. Only later, having spent much of my career in sales/marketing, I put it all together.
You see, I believe that our Neothinker, or perhaps the original Creator Neothinker, have (has) put in place a “score keeping” function into the connection that we all have with “universal intelligence”; i.e. as any living species reaches a critical mass of learning a new idea (thus evolving), this connection “keeps score” of that event (upward progress) and filters the result to the rest of that species. I can envision that when enough cavemen learned to make fire, the rest of the world knew instantly too. Theory: Why would not a Neothinker want a way to keep track of his creation’s progress? I also believe, just a theory at this point, that all departed intelligent beings’ spirits/souls go to that type of area like the “score keeper”.
Now, to the marketing application of this concept, most who understand this critical mass concept for introducing a new product, service, or idea go no further than to blast the marketplace with ads to achieve that critical mass, and conceptually believe that an approximate market penetration of 8-12% will achieve that goal. Rubbish! The scientists on that first island accomplished the critical mass for an entire species with less than 100 monkeys out of the thousands and perhaps millions of that species. If the commonly held belief of the critical mass of 8-12% is true, why then did not their product, service, or idea immediately saturate to 100% like the monkey experiment?
The reason is that the true meaning applied to marketing lies not in the critical mass, but in creating an “island” in the marketplace and saturating that created “island” with the product service, or idea. Additionally, one has to consider the fact that when dealing with human beings, no product, service, or idea will appeal to everyone on earth (saturation or 100%) because intelligent beings will still be affected by emotions and have the conscious ability of free will to NOT conform with the masses.
To put this all in perspective, let me relate my own application of this deeper understanding of the 100 monkey phenomenon. In late 1982, I decided to get back into the property and casualty insurance business because I had found a company that just came to Colorado (I live in Denver). They had tremendous auto/homeowners rates, but to differentiate myself from the competition, I decided to add to the rates 24/7 service by me the agency owner–a good trick to pull off, given the fact of no cell phones or internet back then. However, I was one of the first to implement a pager as a marketing tool–if my customer had an accident at 3:00 AM, he/she could page me and I guaranteed a response. To create my “island”, I chose a small area of Denver, that was mostly blue-collar and thus would respond to the low rates and 24/7 service. I created a newsletter for just that neighborhood of about 700 homes where I knocked on doors to get the word out about my rates/service, sent out direct mail, and even hired a telemarketing house to solicit by phone. My first direct mailing got a typical 1.5% success rate. By early 1983, I had about 8% of the business in that neighborhood “island”. Continuing to bombard just that neighborhood, in 3 more months, I had about 30% of the business there as the word got out that I delivered the 24/7 service that no one else did. I also began getting unsolicited response from areas well away from my little “island”. In just 1 month my “island” marketplace penetration reached 65% and I had to hire many new agents/service people to keep up on the demand. I then chose another like neighborhood to expand. To my surprise, my first direct mailing pulled in a 45% response! Continuing in 1984 to expand, I hade built an agency from nothing to over $3.5 million of premium in force in just 2 years using the “island” marketing approach alone, which the industry says takes 15 years to build. Sadly though I lost my agency, with an intrinsic value of around $1.5 million, in early 1985. I won’t go into why here because that is not relevant to the Twelve Visions World goal. I also attained another $1+ million net worth using other products/services using the same “island” approach.
One more example and I will get to the punch-line of this discussion. Remember the “hula hoop” craze in the late 50’s/early 60’s? Whammo Products, inc had actually invented it in 1954 planning to market it in Hawaii. After some curiosity response, the natives saw the hula hoop as an insult to their culture and it failed there miserably. After several years of little market acceptance, Whammo was ready to dump the product in the fall 1959, when one of their execs decided to chill out a while at Malibu Beach, CA. He had about 300 hoops with him and decided to get rid of them for free so he could relax. After showing a few people how to use a hula hoop, it seemed to really click with the beach bums there. The next day he had request for many more–within 2 weeks the whole California beach community was in love with the hula hoop, and the whole nation followed shortly after. Therefore, Whammo’s “island” was Malibu Beach and they luckily benefited from the effect. Countless other rages had their lucky “island” as wel and got the lucky, not designed, explosion.
I know that you are getting this late in the game, but there still is time to take advantage of the right principle approach. Since the principle starts with an “island” first approach, then national exposure, and since the national movement is already underway, I have many suggestions to offer that will work just as fast as the hula hoop craze–we can have a TVP craze too without butting heads with the anti’s. Please contact somehow so we can mount a final assault on them. You have mail, my phone # is below.
Inclosing, I have one problem to mention. Unfortunately, to the all my previous years of confronting the establishment, they are aware of me big time as a threat to them. They have actually today got me charged with a crime I did not commit that they have blown a minor thing into a big problem for me. In fact I am going to court today on it. To date I have always managed to wiggle out of their noose, but not so sure this time–I am in poor health and am presently totally broke and cannot afford a good attorney to help me. The person, Steve Nalty–my fellow Denver chapter Neothink Society member, who I have carbon-copied this email to, has my permission to act on my behalf if necessary due to above. I jus want to repeat my total dedication to this cause, for I have even risked my neck for it. I have4 no criminal record whatsoever.
A. Daniel Viola

First of all thank you for inviting me to be apart of the most phenomenal…


Hello Mark Hamilton, my name is Alexander Johnson, I live in Spokane Washington.
I am one of your apprentices.  First of all thank you for inviting me to be apart of the most phenomenal, and rewarding experience of my new life. Yes, my new life as it took a very heart wrenching turn almost three years ago as I lost the woman I love to a horrible disease called Lupus. Since then I needed a place to heal and figure out where my life was going. That’s one of the reasons why I left Southern California, and moved to Washington. I bought a great home on the edge of the forest, in the country, yet only 10 minutes from downtown Spokane. Currently I am a Pharmacy Technician, working for a large chain store.
You have moved me in a direction I never thought possible, to be a member on the ground floor of what is to come is the most exciting, and rewarding experience given to me, thank you. Your dedication, and hard work to bring all of this to me, and the other apprentices will pay off in so many ways that we are just beginning to unfold the Twelve Visions World.
You are so correct about how we play as adults. We move to a different level of play. Our creativity is what keeps us alive inside.
I must confess that I have been a little slow in moving forward, in fact I felt somewhat lost for a while. Working Nights is unfortunate for me, cause it doesn’t allow me to attend the meetings LIVE, and I feel as if I’m missing so much not being there in the moment.  I recall when I was able to attend the first A-Team Meeting, Wow, what a motivational and rewarding experience that was. The very next day I set up the web site for the Rimrock A-Team. I am Still working on the video and will have it finished very soon. I apologize for the delay, as I am still very new to computers, I do need some help with questions regarding Proxy Servers. While viewing my meetings with you, my Mentor I get cut off towards the end of the meeting, and can never finish it completely. As a result it keeps me at the third level, where as I should be at the fifth level by now.
Mark, please allow me to continue with you, and grow into the person I am meant to be. My integrations have shown me a very positive yet very difficult road we have ahead. It’s not easy to accomplish the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel, but I see where we are going, and through hard work, and perseverance we will succeed.
Thank you for all your of time and positive energy.
Your apprentice,


I am honored to be one of Mark Hamilton’s apprentices


My Personal Testimony of what the Neothink Society meant and means to me one word “HAPPY”.   I have discovered my child of the past; I discovered my Friday night Essence.  
Neothink Society empowered me to power think and now I am living the life that I was meant to live.  I create value that is meaningful.   I now know the true meaning of LOVE.
Neothink Society has taught me how to create a Mini Day schedule that enables me to accomplish more with my business and that motivates me to do more.
Neothink Society helped me to step out of my comfort Neothinkere and change my mindset.
CHANGE, I could only imagine the changes that I/We will experience and most of all to be apart of creating the changes in this world, moving beyond the Bicameral mode into the integrating mode.
Neothink Society helped me realized that this is a numbers game.  The more people you reach out too, you want to reach out to even more people.  That is creating VALUE.
To SUM it up, we are helping the poor to become millionaires.
I am honored to be one of Mark Hamilton’s apprentices and I thank Mark Hamilton/Neothink Society for finding me.
We want you to see for yourself, Society of Secret can help you discover your child of the past, learn to PLAY as an adult and create VALUE as well.

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for including me in your family of Apprentices. Wish I could have done more with it.
In the beginning, I honestly did not think all this was true.
When all the guys started getting together & talking about different things. needless to say my ears perked up. It is all so interesting. I especially liked the part of honesty. I have had more stolen from me than most people have. I never thought of people stealing ! Didn’t realize there were that many dishonest people in the world. In this program, we are taught honesty, love, compassion for others, how to live with ourselves & make an honest living,
In the Neothink world we all will be prosperous & happy. What more could a person want ?
Mr. Hamilton, I too am concerned about you. You know how cruel the media can be. I know you will be honest about everything, but if you could soften the Religious part a bit,
you know how the south is so religious, with churches on every corner & probably the rest of the country also. I notice also a lot of the members refer to religion as thou they haven’t changed much.
I some how feel, this isn’t exactly what you wanted, but the best I can do. I have a difficult time with my eyes & have not advanced in the level as I would like. Hopefully that will come about soon.
Love & Caring
Peggy L

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society, has remarkably transformed my life for the better.

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society, has remarkably transformed my life for the better.
When I was introduced to Neothink, like so many others, I was living in fear and doubt about the future of my finances, health, and relationships with my loved ones. I was searching for something that could not only give me the answers to my questions, but to help me implement real solutions. My search was over when I discovered the NeoThink Society. The Society has given me absolute and verifiable truths about the world we live in. It has opened my eyes to all of the lies and misconceptions that I’ve been living with all my life. The illusions of what is truth and what is not has been revealed to me through the wonderful Generational Manuscripts that I have read over the past couple of years. Truths about our political system, and our religious beliefs. The manuscripts have given me a solid foundation on which to build my future, my friend and wonderful mentor and author of these wonderful manuscripts, Mark Hamilton is truly a visionary, with a pure and honest way of disseminating the information to his apprentices. Now that I have discovered Neothink, through my reading and meeting with Mr. Hamilton, I have increased my income, work status, my relationship with my mate has blossomed into something totally new and wonderful. Neothink doesn’t try to brainwash you into thinking any particular way or do anything that you don’t want to. It simply lets you discover the truth for yourself. It doesn’t try to educate it just “Stimulates” your thought pattern to let you remove the veils and peel back what has been hidden and let you see how you’ve been misled is so many areas all of your life. Neothink has truly changed by life for the better and I would recommend it for everyone and anyone who is searching for real answers to the tough questions about life.
Larry D. G

Mark Hamilton! Look How the Neothink Society Expands!

Dear Mark Hamilton,
It happened again! Just when I thought I had seen everything the Neothink Society has to offer, suddenly there is something new! Or actually… like three or four new things! It happened while I was listening to last Wednesday’s national A-Team call (2/17/2010): and I saw how your apprentices were creating even more values for me, for all members of the Neothink Society, and for the world. Their efforts in the direction of the Business Alliance and Health and Wellness helped me see a whole new vision. With so many people steadily building values, one little effort after one little integration, your Neothink Society really is growing into something that no one will be able to resist! I can hardly believe the value that I gain simply by being a member! Look at all of these BENEFITS! And they keep on growing from the pure love of your apprentices!
Mark Hamilton, I would love to learn more about the moment when you saw this vision: when you saw your apprentices growing and growing the value of the Neothink Society into a product that delivers 100x or 1000x or 10Millionx the value of what is paid by new members.
If there had been “no doubt” before about the coming Twelve Visions World; Now, Mark Hamilton, it is an absolute certainty!
Thank you for creating the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton. It is the most amazing thing that I have ever comprehended, and gets better with each passing week! I can hardly wait to add more of my own contributions to this absolute marvel!
Love & Pride to be here helping it grow!
Yon Cole

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I have waited three years, enduring “technical difficulties” of epic proportions and other manageable obstacles to add my testimonial. Neothink, as it was introduced to me by Mark Hamilton, which is now called Neothink and was once Neothink has immeasurably my existence in all capacities.

Having been introduced into the Neothink Society when I was 26 yrs. grown, significantly for the quality of person I was on the inside(concerning particular, essential elements) which is a major component as to how Mark Hamilton’s apprentices we’re chosen), now at 29 years of age and well-read in Neothink(NEOTHINK SOCIETY) literature–my Heirloom Packages, I find that my excitement and enthusiasm about life, my life and the future for all Value Creators is growing continuously and exponentially.

Growing up to now, I had always felt an innate orientation within honesty–most specifically honesty to myself. As I observed a, frankly sad, many others in a plethora of situations exercise an internal allegiance toward immediate comfort or gratification no matter if it was immoral or irrational, I always exercised. Sometimes with sordid, envious opposition…an allegiance to nothing else but the truth. The truth–which can be discovered through deep, honest, rational, introspection.

I have an eternally versatile, highly integrated personality developed stemming from my core and have often had to defend myself psychologically and morally in my adult years. It eventually became apparent to me that people who’ve personally experienced me the most viewed me as kind, strong-willed, confident, completely dismissing any consideration as to how that was developed–that it was largely developed through life experiences like: trial and error, enormous battles defending my inclination towards morale and rational mentality and those many large battles increasing the space between me with the Aristotelian-based philosophy I carried and the Platonistic-based philosophy my attackers carried; this increasingly distinguished for me and enhanced who I am in terms of Honesty, Morale and Rationality from others who are inclined towards dishonesty, immoral and irrationality. I was often attacked on those fronts PRIMARILY BECAUSE WE ARE TEMPORARLY LIVING IN A WORLD SUPRESSED BY THE PLOYS OF THE ANTI-CIVILIZTON…INCLUDING THE PLAGUE OF MYSTISM–a world that from the base of their mystism plagued reasoning is often self-persuaded to create problems where none exist! Sadly, I even endure resistance from members of my immediate family. Along with my exhibiting an undeniable and distinct laser focus, upon getting a glimpse of my heirloom packages, significant opposition arose leading to their researching of flamer sites and posts online about Neothink and the literature I owned, referring to them as “those black books!”..telling me things like, “Neothink will lead to your downfall!” These were relatively ugly exclamations with envious undertones that ultimately express a lack of understanding on their part. I am gloriously exited and anticipating the culmination of the Prime Law Amendment to the United States Constitution that the Twelve Visions Party with the entire NEOTHINK SOCIETY is pushing forth to bring about the Twelve Visions World on earth.

Kareem G.

Mark Hamilton

Hello Mr. Hamilton,
I am and feel honored to have numerous opportunities to post testimonials on your website.(www.Mark
I cant begin to tell you the value and stimulation I get to have the rare opportunity to be mentored by someone that is doing so much to better our society. You are a master power-thinker, and neothinker.
You are the author of the mutigenerational manuscripts, and how the (Twelve Visions World) will come about.
You spend hours of your time preparing monthly meetings for all of your apprentices.
And I’m sure, we all appreciate you.
The puzzle-pieces are surely coming together, and I cant wait to see and be part of the end result.
It will be historic.


March 2025