Posts Tagged ‘45 years’

I started questioning life in general at an early age


I started questioning life in general at an early age. Always wondering why things were the way they were. Always thinking that life should be better than what I was seeing.
I am now 45 years old, on my second marriage, and mother of 4 beautiful daughters. Nothing has ever gone the way that I supposed it should go. Seemed the harder I tried the worse things got.
Upon receiving my very first letter from the Society last June, things started getting better. I must tell you that when I received that first letter I was definitely at a very low point in my life. I had even thought of suicide. I opened it and read the first paragraph and threw it on the table declaring that it was a bunch of bunk!
But I did not throw it away and I was pulled back to reading it everyday. I responded to that letter and my life now has meaning. I consider that first letter from the Society to be the most important piece of mail I have ever received.
I read all literature from that point that I received from the Neothink Society with a religious conviction. THIS WAS IT!!! This was what I had been searching for my whole life! Answers to my biggest questions. Answers that nobody else had ever offered.
I am now a very PROUD member of the Neothink Society!
Applying the knowledge gained, from reading the Society’s literature, to my everyday life, has allowed me to add more value to my life than I have ever known. The LOVE I have found here is what I ALWAYS said life should be about. EVERYTHING about the Society IS what life should be for ALL!
So… If you receive a letter or an invitation from The Society of Secrets. HOLD on to it for dear life! YOU want to be a member!
Mark Hamilton and ALL of my Neothink brothers and sisters, I am thankful each and everyday for ALL of you! With EVERY ounce of Neothink Love,
Deb H

Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life

The Neothink® Society, Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life.
As a young child I knew that a better life must exist, but it always seemed just out of my reach. I was raised to believe that external authorities beyond my control; impinged upon my ability to succeed. Happily living as a successful student, professional, husband and father; I’m much wiser at 45 years old.
My name is John M. S from Phoenix, AriZona. When I received an invitation to join the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I had worked for many years in Corporate America. My bills were usually paid on time, allowing me to focus on creating a great family life, but I had reached a ceiling that I could not break through. I was producing the same values over and over again, merely maintaining my life; not growing to higher levels. Through the amazing literature created by Mark Hamilton and shared through the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I realized either I was going to live my life according to the hurdles and stumbling blocks that lie before me, or I was going to live my life according to where I wanted to go.
I was 100% responsible for my position in life, my outlook on life, the Happiness, Prosperity & Romantic Love that flowed into my life. I immediately adopted a manta, “Be & Allow” – I must Be who I think I need to Be & I must Allow everyone around me to be whoever they need to be.
I DO NOT Possess the Ability, the Desire or the Right, to Change anyone, but Myself!
Our society tends to dictate that the older someone becomes the less value they have, when reality dictates the Opposite. The older we become, the more experience we have – So, the greater value we possess for ourselves, our family & the world.
I’ve been asked, “What is the Neothink® Society & the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)?” “What values will I gain?” In six words; “Self Empowering Individuals through Self Responsibility”.
Progressing further into this amazing literature, it dawns on me – it is all up to me! Few tools in life will serve us better than constant Searching! Life and Success build upon themselves, as formally unreachable goals become our new reality. Failure will become a non-option, as it exists for me. I have and you will discover this new vision when you understand Neothink®; a wide scope vision you never knew you had. You will begin to observe your immediate surroundings and learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this better?” “How can I improve this situation?” As these thoughts course through your brain, new and exciting doors will open up; doors that were right in front of you the whole time, you simply couldn’t see them before!
Eventually, we realize that there exist No Problems, only Undiscovered Solutions!
By utilizing simple tools and techniques found within the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I have learned to never fear my Chosen Direction.
Greatest of All, I Finally Understand the Source of all Happiness. I have a newly developing ability to actually Create whatever Future, I Choose for Myself. I’m creating a Future of Happiness & Prosperity – Not only for me; but for my family & for the entire world.
Because of the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I now have Fully Integrated Honesty in all my Dealings. Fully Integrated Honesty, what does this mean?
Why not simply be Honest? Is Truth different from Honesty?
Truth is a manipulative concept in the sense that it may be altered depending upon who is in power and who is interrupting that truth. Honesty on the other hand is unchanging. It crosses all racial, gender and opinion boundaries –
. . . For Honesty at its Irreducible Value is best described as ‘What Is!’
Regardless of your past experiences, your current situation in life or your future goals; you already possess one of the greatest powers in existence, and that is Voluntary Choice.
I Hereby Invite You, to Stand Up, Listen to the Genius within You and Embrace a set of tools and techniques that are timeless in nature and that Will Allow You . . . . .
To live a Happy, Meaningful and Important Life of your own Choosing,
While helping others to Succeed; the Life I know I was Meant to Live and
“The Life I think We were All meant to Live!”

A Prayer Answered

After 45 years of desiring to obtain knowledge of mental accuracy, I received a communication from Mark Hamilton inviting me to acquire and evaluate some of his value sustaining literature. I did acquire some of his presentations and began to fill some of the missing bits of knowledge that I needed to think effectively. Knowledge that would enhance my ability to prolifically create and produce values.

Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life . . .


The Neothink® Society, Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and Mark Hamilton; Saved My Life . . . . .
As a young child I knew that a better life must exist, but it always seemed just out of my reach. I was raised to believe that external authorities beyond my control; impinged upon my ability to succeed.  Happily living as a successful student, professional, husband and father; I’m much wiser at 45 years old.  
My name is John M. S. from Phoenix, AriZona.  When I received an invitation to join the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I had worked for many years in Corporate America.  My bills were usually paid on time, allowing me to focus on creating a great family life, but I had reached a ceiling that I could not break through.  I was producing the same values over and over again, merely maintaining my life; not growing to higher levels.    Through the amazing literature created by Mark Hamilton and shared through the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I realized either I was going to live my life according to the hurdles and stumbling blocks that lie before me, or I was going to live my life according to where I wanted to go.    
I was 100% responsible for my position in life, my outlook on life, the Happiness, Prosperity & Romantic Love that flowed into my life.  I immediately adopted a manta, “Be & Allow” – I must Be who I think I need to Be & I must Allow everyone around me to be whoever they need to be.  
I DO NOT Possess the Ability, the Desire or the Right, to Change anyone, but Myself!
Our society tends to dictate that the older someone becomes the less value they have, when reality dictates the Opposite.  The older we become, the more experience we have – So, the greater value we possess for ourselves, our family & the world.  
I’ve been asked, “What is the Neothink® Society & the Twelve Visions Party (TVP)?” – “What values will I gain?”  In six words; “Self Empowering Individuals through Self Responsibility”.
Progressing further into this amazing literature, it dawns on me – it is all up to me!  Few tools in life will serve us better than constant Searching!  Life and Success build upon themselves, as formally unreachable goals become our new reality.  Failure will become a non-option, as it exists for me.  I have and you will discover this new vision when you understand Neothink®; a wide scope vision you never knew you had.  You will begin to observe your immediate surroundings and learn to ask yourself, “How can I make this better?”  “How can I improve this situation?”  As these thoughts course through your brain, new and exciting doors will open up; doors that were right in front of you the whole time, you simply couldn’t see them before!  

Eventually, we realize that there exist No Problems, only Undiscovered Solutions!
By utilizing simple tools and techniques found within the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I have learned to never fear my Chosen Direction.  
Greatest of All, I Finally Understand the Source of all Happiness.  I have a newly developing ability to actually Create whatever Future, I Choose for Myself.  I’m creating a Future of Happiness & Prosperity – Not only for me; but for my family & for the entire world.
Because of the Neothink® Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP), I now have Fully Integrated Honesty in all my Dealings.  Fully Integrated Honesty, what does this mean?  
Why not simply be Honest?  Is Truth different from Honesty?   
Truth is a manipulative concept in the sense that it may be altered depending upon who is in power and who is interrupting that truth.  Honesty on the other hand is unchanging.  It crosses all racial, gender and opinion boundaries –

. . . For Honesty at its Irreducible Value is best described as ‘What Is!’

Regardless of your past experiences, your current situation in life or your future goals; you already possess one of the greatest powers in existence, and that is Voluntary Choice.  
I Hereby Invite You, to Stand Up, Listen to the Genius within You and Embrace a set of tools and techniques that are timeless in nature and that Will Allow You . . . . .

To live a Happy, Meaningful and Important Life of your own Choosing,
While helping others to Succeed; the Life I know I was Meant to Live and
“The Life I think We were All meant to Live!”

I had the opportunity to study Mark Hamilton’s Neothink

My  name is Steve. I am 45 years old. I have a decent paying job and have been current on a mortgage and living within my means for quite a few years now. It is important to me that I tell you this so that you will understand that I am not trying to sell you on anything.

A little short of 2 years ago I had the opportunity to study Mark Hamilton’s Neothink, and apply it too my life. As of this writing I am paying the same mortgage on the same house and working the same decent paying job that I was as when I first began studying and applying Neothink. Here’s the difference.

Before coming into Neothink I was a person who most of my waking hours was dwelling in a state of negative thinking. Everything I saw on the news, heard on the radio, read in newspapers was “making me feel bad”.  I was easily affected by the information that was being passed on to me in the mainstream media.

By adopting and applying a very simple and easily understood set of concepts to my life, I have come to a state of mind that is no longer encumbered by the baggage of unwanted negative emotions. Please understand that I am not trying to say that all is well in the world.  We all know that things are deteriorating rapidly. And we also know that sooner or later something will have to give.

However, when I go about my day ,  I solve my problems without worrying about what the things that are out of my control are going to do to interfere in my progress. I simply assess the situation apply some very simple principles and concepts to these problems, and have found that all the bad news I was hearing and all the negativity can only bring me down into a reduced quality of life if I let it. By being able to see things as they are and not as others tell me that they are, I have now come to attain a sense of self confidence and self reliability that makes me feel happier and more fulfilled now than I have ever felt in my life. I am beginning to realize my life’s dreams now. I also know that I have it within myself to live my dreams and increase my quality of life without interfering with the well being of others. And if I can do that then anyone can.

All we ask is that we be allowed to exercise our fundamental right to live in Peace. It’s a simple idea really. I will not initiate force, threat of force, fraud or coercion against any individual’s self, property, or contract.  I ask that you consider that simple primary law for a while. As near as I can tell it contains no errors. I honestly believe that on the day when we can all see the value in, and honestly apply that law in our lives, then that day will be then dawn of true Peace and happiness for all.

March 2025