Mark Hamilton, My Opinion of a Trade Mark Name in Philanthropy

Mark Hamilton, My Opinion of a Trade Mark Name in Philanthropy

Recently I was invited to attend the Neothink® Societies “World Neothink® Day Celebrations.” These celebrations where conceptualized by the members of the Neothink® Society itself, and they were fully supported via financial funding by Mr. Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink® Society. Not only were these celebrations held through out our country, but they were also broadcast at each location to the internet via several websites that Mark Hamilton, Founder of the Neothink® Society, set up specifically to broadcast these wonderful events to those members which were unable to travel to the events themselves.

This is how the society members are given an opportunity to excel in their own creative essences; and these essences promote maximum value creation for each other, and to the world itself. This is a replication of the philanthropic efforts of Mr. Mark Hamilton as shown to his members via his financial backing of this member conceptualized event.

Because I am a single parent, caring for a disabled young adult, I was not able to attend the events. As I clicked to the events in Ohio, California, and other areas throughout our United States, I became overwhelmed with the understanding of just how much love was being displayed both by the members of the Neothink® Society to each other, as well as by Mr. Hamilton himself to his members through his monetary commitment to their creative ideas!

I thought to myself about how we see a lot of wealthy individuals today who are unwilling to see the needs of the common people, much less contribute to those needs. What a beautiful philanthropic effort Mr. Hamilton actualizes with his development of his inspirationally educational writings and his invitation of membership into the Neothink® Society itself. This membership provides weekly interactive conference calls which educate, enlighten, and encourage us to live life to the fullest by utilizing the tools provided within the member website. These tools include access to the Libraries of Mark Hamilton, the Vision Business Alliance, the Twelve Visions Party®, the highly stimulating Clubhouse Meetings, recorded conference calls, Global Information Network business training, as well as highly stimulating member conversations on the website member bulletin boards, all of which provide exceptional tools for those that want to pursue their passion for living the abundant life.

The word, “Philanthropy” originates from the Ancient Greek language which meant, “ to love people.” The dictionary defines Philanthropy as the act of donating money, goods, services, time and/or effort to support a socially beneficial cause, with a defined objective, and with no financial or material reward to the donor. The philanthropy of Mark Hamilton embraces the altruistic activities such as World Neothink® Day with the intention to promote good and improve the human quality of life. Altruism, (from Latin: alter-the other), is defined as the deliberate pursuit of the interests or welfare of others or the public interest.

So Mr. Hamilton, I want to say, “Thank You.” Thank you for reaching out to the world with your valuable insights, compassionate love, and monetary resources. It reminds me of something Jesus (a highly conscious man) said to a trouble world. “Let your Light so shine among men, that they may see your good works, and in so doing bring glory to the heavens.” Mr. Hamilton again I say, “Thank you” for your great light of inspiration and hope…

Elaine Ray



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March 2025