Posts Tagged ‘80s’

I can hardly wait

I have been reading the Neothink material since the late ’80s. The changes that have taken place in me have been subtle. Little by little. Mark Hamilton sent me the same letter inviting me to own the Heirloom packages and I reached out for them immediately. That is when I learned about the Twelve Visions Party. Each vision has a full and stimulating description and I knew then I had found the future. Mark tells us in these writings about the Twelve Visions World. We must and we will leave behind us the anti-civilization we are living in. I am an evolving person. I am bringing love into this world. Each moment of my day I am sending love to my family and friends and even to people I do not know but know exist. We are living in rapidly changing times and Mark Hamilton is taking us into the best of times. He is taking us into the Twelve Visions World. It will be a world where the government will be for protection only and will not use force on us. Nor will we use force against another. We will not need to use force because we will leave behind the criminal mind which will be replaced with minds that value create for themselves and all of us. The Neothink Society is a society of people who know to be kind and loving to themselves. When we are kind and loving to ourselves, we are kind and loving to all others. We know it first starts with us. We know this because we have an exceptional mentor Mark Hamilton who teaches us how to be loving and kind within ourselves.




I have been reading Mark Hamilton’s books since the ’80s and still look forward to the next book. His books are the most up lifting material I have ever read. Each book gives me new valuable insights.

Kay S
New York City

Mark Hamilton

I have been reading Neothink books since the ’80s. My greatest gift from Mark Hamilton’s books has been to be an independent thinker. Mark Hamilton’s mentoring has given me self-leadership. There is an athenticity in his writings that urges me into self-leadership. I am guiding my family and friends into the mental shift and that shift is to know the purpose of life and that purpose is to live happily. Mark Hamilton’s mentoring is guiding the Neothink society into creating a government that will not use initiatory force against us. They will offer us protection ONLY. I am very excited about this. My life gets better every day. Thank you Mark Hamilton.
Kay S
New York

March 2025