Mark Hamilton has help me

Mark Hamilton has help me a 35 year old here in Portland Oregon i am Vicente and for the most part i have had a hard time keeping down a job and what Mark has done is given me tools so i can keep a job down and then move on to my own business if i want the business that Mark Hamilton runs is nothing more than pure and honesty with all members that are part of this club and one more thing look at it like this we have lots of churches the door is open to any one right? well Mark Hamilton is saying the door is open for any one you do not have to that is up to any person like myself Vicente i step in NO one made me or paid me to step in i wanted to step in all on my own. Mark Hamilton has given me hope in m self to start my own business if i want to last thing here Mark Hamilton is NOT a crook in any way he is truthful and upfront and a very honest man let his business run i ask you not to shut him down it is helping people like me in a big way thank you Mark Hamilton for all you have done for me it has been great i love the life i have taken on and by the way my little one that is 6 years old her name is Leann san martin all will be past down to her and she is a smart little one for her age so i am looking to see what happens when she gets older and when i pass down all the tools to her and see what she does with her life but my life has just got going thanks to Mark Hamilton Vicente


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March 2025