Life Lifting Inspiration Is Mine Through Mark Hamilton’s Vision of Happiness For Me….


When I consider my life, and the events of my life as they have unfolded, I see a chart that clearly defines just how much coming into contact with the Neothink® Society of Mark Hamilton has reinserted the life lifting joy that I was meant to have.  Please view my Pictorial Testimony, below, for a clear picture of just how thankful I am to have received the books and inspirations of Mark Hamilton. 

  • In the beginning you will notice that I was at the highest level of life.  A new birth. I had it all waiting to unfold before me.  As an innocent child I received constant love and attention to my needs.  This gave me inspiration to live and grow.


  • In the world I soon began to sit up and explore my new world. I looked out to the world with pure excitement for each new life experience. Everything I did was pure joy and happiness for me as I continued to experience my life of wonder.


  • Then I began to walk; this was when I started my journey of independence in life.  Sometimes I fell down; this is when I experienced unhappiness for the first time.  

               But I continued on walking through life supported by the love of my friends and Family.

  • As I continued to grow, I learned to become an independent individual.  Now I have experienced happiness, self-discovery, sadness coupled with happiness; and have gained the ability to learn from life’s lessons.  These lessons now form my ideas on what life means to me.   I still believe in seeking happiness and joy in life as I journey on. 


  • As I got older in life’s journey. I did well in college; I had started to think about what I wanted my future to become.  But I was on my own now and I knew my life was going to be what I made of it.  I worked hard in school so that I could become an achiever in life.  I Soon became successful in life after college…I was working in the education field.  Then something had happened in time; now my life was just about my job. I had lost my joy for living and I felt I was just in a rut.  


  •       I had it all….good career, owned my home, paid all my bills on time, established a 401K; I should have been happy right?  No, as you can see when connecting the dots, my life has been in constant decline.  Why is that? It is because something had been forgotten in life as I had moved through meeting life’s responsibilities….I had forgotten to value the beauty that is me, the Joy of Living Life!  I lost my creativity for living life joyfully.


  •      Then it happened…..


I received a letter from Mark Hamilton that has totally changed my life.  I began to read his life altering manuscripts, and I joined the Neothink® Society.  It was as if I had received a letter sealed in a bottle, and tossed out to me where I stood alone on the shores of life’s disillusionment. Because of the material I read in Mark

Hamilton’s books and the Neothink® Society member library; I have a renewed exhilaration Life!

Thank You So Very Much Mr. Hamilton.                                                                                                                                 

Elaine R, Thanks you in… 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, & beyond!


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March 2025