Mark Hamilton! Look How the Neothink Society Expands!

Dear Mark Hamilton,
It happened again! Just when I thought I had seen everything the Neothink Society has to offer, suddenly there is something new! Or actually… like three or four new things! It happened while I was listening to last Wednesday’s national A-Team call (2/17/2010): and I saw how your apprentices were creating even more values for me, for all members of the Neothink Society, and for the world. Their efforts in the direction of the Business Alliance and Health and Wellness helped me see a whole new vision. With so many people steadily building values, one little effort after one little integration, your Neothink Society really is growing into something that no one will be able to resist! I can hardly believe the value that I gain simply by being a member! Look at all of these BENEFITS! And they keep on growing from the pure love of your apprentices!
Mark Hamilton, I would love to learn more about the moment when you saw this vision: when you saw your apprentices growing and growing the value of the Neothink Society into a product that delivers 100x or 1000x or 10Millionx the value of what is paid by new members.
If there had been “no doubt” before about the coming Twelve Visions World; Now, Mark Hamilton, it is an absolute certainty!
Thank you for creating the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton. It is the most amazing thing that I have ever comprehended, and gets better with each passing week! I can hardly wait to add more of my own contributions to this absolute marvel!
Love & Pride to be here helping it grow!
Yon Cole


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March 2025