Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions

Dear Mark Hamilton,
The Neothink Society, indeed, brings out the very best in individuals (my strongly held opinion)…I certainly think it has in me. My wife thinks so, too. We now share all experiences and events in our lives with greater intensity!!
Am also relating to others in a far improved way! Basically, I really like who I am, now, and where I am going in and with my life…at 60+ years of age…this is the new 20 for me…it really is all a state-of-mind. My renewed intensity and vigor for the gusto of life (ie: the Child-of-the-Universe concepts as articulated so well in Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions literature…are definitely a societal value folks). They are nothing short of amazing to me. I have a very strong desire to live & prosper (circa Star Trek) for a long, long time (another 90 years will work—at least given my present mindset) to experience it all—and all is a lot!! Great stuff (Hamilton’s Twelve Vision’s literature)…recommending it highly…please, get it, study it, absorb it and apply it…it is very logical and makes sense. It really does change lives for the better if absorbed in the full intended context with wide scope accounting! However, this is not a quick fix…so, be prepared for a fantastic mind voyage and hoist the sails!!
Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions bring into focus the conceptual idea that society’s business value creators either are OR definitely should be highly prized, valued and exalted for their individual societal contributions (our new “hero” paradigm). When is the last time anyone in this anti-civilization heard very much about something like that? I suggest very little on the 6 o’clock news, very little in the newspapers, none in all of the political pontificating, very little from pulpits, and very, precious little in our anti-civilization…period. Moving back to positive, the Twelve Visions literature stimulates and really does allow creative thought to cleanse the mind via the vanquish of mysticisms that plague us. Contribution to or better yet creation of something entirely new of actual value to and/or for society becomes the new, intoxicating, & individualistic norm, doesn’t it?
I recently joined a Southern California (Twelve Visions) Clubhouse…it has been a fantastic milestone in my continued Neothinking / Twelve Visions journey. To be finally affiliated with like-minded individuals who really do “sincerely” care about each other in a deeply moving and very passionate, affectionate way is great! I have you, Mark Hamilton, to personally thank for that! You, obviously, are a very caring (30 years worth of value creation…or so) person, yourself. I highly value you for having provided that amazing contribution! It simply flows from your Twelve Visions literature—I marvel every single time that I ponder them (the Visions) and what they mean to me and how they encourage me. I feel…pride of who I am now, the power to take back what is deserved (ie, am referring to that which has been taken from me mostly via government’s bogus laws, rules & regulations), control of my future, happiness from the journey, and the desire to share it (the Visions) with others, in-other-words “what used to be boundaries” is now “boundless limitlessness”. They (the Visions) have helped me more than you will ever know in myriads of ways, many that I have lost track of. All have worked to focus me to be a new and improved me…I am without a doubt a work-in-progress…it is the journey (roughly 3 years+) and I am thoroughly enjoying it more than ever! What a journey it is…highly recommended to all comers, especially new comers…the emphasis being on “highly”!!!
Finally, I have been heavily involved with 12 other like-minded budding, business entrepreneurs (via the Neothink Business Alliance) from all over the United States…this is remarkably extraordinary in that two months ago we didn’t even know each other…now, we are forming a very serious business enterprise (corporation) together. Much of the business detail has already been hammered out in weekly telephone calls and Webinar sessions (2 to 3 hours each…very intense Neo-Thinking activity)…it is literally wonderful…so much fun coupled with the intense work…the way it should be for everyone, all the time…I think!! Many from the Team will meet in Las Vegas very soon to finalize the business details, coupled with the immediate & strategic go-forward plans. THIS BUSINESS ALLIANCE AND AFFILIATION WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING WITHOUT MARK HAMILTON’S TWELVE VISIONS…THAT IS FACT. Credit must go to him for encouraging this Team, to hone and focus our ability “to power think (Neothink)”, thus to believe, take action, excuses be gone…get ‘er done! Our objective is to have the business (corporation) up and running before Christmas 2009. We “can do” (borrowed from the US Navy Seabees)…& we definitely shall do! I can’t wait!
If anyone reading this hasn’t yet…please, seek out and join a local NeoThink Clubhouse, get the literature, read it, translate it to an actionable plan, implement the plan…see you “all” on the Beaches of the World!
Paul S S


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March 2025