Posts Tagged ‘american dream’

The Neothink society is the most powerful, dynamic, and…

I would first like to start out and say, thank you. The Neothink society is the most powerful, dynamic, and uplifting individuals ever created out of pure love and honesty for our fellow man! A while back, I was stuck in a rut we all know well as , “The Rat Race.” I had achieved what most people would call a good normal life. I have a wife, a son, a home, a decent paying job, and a car of my own. That’s called the “American Dream”. However, I always wondered if there was something else to achieve or obtain to make life happier and more fulfilling. MY RUT- Go to work, do house chores, sleep, eat, go to work, do house chores, eat, sleep, and so on….. I have what I need to get by, and occasionally go out to eat with the family and vacation once or twice a year, but that is it. My question was, “Is this all there is until we die?” I just couldn’t grasp that this is our existence on our wonderful planet. I was bored, and in that boredom, was stagnation. Depression if you will. “I have achieved all that I will achieve in my life”, I thought. I don’t have a college education, but my wife does and I saw her having the same thoughts as I did. I see friends and family both educated beyond high school and not having that same dilemma. In my boredom, I would drink on the weekends that I had off. Not doing anything more than hurting myself and wasting time. I had no optimism or goals for myself at that time. Got into a little trouble from that time in my life and received a DUI. I said, “That’s it! No More!” and the rest just came into my life as if a gift from above.
I had my license taken from me for a year and felt as though it was the perfect opportunity to learn about something (including myself) that might just save me from this rut and depression. Just after my court date and trial, a letter appeared on my door step, and low and behold it was the first letter from the Neothink Society inviting me to get the first heirloom manuscript. I am so happy that I didn’t disregard the letter as junk mail and toss it. As I read the letter I wondered, “Is this a load of Hooey, or is this really as good as it sounds?” It spoke to me as if the people in the society new exactly how I was feeling at that moment in time! I had to purchase the book!
Since purchasing the first manuscript, I bought the other two and the Pax book as well. My life has been changed dramatically!!! I am on a life’s journey to have be and do whatever my heart desires. I have a new fuel pushing me through puzzle piece after puzzle piece in my journey toward achieving my goals. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of my ambitions, but the path I am on is so wonderful and uplifting, that I can’t come down of my high for anything. I haven’t had a “BAD” day in moths!!!! I owe a debt of gratitude to Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society for helping me to find the person I am truly meant to be. The baby steps and puzzle pieces I have put together to this point are small, but I have seen some positive results from the effort. Extra money to invest and save, happier all the time, better relationships with my family and friends, more mental clarity, and more self esteem (Just to name a few.).
These manuscripts and teaching of the Society, can make anyone more than they are today. In these days and times, everyone could benefit from these books. They will make people more independent and self sufficient and give them control of there lives and not give there control to external authorities. Independence is TRUE freedom……
Which brings me to my final insight. The Twelve Visions Party is not a “Quack” scheme or “Anarchy” plot as the media and government will try to make it seem in the coming months. Instead, it will give the control and freedom back to the people to create both for themselves and for others. I have seen the light in the manuscripts as stated above, but do believe it would be even easier and could accelerate my journey and puzzle building further with less authoritive pressure and blockages. The TVP movement is all about the rights of the individual and the individual only. You would have more rights then you do now to do what you want in your life without external authorities telling us how to do it and when. That freedom would allow people to create new products, ideas, cure diseases, create pleasure, improve health, and anything else the individual desires. Whether or not one agrees doesn’t matter. This movement is to help all man kind and eventually everyone will see the light.
In closing: Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Society for all that you have given me and your efforts to make the TVP movement a success. I owe many of my recent and future achievements to this organization for giving me the secret to a happier more fulfilled life.
Brian Normandin


To all concerned,
I am writing to urge you to familiarize yourself with the great potential that Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have for contributing to the physical, mental and spiritual health of all citizens, and for you to recognize and promote these contributions and benefits.
I became aware of the Neothink approach a couple years ago at a time when I was recovering from a divorce that left me exasperated emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually. I sought the conventional approaches to recovery that rely on present-day business, governmental, and religious philosophies and practices. This put me face to face with the most heart wrenching experience of what an individual must do in order to pursue the journey of a truly, healthy well-being. Along the way, I came across the Heirloom literature associated with the Neothink Society. Having experienced first hand the pitfalls and fallacies that can arise from our current mode of civilization in providing the landscape for an individual to bear their own growth and responsibility, I found this literature and thinking to be truly innovative, integrative and most beneficial to helping any individual regain their hope for believing in the American Dream again.
Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational manuscripts are just one of the practical components of Neothink. I entered into this practice late last year through reading the multigenerational manuscripts. While I was in the pursuit of obtaining benefits for my healing at the time, I had aspirations for achieving improved levels of health, namely through greater awareness and integration of its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. In this process, I became aware of Mark Hamilton’s writings which serve as an umbrella for delivering knowledge on the most basic aspects of both individual and community awareness and connection, and for which Neothink is just one expression. Through the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts reading authored by Mark Hamilton along with co-authors (e.g., The Neothink Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, Pax Neothink), I have indeed manifested many of the changes I sought. Representative and a highlight amongst them is that when I started, I had began my most intense journey for healing of my life. Based on my most recent doctor visit at the time, one that included an assessment of my health, I was looking at physical and emotional therapy and possibly surgery because of my physical health ha been so adversely affected by the emotions of deep grief at the time. However, in a matter of a few months the tools and knowledge I chose to learn started to help me to feel exhilarated about my life and I believe the practices of Neothink, as demonstrated through my reading of the multigenerational manuscripts and practiced in my life generally at home, played a major part in this process.
Apart from the above, I have had the great opportunities to meet individuals associated with Neothink. What struck me most was the care and dedication of these Neothink members, and how they encouraged me to continue on my journey of learning and assured me that I was not alone and that they would be there for me to strengthen my will to not give up. This became one unifying healing agent for the larger community. Moreover, I had the chance to meet Steve Rapella who is Mark Hamilton’s close associate and I listened to him share the depth of commitment for healing our country that Neothink promotes . In my own opinion, he is a compassionate and a creative educator, spiritual yet realistic teacher, and a perfect example of what it means to be a citizen of any community and of the Earth at the same time.
I urge you to extend an invitation to Mark Hamilton and his 12 Visions party to learn more about the potential virtues of the Neothink Society for all citizens. In addition, if I can be of any assistance to you in your consideration of this testimonial please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes to you and the communities you so graciously live in and care for.
Belinda Campos
(626) 500 9303
“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.”
-Martha Washington 1732-1802, First American First Lady
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
-Thomas A. Edison
“It’s a lesson which all history teaches the wise, to put trust in ideas, not in circumstances.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882,Essayist, Philosopher & Poet
“You, are the Narrator of Your Life”
-Dr. Paul Dobranski

This post was submitted by Belinda Campos.

all because of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society…

Before the Neothink Society my life was extremely bleak. I’ve spent most part of my life as a “someday person”. Meaning, someday I’ll be rich, some day I’ll live the American Dream. But, like so many I feel the agony of working hard everyday only to be disgusted by the overwhelming taxing on my pay. (Ever wonder why they call it Gross Income, because it’s “gross”). I was living a miserable existence full of wishful thinking and without authentic results – with too much month, at the end of the money. Today however, I am well on my way towards a life beyond the American Dream, all because of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society. In fact, the knowledge I’ve learned from the Neothink Society has made me so incredibly smart that students and professors at school look up to me and colleagues at work want to be me. It’s incredibly awesome how the Neothink Society permanently changes a person’s life – I wish that for you!
In the words of Victor Hugo, “All the forces in the world are not as powerful as an idea whose time has come.” Indeed, The 12 Visions Party time has come! It is time for all humans to live in world where a life Wealth, Health, and Safety belongs to you.
Thank you Mark, for teaching me and people around the world to live a creation driven life!

Viva Neothink!!!

Oscar U

Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational manuscripts are just one of the practical…

I am writing to urge you to familiarize yourself with the great potential that Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have for contributing to the physical, mental and spiritual health of all citizens, and for you to recognize and promote these contributions and benefits.
I became aware of the Neothink approach a couple years ago at a time when I was recovering from a divorce that left me exasperated emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually. I sought the conventional approaches to recovery that rely on present-day business, governmental, and religious philosophies and practices. This put me face to face with the most heart wrenching experience of what an individual must do in order to pursue the journey of a truly, healthy well-being. Along the way, I came across the Heirloom literature associated with the Neothink Society. Having experienced first hand the pitfalls and fallacies that can arise from our current mode of civilization in providing the landscape for an individual to bear their own growth and responsibility, I found this literature and thinking to be truly innovative, integrative and most beneficial to helping any individual regain their hope for believing in the American Dream again.
Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational manuscripts are just one of the practical components of Neothink. I entered into this practice late last year through reading the multigenerational manuscripts. While I was in the pursuit of obtaining benefits for my healing at the time, I had aspirations for achieving improved levels of health, namely through greater awareness and integration of its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. In this process, I became aware of Mark Hamilton’s writings which serve as an umbrella for delivering knowledge on the most basic aspects of both individual and community awareness and connection, and for which Neothink is just one expression. Through the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts reading authored by Mark Hamilton along with co-authors (e.g., The Neothink Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, Pax NT), I have indeed manifested many of the changes I sought. Representative and a highlight amongst them is that when I started, I had began my most intense journey for healing of my life. Based on my most recent doctor visit at the time, one that included an assessment of my health, I was looking at physical and emotional therapy and possibly surgery because of my physical health ha been so adversely affected by the emotions of deep grief at the time. However, in a matter of a few months the tools and knowledge I chose to learn started to help me to feel exhilarated about my life and I believe the practices of Neothink, as demonstrated through my reading of the multigenerational manuscripts and practiced in my life generally at home, played a major part in this process.
Apart from the above, I have had the great opportunities to meet individuals associated with Neothink. What struck me most was the care and dedication of these Neothink members, and how they encouraged me to continue on my journey of learning and assured me that I was not alone and that they would be there for me to strengthen my will to not give up. This became one unifying healing agent for the larger community. Moreover, I had the chance to meet Steve R who is Mark Hamilton’s close associate and I listened to him share the depth of commitment for healing our country that Neothink promotes. In my own opinion, he is a compassionate and a creative educator, spiritual yet realistic teacher, and a perfect example of what it means to be a citizen of any community and of the Earth at the same time.
I urge you to extend an invitation to Mark Hamilton and his 12 Visions party to learn more about the potential virtues of the Neothink Society for all citizens. In addition, if I can be of any assistance to you in your consideration of this testimonial please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Best wishes to you and the communities you so graciously live in and care for.
Belinda C


To all concerned,

I am writing to urge you to familiarize yourself with the great potential that Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have for contributing to the physical, mental and spiritual health of all citizens, and for you to recognize and promote these contributions and benefits.

I became aware of the Neothink approach a couple years ago at a time when I was recovering from a divorce that left me exasperated emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually. I sought the conventional approaches to recovery that rely on present-day business, governmental, and religious philosophies and practices. This put me face to face with the most heart wrenching experience of what an individual must do in order to pursue the journey of a truly, healthy well-being. Along the way, I came across the Heirloom literature associated with the Neothink Society. Having experienced first hand the pitfalls and fallacies that can arise from our current mode of civilization in providing the landscape for an individual to bear their own growth and responsibility, I found this literature and thinking to be truly innovative, integrative and most beneficial to helping any individual regain their hope for believing in the American Dream again.

Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational manuscripts are just one of the practical components of Neothink. I entered into this practice late last year through reading the multigenerational manuscripts. While I was in the pursuit of obtaining benefits for my healing at the time, I had aspirations for achieving improved levels of health, namely through greater awareness and integration of its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. In this process, I became aware of Mark Hamilton’s writings which serve as an umbrella for delivering knowledge on the most basic aspects of both individual and community awareness and connection, and for which Neothink is just one expression. Through the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts reading authored by Mark Hamilton along with co-authors (e.g., The Neothink Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, Pax Neothink), I have indeed manifested many of the changes I sought. Representative and a highlight amongst them is that when I started, I had began my most intense journey for healing of my life. Based on my most recent doctor visit at the time, one that included an assessment of my health, I was looking at physical and emotional therapy and possibly surgery because of my physical health ha been so adversely affected by the emotions of deep grief at the time. However, in a matter of a few months the tools and knowledge I chose to learn started to help me to feel exhilarated about my life and I believe the practices of Neothink, as demonstrated through my reading of the multigenerational manuscripts and practiced in my life generally at home, played a major part in this process.

Apart from the above, I have had the great opportunities to meet individuals associated with Neothink. What struck me most was the care and dedication of these Neothink members, and how they encouraged me to continue on my journey of learning and assured me that I was not alone and that they would be there for me to strengthen my will to not give up. This became one unifying healing agent for the larger community. Moreover, I had the chance to meet Steve Rupella who is Mark Hamilton’s close associate and I listened to him share the depth of commitment for healing our country that Neothink promotes . In my own opinion, he is a compassionate and a creative educator, spiritual yet realistic teacher, and a perfect example of what it means to be a citizen of any community and of the Earth at the same time.

I urge you to extend an invitation to Mark Hamiltion and his 12 Visions party to learn more about the potential virtues of the Neothink Society for all citizens. In addition, if I can be of any assistance to you in your consideration of this testimonial please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes to you and the communities you so graciously live in and care for.

Belinda Campos
(626) 500 9303

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.”
-Martha Washington 1732-1802, First American First Lady

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
-Thomas A. Edison

“It’s a lesson which all history teaches the wise, to put trust in ideas, not in circumstances.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882,Essayist, Philosopher & Poet

“You, are the Narrator of Your Life”
-Dr. Paul Dobranski



To all concerned,

I am writing to urge you to familiarize yourself with the great potential that Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have for contributing to the physical, mental and spiritual health of all citizens, and for you to recognize and promote these contributions and benefits.

I became aware of the Neothink approach a couple years ago at a time when I was recovering from a divorce that left me exasperated emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually. I sought the conventional approaches to recovery that rely on present-day business, governmental, and religious philosophies and practices. This put me face to face with the most heart wrenching experience of what an individual must do in order to pursue the journey of a truly, healthy well-being. Along the way, I came across the Heirloom literature associated with the Neothink Society. Having experienced first hand the pitfalls and fallacies that can arise from our current mode of civilization in providing the landscape for an individual to bear their own growth and responsibility, I found this literature and thinking to be truly innovative, integrative and most beneficial to helping any individual regain their hope for believing in the American Dream again.

Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational manuscripts are just one of the practical components of Neothink. I entered into this practice late last year through reading the multigenerational manuscripts. While I was in the pursuit of obtaining benefits for my healing at the time, I had aspirations for achieving improved levels of health, namely through greater awareness and integration of its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. In this process, I became aware of Mark Hamilton’s writings which serve as an umbrella for delivering knowledge on the most basic aspects of both individual and community awareness and connection, and for which Neothink is just one expression. Through the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts reading authored by Mark Hamilton along with co-authors (e.g., The Neothink Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, Pax Neothink), I have indeed manifested many of the changes I sought. Representative and a highlight amongst them is that when I started, I had began my most intense journey for healing of my life. Based on my most recent doctor visit at the time, one that included an assessment of my health, I was looking at physical and emotional therapy and possibly surgery because of my physical health ha been so adversely affected by the emotions of deep grief at the time. However, in a matter of a few months the tools and knowledge I chose to learn started to help me to feel exhilarated about my life and I believe the practices of Neothink, as demonstrated through my reading of the multigenerational manuscripts and practiced in my life generally at home, played a major part in this process.

Apart from the above, I have had the great opportunities to meet individuals associated with Neothink. What struck me most was the care and dedication of these Neothink members, and how they encouraged me to continue on my journey of learning and assured me that I was not alone and that they would be there for me to strengthen my will to not give up. This became one unifying healing agent for the larger community. Moreover, I had the chance to meet Steve Rapella who is Mark Hamilton’s close associate and I listened to him share the depth of commitment for healing our country that Neothink promotes . In my own opinion, he is a compassionate and a creative educator, spiritual yet realistic teacher, and a perfect example of what it means to be a citizen of any community and of the Earth at the same time.

I urge you to extend an invitation to Mark Hamilton and his 12 Visions party to learn more about the potential virtues of the Neothink Society for all citizens. In addition, if I can be of any assistance to you in your consideration of this testimonial please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes to you and the communities you so graciously live in and care for.

Belinda Campos
(626) 500 9303

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.”
-Martha Washington 1732-1802, First American First Lady

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
-Thomas A. Edison

“It’s a lesson which all history teaches the wise, to put trust in ideas, not in circumstances.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882,Essayist, Philosopher & Poet

“You, are the Narrator of Your Life”
-Dr. Paul Dobranski

Dear Mark Hamilton


Dear Mark Hamilton,
Knowing full well how even you’re undoubtedly, masterfully orchestrated mini-day schedule is, nonetheless, better served when the tasks/movements being fed into it are kept shorter, rather than otherwise (Michael is constantly reminding us to be respectful of your time), I will attempt to keep this brief.
First, in terms of where I’m coming from philosophically, I must mention Harry Browne‘s How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.  I read this several decades ago, during a period of time in my life when personal experience had already made it abundantly clear there were something very wrong with the “American dream”.  I was doing those things supposedly quintessential in demonstrating achievement of this “dream”, and I couldn’t have been more miserable.  It was only my heavy involvement in competitive sports kept me from going completely insane.  I don’t know if you’ve read it.  It’s been so many years, too many years; a future task for me is picking up a copy, so I can read it again.  Anyway, in case you haven’t read it, Mr. Browne  zooms in on each one of our country’s primary systems: government, law enforcement, health care, etc., etc., and describes what’s wrong with each one of them and why.  The why always boils down to the fact the individuals in our society have given away their personal responsibility in terms of whom and how these systems are being run.  As I recall, Mr. Browne’s  primary purpose in writing this book was to make people aware of what’s going on; so, they could avoid the pitfalls created by the establishment to take advantage of the fact people just have not done the things needed to protect their individual freedom.
Therefore, while my awareness and understanding of the human condition in this country has been way above the norm, not until I read the three masterpieces written primarily by you and your father, did I realize there truly existed something we, as individuals, could do about it.  So, when I saw via the web there was an opportunity to meet with a group of Society members in the SF Bay Area, I jumped on it.  When the chance to join an A-Team popped up, I jumped on it.  When no one wanted to be team secretary, well… it kind of jumped on me.  And in a large sense due to Otto’s prodding encouragement, I’ve made my way up the TVP ranks — from TVPCA Secretary to Western Regional Co-Coordinator and finally National TVP Secretary; which is quite an honor, and the hallmark achievement in my life so far.
Although my path to this pedestal may have been paved as much by good fortune than any noteworthy degree of expertise, this does not diminish in any way how I feel about it.  As a retired chiropractor, the amount of free time I have has not only allowed me to continue performing key duties on my A-Team, on the TVPCA, and on the National Committee, but also fostered a high degree of synergy between all of them.
Finally, based upon my understanding of the Prime Literature, I’m in complete alignment with the ultimate goal of achieving B.I. for all of mankind and replacing the anti-civilization with the Twelve Visions World.  I believe within the pages of the Prime Literature lies the formula to rescue a world exhibiting far too many signs and symptoms easily, yet disturbingly associated with ultimate disaster.  I also believe the TVP is the way to lift the first of the three anchors, forged by the disease of mysticism, holding us in darkness.  Being co-host of my A-Team’s Sunday Heirloom Review, combined with how I’ve handled my responsibilities up to this point, I hope you know I am quite aware of how the TVP plans on accomplishing the task at hand.  Therefore, I’ll resist the temptation to reproduce all the details (I did say I was going to keep this brief, and I have a hunch I have already stretched to the limit the meaning of that word), and simply close by saying I am completely devoted to everything you and the Society stand for.  You can count on me to remain a proud and stalwart Visionary here in California, doing what I can to recruit others, as we march forward to reach the tipping point before it is too late.
A few nights ago, I had a thought.  I’d like to call it a Vision – a Thirteenth Vision; because it involves the Twelve Visions Party: “The Party That Will Make All the People Rich, Including the Poor”.
My Vision showed me it will do far more than that.  It will take all 12 of the Twelve Visions out of the Prime Literature, and make those Visions a living, breathing part of every conscious being alive on this planet – now and forevermore.
Therefore, the Twelve Visions Anti-Political Party can and will bring instant, true happiness all the time to all the people.
We’ve caught a glimpse of what the NT Warriors can do.  Soon we will see what the TVP, the TV Peacemakers can do.
This transformation will occur one registered TVP voter at a time, one signed TVP Contract at a time, one self-leading Visionary at a time.
So, please, please, I implore you, for your sake, for our sake, for the sake of all humanity, read the Prime Law – the Fundamental of Protection, read the TVP Contract; then, if you sign it and/or register to vote for the TVP, you can rest assured the World is one step closer to becoming the kind of place it was always meant to be.
I’m keeping a list of each person I enlist in this growing movement. I encourage you to do the same.
If I have two people on my list, you have two on yours, and so on, this form of exponential doubling merely needs to happen 17 times and California will have what it needs to put TVP Candidates on the ballot; only nine more times after that to surpass the 50 million tipping point in the US — and, from there, THE WORLD.  
Happiness comes by simply being a part of this greatest of movements.
The same happiness waits for you.



To all concerned,

I am writing to urge you to familiarize yourself with the great potential that Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have for contributing to the physical, mental and spiritual health of all citizens, and for you to recognize and promote these contributions and benefits.

I became aware of the Neothink approach a couple years ago at a time when I was recovering from a divorce that left me exasperated emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually. I sought the conventional approaches to recovery that rely on present-day business, governmental, and religious philosophies and practices. This put me face to face with the most heart wrenching experience of what an individual must do in order to pursue the journey of a truly, healthy well-being. Along the way, I came across the Heirloom literature associated with the Neothink Society. Having experienced first hand the pitfalls and fallacies that can arise from our current mode of civilization in providing the landscape for an individual to bear their own growth and responsibility, I found this literature and thinking to be truly innovative, integrative and most beneficial to helping any individual regain their hope for believing in the American Dream again.

Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational manuscripts are just one of the practical components of Neothink. I entered into this practice late last year through reading the multigenerational manuscripts. While I was in the pursuit of obtaining benefits for my healing at the time, I had aspirations for achieving improved levels of health, namely through greater awareness and integration of its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. In this process, I became aware of Mark Hamilton’s writings which serve as an umbrella for delivering knowledge on the most basic aspects of both individual and community awareness and connection, and for which Neothink is just one expression. Through the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts reading authored by Mark Hamilton along with co-authors (e.g., The Neothink Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, Pax Neothink), I have indeed manifested many of the changes I sought. Representative and a highlight amongst them is that when I started, I had began my most intense journey for healing of my life. Based on my most recent doctor visit at the time, one that included an assessment of my health, I was looking at physical and emotional therapy and possibly surgery because of my physical health ha been so adversely affected by the emotions of deep grief at the time. However, in a matter of a few months the tools and knowledge I chose to learn started to help me to feel exhilarated about my life and I believe the practices of Neothink, as demonstrated through my reading of the multigenerational manuscripts and practiced in my life generally at home, played a major part in this process.

Apart from the above, I have had the great opportunities to meet individuals associated with Neothink. What struck me most was the care and dedication of these Neothink members, and how they encouraged me to continue on my journey of learning and assured me that I was not alone and that they would be there for me to strengthen my will to not give up. This became one unifying healing agent for the larger community. Moreover, I had the chance to meet Steve Rupella who is Mark Hamilton’s close associate and I listened to him share the depth of commitment for healing our country that Neothink promotes . In my own opinion, he is a compassionate and a creative educator, spiritual yet realistic teacher, and a perfect example of what it means to be a citizen of any community and of the Earth at the same time.

I urge you to extend an invitation to Mark Hamiltion and his 12 Visions party to learn more about the potential virtues of the Neothink Society for all citizens. In addition, if I can be of any assistance to you in your consideration of this testimonial please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes to you and the communities you so graciously live in and care for.

Belinda Campos
(626) 500 9303

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.”
-Martha Washington 1732-1802, First American First Lady

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
-Thomas A. Edison

“It’s a lesson which all history teaches the wise, to put trust in ideas, not in circumstances.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882,Essayist, Philosopher & Poet

“You, are the Narrator of Your Life”
-Dr. Paul Dobranski

I urge you to extend an invitation to Mark Hamilton


To all concerned,

I am writing to urge you to familiarize yourself with the great potential that Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have for contributing to the physical, mental and spiritual health of all citizens, and for you to recognize and promote these contributions and benefits.

I became aware of the Neothink approach a couple years ago at a time when I was recovering from a divorce that left me exasperated emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually.  I sought the conventional approaches to recovery that rely on present-day business, governmental, and religious philosophies and practices.  This put me face to face with the most heart wrenching experience of what an individual must do in order to pursue the journey of a truly, healthy well-being.   Along the way, I came across the Heirloom literature associated with the Neothink Society.  Having experienced first-hand the pitfalls and fallacies that can arise from our current mode of civilization in providing the landscape for an individual to bear their own growth and responsibility, I found this literature and thinking to be truly innovative, integrative and most beneficial to helping any individual regain their hope for believing in the American Dream again.

Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational manuscripts are just one of the practical components of Neothink.  I entered into this practice late last year through reading the multigenerational manuscripts.  While I was in the pursuit of obtaining benefits for my healing at the time, I had aspirations for achieving improved levels of health, namely through greater awareness and integration of its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects.  In this process, I became aware of Mark Hamilton’s writings which serve as an umbrella for delivering knowledge on the most basic aspects of both individual and community awareness and connection, and for which Neothink is just one expression.  Through the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts reading authored by Mark Hamilton along with co-authors (e.g., The Neothink Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, Pax Neothink), I have indeed manifested many of the changes I sought.  Representative and a highlight amongst them is that when I started, I had began my most intense journey for healing of my life.  Based on my most recent doctor visit at the time, one that included an assessment of my health, I was looking at physical and emotional therapy and possibly surgery because of my physical health ha been so adversely affected by the emotions of deep grief at the time.  However, in a matter of a few months the tools and knowledge I chose to learn started to help me to feel exhilarated about my life and I believe the practices of Neothink, as demonstrated through my reading of the multigenerational manuscripts and practiced in my life generally at home, played a major part in this process.

Apart from the above, I have had the great opportunities to meet individuals associated with Neothink. What struck me most was the care and dedication of these Neothink members, and how they encouraged me to continue on my journey of learning and assured me that I was not alone and that they would be there for me to strengthen my will to not give up. This became one unifying healing agent for the larger community.  Moreover, I had the chance to meet Steve R. who is Mark Hamilton’s close associate and I listened to him share the depth of commitment for healing our country that Neothink promotes.  In my own opinion, he is a compassionate and a creative educator, spiritual yet realistic teacher, and a perfect example of what it means to be a citizen of any community and of the Earth at the same time.

I urge you to extend an invitation to Mark Hamilton and his 12 Visions party to learn more about the potential virtues of the Neothink Society for all citizens.  In addition, if I can be of any assistance to you in your consideration of this testimonial please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes to you and the communities you so graciously live in and care for.

Belinda C



To all concerned,

I am writing to urge you to familiarize yourself with the great potential that Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and the Twelve Visions Party have for contributing to the physical, mental and spiritual health of all citizens, and for you to recognize and promote these contributions and benefits.

I became aware of the Neothink approach a couple years ago at a time when I was recovering from a divorce that left me exasperated emotionally, financially, physically, and spiritually. I sought the conventional approaches to recovery that rely on present-day business, governmental, and religious philosophies and practices. This put me face to face with the most heart wrenching experience of what an individual must do in order to pursue the journey of a truly, healthy well-being. Along the way, I came across the Heirloom literature associated with the Neothink Society. Having experienced first hand the pitfalls and fallacies that can arise from our current mode of civilization in providing the landscape for an individual to bear their own growth and responsibility, I found this literature and thinking to be truly innovative, integrative and most beneficial to helping any individual regain their hope for believing in the American Dream again.

Mark Hamilton’s multigenerational manuscripts are just one of the practical components of Neothink. I entered into this practice late last year through reading the multigenerational manuscripts. While I was in the pursuit of obtaining benefits for my healing at the time, I had aspirations for achieving improved levels of health, namely through greater awareness and integration of its physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. In this process, I became aware of Mark Hamilton’s writings which serve as an umbrella for delivering knowledge on the most basic aspects of both individual and community awareness and connection, and for which Neothink is just one expression. Through the Neothink multigenerational manuscripts reading authored by Mark Hamilton along with co-authors (e.g., The Neothink Package of Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, Pax Neothink), I have indeed manifested many of the changes I sought. Representative and a highlight amongst them is that when I started, I had began my most intense journey for healing of my life. Based on my most recent doctor visit at the time, one that included an assessment of my health, I was looking at physical and emotional therapy and possibly surgery because of my physical health ha been so adversely affected by the emotions of deep grief at the time. However, in a matter of a few months the tools and knowledge I chose to learn started to help me to feel exhilarated about my life and I believe the practices of Neothink, as demonstrated through my reading of the multigenerational manuscripts and practiced in my life generally at home, played a major part in this process.

Apart from the above, I have had the great opportunities to meet individuals associated with Neothink. What struck me most was the care and dedication of these Neothink members, and how they encouraged me to continue on my journey of learning and assured me that I was not alone and that they would be there for me to strengthen my will to not give up. This became one unifying healing agent for the larger community. Moreover, I had the chance to meet Steve Rupella who is Mark Hamilton’s close associate and I listened to him share the depth of commitment for healing our country that Neothink promotes . In my own opinion, he is a compassionate and a creative educator, spiritual yet realistic teacher, and a perfect example of what it means to be a citizen of any community and of the Earth at the same time.

I urge you to extend an invitation to Mark Hamiltion and his 12 Visions party to learn more about the potential virtues of the Neothink Society for all citizens. In addition, if I can be of any assistance to you in your consideration of this testimonial please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes to you and the communities you so graciously live in and care for.

Belinda Campos
(626) 500 9303

“I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.”
-Martha Washington 1732-1802, First American First Lady

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.
-Thomas A. Edison

“It’s a lesson which all history teaches the wise, to put trust in ideas, not in circumstances.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882,Essayist, Philosopher & Poet

“You, are the Narrator of Your Life”
-Dr. Paul Dobranski

March 2025