Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party means the world to me

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party means the world to me. I can hardly begin to explain in words the values that have been provided to me through this society.I used to be a searcher. Always looking for the real meaning in my life. I never accepted a lot of ideas and ways of mainstream society. I intuitively always felt that things weren’t right on many levels in our society. But, I couldn’t figure out what it was. So I had a feeling of dissatisfaction and malaise while always wondering what it is I was searching for. I was looking for answers. Then came Neothink. It was an epiphany for me. I was never the same. Everything I read and learned made sense to me. They answered the intuitive unanswered questions I was looking for. Life now had meaning for me. I had a new found hope. I hope that the Neothink society can continue to grow and eventually be accepted by mainstream society. We will all be better off.I want to live in a Neothinking world, like in the novel “Annabelle’s Secret”, which is the best book I ever read. Nothing would break my heart more than to see this all this destroyed.Mark Hamilton is an awesome guy and would make a wonderful leader one day. Please give him a chance. You know how corrupt our government and media is. You can’t trust what they say. Marilyn Siddiqi


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March 2025