Posts Tagged ‘american citizen’

I Believe Our Country Is Teetering On the Brink of Ruin…

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I Believe Our Country Is Teetering On the Brink of Ruin & Desperately Needs the Constitutional Reform of the Twelve Visions Party Platform Initiated in 2012.

I am a Neothink® Society Member; I am an American Citizen; I am a Simi-Retired Special Education Instructor, however please note that there is no such thing as REAL retirement in our impoverished society due to the economic inflation as  has been allowed by our elected Politicians.  Now, even though attaining the quote,  “Golden Years  Of Retirement!”  – People just can’t afford to retire.    I am an Impoverished Tax Payer; I am a Single Mom – A Head of Household; I am a Person of Hope!   You will notice a semi-colon at the end of each statement, that is because each and every “I am” represents the current demographics of the “We the People” in Americas of today.    As such each demographic is an individual story unrepresented in our society by our current governmental infrastructure in the House of Representatives and Congress.    I guess when you reach the age of retirement you begin to fall into many categories which are directly governed by our countries House of Representatives and the Congress as they pass THEIR LAWS which directly affect OUR LIVES.   Therefore, I like many Americans, have lived to become only another statistic in the economic ruin and eventual collapse of our countries monetary system.     This is the Investor’s Dream – This is not the American Dream that so many of us were erroneously taught to believe was possible.

These politicians have become the worst of the worst in our country.  As  “We the American  People” barely survive on a meager retirement fund; which is also taxed by the governments Social Security System,  our Politicians attain for themselves through their elected office, the financial means to hold office, and once in office acquire for themselves a lifelong retirement annual income of  well over $50,000. per year!   I live on a retirement of $14,400. per year at $1200. per month (if I could retire) – simply not enough to survive on.  How can I retire?   I am the majority in America today.  We the People are barely able to sustain our simple mortgages let alone our lives.   Even as we struggle to survive in these oppressed times our  U.S. House Representatives recently passed for themselves and their staff $9.1 million in bonuses on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that these lawmakers gave themselves?  According to reporting, the average House aide got a 17% bonus.  These Politicians were voted into office to represent us as we struggle with the highest unemployment rates since 1976.

Who authorized these pay raises at taxpayer expense? I surely didn’t.

As allowed by government supported Lobbyists’, the current mortgage crisis which is causing millions of Americans to lose their homes due to government sponsored “Entrapment Home Loan’s” ballooning interest rates have caused many to lose millions in investments while at the same time our government of quote, “We the People”, provides economic stimulus’s to large corporations such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which are slated to receive $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period.   In fact, these executives have already been awarded $51 million towards these bonuses while unemployment rates across our country are at 9.8 percent.  Our politicians have become dictators as they dictate to the American people how much in taxes they shall pay in order to fund their salaries and special interest groups, and thus ensure their continued stay in office at Taxpayer Expense!

What about the Health Reform Act that continues to be delayed in both the House and Congress?    So no health care appropriations for the “We the People” and this on the brink of the world wide Swine Flu Pandemic which was raised to a “Red Level” in April of 2009!    Then I hear on the news just yesterday that there is not enough Flu Vaccine manufactured to handle a dramatic outbreak of this deadly virus.   How did this happen?  Who is responsible?

On April 30th, 2009, I read in the news that the worldwide pandemic level has been raised to a “Red Level” of concern due to the recent outbreak of the Swine Flu.  This means that the United States had now been placed under an acute threat status for the spread of a Swine Flu pandemic outbreak.  To date, there is one reported death confirmed in the state of Texas, and fourteen confirmed cases throughout California and Mexico.    Let’s look at what types of provisions our government has allotted to the medical facilities in order to protect our citizens from the pandemonium of a life threatening pandemic outbreak.   Three years ago, Congress appropriated billions of dollars to the department of Health and Human Services, “HHS”, for the agency’s pandemic influenza plan after animal outbreaks of the extremely pathogenic avian flu virus were discovered in a dozen countries throughout the world.  Today, even though scientists say the threat of a pandemic is still very real, the nation’s interest in the issue has subsided, and the HHS says it does not have the requested resources to fully implement its strategic plan to combat and prevent a catastrophic pandemic outbreak.  December, 2005, Congress appropriated $3.3 billion in emergency funding to HHS for the first year of their intervention plan and $2.3 billion for the second year of funding in June, 2006.   Note, those big plans have, to date, not been realized thus leading to the updated statement from HHS that quote, “The full promise for the progress HHS anticipated cannot be achieved as HHS does not have the requested resources to fully implement the plan it proposed.”  This report added that the fiscal 2008 appropriations bill did not include the $870 million initially requested by the president to support the plan’s next phase.    Why is this occurring?

Here is your answer as to why this is occurring.  Three years ago, the GAO, Government Accountability Office, which was initiated after 9/11 as part of the changes related to the Patriot Act, developed a strategy for its work to support Congress’ decision-making and oversight related to pandemic flue planning.   Their report supplanted Congresses flu pandemic planning and rather included a strategy which incorporated reviews of other national disasters such as the 9/11 terror attacks, hurricanes Katrina and Andrew, and emerging infectious diseases such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome.  Their strategy targeted six themes which were, performance and accountability, leadership, authority and coordination, detecting threats and managing risks; information sharing, and communication, capacity to respond and recover, and planning, training and exercise.   Basically, since 2006, when HHS’s budget was taken over by GAO, 11 reports were published which made 23 recommendations based on its findings.

Then to summarize, control of the funds allocated to HHS had been transferred to a “new governmental office.”  This office, the ASPR, is the office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness Response.  Because the funding was now, “broad based,” to include various possible risk factors as stated above, little of the initial $7.1 billion in emergency funding specifically proposed for pandemic influenza preparedness by George W. Bush in 2005 actually reached the individual hospital facilities.  Instead the ASPR has allocated to the nation’s states and territories these funds which are supposed to be used to apply to all of the hazards that were reviewed initially by the GAO according to Gregg Pane, an emergency physician who is the director of national healthcare preparedness programs at ASPR.

Pane stated that planning efforts should be shared in a community with emphases on the local medical institutional needs.  This would better target specific areas according to their area of need.    It appears that the funding priorities of these federally funded departments are too federally focused.  Way too much of the money that is allocated from your tax dollars and mine goes to propping up large, federal bureaucracies like the C.D.C., Center for Disease Control, rather than providing the national health care support that our tax dollars are crying out for as we continue to live under the world wide pandemic threat of both the Swine and Avian Flues.     This is the tax dollars of the American People!   This is the money that your elected Politicians were supposed to use to provide for your tranquility as per our Declaration of Independence.   Am I, as an American feeling tranquil?     As long as our current Politicians and their corrupted deviant political practices continue to impose their alterations and mutilations of the guidelines set forth by our Founding Fathers’ as outlined in our Declaration of Independence and its Constitution of the United States of America, I will have no tranquility!    Here is an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence:

For the People of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

The history of this current United States governmental framework has become; as was the case of the Tyranny of the King of Great Britain over the Americas,  a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all leading to the direct collapse of our economic establishment and the insurance of the health, stability, and well being of the American People.

I no longer believe that we as Americans are supporting a quote, “Government of the People, By the People, and For the People.” We are now a government “Of the Politician, By the Politician, and for The Politician!” As such I cry out for change!

So now Mr. Hamilton, with all this in mind,  how can I be a person of hope?   How can “We the American People” really have hope in today’s flawed and incomplete Governmental Structure?   Mr. Hamilton, you and the platform of the Twelve Visions Party are the hope for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all American people in this day.

As we watch our crumbling economic structure deplete the hopes and dreams of the American people; I strongly believe that our society and our future generations depend on a new State of  The Union Amendment to our current U.S. Constitution which removes the threat of forced taxation as a retaliation measure against the economic infrastructure of the American People.     The purpose of our government formation through the Constitution was to (ENSURE THE RIGHTS OF LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY TO ITS PEOPLE AND THEIR ESTABLISHMENT).

Here is what I believe, unless we Americans become the unilateral voice of change to our current political system, and take back our country from the hands of career-politicians, America will collapse as the clay and iron feet of the false Idol prophesied in the Book of Revelations, and spoken about by Jesus – a truly conscious thinker in our world.  The Twelve Visions Party is the hope and life line of change for the future of all American people.

I am fully convinced, claiming a quote from yourself Mark Hamilton that,

“…The time has come to replace our career-politician lawmakers—that is, those who throw food to swarms of lawyers in order to gain political power.  We must replace them with those truly qualified to lead America’s economy—that is, those who build the economy:  our entrepreneurs and successful businessmen who really care about the health of our economy.  Only they bring us jobs.  And only those business leaders can lead us through the storms of international competition.  Only they can build the economy to rapidly rising prosperity…our sinking economy demands that we replace our current lawmakers with those who build the economy, not drain the economy.”

Taken from

Thank you,

Elaine R.

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society Literature


I once had a teacher who taught me and a few others in his classes how to think.  Not that he didn’t teach all of his classes how to think but not many could grasp what that entailed.  I came to this country when I was 2yrs. old.  My father an Optometry Student, was recruited by an American Company to Manage/Supervise an Optical Laboratory.  I have a proud Portuguese and Spanish Heritage and proud to be an American Citizen.  With my parents influence, my passion for the Arts grew and was part of my daily diet.  I’m passionate about Classical Music, reading books and writing poetry.  The transition to school life was more difficult by the system that was employed to group students and never given the opportunity to grow out of those groups.  Until a wonderful High School English Teacher helped bring out the best in his students.  It was as if the world was  gray, with little color or no color before my English Teacher.  Dreams lay dormant, Ideas were not provoked in school except in my English class but at home I was in classical music bliss.  Today, Mark Hamilton has put together literature and techniques with concepts That provoke bigger questions.  Creates business without dead end micromanagement that limits creativity.  Empowering individuals to find and develop their child of the past that wants to achieve in life.  Not only achieve but create great happiness and joy using our greatest gift, our conscious mind.  The use of our conscious mind is in the art of creating.  Ridding businesses of dead end jobs with dead end mentalities, living paycheck to paycheck as they say, instead of having jobs of the mind.  These concepts have been so powerful that it has given me renewed hope that I can  accomplish much much more than without them.  These technologies have been life changing, gratifying and  most important, it has been the feeling of endless possibilities at any age.

Until Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society Literature and the Twelve Visions Party, my hopes and dreams for a country full of promises from our founding fathers have laid dormant in Blissful desires.  Yes, this is a great country and the constitution, the greatest document ever produced in the history of Democracy.  Yet our 2 party system has evolved to stifle the other in the name of one party name or Ideal over the other.  True Honesty in non-existent as one party is pitted against the other to score political points and rouse the masses to take sides.  If we do take sides we miss the whole point.  The Twelve Visions Party would bring a delightful meaning to Truthful honesty.  Truthful Honesty would be reflected in our institutions, our children and society as a whole.  More importantly un-politicizing  our Educational System would empower our teachers to teach again creative development to our children, not regurgitate meaningless facts.  Removing Man’s Ego from the Decision making process, Governing would become truthfully clear and effective.  In a Twelve Vision Party World, no taxes would be needed or levied for politicians to redistribute and give back in exchange for re-election.  Special interest groups would not need politicians to gain their favor.  True Honesty in business would deregulate all business and allow for business to develop in leaps and bounds.  Creating prosperity, incredible wealth, incredible consumer value with families enjoying incredible purchasing power.  This incredible prosperity would inspire great peace in a world economy and world prosperity would inspire more investment into more new technologies.  Our Society and our world society would once again thrive and promote healthy global interaction and peace.

Truthful introspection of ourselves as individuals allows us to grow as a Society and a Nation.  Our Government is no longer the example that Nurtures a Healthy Society.  Our leaders abuse their powers for personal gain and find it an acceptable practice to twist the truth.  Professional Lobby groups insure Corporations benefit from laws passed to increase their profits.  Again and again we see legalized lawlessness in our Government, in powerful special interest groups and lately in Wall Street and Banks.  How can we not see that example passed on to our society?  That Lawlessness pays!  That you can do anything you want as long as you don’t get caught.  Our society is so scandal ridden that we have become numb to who could be next.  Whether they are leaders in Church groups, to Legislator Leaders or Non-profit Organizations.  We have a cancer in our society that no current or future President will be able to find an easy cure.  No matter how many new policemen we hire for main street or how many laws we change for Wall Street or how much money goes to schools or how many new teachers we hire.

Mark Hamilton literature allows for an evolution into our consciousness, a new awareness of ourselves, the good truthfulness of oneself to grow.  Like my English teacher that provoked me to grow,  Mark Hamilton’s Literature allowed that child of the past that still wants to evolve/grow and develop with a new purpose in everyday living.  I have always been a searcher and enjoy seeking more knowledge in my technical field of optics, in Management or just taking a class for enjoyment.  But now, I No longer feel alone in my efforts, these technologies are real, they are effective, they are life changing.  It would be unfortunate not to have these concepts tried in a Party designed to work as a business not as a political career to gouge a living off it’s constituents and provide a platform for special interest groups.  In business, learning hard integrated thinking or power thinking has changed how I view my own personal accomplishments.  The Mini-day scheduling removes unwanted/wasted movements building on power thinking to enjoy more time for my creativity.  My personal life is now more meaningful as I ponder the essence of things in this world or why power structures give a false perception to a meaningful purpose.  As I share these concepts with my children, whom by the way I’ve taught to be as individualistic as possible, will use these technologies to think and see through to the  Essence of all things.  I’m proud of my children, My Son is now working on his masters in Education, My Daughter graduates as a Register Nurse and wants to continue her education towards a Nurse Practitioner.  With my children gone now, I feel like my mother used to feel when I would play Anton Dvorak Symphony #9 “New World Symphony”.  She would say when I die I want you to play this music for me at my funeral.  I promised I would but I really didn’t understand what she meant by that piece music at 5 years old, I just like it.  Now I know what she meant.  It is a New World we are going into but this time before we die.  It is time to make the rest of my life all about me and my pursuits into Human consciousness free of restrictions.  It is going to be a world to look forward to, a world of discovery, like going back to school all over again but with the tools to enjoy every minute of it.  These concepts will not die with me nor with my children or grandchildren.  This is what makes a Democracy not takes away from a Democracy.

Alfred R. S

The evil forces trying to stop Mark Hamilton


I am not an American Citizen. But I do respect a lot the United States of America and ALL of their people. These same people, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, should be allowed the opportunity to have the choice to elect or to reject Mark Hamilton and its Twelve Visions Party, along with its Neothink mentality and its Neothink Society. Whatever happens in the United States of America affects the rest of the world, especially the economic and financial issues. But as a citizen of Mexico, that meaning, as a Mexican National, whatever happens in the U.S.A. affects more powerfully my country and my people that many other countries. That´s why I am most concerned of what happens within our neighbor of the north.

The Neothink movement and its Twelve Visions Party do offer what no one has offered to the American People: biological immortality, ending a political system that has stopped many scientific breakthroughs that had cost thousands if not millions of lives, not only within the U.S.A., but in the whole planet. And that is not a mistake as someone told me once: THAT´S A CRIME!!!

I do not mean talking American politics because I do not feel, neither I do have, the right to do so, because I am not an American Citizen. But I am a citizen of the world and thus I am very concerned about American politics because it affects the rest of the planet.

These people, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party, care for the individual and therefore put the individual before any other entity. If a government ignores the individual it may fall into a tyranny even though a democracy may have chosen someone or some Congressmen/Congresswomen, Governors, Majors, etc. through the polls.

The U.S.A. is facing probably the most difficult and hard times since its creation in the 18th Century. Worst times may be on their way for the American People and for the rest of the world. As an Economist I consider a horrible Economic/Political/Social/ Storm are on its way very soon in the United States of America. Only a person who has experience, wisdom, will power, real and true knowledge, as Mark Hamilton does have, can be the best option to order things in our northern neighbor. As a Mexican National, and being witness of many, many Mexicans who struggle and suffer in that country I DO CARE, and I do have the right to say what I think. I do not have the option to vote to elect the next President of the United States of America, but if I did have it, I would definitely and without any hesitations CHOOSE AND VOTE FOR MARK HAMILTON TO BE THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I have never met him personally, but I have read a lot of what he has written. I wish I could write as well as he does. And although English is NOT my mother language, I do consider what he writes as master pieces of thinking. Therefore, I can say that Mark Hamilton is a great visionary, probably the great leader that the U.S.A. had always needed as its President and Commander in Chief, but had never have. I do now people for what they write and by how they write. Writing is not an easy matter for a lot of us. And in this area, Mark Hamilton rules above all of us. He has a lot of good to do for the people, because he is a compassionate person that really cares for the people. Isn´t that what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote in the USA Declaration of Independence ”a government for the people, by the people…?

I do not know how the politicians in Washington allowed other things coming before the real needs of the American individuals. It´s time for a real change, and I not meaning what President Obama “wanted” as “THE CHANGE WE NEED”, because to this day that change IS NOT A GOOD CHANGE, BUT A BAD ONE. Just ask a lot of unemployed Americans what do they think now of “THE CHANGE WE NEED” slogan, and if Obama has successfully fulfilled his Campaign promises. I don´t think he has. The future of the American Economy is as darker as my hair: black.

My grandparents here in Mexico suffered a lot after our Revolution. Times were very hard and earning a living was extremely difficult for them. The same happened for the American people who lived just after the Great Depression of 1929. Why falling again in a new economic depression? Mark Hamilton has the right plan in this extremely troubled times to solve the great economic problems menacing his country. He is young and he knows how though flourish under hard times. That´s why I think he is the only best person to drive his country into a new and prosperous future. And now, the dark forces of his country want to suppress him and knock him down because they see in him a powerful menace to their interests and to the status quo. And that is not taking care of the real needs of the American People, least of each and every American Individual.

Here in Mexico, I have suffered and still I am suffering the attempts of evil people to stop me anyway, anyhow. I do know what it feels being attacked. I do remember once being told by a Mexican waiter, who told me these words when I tried to study a MBA in the U.S.A.  A lot of years ago: “WHEN THEY SEE SOMEONE LIKE YOU, THEY WANT TO DESTROY AND TO RUIN YOU”. The same is happening with Mark Hamilton and I do regret that sincerely.

The evil forces trying to stop Mark Hamilton and his movement should let him and his Twelve Visions Party along with its Neothink be let openly to be elected or rejected in the ballot boxes by the American People. Otherwise those forces will only proof their true nature: criminal minds trapped in their own matrixes of dishonesties, crimes, and falsehoods. Those minds, if successful in destroying Mark Hamilton will only proof their tyrannical and despotic natures. Not respecting Mark Hamilton’s right to be voted for or against by his own people, would be the worst crime these evil people would have committed ever.

I remember a great philosopher having written something like this: “When they tried to silence someone, they are recognizing his superiority.”


To:     Mr. Mark Hamilton & The Twelve Visions Party

From:    E. Ray,   Simi-Retired Special Education Instructor & Neothink® Society Member

Re:   HOPE

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I Believe Our Country Is Teetering On the Brink of Ruin & Desperately Needs the Constitutional Reform of the  Twelve Visions Party Platform Initiated in 2012.

I am a Neothink® Society Member; I am an American Citizen; I am a Simi-Retired Special Education Instructor, however please note that there is no such thing as REAL retirement in our impoverished society due to the economic inflation as  has been allowed by our elected Politicians.  Now, even though attaining the quote,  “Golden Years? Of Retirement!”  – People just can’t afford to retire.    I am an Impoverished Tax Payer; I am a Single Mom – A Head of Household; I am a Person of Hope!   You will notice a semi-colon at the end of each statement, that is because each and every “I am” represents the current demographics of the “We the People” in Americas of today.    As such each demographic is an individual story unrepresented in our society by our current governmental infrastructure in the House of Representatives and Congress.    I guess when you reach the age of retirement you begin to fall into many categories which are directly governed by our countries House of Representatives and the Congress as they pass THEIR LAWS which directly affect OUR LIVES.   Therefore, I like many Americans, have lived to become only another statisti c in the economic ruin and eventual collapse of our countries monetary system.     This is the Investor’s Dream – This is not the American Dream that so many of us were erroneously taught to believe was possible.

These politicians have become the worst of the worst in our country.  As  “We the American  People” barely survive on a meager retirement fund; which is also taxed by the governments Social Security System,  our Politicians attain for themselves through their elected office, the financial means to hold office, and once in office acquire for themselves a life long retirement annual income of  well over $50,000. per year!   I live on a retirement of $14,400. per year at $1200. per month (if I could retire) – simply not enough to survive on.  How can I retire?   I am the majority in America today.  We the People are barely able to sustain our simple mortgages let alone our lives.   Even as we struggle to survive in these oppressed times our  U.S. House Representatives recently passed for themselves and their staff $9.1 million in bonuses on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that these lawmakers gave themselves?  According to reporting, the average House aide got a 17% bonus.  These Politicians were voted into office to represent us as we struggle with the highest unemployment rates since 1976.

Who authorized these pay raises at taxpayer expense? I surely didn’t!

As allowed by government supported Lobbyists’, the current mortgage crisis which is causing millions of Americans to loose their homes due to government sponsored “Entrapment Home Loan’s” ballooning interest rates have caused many to loose millions in investments while at the same time our government of  quote, “We the People”, provides economic stimulus’s to large corporations such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which are slated to receive $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period.   In fact,  these executives have already been awarded $51 million towards these bonuses while unemployment rates across our country are at 9.8 percent.  Our politicians have become dictators as they dictate to the American people how much in taxes they shall pay in order to fund their salaries and special interest groups, and thus ensure their continued stay in office at Taxpayer Expense!

What about the Health Reform Act that continues to be delayed in both the House and Congress?    So no health care appropriations for the “We the People” and this on the brink of  the world wide Swine Flu Pandemic which was raised to a “Red Level” in April of 2009!    Then I hear on the news just yesterday that there is not enough Flu Vaccine manufactured to handle a dramatic outbreak of this deadly virus.   How did this happen?  Who is responsible?

On April 30th, 2009, I read in the news that the worldwide pandemic level has been raised to a “Red Level” of concern due to the recent outbreak of the Swine Flu.  This means that the United States had now been placed under an acute threat status for the spread of a Swine Flu pandemic outbreak.  To date, there is one reported death confirmed in the state of Texas, and fourteen confirmed cases throughout California and Mexico.    Let’s look at what types of provisions our government has allotted to the medical facilities in order to protect our citizens from the pandemonium of a life threatening pandemic outbreak.   Three years ago, Congress appropriated billions of dollars to the department of Health and Human Services, “HHS”, for the agency’s pandemic influenza plan after animal outbreaks of the extremely pathogenic avian flu virus were discovered in a dozen countries throughout the world.  Today, even though scientists say the threat of a pandemic is still very real, the nation’s interest in the issue has subsided, and the HHS says it does not have the requested resources to fully implement its strategic plan to combat and prevent a catastrophic pandemic outbreak.  December, 2005, Congress appropriated $3.3 billion in emergency funding to HHS for the first year of their intervention plan and $2.3 billion for the sec ond year of funding in June, 2006.   Note, those big plans have, to date, not been realized thus leading to the updated statement from HHS that quote, “The full promise for the progress HHS anticipated cannot be achieved as HHS does not have the requested resources to fully implement the plan it proposed.”  This report added that the fiscal 2008 appropriations bill did not include the $870 million initially requested by the president to support the plan’s next phase.    Why is this occurring?

Here is your answer as to why this is occurring.  Three years ago, the GAO, Government Accountability Office, which was initiated after 9/11 as part of the changes related to the Patriot Act, developed a strategy for its work to support Congress’ decision-making and oversight related to pandemic flue planning.   Their report supplanted Congresses flu pandemic planning and rather included a strategy which incorporated reviews of other national disasters such as the 9/11 terror attacks, hurricanes Katrina and Andrew, and emerging infectious diseases such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome.  Their strategy targeted six themes which were, performance and accountability, leadership, authority and coordination, detecting threats and managing risks; information sharing, and communication, capacity to respond and recover, and planning, training and exercise.   Basically, since 2006, when HHS’s budget was taken over by GAO, 11 reports were published which made 23 recommendations based on its findings.

Then to summarize, control of the funds allocated to HHS had been transferred to a “new governmental office.”  This office, the ASPR, is the office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness Response.  Because the funding was now, “broad based,” to include various possible risk factors as stated above, little of the initial $7.1 billion in emergency funding specifically proposed for pandemic influenza preparedness by George W. Bush in 2005 actually reached the individual hospital facilities.  Instead the ASPR has allocated to the nation’s states and territories these funds which are supposed to be used to apply to all of the hazards that were reviewed initially by the GAO according to Gregg Pane, an emergency physician who is the director of national healthcare preparedness programs at ASPR.

Pane stated that planning efforts should be shared in a community with emphases on the local medical institutional needs.  This would better target specific areas according to their area of need.    It appears that the funding priorities of these federally funded departments are too federally focused.  Way too much of the money that is allocated from your tax dollars and mine goes to propping up large, federal bureaucracies like the C.D.C., Center for Disease Control, rather than providing the national health care support that our tax dollars are crying out for as we continue to live under the world wide pandemic threat of both the Swine and Avian Flues.     This is the tax dollars of the American People!   This is the money that your elected Politicians were supposed to use to provide for your tranquility as per our Declaration of Independence.   Am I, as an American feeling tranquil?     As long as our current Politicians and their corrupted deviant political practices continue to impose their alterations and mutilations of the guidelines set forth by our Founding Fathers’ as outlined in our Declaration of Independence and its Constitution of the United States of America, I will have no tranquility!    Here is an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence:

For the People of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.

The history of this current United States governmental framework has become; as was the case of the Tyranny of the King of Great Britain over the Americas,  a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all leading to the direct collapse of our economic establishment and the insurance of the health, stability, and well being of the American People.

“I no longer believe that we as Americans are supporting a quote, “Government of the People, By the People, and For the People.”   We are now a government “Of the Politician, By the Politician, and for The Politician!”    As such I cry out for change!”

So now Mr. Hamilton, with all this in mind,  how can I be a person of hope?   How can “We the American People” really have hope in today’s flawed and incomplete Governmental Structure?   Mr. Hamilton, you and the platform of the Twelve Visions Party are the hope for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all American people in this day.

As we watch our crumbling  economic structure deplete the hopes and dreams of the American people; I strongly believe that our society and our future generations depend on a new State of  The Union Amendment to our current U.S. Constitution which removes the threat of forced taxation as a retaliation measure against the economic infrastructure of the American People.     The purpose of our government formation  through the Constitution was to (ENSURE THE RIGHTS OF LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY TO ITS PEOPLE AND THEIR ESTABLISHMENT).

Here is what I believe, unless we Americans become the unilateral voice of change to our current political system, and take back our country from the hands of career-politicians, America will collapse as the clay and iron feet of the false Idol prophesied in the Book of Revelations, and spoken about by Jesus – a truly  conscious  thinker in our world.  The Twelve Visions Party is the hope and life line of change for the future of all American people.

I am fully convinced, claiming a quote from yourself Mark Hamilton that,

“…The time has come to replace our career-politician lawmakers—that is, those who throw food to swarms of lawyers in order to gain political power.  We must replace them with those truly qualified to lead America’s economy—that is, those who build the economy:  our entrepreneurs and successful businessmen who really care about the health of our economy.  Only they bring us jobs.  And only those business leaders can lead us through the storms of international competition.  Only they can build the economy to rapidly rising prosperity…our sinking economy demands that we replace our current lawmakers with those who build the economy, not drain the economy.”

Taken from

Thank you,  Elaine R

I Believe Our Country Is Teetering On the Brink of Ruin…

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

I Believe Our Country Is Teetering On the Brink of Ruin & Desperately Needs the Constitutional Reform of the Twelve Visions Party Platform Initiated in 2012.

I am a Neothink® Society Member; I am an American Citizen; I am a Simi-Retired Special Education Instructor, however please note that there is no such thing as REAL retirement in our impoverished society due to the economic inflation as  has been allowed by our elected Politicians.  Now, even though attaining the quote,  “Golden Years  Of Retirement!”  – People just can’t afford to retire.    I am an Impoverished Tax Payer; I am a Single Mom – A Head of Household; I am a Person of Hope!   You will notice a semi-colon at the end of each statement, that is because each and every “I am” represents the current demographics of the “We the People” in Americas of today.    As such each demographic is an individual story unrepresented in our society by our current governmental infrastructure in the House of Representatives and Congress.    I guess when you reach the age of retirement you begin to fall into many categories which are directly governed by our countries House of Representatives and the Congress as they pass THEIR LAWS which directly affect OUR LIVES.   Therefore, I like many Americans, have lived to become only another statistic in the economic ruin and eventual collapse of our countries monetary system.     This is the Investor’s Dream – This is not the American Dream that so many of us were erroneously taught to believe was possible.

These politicians have become the worst of the worst in our country.  As  “We the American  People” barely survive on a meager retirement fund; which is also taxed by the governments Social Security System,  our Politicians attain for themselves through their elected office, the financial means to hold office, and once in office acquire for themselves a lifelong retirement annual income of  well over $50,000. per year!   I live on a retirement of $14,400. per year at $1200. per month (if I could retire) – simply not enough to survive on.  How can I retire?   I am the majority in America today.  We the People are barely able to sustain our simple mortgages let alone our lives.   Even as we struggle to survive in these oppressed times our  U.S. House Representatives recently passed for themselves and their staff $9.1 million in bonuses on top of the $2.5 million in automatic pay raises that these lawmakers gave themselves?  According to reporting, the average House aide got a 17% bonus.  These Politicians were voted into office to represent us as we struggle with the highest unemployment rates since 1976.

Who authorized these pay raises at taxpayer expense? I surely didn’t.

As allowed by government supported Lobbyists’, the current mortgage crisis which is causing millions of Americans to lose their homes due to government sponsored “Entrapment Home Loan’s” ballooning interest rates have caused many to lose millions in investments while at the same time our government of quote, “We the People”, provides economic stimulus’s to large corporations such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which are slated to receive $210 million in bonuses over an eighteen-month period.   In fact, these executives have already been awarded $51 million towards these bonuses while unemployment rates across our country are at 9.8 percent.  Our politicians have become dictators as they dictate to the American people how much in taxes they shall pay in order to fund their salaries and special interest groups, and thus ensure their continued stay in office at Taxpayer Expense!

What about the Health Reform Act that continues to be delayed in both the House and Congress?    So no health care appropriations for the “We the People” and this on the brink of the world wide Swine Flu Pandemic which was raised to a “Red Level” in April of 2009!    Then I hear on the news just yesterday that there is not enough Flu Vaccine manufactured to handle a dramatic outbreak of this deadly virus.   How did this happen?  Who is responsible?

On April 30th, 2009, I read in the news that the worldwide pandemic level has been raised to a “Red Level” of concern due to the recent outbreak of the Swine Flu.  This means that the United States had now been placed under an acute threat status for the spread of a Swine Flu pandemic outbreak.  To date, there is one reported death confirmed in the state of Texas, and fourteen confirmed cases throughout California and Mexico.    Let’s look at what types of provisions our government has allotted to the medical facilities in order to protect our citizens from the pandemonium of a life threatening pandemic outbreak.   Three years ago, Congress appropriated billions of dollars to the department of Health and Human Services, “HHS”, for the agency’s pandemic influenza plan after animal outbreaks of the extremely pathogenic avian flu virus were discovered in a dozen countries throughout the world.  Today, even though scientists say the threat of a pandemic is still very real, the nation’s interest in the issue has subsided, and the HHS says it does not have the requested resources to fully implement its strategic plan to combat and prevent a catastrophic pandemic outbreak.  December, 2005, Congress appropriated $3.3 billion in emergency funding to HHS for the first year of their intervention plan and $2.3 billion for the second year of funding in June, 2006.   Note, those big plans have, to date, not been realized thus leading to the updated statement from HHS that quote, “The full promise for the progress HHS anticipated cannot be achieved as HHS does not have the requested resources to fully implement the plan it proposed.”  This report added that the fiscal 2008 appropriations bill did not include the $870 million initially requested by the president to support the plan’s next phase.    Why is this occurring?

Here is your answer as to why this is occurring.  Three years ago, the GAO, Government Accountability Office, which was initiated after 9/11 as part of the changes related to the Patriot Act, developed a strategy for its work to support Congress’ decision-making and oversight related to pandemic flue planning.   Their report supplanted Congresses flu pandemic planning and rather included a strategy which incorporated reviews of other national disasters such as the 9/11 terror attacks, hurricanes Katrina and Andrew, and emerging infectious diseases such as the severe acute respiratory syndrome.  Their strategy targeted six themes which were, performance and accountability, leadership, authority and coordination, detecting threats and managing risks; information sharing, and communication, capacity to respond and recover, and planning, training and exercise.   Basically, since 2006, when HHS’s budget was taken over by GAO, 11 reports were published which made 23 recommendations based on its findings.

Then to summarize, control of the funds allocated to HHS had been transferred to a “new governmental office.”  This office, the ASPR, is the office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness Response.  Because the funding was now, “broad based,” to include various possible risk factors as stated above, little of the initial $7.1 billion in emergency funding specifically proposed for pandemic influenza preparedness by George W. Bush in 2005 actually reached the individual hospital facilities.  Instead the ASPR has allocated to the nation’s states and territories these funds which are supposed to be used to apply to all of the hazards that were reviewed initially by the GAO according to Gregg Pane, an emergency physician who is the director of national healthcare preparedness programs at ASPR.

Pane stated that planning efforts should be shared in a community with emphases on the local medical institutional needs.  This would better target specific areas according to their area of need.    It appears that the funding priorities of these federally funded departments are too federally focused.  Way too much of the money that is allocated from your tax dollars and mine goes to propping up large, federal bureaucracies like the C.D.C., Center for Disease Control, rather than providing the national health care support that our tax dollars are crying out for as we continue to live under the world wide pandemic threat of both the Swine and Avian Flues.     This is the tax dollars of the American People!   This is the money that your elected Politicians were supposed to use to provide for your tranquility as per our Declaration of Independence.   Am I, as an American feeling tranquil?     As long as our current Politicians and their corrupted deviant political practices continue to impose their alterations and mutilations of the guidelines set forth by our Founding Fathers’ as outlined in our Declaration of Independence and its Constitution of the United States of America, I will have no tranquility!    Here is an excerpt from the Declaration of Independence:

For the People of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. —Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government.


The history of this current United States governmental framework has become; as was the case of the Tyranny of the King of Great Britain over the Americas,  a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all leading to the direct collapse of our economic establishment and the insurance of the health, stability, and well being of the American People.

I no longer believe that we as Americans are supporting a quote, “Government of the People, By the People, and For the People.” We are now a government “Of the Politician, By the Politician, and for The Politician!” As such I cry out for change!

So now Mr. Hamilton, with all this in mind,  how can I be a person of hope?   How can “We the American People” really have hope in today’s flawed and incomplete Governmental Structure?   Mr. Hamilton, you and the platform of the Twelve Visions Party are the hope for Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for all American people in this day.

As we watch our crumbling economic structure deplete the hopes and dreams of the American people; I strongly believe that our society and our future generations depend on a new State of  The Union Amendment to our current U.S. Constitution which removes the threat of forced taxation as a retaliation measure against the economic infrastructure of the American People.     The purpose of our government formation through the Constitution was to (ENSURE THE RIGHTS OF LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY TO ITS PEOPLE AND THEIR ESTABLISHMENT).

Here is what I believe, unless we Americans become the unilateral voice of change to our current political system, and take back our country from the hands of career-politicians, America will collapse as the clay and iron feet of the false Idol prophesied in the Book of Revelations, and spoken about by Jesus – a truly conscious thinker in our world.  The Twelve Visions Party is the hope and life line of change for the future of all American people.

I am fully convinced, claiming a quote from yourself Mark Hamilton that,

“…The time has come to replace our career-politician lawmakers—that is, those who throw food to swarms of lawyers in order to gain political power.  We must replace them with those truly qualified to lead America’s economy—that is, those who build the economy:  our entrepreneurs and successful businessmen who really care about the health of our economy.  Only they bring us jobs.  And only those business leaders can lead us through the storms of international competition.  Only they can build the economy to rapidly rising prosperity…our sinking economy demands that we replace our current lawmakers with those who build the economy, not drain the economy.”

Taken from

Thank you,

Elaine R.


March 2025