Mark Hamilton and the TVP

I wanted to send you this email to say fear not nothing can stop this just know this in your heart I send you the golden Christ light to surround you with God’s ultimate wisdom and protection I was sent to you by your Father from the Twelve Visions World you need true people around you and as of the TVP you have your people that are the foundation for you and what you are trying to do Like I said you are more then welcome to hire me as your body guard I am trained Pro mixed maritial arts fighter I have personally survived many attacks in life and I still stand strong if I told you what I went through for the past 15 years it would bring tears to your eyes I am A suvivor and nothing the AC can throw at me can stop me they tried and failed I have more strength from the attacks we will win this battle its over already I am not saying it wont be hard I am just saying if we have to go to battle lets do this now I have no fear what so ever and I cover you in all that God has gifted me with life is a battle so lets not fear this lets take out those who chose to try to fight us they dont stand a chance we have to bring forth the light of the Twelve Visions World the people of the earth need this together we go forth to win the war GOD BLESS YOU MARK I AM GOING FORTH IN ALL THAT MY SPIRIT HAS WILLING TO LAY MY LIFE DOWN FOR THE CAUSE THAT BRINGS FORTH THE BLESSINGS OF THE TWELVE VISIONS WORLD!!!!


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March 2025