Posts Tagged ‘6 years’

Neothink and Mark Hamilton has changed my life during the last 6 years

Neothink and Mark Hamilton has changed my life during the last 6 years.

My name is Santos, a Neothink member


My name is Santos, a Neothink member. I am writing this note because i want 2 thank Mark Hamilton 4 all the knowledge that he gave 2 me. I will tell u a little about my life, maybe this will help u decide whether neo think is good or not. About 6 years ago i felt lost and depressed due to the fact that I lost my mind. I did not understand what had happened, all I knew was that i was not in the ball game anymore. I would still do the normal activities that made me happy but deep down i felt lost. I went from been automatic to manual which at the moment I did not like. I wanted 2 be like a kid still, fully automatic, and not think about my reality. Anyways, i ended up going down the hole. I questioned my religion, my life, god, basically everything 2 the point that i basically went mentally insane. I felt like a mental patient deep inside, but in the outside i wouldn

To anyone interested in finding the truth within themselves!

To anyone interested in finding the truth within themselves!

My name is Terry R. I live in USA. I am 57 years old and I would like to share my story with you now.

All my life I have searched for answers to my purpose and to understand why life is the way it is. I am not a stupid man but I have done many stupid things. I have always been a hard worker and respected the rights of others to believe and to live their life as they wish. I am not here now to change your mind. Only you can do that. Only you can decide what is right for you. I believe that an example from real life is full of hidden and useful answers. If you have ever had an Ah Ha moment then you understand what I am saying. I do not know what I might say that will trigger your Ah Ha moment or even if you will have one but I believe that if you are reading this then you are also a seeker of the truth of your life and it is my great privilege to offer this opportunity to share my story.

When I was 20 years old I was serving in the US Army during the Viet Nam war. I was full of pride and I thought I knew all the answers. I believed that I could accomplish anything as long as I was good to people and gave without expectation of anything in return. I had a basic religious background as a Methodist and I believed in God and Jesus Christ. I married at 21 while I was in the service and my first child was born a year later. When I left military service in 1976 I was completely unprepared for the life that was ahead of me. My marriage was very unhappy as my wife was not interested in being faithful or loyal to me. She hated being tied to one man and forced me to divorce her after 6 years of tumultuous marriage. I was completely heart broken and disillusioned. My ex-wife had primary custody of my two children. At that time I never wanted to be with another woman again and because I worked away from my children I drove many miles each weekend to be with them. My profession was a civil engineering technician as I was a combat engineer in the army and I was able to find work in my field of expertise outside of the military. Over the next 8 years I worked away from home and I was bitter and depressed. The only thing that brought me any joy at all was being with my son and my daughter on the weekends. I had completely given up on life and I felt a victim of uncaring cruelty. I asked myself all the time why God had deserted me. I still had a lot to learn!

One day when I was home from a work assignment my friends asked me to go to the local bowling lanes for some fun. I did not wish to go but they insisted and so I went. One of their friends was there. She was single with two children of her own. I was being set up. It turned out that I became close to her and after some months of dating I moved in with her and her kids and I forgot my hatred of women and I began to think I could make a wonderful life again. It was during this time that I found Mark Hamilton and Neothink.

Mark Hamilton has help me

Mark Hamilton has help me a 35 year old here in Portland Oregon i am Vicente and for the most part i have had a hard time keeping down a job and what Mark has done is given me tools so i can keep a job down and then move on to my own business if i want the business that Mark Hamilton runs is nothing more than pure and honesty with all members that are part of this club and one more thing look at it like this we have lots of churches the door is open to any one right? well Mark Hamilton is saying the door is open for any one you do not have to that is up to any person like myself Vicente i step in NO one made me or paid me to step in i wanted to step in all on my own. Mark Hamilton has given me hope in m self to start my own business if i want to last thing here Mark Hamilton is NOT a crook in any way he is truthful and upfront and a very honest man let his business run i ask you not to shut him down it is helping people like me in a big way thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done for me it has been great i love the life i have taken on and by the way my little one that is 6 years old her name is Leann san martin all will be past down to her and she is a smart little one for her age so i am looking to see what happens when she gets older and when i pass down all the tools to her and see what she does with her life but my life has just got going thanks to Mark Hamilton Vicente

It is a honor to be a member of the neothink society

Dear Mark:
It is a honor to be a member of the neothink society let me said I been a member of the neothink society at list (6) years and my life change for the better I became smarter and wiser…..I have a bright future at head with so much to accomplish, went I get out of bed in the morning with great energy because I see in feel the future all because I take my mentality to next level of thinking.
I had gain so much knowledge from all the material I study during years of membership with the neothink society that I feel that my life is on journey to the future for riches and happiness and good health, honestly I feel like a superman I feel stronger and staying focused.
Said on I support the the twelve vision party is the way of building our childrens future in for our great country , this twelve vision party are build on honesty to bring forward wealth and riches to everyone in the world.
The twelve vision party may well bring a better future medicine and the anti-aging cure………
Vincent I. G

It is a honor to be a member of the Neothink society


Dear Mark:
It is a honor to be a member of the Neothink society let me said I been a member of the neo-think society at list (6) years and my life change for the better I became smarter and wiser…..I have a  bright future at head with so much to accomplish, went I get out of bed in the morning with great energy because I see in feel the future all because I take my mentality  to next level of thinking.
I had gain so much knowledge from all the material I study during years of membership with the Neothink society that I feel that my life is on journey to the future for riches and happiness  and good health, honestly I feel like a superman  I feel stronger and staying focused.
Said on I support the  the twelve vision party is the way of building our children’s future in for our great country ,  this twelve vision party are build on honesty to bring forward wealth and riches to everyone in the world.
The twelve vision party may well bring a better future medicine and the anti-aging cure………
Vincent I. G

Mark Hamilton has help me

Mark Hamilton   has  help me  a 35 year old  here in  portland oregon   i am  vicente and  for  the  most  part   i have had  a  hard time keeping  down a  job   and  what   Mark   has  done is   given  me   tools    so i can  keep  a  job  down and  then  move on   to  my own  business  if  i want     the  business  that   Mark  Hamilton  runs   is    nothing  more than  pure and    honesty    with   all  members  that  are  part  of this  club    and  one more thing    look at   it like this    we have  lots of churches   the  door is  open to any one   right?  well   Mark Hamilton  is    saying    the  door is open  for  any one    you  do not have  to    that is up  to  any person   like myself   vicente i step  in    NO  one  made me   or  paid  me  to step in   i  wanted  to step  in  all on my  own.       Mark  Hamilton  has  given me hope  in m self  to start  my own  business   if   i want  to  last  thing here   Mark Hamilton is   NOT  a  crook   in  any  way   he is  truthful   and  upfront   and  a  very  honest   man    let  his  business  run  i ask  you  not  to  shut  him  down   it is  helping  people like me  in a  big  way   thank you  Mark Hamilton   for all  you have  done  for  me   it  has  been great   i love  the life  i have  taken  on  and   by  the  way   my little one that is  6 years old   her  name is  Leann  san martin   all  will be  past  down to her   and   she   is  a   smart  little one  for her  age   so i am  looking  to see  what happens   when  she   gets  older  and  when  i  pass down  all the  tools  to her and see what   she  does with her  life   but   my  life  has   just   got  going   thanks   to  Mark Hamilton     vicente

March 2025