Posts Tagged ‘albert einstein’

As you well know Albert Einstein said that …

As you well know Albert Einstein said that “Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

You must expect then that your great work on Neothink, which hopefully will change the way humanity will conduct its affairs, is bound to be condemned by jealous and spiteful incompetents. They are

Mark Hamilton’s literature has laid the ground work for the world as it should and could exist today

Mark works day and night planning strategies to improve the Human experience for all people of all races worldwide. Mark’s ultimate goal is for every person to live the life they were meant to live, in a free world. Mark wants to see us all enjoying optimum health, and living happy and fulfilling lives. Mark Hamilton’s literature has laid the ground work for the world as it should and could exist today. It reveals a blueprint of how his visions of a Wonderful World can come to fruition if his master plan is followed. It really is quite simple, and easily attainable. We need to adjust our thinking to what should and can be, and replaces the status quo ways of living that we mechanically follow today.
Mark’s vehicle to bring about this change to a Wonderful World is the Twelve Visions Political Party. The Twelve Visions Party will be a protection only government that will allow mankind to live the lives we were meant to live without being stifled by all the regulatory agencies, and self serving politicians.
As Albert Einstein once said, “Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”
As Mark Hamilton’s literary works and ideas become well known by the main stream media, and world as a whole, he will undoubtedly experience Violent Opposition from Mediocre Minds! Please do your own due diligence, see beyond the false accusations, to discover for yourself What Really Is!
Bruce Akins

Mark Hamilton my mentor he is a genius…


There is so many things that I want to share about the Neothink Society world.

My testimony is different, but I believe you will understand, why I believe what I believe.

Albert Einstein, Gundy, Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr., Jesus Christ, and many other great minds that was persecuted because:

1. These people had a natural ability to attract many crowds.

2. Through the centuries the higher authorities or those that had financial wealth always became threaten by people like this, due to the thought “These people can easily control the crowds to come against us”. In essence if they actually listen with there hearts, they would see that the were speaking of empowerment to have a better creative life with one self before you can help others.

I believe that Neo Society is the organization that will stand above all societies and organizations per say ” Putting the pedal to the metal ” We don’t just do lip service we actually practice what we “preach” our organization will help millions people to help people to begin to dream again and make goals for their life’s because they are worth having an abundant life.

3. What does all these great minds of times past have in common? There power was un-violent and their message did go on regardless and changed the nations. Their words gave the people hope and challenged them to not live a mediocre life.

My testimony is I’m proud to be one of the many cells of the collective one mind. I don’t have to know all of our cells to feel the intense love for one another. Learning other ways of my mind to be restructured, like rebooting a computer changing the old memory from a computer and inputting new data into the mental computer. The purpose of new structure to move faster, more endurance etc.

This is how Neothink Society is to me and others, helping people to reach the full potential, Mark Hamilton my mentor he is a genius, his writings helps my imagination go. I feel like a child again and the world is my treasure box, there many things to discover about myself and life and others

4. Every person in Neo World respects others. The teachings I’ve found has never been about taking over the government or ambushing someone believes. The society teaching reminds me of how the great minds in times past have taught people, by stories and examples of getting rid of old habits, time management, somewhat like a computer, you will find yourself flowing more free into spending time with your families rather than being a “work-a-holic” which is destructive to oneself. Our society teachings simply put is about spending more time with your family and properly teaching children if you have them the importance of life and how life is a gift and should not be misused. Everyone deserves not just a piece of the pie, there is room for everyone to have a whole pie and enjoy without guilt, also contributing to the community is just as important. I can’t help but feel like a fairytale into a reality, Wow this stuff is GREAT ! ! !

What my experiences in dealing with my Mentor or other Society members, no one behaves like others are beneath them. In fact the higher the level the more humble our leaders are. I really appreciate the response to my questions or comments is quick. The response time is less than 24 hours. I don’t know any organization that is like that. I’m honored and greatly happy that I attracted Neothink into my life. Every since I was a little girl I knew that my life was meant to be more. My Mentor Mark Hamilton has taught me so much and I’m still learning. I basically feel like I’m back in high school again. When I received my large information packages, my eyes immediately got big, I said “Oh, No, I’m back in school again (chuckling).

5. Lastly, basically in so many words. The Neothink Team, the way I view us is a family of Mentor/teachers of Mentor/teachers. They actually believe not leaving anyone behind and not assuming that everyone knows how to live life. The teachers basically want everyone to live in with style not just on the outside, but the inside too.

I love my society, and I eagerly anticipate more absorbing more knowledge, more fellowship with the members. The knowledge has helped me to be a better employee at my job and ministry has improved to be more effective. I’m blessed that my boss calls me in to work more often. I make fewer mistakes and also I’m no longer a “work-a-holic” I love talking to my family and friends, my social life is becoming healthier. I couldn’t seem to keep jobs for a long season and found myself homeless for 3 years, as I kept keeping myself motivated, which was hard. When I started to get more stable in my life Neothink World came at the right time. I find that the unfruitful patterns are slowly disappearing, It was a puzzle and a challenge why I couldn’t figure out how to break out, besides my faith and Neothink Society, My Mentor kept emailing me reminders, to be perfectly honest with you, I thought he was going to stop his correspondence with me for a good while I had no way to contact him or felt that way, with no computer access and why should he care, but Mark Hamilton kept sending me letters weekly and monthly, he didn’t lay off the reminders at all. I was impressed. Actually, that really got my attention. My Mentor Mark Hamilton was kind of like a surrogate father that kept reminding me “Remember to read your materials, take care of your health, education, reminding me to study your homework in time management, work on your business plans, pay your taxes on time, do everything in order, spend time with your family and friends, live a balanced life etc. For me it appeared that I was a late bloomer when it came to some areas in my life. I feel that My life just beginning in a way.

Thanks to my Mentor Mark Hamilton and other friends like Kevin Trudeau, Jill w/TVP, Jane, Dave, Steve and many Neothink family. Love you all so much. Most of all My Mentor Mark Hamilton thanks for not giving up on me. Keep the great work up!

Neothink Society


Hello Mark Hamilton
When I was a child I somehow knew that religion was not right at all.
Then I somehow knew there was something very wrong, but could not figure it out my friend, until the year 2000.
That is when I started to buy the Mark Hamilton’s literature.
I have not read any books that would change this world my dear friend.
It is time for a change, but the masses or most of them are in a spell.
We must break the spell of stagnation and free the Geniuses of society.
Only the Twelve Vision Party can do that by the Prime law.
I do hope you can be the President of the USA and wash away all this irrational and evil world that I do not like.
You Mark Hamilton have given me hope, and to all the children of this world, which I is a treasure trove to me.
I love the Twelve Visions World you Mark Hamilton have created.
You are a blessing to me and all children of this world so much.
I LOVE children, so innocent in this world.
You are their savior and I wish I can help you, but I am helping you Mark Hamilton by giving my many testimonials right.
Last, but not least I have found true LOVE, from this Anti-civilization.
She has a heart of gold and is a nurse in Gana Africa, but lives in New York City.
It is possible to find LOVE in an anti-civilization!
I LOVE her so very much my dear friend.
If, people only knew about love of the Twelve Visions World they would NEVER go back to the old way of life and even mental retards.
I will do whatever it takes to free society of this curse brought by these Bullies called Politicians.
Before, I was very negative against them, but since I read the Heirloom literature three time, something happen.
It’s like a great heaviness was lifted, from my shoulders.
Finally am free like a bird stuck in a cage for forty years!
What a relief it is Mark Hamilton.
I will say this again you are my HERO and so is Albert Einstein!
Can you please try to find me the book called Neothink Physics, please for me dear friend.
I would love that very much!
Back to you Mark Hamilton and your only shot to change the world.
You are making all my dreams come true.
HONESTY is the only POLICY for all of us.
I will soon be using Neothink and change the world in this little city of mine.
The love in the Twelve Visions World is like thunderstruck.
Thank you for the Heirloom literature and many other books, plus audio cassettes Mark Hamilton my tutor.
You are just like Miss Annabelle and I am like Ian the kid who love the UNIVERSE, just like me.
Now I do not let force of nature dominate me ever again my friend and teacher.
You are the best friend I can have and my friend know that too!
I can never get enough of you literature breathtaking!
I do not need to hate the politicians, but there are pitiful, since there days are numbers and that is enough JUSTICE for me.
Not only the politicians are at fault, but organized religion and most, if not all egoistic judges and lawyers too.
I will keep doing my best to make this a better world, since my new girlfriend is supporting me.
I love to give some of my testimonials to you to dump this irrational world to the curb!
Once we all enter the Twelve Visions World ,then we the people will make a big celebration and you and your family are invited, if it takes every last breath in me my friend.
You deserve it and more.
I am forever great for what you are doing for me and the whole word and we LOVE you very much for it!
Bless is the man, that walketh not in the council of the ungodly(politicians)nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful(politician)for his(you)tree beareth great fruit.
Remember you told me in the secret meeting that I was a only a seed, but now I am growing into a beautiful tree of life call biological immortality.
In closing you have change my life and I will never go back to a routine rut of stagnation my friend Mark Hamilton!

Good night my HERO!

What do Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party stand for?


What do Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party stand for?  They stand for freedom, self-leadership, self-responsibility, value creation, as well as unimaginable health, wealth, and prosperity for ALL Americans.  Mark Hamilton is a visionary and the Twelve Visions Party is the conduit through which his visions will become a reality.

Mark Hamilton, through many years of making wide-scope Neothink integrations has very eloquently articulated in writing the most intimate and precious dreams of each and every individual in his Twelve Visions platform.  Until now, no person has possessed the mental capacity, the principles, or the courage to present ideas of pure honesty and rationality to the world while offering to create the conditions to make each individual’s dream become a reality.  It is with this understanding that I must offer to Mark Hamilton my deepest and most sincere gratitude for creating the Twelve Visions Party.

Albert Einstein said: “Insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”    Every four years the American voters go to the voting booths and elect a politician to the office of President of the United States of America.  Bizarrely, they expect each newly elected President to come into office and be “different”.   Each time a new President or elected official fails to deliver on campaign promises and displays his corrupt nature the American voter feels a sense of betrayal, frustration, outrage, or even worse, hopelessness.  In these tumultuous times it would be insane to keep putting a self-serving politician into ANY office, especially the office of President.  The Twelve Visions Party is finally the viable alternative.  A Twelve Visions Party candidate would be the anti-politician.    The Twelve Visions Party is the anti-politics based on unbelievably competitive business dynamics.

Many people have a natural aversion to politics.  This is because of the uncompetitive corrupt dynamics that power usurping politicians have always operated under.   The economic “problems” that America now faces are, pure and simple, the result of the abuse of power by noncompetitive politicians; not hard working honest business men.    Apathy and indifference to politics fades upon the realization that the Twelve Visions Party is tirelessly working to depoliticize America and keep the parasitical value-destroyers out of power forever.   For several years, my dislike of politics stemmed from my disgust of politicians, and translated into a loss of interest in many things in life.  I had lost hope.  Learning about the Twelve Visions Party and their platform of depoliticizing America has re-energized me and replaced hopelessness with joy and optimism for the future.    The Twelve Visions Party represents the ultimate optimism; that America and her citizens can become who we were always meant to be.

A Twelve Visions Party President would be the first President in history to go into office and immediately slash his own base of power.  He or She would not operate under the old dynamics of making campaign promises in order to buy votes.   A TVP President would be guided by the indivisible and incorruptible Prime Law.  The Prime Law is beautiful in its simplicity and rationality.  I’ll have it hanging up in my living room soon. Mark Hamilton and his Twelve Visions Party officers are kindred spirits to the freedom fighting patriots of the American Revolution.  With his TVP he has gone back to the fundamental ideals that the United States was founded upon and made further integrations with the Prime Law.  In other words, after all the corruption and dishonesty of the last two centuries, he has gotten it right!  Congratulations Mark Hamilton for forming the world’s first fully integrated Party in the Twelve Visions Party ! Thank You Mark Hamilton for being who you are! Thank for your courage in doing what is right and necessary in the face of what you know will be profoundly dishonest and vicious attacks from the parasitical classes. They will inevitably be defeated by the profoundly honest and rational Twelve Visions Party.

Sincerely, Jeremy C (Atlanta, Ga)

March 2025