The core theme of your Neothink work …


The core theme of your Neothink work, I believe I have gleaned, is to drive positive behavior in humans.

Mark Hamilton deserves much respect

Mark Hamilton deserves much respect, admiration and appreciation.

I used to think that "Neothink" was much of …

I used to think that “Neothink” was much of an Utopia;

Now I believe that life without “Neothink” it is unthinkable.

Alberto F

The Neothink literature has come to stay

The Neothink literature has come to stay, since exposed to Neothink my life has been transformed to exhilaration and hopeful, mankind should come and see and experience the light, we are happy with Neothink system.

I have read most of your Neothink books …


I have read most of your Neothink books that I have received and believe they show a new perspective on life.

I want to say that reading the Neothink material …

I want to say that reading the Neothink material has put hope back in my life.

For people who want to be all they can be

Dear Mr. Hamilton,

For people who want to be all they can be.

I was really intrigued when I received …

Dear Mark Hamilton,

I was really intrigued when I received the first invitation to find out more about your writings.

Neothink has renewed my way of thinking

Neothink has renewed my way of thinking.

Mark Hamilton and Neothink …

Mark Hamilton and Neothink are truly the only way to finally set you free from this crazy world we live in. Neothink and its Inside secrets will launch you into a new tomorrow.

January 2025