Posts Tagged ‘amp’

I was always disgusted with politics

I was always disgusted with politics because I knew they were dishonest leeches as I called them. I never wanted any part of politics. But knowing what I have learned now of the elite society and the corruption of the govt & what they continue with there is no way I will sit on the sidelines. I will do what ever is necessary to awaken any one & every one I can to the truth of what is truly going on behind the scenes of the govt. No one’s dreams should be diminished by a small group like this.

Mark Hamilton & Neothink took me on a journey of self-discovery

Thank you Mark Hamilton for all that you have done.

I had just walked out on my job without notice. I was tired of being exploited by my employer & the system & getting no where. I knew that how things were was not right in spite of what my employer & others told me. I knew there had to be more to life. I received a letter in the mail from Mark Hamilton not too long after & read the whole letter. I ordered his book & ordered more books from him. I found what I was looking for! Everything in his books resonated with me. I found answers to questions that finally made sense to me. Mark Hamilton & Neothink took me on a journey of self-discovery & much personal growth. The best being that I could be myself unconditionally & I wasn’t going to hide my true self any more. I found true happiness. I found good, honest, genuine people to associate with in Neothink. My life has been changed for all the better & I continue to make more changes for my betterment & that of others as I continue to learn more. That is the key, learning more to become more! That is so fantastic!

Many thanks to Mark Hamilton

Many thanks to Mark Hamilton for keeping I and my family motivated to change this world into a Happy, Value Creative Neothink world where the humans can become rich and even the poor!!!!!  His Neothink Heirloom truthful Literature still keeps us keep on keeping on in a corrupt, Anticivilized, bicameral, jealous society.  I had to retire early from a school District in Orange County California due to a jealous, anticivilized, bicameral minded supervisor.  I am a fighter not a quitter and now I have more time to focus my energies on the anticivilized world.  You have invited me to many areas to help while others the Anticivilized have dumped me because I won`t believe what they are doing is right!!!!

We the People will soon prosper thanks to Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions and the Prime Law.  I would like to invite all to visit his web sites such as,,

 Live Long & Prosper!!!!

Sanford (Mike) C

I honestly thank Mr. Hamilton

Hi: my name is Olga Goodwin & the only thing I want to say about Mark Hamilton is that with the books he sent to me & I read, my point of view about life & the world has changed me completely. Now I have a better way to see everything & in some way now I am stronger, I’m not afraid of the future. I honestly thank Mr. Hamilton, if it wasn’t for him I may probably be as I was in the past, but now, I have changed for good.

You could search the world over & not find a more honest…

You could search the world over & not find a more honest, sincere compassionate & warm hearted young man.  He has devoted his life to the Neothink society & its members to help everyone live a better life, to be happy, free & good.  The things he taught is not in the library & you won’t learn in a school room. We don’t wish any one any harm, we just want to pursue our dreams & have a better government, honest & decent. That’s not asking too much!!  I sincerely wish he can be left alone to finish his work for the world to see what a Genius he truly is.

Thank you

Peggy L.

January 2025