Posts Tagged ‘amazing journey’

My amazing journey as a searcher of knowledge and…

My amazing journey as a searcher of knowledge and wisdom has been a wonderful experience since I was 13 years old. Once I expanded my mind to the possibility of learning and taking in new and different information; a new world started to unfold right before my eyes.

You see I love reading. I get excited about new information that will make life better for every human being on planet earth. I would read any material that might answer those deep emotional questions concerning life itself. It is what has kept a burning desire inside me lit. I want to know all that can be known about me and the world around me. November of 2006 I received a first-class letter inviting me to join an exclusive group of some of the world most famous and powerful people. The letter spoke about similar traits that I had with some very famous individuals who was very wealthy. I remember having a big smile on my face at the time, just the thought of being associated with people who had major achievements in life made me pay attention to every word that was written. And the thought of them having what I wanted out of life made me feel good. I jumped at the chance to see if this was a real invitation, to join this exclusive association of wealthy individuals. I kept thinking is this real?

Well I am here to tell you after 5 years of being accepted into the Neothink Society and being personally mentored by Mark Hamilton. My life has been transformed into a vector of creation that I love.

I have an amazing journey to share with all of you.

I have an amazing journey to share with all of you. As a young girl, I was always interested in researching everything I could. I never took anything at face value. If it did not make sense I searched further for the right answer. I always looked up to the stars and enjoyed them wondering what they really were. I noticed that through the years the moon seemed to be getting closer to our world. As I grew older, I remember people saying, Do Not get involved with the “System” (meaning the government) as it will eat you up. And now all of us know what that meant. It is eating us up. I disliked our society for many years as I do know that we are in a world of the right and the left, the good and the bad, We all have choices until we die. I disliked all of the abuses in the current society. And now they claim that all people like to hear “BAD” news and FEAR sells. They have shoved this down our throats for so long that it has become the normal with alot of people. What a shame.

In May 2007 I received a letter that changed my life. It was an invitation to my future. I responded to the letter, figuring that it was probably another sham. I started corresponding with Mark Hamilton, read his books and was completely shocked. It was the beginning of learning the answers to all of my questions. Mark Hamilton was kind enough to Mentor me once a month for one year. What a beginning to my most amazing journey.

I now am a proud member of Neothink (new way of thinking). I now have people, knowledge, abilities, health, and insight that I never knew existed. I can research anything and all of the answers are put in front of me. It is shocking. I can see right through the facade that the government likes you to believe and most people are still gullible enough to believe them. What a shame. We at Neothink call the present society, Anticivilization.

I have listened to people complain about this present society but either do not want to change it or do not know how and do not have the answers about how to change it.

The multigenerational Books were an EYE OpeneR!!!!!!!!

The multigenerational Books were an EYE OpeneR!!!!!!!! It was an Amazing JourneY, that Everyone should Take. Mark is A mAn with great Clarity. My Creativity has gone up 10 fold, and I now use the TOOL’s that keep me Healthy and Strong!!!!!!! Creating Value for All is an Uplifting & Rewarding LifE.



An Amazing Journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An Amazing Journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Trilogy was an Eye Opener..CONNECTING with the child of our Past is Essential. If you Love to Work Hard & Play Hard, than you will Enjoy Mark Hamilton’s Book’s. The Dreamer in Me is AWAKE AGAIN!!! The Business Aspect’s that Mark talk’s about are Dynamic. If you want Tool’s that will work than this is VITAL information.



The Amazing Journey

The title says it all in this seeker’s journey towards self-fulfillment. It all started with the first book from Mark Hamilton; that resulted in opening my eyes to wonder of neo-thinking at large; and the joy of life in general!

To follow the Light or Create the Light?


Since joining the Neothink Society I have gone from a hard working person just struggle to survive to a very happy person creating training that I now know will help shape the minds of people for the future. Because of the material I was able to see layoffs coming at one job and find another job before the axe fell.

I am now developing training based on a lot of research that I probably wouldn’t have done with out the support of the society members. The feedback has given me great insight into many areas of thought and allowed me to formulate simple but effective approaches to teaching.

I am currently constructing 5 websites to put forth my ideas in different areas and I am also the adminsitrator for another site run for the Neothink Society to blog on.

It has been an amazing journey since I started a few years ago and the future is so bright! I am not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I am creating the light for others to follow!!

WOW! The puzzle picture just got bigger


Wow, I just had the most amazing and scary perceptions this morning.
Forgive me for not being on the Neothink or the Twelve Visions Party conference calls this week. I’ve been at the Tapping World Summit every evening. It’s been an amazing journey of self discovery studying the Blood and Geno type sciences, the  Neothink manuals, Integrations from out Teacher Mark Hamilton and now Tapping. Tapping is definitely a means in which to find that child within us.
My thoughts about Wide Scope Accounting just got wider. This puzzle picture forming in my head has gotten so large that it now extends beyond my head. Like the atmosphere around the earth. Being held tight by not gravity but sheer will and desire. I can’t believe I just said that. It scares me, Forgive me if I just scared you. I’ve had integrations like this all my life but have rejected them because How I am perceived by others is important to me. You must think I crazy now. I do!
I can see now that It will be difficult separating my message of Wide Scope Accounting to Businesses and everyone else. I have developed the Neothink marketing approach for businesses. Now I must think about how to reach and stimulate each individual as well.
I really must work on getting the outline and thoughts so far, for this book , out of my head, put it on paper and see if I can attract a publisher and Get a commitment so I can work on this book full time and not worry about my ever pending financial doom.
This puzzle is much bigger than I ever could of imagined. I wonder, if man had known about all the complexities of consciousness ahead of time. Would we have chosen to go there? I think I would of in spite of the difficulties because These integrations are so exciting. I’m beginning to see some connections between all of this and the universe around us. Just maybe, our Teacher Mark Hamilton might be onto something when he describes Human consciousness being the missing link in the unifying theory.
Thanks for listening to my ramblings.
Love, Carl

Creating the Light to Follow!


Since joining the Neothink Society I have gone from a hard working person just struggle to survive to a very happy person creating training that I now know will help shape the minds of people for the future. Because of the material I was able to see layoffs coming at one job and find another job before the axe fell.

I am now developing training based on a lot of research that I probably wouldn’t have done with out the support of the society members. The feedback has given me great insight into many areas of thought and allowed me to formulate simple but effective approaches to teaching.

I am currently constructing 5 websites to put forth my ideas in different areas and I am also the adminsitrator for another site run for the Neothink Society to blog on.

It has been an amazing journey since I started a few years ago and the future is so bright! I am not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, I am creating the light for others to follow!!

March 2025