During my 40 year successful business career …

During my 40 year successful business career, my first jobs after college and some Graduate School while starting my MBA Program, were with four major United States based Corporations. all house-hold word names throughout the country.

Later in life, when I switched gears and went into the business world years after starting my own company, I became familiar with the Neothink System and its newly developed thinking and approach to building and creating successful corporate structures that created wealth by these newly advanced and proven principles.

As I became more familiar with the simple, new design of business structures following the Neothink System, I came to quickly realize how much waste of human resources, lack of any control, along with ill spent excess funds these major corporations had been throwing away, following their continued,

I will help save Neothink.

Mark Hamilton,

I will help save Neothink.

I have read all of the Neothink material

I have read all of the Neothink material and am an avid supporter of Mark Hamilton.

Neothink is the cutting edge of the future of mankind

Neothink is the cutting edge of the future of mankind.

As I read over all 3 of my heirloom packages of Neothink

My name is Darin S. and this is my testimonial on Neothink.

The Neothink manuscripts are truly good

The Neothink manuscripts are truly good.

When I received the Neothink Heirloom books …

Dear Mark:

When I received the Neothink Heirloom books, I read through them and felt quite overwhelmed.

I was asked to join the Neothink Society …

I was asked to join the Neothink Society a couple of years ago.

When I found myself in earlier age …

Dear Mark Hamilton,

When I found myself in earlier age, I always had these questions; Why there is poor and rich.

I want to thank you a million times for the Neothink Society

Hi Mark,

I want to thank you a million times for the Neothink Society.

January 2025