phooey to the media

I received your first book, read it and realized I am not alone in this crazy, frivolous world.
So many are fooled by the media, accepting all the foolish notions they (the media) puts in front of us. They have become a big advertisement for whatever wares they offer rather than to seek truth and to expose it. And if they have an agenda to destroy something or someone, they have become very capable in doing so. What they don’t realize is that not everyone falls for it.
The world, politics, police, and governments are corrupt and we are obligated to pay for it all through our taxes. I must admit that I don’t agree with everything in your books, but with most. From how to live respectfully and lovingly with those we share our lives with, to politics and how it should be run, to how no matter how well intentioned religion is, the damage it can and has caused, your books bring to light the wrong that is going on and how we, as individuals, can make a difference.
I have not been asked for a penny other than to purchase the books I have. I have purchased three books and have hope that I will one day find where my strengths are that will take me to heights I never imagined because of what I have learned in these books. It is one of the few purchases I have made that I don’t feel guilty about because as I said earlier, it gives me reason to believe that I am not alone in the way I think and how to live in the world I want to live in.
Keep going for it is through mistakes, hard work, and criticisms that all the greats have gone on to find their greatness.


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March 2025