Posts Tagged ‘appose’

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society for opening my eyes to what life is all about as appose to what I always believed it to be. Although I have yet to fully absorb the power of Neothink. That’s just because I’ve yet to free myself from all of the external authorities that surround me and I blame no one but myself for that. I’m not rich or even have a income, but at least I now know that once I do break the chains from around my brains I will be more than just okay. I expect the government to attack the truth, how else can they remain in power other than by keeping society ignorant to what is and feeding the people what they want to believe.  All Neothink does is allow individuals their rights to think on there own, and unless your a weak misguided individual, you should want to be free to be your own man. Me myself wants to give more to the world then I take from it. I also would love to live forever and be able to cure any and all diseases who wouldn’t. I know those who refuse to think for themselves and think what is, is how it’s suppose to be.ill always stay in following mode and be obedient slaves to the government and churches. But I always new since I was a child that the world wasn’t right. But living in a deceitful world and not knowing it, I was blinded and was led away from righteousness. But with Neothink I’m finding my way back and once I’m whole and free from all external authorities even if you stop Mark Hamilton, you won’t be able to prevent me and all of his apprentices from changing the world for the better.

Yours Truly

March 2025