Posts Tagged ‘annabelle’

I thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes…

My Name is Normand D
I listened to the Sunday night telecast for the TVP August 30/2009 and was blown away by what I heard.
The honesty, the passion and dedication towards Mark Hamilton and realized that those same passions reside in myself as well.
I long for the Ms Annabelle story to become a reality so much so that what I have read so far from Mark Hamilton is with me 24/7. That’s all I think and or talk about to as many people that will listen to me.
Mark Hamilton has given me guidance and direction to a now brighter future and I will fight tooth and nail to achieve that goal of a new and prosperous world.
The world is a much better place because of Mark Hamilton I thank you Mark Hamilton for opening my eyes and most of all the eyes of the world to the truth. For you have done this with great honesty and integration. You deserve the respect and admiration of the planet, today and in the future.
I know that the US government will try to destroy this valuable asset that we have in you Mark Hamilton and The Twelve Visions Party.
The same way a slave owner will to try and keep his slaves, that way the slave owner can keep them as prisoners and under his thumb.
Anyone who listens to and believes the lies spread by the media in attacking Mark Hamilton to me represents themselves to be a slave of the government. Destined to a life of poverty and misery. People of America open your eyes to the truth and listen and read about what the TVP party stands for. A happy, healthy, prosperous, free life for all.
Think about it a world not ruled by force or intimidation, lies and deceit. Think very hard about that. Or live your lives unfulfilled and miserable.

Thanks for my new life, Mark Hamilton

The Neothink Society has changed my life. I am beginning to think different since I have read Miss Annabelle’s story. I just begun to realize that my life has more meaning than I thought it had. The more I read, the more understanding of the Neothink Society. I learn of things that I didn’t even think existed. Thanks for my new life, Mark Hamilton & the Neothink Society.
John J

Dail Thanks to Master Hamilton

Since I was approached over 2 years ago from Mark Hamilton to join the Neothink Society I thank Him Daily for his honest truthful helpful Heirloom packages/books such as neothink tech Society, The Neothink Discovery, Neothink Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and of course Pax- Neothink. Also for establishing the A teams, Club houses, Twelve Visions Party National Party and thru this each state in the Union and the territories the Twelve Visions Party state affiliates party.
Real soon we the people shall see the Visions coming true and the depolictizeing of America at all levels, state and Federal and the Prime Law being included in the Constitution. Then with honest, integrated, business’s with value creative creation. Everyone rich even the Poor. I am honored and proud to be part of the puzzle and other opportunities that Master Hamilton has invited me to join.
S.W.(Mike) Cramer 3rd
Neothink Society
12 Visions Party (CA)
Neothink Warriors (Team Delta)
Neothink Business Alliance

Hello Mark Hamilton

Hello Mr. Hamilton. I really hope things are going well with your efforts with the TVP. When i read Miss Annabelle’s Secrets i could not put it down. I was so into this story i was reading dozens of pages a night. I read it in about one month. It was really moving and inspirational. I can picture this story actually happening when you become President.
Would it be better to write a testimonial like i am talking to you or a third person, please let me know so i can do whatever i can to help.
My other question is about GIN. There is an audio on the website about getting help from our upline, i could use a little help. You are the one who invited me into GIN and you are my mentor and i can’t wait until i can meet you in person someday. I met Kevin and Ron Ball in NY City for a live event and it was great, they are uplifting to talk to. Back to my question. What kind of help can you give me about becoming a founding member? I was focusing on being a founding member so much i would get excited and happy the instant i thought about being a founding member. All through the month of September, this went on for many days. I was saying some affirmations like I am thankful for being a founding member in the global information network. When i seen my account in the back office there was not anyone signed up under me. I was feeling so excited like it already happened before this. Any help would be greatly appreciated as you know there is only a couple of days left to achieve founding member.
Can’t wait to meet you in person.
Thank you very much… your apprentice Glen

My Dear Mark Hamilton

My Dear Mr. Hamilton. I just needed to write this because I know your there and you have listened. The Neothink Family and it’ readings came to me when I thought, all the years of my adult life (37 years) I’ve worked, volunteered gave to the less fortunate, stopped and cared for some one other than my self. I considered myself a person of value. I did not have much myself, but I figured that someone may of had less. This year 2009 In a four month period I was told I had Cancer and needed to have surgery. That I did. I had to return to work before my recovery, because my job denied my disability….14 )years on this job now. 4 weeks back at work I was fired after surgery not because I wasn’t a valued employee but because someone did not want me there. They got the I’s and T’s dotted on any and everything they saw fit…I filed unemployment that too was denied. The anger and hurt was so deep to how can they just do this, I’ve work all my life. I say all this to you because I receive the Miss Annabelle’ story It was like the night listen to my cries.
I was in a bad place within myself. Am I a citizen or just a counted number. I see why we age. Age is not a sickness or decease part of our soul, It’s when we have come to height of life and then told it wasn’t good enough. The soul and spirit just snatched out of the body and just the aged form of what was stands. Death just waiting to happen. .Miss Annabelle’s Story allowed me to Cry and cry really hard, because I know a change is coming. A change that will let me be proud of myself. Just because I am that I am ( valuable and worthy).
Thank You

I believe that person is Mark Hamilton!

Long before I was ever invited into the secret society, I believed that someone would rise from the ashes and create a third party in this country that is truly based on the protection of all people from any form of political or religious control.
I believe that person is Mark Hamilton!.I have read many of his writings and will say that they truly are life changing. Everyone should have the opportunity to read his work before the main stream media makes him out to be the villain, he is not the villain my dear people, instead he may be our greatest ally.
Mark Hamilton has taken it upon himself, at considerable risk I might add, to lead us in another direction. One that is truly of the people and for the people, to help all people realize there individual dreams of health, happiness and unlimited prosperity.
Please take the time to read Mark Hamilton’s writings, especially Miss Annabelle’s Secrets! This one book alone will forever change your life.
Make the time to learn about the Twelve Vision Party and what it is all about, I believe in my heart if all of you do this, we the people will finally be free to experience the greatest gift of all, a life of incredible health, happiness, prosperity and love!
The time has come, we must all work together to move this from the planning stage to the action stage where we will succeed and fulfill our ultimate destiny.
Please join the Twelve Vision Party and Mark Hamilton now.
Larry Z.

Thank you so much for my awakening.

Hi Mark,
I wanted to drop you a line to let you know how appreciative I was of your mentoring. Thank you so much for my awakening.
Your illustrations in the Miss Annabelle story of the twelve visions provides a big picture view of how each of us collectively can build a better tomorrow. The Twelve Visions World working in tandem with the Twelve Visions Party is the goal of harmonization of all individuals. The process to actualize this goal is to dynamically change the political system within the 52 states with like minded individuals in office who believe in the prime law. How we will get there is by spreading the word of your visions to many individuals. They will then know they have the power to make changes for the betterment of all and not the select few. They will consciously break through the illusions and away from them once and for all. When that happens they will want and believe for a better tomorrow.
I know I don’t have to tell you that because I learned it from you. I can’t tell you how happy I am that the society has grown since I was an apprentice. And your skyway, amazing! If I can help out in any way, you know how to get a hold of me.
Once again Thanks!
In Love and Peace

The Neothink Package was some of the most eye-opening…


The Neothink Package was some of the most eye-opening reading material I have ever run across!  I was intrigued from the first invitation.  I am captivated to this day.  At a time when I was looking for answers in a world where truth is in short supply Mark Hamilton’s Inner Circle Secrets. Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and Inside Secrets opened my mind to an interpretation of my purpose on this earth that has become an integral part of my current belief system.

Thank you, Mark, for caring about your world and the people in it.  Because of you I will never rely on the mysticism of religion again!

Wanda R

Miss Annabelle Stories ……


When I read my heirloom book ” Miss Annabelle Stories . I was blown away . This was a book that I could not put down. I became unhappy in going to work each day for what I now came to know from how mislead . O for the youth of today to have such a teach like in Miss Annabelle Stories what new things they could create values for others to enjoy and pay them for . I know I would have been a better student .

Sylvia F Taylor

I want to thank Mark Hamilton…


To the Neothink® Society, I want to thank Mark Hamilton for developing a philosophy that introduces a new way of thinking.  I am learning to think for myself.  This is quite a new concept for most of society.  I am finally realizing who I really am. It is a wonderful, empowering experience.  I so cherish the opportunity to begin this new journey of no return.

What this means to me:

I’m learning a new appreciation for life, love and happiness; to respect myself again and grow as a better person.

By learning to create values, I am taking full responsibility for my own life always.

I haven’t found my Friday night essence yet, but I have new hope here in the Society that I thought was lost forever.  I am gradually finding out what it means to be happy and the value in which I will be eternally grateful. I am truly looking forward to the creation driven life I was meant to live.

The Neothink® Society is an invitation to life, a newfound, much needed wonderful life!  When I received the invitation (around June 2009), I was intrigued and sent for the first of three manuscripts.

Even though I do lack interest in Politics due to the dishonesty, interference and coercion imposed upon us by the politicians, the Visions and Miss Annabelle peaked my interest and desire to gradually become involved.  I never before knew what potential I had or may have, but I do know that with encouragement from TVP I will eventually manage all aspects of my life and ultimately obtain the fruitful, peaceful life I have always wanted.  I don’t even know what my passion is, without pinpointing any particular area, but there is renewed hope to become the person I was always meant to be.

Throughout my school years, I had very few friends. I found solace in accomplishing what my family and others kept telling me I couldn’t or wasn’t capable for lack of knowledge, anything in which I showed an interest.  I suppose there was a drive to show them I could do anything I set my mind to.  I remained lost all my life, but I had an overwhelming desire to find a passion, an interest that would be with me forever. This abusive and destructive behavior still haunts me to this day.  No one wanted or needed my input or opinion regarding anything.  I was always called upon to troubleshoot and clean-up after siblings found themselves not knowing what to do or how to figure it out.  After resolving the situation, I was cast aside and never acknowledged for my abilities.  As an object of embarrassment and ridicule, I never knew who I was or what I was supposed to do.  What did they want from me?

With the integration of Neothink, I feel free to be myself with the drive to achieve more and accomplish things of value for myself and the chance to help others and find that beautiful place in which I was always meant to be, leading me to my Friday Night Essence. Neothink provides a wealth of information that can make their members the happiest, healthiest and wealthiest and am looking forward to meeting many more people in the Neothink Society.

The manuscripts are already starting to direct me toward a purpose in life by establishing a goal in finding my Friday Night Essence. This is an incentive to keep growing and learning. I earnestly search for my Friday Night Essence in finding a purpose and I look forward to the subtle changes that will surely take place in my life. I will continue to read every chance I get to increase my knowledge and understanding so that I can make a difference in this anti-civilization society in which we live.

With Undying Gratitude and Appreciation,

Judy S

March 2025