Life Changing


I have to be perfectly honest with you, I have been raised as a hard working individual, I don’t have a lot of education, but I’m full of common sense. I have worked with my hands most of my life in construction, and for years now as a painting contractor. I have always knew that their has to be a better way of living, a better way of life. A doubtful person though just thinks this is it, this is all that my life has to offer, and it is easy to assume that way of thinking when your stuck in a routine rut of this life and job that we have to do to make a living, pay our bills, and just get by.
Sense you found me, Mr. Hamilton, I have been slowly reading and absorbing the books of the Neothink Society that I have so far and I want to tell you “WOW” this information, to see through appearances to the essence of things is helping me greatly! And also the information in these heirloom books Neothink Society is helping me see through the illusions we face today. I feel nothing but gratification to read, see, and feel these insights that are before me and coming into my life, to change my life for the better. I know when I meet or am around these people in the Neothink Society, I will be in company with some of the best people on earth because of reading this literature and because of sharing the same ideals and principles we will all agree on. This is going to be life changing for me and my family, I want to learn and understand about all the information in the Neothink Society that I can possibly take in, to make a better life for me and my family and hopefully help as many other wonderful people as best I can.
Mr. Hamilton, I want to Thank You very much for finding me, and to think as busy as we all know you are, to even think about helping me an many, many others is exemplary. True Greatness, I believe you are a genius. Your work has to keep growing and with the help of the Society that will continually grow, we all are behind you to make this world a better place to live, and a better life for everyone. Learning Values and Value Creating is wonderful for any person to learn and to apply in their life.
This is what America needs!
This is what the whole world needs!
Thank You very much for being my Mentor and a true friend.


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March 2025