Mark Hamilton, thanks to you I had…

Dear Mr. Hamilton:

I am going to assume that I am actually writing to you. I was a bit dismayed at receiving this e-mail. Let me back up a bit. I always knew that I was missing something I could not place my finger on. When I was 20 I read The Magic of Believing and it seemed to reacquaint me with a feeling that I cannot place into words but somehow I had felt it before. I never stopped looking. Then, I came across your materials and read everything. Again, I had re-discovered a long lost feeling that was to be described as nothing less than exhilaration and because I am of an entrepreneurial mindset a person who has multiple patents and trademarks I had an intense increase in the feeling that anything is possible and there are no barriers other than what is imposed upon us by those people who are not creators but love to control and dampen any human spirit so that they are looked upon as the only true source of knowledge when that could not further from the truth and is outright laughable.

My belief is that people at this point in time are infants for the most part in this way of thinking. Mark Hamilton, thanks to you I had the pleasure of ordering Kevin’s CD’s which was another eye opener which still has me on a natural high. The average person in those few times I talk about the law of attraction or God man or anything remotely of this nature I am looked upon as an alien. Unless people are spoon fed in mass these concepts, little by little, the average person who’s main thinking is going to a nine to five job, getting bogged down with a 40 year mortgage, getting a big screen tv , sending their kids to a second rate college and thinking that is the height of what they can accomplish in this life and that is the American Dream are going to look at us like we have 3 heads if out of the blue you discuss the Neothink philosophy.

My opinion is that these concepts first have to be worked into the masses before you can hope to run for an office or legitimize a political party. Ignorance of the masses of these concepts will be used in order to foster fear, disinformation, rumor, lies etc. so that those in power continue to keep the veil over the eyes of the majority. Now, most people somewhere deep inside feel that there is another way but just don’t know where to turn or who to trust.

I think a book or movement should concentrate on value producers vs. value destroyers and clearly explain what this means with real world examples and the implications of this. Initially, God Man, living forever etc. would only be looked upon as radical and wacko etc. at this point in time. When people not so far up the road see that anything imagined can be realized they will no longer see these concepts as radical nor fear those who espouse them.

At this moment , the average indoctrinated, brainwashed person can understand value producers vs. value destroyers and that would be a good first step. Since I listen to talk radio on a daily basis, the democrats are portrayed whether they know it or not as value destroyers by the right. Once the spotlight is placed on the value destroyer class whether it be by the Neothink Society, the NEOTHINK SOCIETY Party or any party that understands the concept this will be the beginning of the end for those who which to hold down progress and withhold the ability for the general public to live the life that you have envisioned in your books. By the public becoming comfortable with this knowledge will open the door for other Neothink concepts to be introduced.

Do not think you have to do anything at any particular time. Afterall, you are in charge. You release what you feel can be absorbed and appreciated at this moment. Most people are truly infants in these matters and reaching them has to be a gradual learning experience.

Your materials always work like a reality snap back into the unending possibilities for me.




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March 2025