Mark Hamilton is definitely a pioneer

What the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) means to me is putting the choice in people’s hands to act on what our instinctive human nature is: Love, peace, freedom, and creation of wealth, values, and prosperity. Only through the TVP will we see this happen. I live in a city where I see, day in and day out, people living in anguish and despair because they have lost their job or their government benefits have been depleted, and I see hope disappear from their eyes — only replaced with a sadness and a dejection of the heart. As a result, the crime rate has increased with crimes of desperation, such as robbery and hurt on other individuals through acts of initiatory force. The reason, I believe, people force harm on others is because they don’t know any other way to do things to bring peace of mind into their lives. Lately, we see the corruption and dishonest propaganda from greedy politicians who don’t value the lives of the public and who continually use the media to brainwash society into a mold they see fit. The TVP, putting more fulfillment and wealth into everyday lives will see an end to almost all acts of crime and terrorism. These actions put into effect will lower and then end taxes, and put the money back into its hard-working citizen’s hands.
The TVP, under the Prime Law, will bring those things to cease. I see injustices and those being tried in courts unjustly and punished for crimes that do not bring any harm to anyone. Yet the greedy politicians believe it is for the “social good.” Yet they become hypocrites because they then turn around and do the same thing they punish the small person for. But it is alright for them to do it because they are somehow privileged in this regard. The TVP will take power out of the hands of greedy politicians and back into the power of the people using market businessmen and women — the very people who seek to build the economy and create values in our lives, not destroy it. I believe that this is the only way to feel a worldwide peace that has been promised to generations before us. Now we have the capabilities, technology, and worldwide support to see this reality become actualized. If you ever want to feel that peaceful feeling of relief, then the TVP will be here to show mankind how we can do this.
Mark Hamilton is definitely a pioneer and an individual who purely and honestly loves mankind. He isn’t looking to make money off of the world’s hard work and honest living, but rather is showing the world an honest and true way to live — one where we are true to ourselves, each other, and our families. Only through the TVP will we live in a loving and peaceful world, one where cures for disease and poverty will be brought to light even more. The greedy, parasitical politicians won’t do this, instead they say there is no cure for cancer or diabetes (only a treatment for these diseases) because they fill their wallets with money made from the big pharmaceutical companies. If people cured these diseases using natural remedies, then big pharmaceutical companies would go bankrupt because no one is buying their drugs. Drugs only make people’s lives harder and more difficult to progress and grow to the fullest potential a human being can. With these limitations in place, the Politicians become an unstoppable force and continue to lie to the public for the “social good,” to enslave mankind so that the only way out of our problems is putting our hopes and dreams in this modern-day government system. The TVP will finally bring power back to the democracy our forefathers intended, and our government will become the machine it was meant to be — to bring wealth, peace, love, freedom, and prosperity to all mankind forever and ever!
Love and Peace!


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March 2025