Posts Tagged ‘alternative solutions’

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink must be introduced!

Dear Mark:
Thanks for notifying me of your difficulties introducing yourself. the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party to our society.
It is difficult for me to understand opposition to the introduction of an alternative to our current political and economic system. Neither of these systems are successful, they have taken us to the second great depression!
In addition, to needing alternative solutions to our problems, this is a democracy built on free speech! The introduction of the Neothink approach with its efficient use of resources, its increase in motivation and wealth for the working Americans is imperative.
Is happiness and wealth our enemy? We working Americans are willing to accept possible improvements in our life style. The Neothink methodology will improve our business organizations and economic performance. Why would we not want this?
Are the present efforts of both government and business too involved in corruption and dishonesty? Does Mr. Mark Hamilton’s proposal frighten them?
Based upon fear being their only objective Mark Hamilton’s Neothink must be introduced! If they fear it. it has merits!
The media supports the status quo because that is the source of its revenue! The media fears progress and change! They object to sharing the wealth. They will not print the truth if it is a threat to their advertisers! Neothink offers an acceptable improvement to our economic and political system. Neothink is for the many not just the few!
Dr Charles H Mott

March 2025