Posts Tagged ‘adult life’

Mark Hamilton’s Literature

For me this is an honor and a privilege to have the opportunity of sharing a little of the much that the Neothink Society and all your literature has brought into my life. About four decades ago I was born in this planet with that usual certainty of an innocent child that this would be an amazing, happy and profound experience in such an astonishing and admirable world. Needless to say that year after year as I grew up, all that vision and enthusiasm were left far behind and replaced by what we call an adult life full of frustration and disappointment with our today anti-civilization.
I have traveled many countries, many cultures and religions, always looking for answers to some big questions of mine. Why we keep on killing each other in name of Gods, Boundaries and Governments as many as we can name it today; why we keep with jobs all our lives feeling miserable and unhappy just to retire and wait for our death to come; why we see betrayal, cheating and dishonesty as normal; and why we keep accepting politicians and governments to rule over all our businesses and personal lives and always for the worse and never for the better; how can we have gone so far with science and technology and still behave in such a primitive way without any rationality when it comes to feelings and social behavior ?
Well questions that remained unanswered for much long, till I was given the opportunity to join Neothink Society and have had access to all your valuable literature. Since then I started realizing that we did fall in a big trap and have remained in it for so long, that we just forgot that we are here to evolve and transcend to a life of full honesty, happiness and prosperity. We are here to create values through science and business, and to rejoin and celebrate with full joy through arts and love. Life is too precious and we as humans were given all the power to overcome and make this earth our own amazing, peaceful, and wealthy planet home.
But the truth is that since we have gone so far in terms of technology, we all know that this is a critical moment either for our survival or complete destruction. As I see it, Neothink Society and the TVP may give us a last chance to bring a real civilization of universe into full existence. And then love, happiness and wealth will flourish to us all in this planet, and we all know deep inside that this is what we as humans have really been destined to.
Soraia M
Tequesta, FL

My Dear Mark Hamilton

My Dear Mr. Hamilton. I just needed to write this because I know your there and you have listened. The Neothink Family and it’ readings came to me when I thought, all the years of my adult life (37 years) I’ve worked, volunteered gave to the less fortunate, stopped and cared for some one other than my self. I considered myself a person of value. I did not have much myself, but I figured that someone may of had less. This year 2009 In a four month period I was told I had Cancer and needed to have surgery. That I did. I had to return to work before my recovery, because my job denied my disability….14 )years on this job now. 4 weeks back at work I was fired after surgery not because I wasn’t a valued employee but because someone did not want me there. They got the I’s and T’s dotted on any and everything they saw fit…I filed unemployment that too was denied. The anger and hurt was so deep to how can they just do this, I’ve work all my life. I say all this to you because I receive the Miss Annabelle’ story It was like the night listen to my cries.
I was in a bad place within myself. Am I a citizen or just a counted number. I see why we age. Age is not a sickness or decease part of our soul, It’s when we have come to height of life and then told it wasn’t good enough. The soul and spirit just snatched out of the body and just the aged form of what was stands. Death just waiting to happen. .Miss Annabelle’s Story allowed me to Cry and cry really hard, because I know a change is coming. A change that will let me be proud of myself. Just because I am that I am ( valuable and worthy).
Thank You

The Best Christmas Present Ever- NeoThink

I received my Package of Inside Secrets on Christmas Eve, 2009 and I have said already that it is the best Christmas present I have ever received. In this situation, I see the celebration of Christmas not as a practice of religious dogma, but an opportunity for the death of old ideas and beliefs and the opportunity for my creative mind to be reborn into new possibilities and to have teachers based in honesty and objective reality to show the way.

I the few short months since receiving the Package, I have created the good fortune of meeting Daren Raskin, Mike Ginther, Steven Hinz and dozens of other NeoThinkers in the SoCal Clubhouse as well as at GIN events. I feel very much at home in that field of thought.

What I am most excited about is that so much of the teaching resonates with the way I’ve always WANTED to live life and that the integrated thinking and problem solving approaches are what I’ve always WANTED to do naturally. The AH-HA moments that describe the The-Second Miracle have absolutely happened to me and the biggest obstacle I’ve had in life is not being in a situation where my breakthroughs were heard or appreciated, or valued.

I really had believed early on that my ability to problem-solve, see the connectedness in things and build efficient systems and processes would have people beating a path to my door with fame and fortune as the reward. But starting with my family of birth, my ideas were rejected because “that’s not the way we do it here” or “It has to be done my way”. This continued on in my adult life and in the working world and even my best employment opportunities were, with few exception, short-lived and confusing. So much of my creativity was left by the wayside to conform and struggle to achieve the un-attainable American Dream/White-Collar hoax even though I knew that something was wrong with what the media and the authority figures told me what should be important to me. Learning that the old paradigm business economies are built on inefficiency, dogma and politics had left me wondering where my place was in all of it.

But now as the hoax is being revealed and the TVP is becoming a reality, I feel excited that there’s a place in the world for me and the way we are all naturally destined to think. My burning desire is to continue my learning and create value in a business environment where these principals are practiced and I can learn by doing from those who have established themselves as leaders, teachers and successful business owners.

“When you drink the water, remember those who dug the well” – Chinese Proverb

My gratitude to you, Mr. Hamilton and to all the others that have gone before me to make clear the path to a new way of being.

Mateo Brown
Los Angeles, California


The Inner Child

Thank yuou Mark Hamilton for reminding us of our inner child. How much fun we had as children and bring that to life in our adult life

Live the Life We are Meant to Live


Our ancestors and ourselves have searched for “something more”. As we near the end of our lives, we feel we missed out on the better life we imagined for ourselves as little children. The answer to the “something more” is offered to us now. What we are searching for is internal harmony. This harmony I am writing about will spread outward from ourselves to the world. I feel this in me and I feel it spreading out from myself. First to my family and then to my friends. Then to all the world. We will all be self-leaders. To be a self-leader we must take on responsibilities. When we do this we find ourselves exhilarated. That exhilaration will take us into being value producers and then to value creative beings. We were designed to always grow, to expand and always to be exhilarated. As we move into our adult life the life we were meant to live eludes us. We find employment and become stagnated in that job. How do we find the road to the that exhilarating life? We do it by reading the Neothink material offered to us by Mark Hamilton. He is truly a genius who is mentoring us who know to search for our creative selves in the Neothink world.


For me this is a honor and a privilege to have the opportunity of sharing a little of the much that the Neothink Society and all your literature has brought into my life. About four decades ago I was born in this planet with that usual certainty of an innocent child that this would be an amazing, happy and profound experience in such an astonishing and admirable world. Needless to say that year after year as I grew up, all that vision and enthusiasm were left far behind and replaced by what we call an adult life full of frustration and disappointment with our today anti-civilization.
I have traveled many countries, many cultures and religions, always looking for answers to some big questions of mine. Why we keep on killing each other in name of  Gods, Boundaries and Governments as many as we can name it today;  why we keep with jobs all our lives feeling miserable and unhappy just to retire and wait for our death to come; why we see betrayal, cheating and dishonesty as normal;  and why we keep accepting  politicians and governments to rule over all our businesses and personal lives and always for the worse and never for the better; how can we have gone so far with science and technology and still behave in such a primitive way without any rationality when it comes to feelings and social behavior ?  
Well questions that remained unanswered for much long, till I was given the opportunity to join Neothink Society and have had access to  all your valuable literature. Since then I started realizing that we did fall in a big trap and have remained in it for so long, that we just forgot that we are here to evolve and transcend to a life of full honesty, happiness and prosperity.  We are here to create values through science and business, and to rejoin and celebrate with full joy through arts and love. Life is too precious and we as humans were given all the power to overcome and make this earth our own amazing, peaceful, and wealthy planet home.
But the truth is that since we have gone so far in terms of technology, we all know that this is a critical moment either for our survival or complete destruction. As I see it, Neothink Society and the TVP may give us a last chance to bring a real civilization of universe into full existence. And then love, happiness and wealth will flourish to us all in this planet, and we all know deep inside that this is what we as humans have really been destined to.  
Soraia M
Tequesta, FL

Ruth C

I was very, very fortunate to receive an invitation to read one of Mark Hamilton’s books several years ago. It was so drastically different from everything that I had been taught throughout my (adult)life-it shook my foundation!! I had to set it down, put it aside-I knew it couldn’t be, it had to be wrong, I even thought it was perhaps evil. But, I continued to think about it-and then, a second invitation came and I read the second book and the third book. A world that I had dreamed of as a child was unfolding before me. A world where people cared about each other, life, and the world. They took pride in what they did, what they created. A world where people looked for answers and cures to help each other not for money, but because they truly cared about each other. Wow! I started to dream again, have goals beyond go to work, raise a family, retire and die. I came “alive” again and started sharing the information with my family. I knew that I was creating a different, magnificent, legacy for my family. We were breaking out of the mold that my family had been in for generations. We were finding new hope, new possibilities, new life!!! Thank-you, Mark Hamilton for your dedication in writing the truth and allowing us to be part of the new world to come-one of love, kindness, truth, prosperity!

The person I was meant is creative and a thinker…

The person I was meant is creative and a thinker. I can do hair, and I do my hair and nails. I love kids. I would love to open up a special daycare for them someday. I like decorating rooms. Someday I want to design clothes. I like art I want to learn oil painting techniques. I like scrapbooking and taking pictures of people, things, events, and organizing the album. I can sing. I think I can write songs someday I have a couple of them. I do not like see mistreatment taking place in any circumstance. It is hurtful. I almost forgot at 18 years old I looked at myself in the mirror, and I said to myself .I am never going to get old. I won’t be old, like I just knew something …………..that I didn’t know at that time at age 23 that is when I made my discovery.  I would love to have businesses and share the wealth.

There are many other things about me. I’ve had many obstacles as an infant to child to teenager and part of my adult life. I remember being in my mother’s stomach. I remember when I was seven we were reading Weekly Readers at school and the first time I saw a map of the world (it was flat). It was a voice in my head said “I am going to be the president and take care of the World”. I told no one because I knew for some reason I would be laughed at.

When I look back on this it is funny, I never liked politics.

I have a brother we are seven years apart. Our house was haunted in my eyes (I later found out the trailer park had been built on Indian burial ground). I did not like be alone there without him. I was not alone when I was alone. I was always watched. I always felt this presence it never left. It was like the hair on your neck always standing. It was scary to me. I was eight and my brother had joined a club at school. We usually would walk halfway to school together. This morning he had to leave 45 minutes earlier. I got ready for school with him anyway. He left. We had a floor model TV right next to the front door; I already had my back pack on. I got some cover an I balled up in front of it scared out of my mind. It was so great (the presence) in the room. I had my body under the cover then (my body) on top of the cover I was under. I had timed myself when to look at the clock. I knew it was not time to look yet so I lay there shaking an waiting, because it was as if some one was standing straddled over me. I closed my eyes quietly cried to myself with my eyes closed. Then I felt this rubbing sensation on my hand I looked and it was this white (as in white man) hand gently, softly, and slowly rubbing my hand. I did not fight it. I closed my eyes back. Until it stopped, it lasted about 8 seconds. I opened my eyes and it was gone .I jumped up and I was gone in 2 seconds. I will never forget.

I loved to draw, design, write, and read. I felt so good when I did these things. I loved to dance. I dreamt of becoming a great ballerina some day. I loved organizing. I have always wanted to make our world a better place to live for everyone to live happy. I like to learn different things. No one told me anything it was just always here inside me.

I knew I was different in the teenage years. I knew there were many things that I did not know. I could not be with everyone else. I said to myself why I am so different?  Why am I here with these people? I had many questions? I knew it was something else, I knew it in my heart, and then also my mind worked differently bigger than the biggest warehouse. I have seen all these things happening and I told myself I am going to fight to keep my mind. I have seen people give up and give in. I had a vision at 24, where I went up past the clouds into the thunder and lightning. I woke in a pool of sweat; this altered my life, my consciousness. It is unimaginable. I do not think it is the right time for this… I wish it was.

I was so glad to get my letter!!!! I was so excited to get my letter!!!!!I was on cloud nine!!!!! I keep seeing the apologies throughout my letter, Tiffany we are sorry. Tiffany we apologize. I did not care, Iwas just glad, I was RESCUED. I was rescued. The people like me have found me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The feeling cannot be described. I felt accepted with my first letter. I cannot forget I faxed it 17 times to make sure it went though. Then I mailed it and called and ask the person on the other end of the phone was it too late for me? She said no we go by the postage date.

A society with people who love each other. People who want to do what is right. Want to share and take care of our world for our children and grandchildren. I would never want this, what we go through for them.  We can do this. I can see this happening. I feel so good typing this. I feel all good things. Not any of the bad stuff in the outside world. I am glad you found me. I did cry later because I was so happy I was found, and I knew there was something else. I knew it.

Health, wealth, and peace mean everything to me. This is something our family and others desperately need. Health I want us all to live happily and disease free. Wealth we all should be secure and not have to worry and stress out this brings on problems with our health. Peace we all should have peace and harmony in our lives. Peace will bring in better heath and more value creation. This is what health, wealth, and peace mean to me.

I hope I did this right I have a degree in Business. I have a new product, I would like to market. I have a stack of new ideas all are different. I counted, I have 73 new ideas (and counting) for the present and the future after the TVP president is in office (new product not included).


Tiffany B

March 2025