Posts Tagged ‘17 years’

With Mark Hamilton techniques and Neothink tools…

Hello, I am Sharon one of the founding member of the Neothink Society.
As a child, I had a great imagination. I was always finding ways to put things together and asking questions. My father noticed that I was eager to putts and fix thing. My brother had sawed one of my stills in half and I tried to fix it with no luck. That was when my father decides he better give me something to do before I fixed my brother.
Years pasted and I was still puttsin’, fixing things and still asking questions. In the nineties, when President Clinton was in office I was receiving one of the European Newspapers light orange color and the Kansas City Star. You have guessed! I lived in Kansas for 17 years before coming back home to Wisconsin. I liked reading and always eager to know what was going on in the world. Reading always created more questions. Here we go again! More questions! This time the articles didn’t seem to fit. Something was not quit right between the European and KC Newspapers. Something was missing! I couldn’t put my finger on it. This really bothered me. I started to cut the articles out of both the newspapers put them in a folder to keep them intact.
After receiving a large number of articles, I decided to lay them all out on the floor in their specific category. I would step back, read the titles and rearrange the groups. After doing this I started to power think about why this was bothering me. I would read the titles over and over, power think, really deep concentration and rearrange the groups. I stepped back a little further and then it hit me. All those little groups fit together to make one large group. It was like little puzzles fitting together to make one large/ super puzzle. I could see the reason why it bothered me. The Europeans knew what was going on in America six months before we did. I had the same response as to when my brother cut one of still in half. I was confused and I didn’t want to believe it. So I buried it and from time to time it would surface. I didn’t know how to handle it.
Back then I was alone with these new ideas and new understandings. I didn’t have away to deal with these new understandings. Knowing I was just a little different from the rest of the community around me, I was searching for answers, eager to learn and sometimes wondering why I am this way. At the same time, wanting to be accepted for the person I had become. For an example, one of my sisters told me after I made a comment about how hard life was for the people in the picture hanging on the wall in the restaurant, “Sharon, you have too much time to thinks!”
Now as a member of Neothink Society I have people around me with like values. They have had similar experiences and similar ideas. They are searchers. They are members of a Society that have the Secrets for Wealth, Health and Safety. With Mark Hamilton techniques and Neothink tools you can have life changing advantages. By learning how to bring the inner child to the surface, you can tap into the child of the past and take those ideas and dreams to reality.
As a member of an exclusive Society the members share in your successes as you watch your life transform each day. This was the best thing I ever did.
I deeply appreciate the opportunity that Mark Hamilton has given me for the value I have received from Mark Hamilton, his Neothink S0ciety, his literature, and his growing TVP political movement
Thank you,

I can barely express in words…



      I can barely express in words what Mark Hamilton, Neothink, and the Twelve Visions Party has meant to me over the last 17 years. My exposure to the initial literature expanded my consciousness and tore down the boundaries that had build up in my mind throughout the years prior to Neothink. It was like experiencing the most momentous sunrise the world has ever witnessed, and it happened inside my own mind, heart and soul. Neothink gives us hope for limitless prosperity and eternal joy. It integrates and encompasses everything human beings are meant to be and become. Through the Twelve Visions Party, the people of earth will forge an eternal value based society free of value destroying vestiges of the past. My self-worth, confidence, sense of hope and motivation to be everything that I can be has been deeply influenced by everything Neothink represents. I can’t imagine a world without it. Mark, I support everything you and all other members of the Neothink society are doing to bring our world into a new Renaissance. It will be a Renaissance, an enlightenment, that will surpass all others of the past. We shall soon join our neighbors throughout the cosmos in the application of the geometric expansion of knowledge, forever!  Mr. Hamilton, if you need anything, just ask. Thank you Mark Hamilton. Thank you Neothink.

March 2025