It -is- Neothink.. in every way
At NEI we are working on a product with a partner NT oriented company in Canada.
There is incredible opportunity with this product to improve the lives of millions of people in poor countries, and in places where fresh water is scarce, in general.
I see this a a way that we can very publicly show how market businesspeople are the true value creators in society, and I can see how no one in places like Haiti and Chile could possibly argue with these principles.
if you need some more info on this product, contact Keith Gilmore.. ‘Keith Gilmore’ <>
All of us who are involved in the production, marketing and delivery of this product are staunch NT supporters, and I can tell you that NEI is -building- on NT First Heirloom Principles.
If we time this correctly there is a way we can supersede the media by delivering the first volley in a peaceful, beautiful and preemptive move, by associating this product and this effort with Neothink. It -is- Neothink.. in every way.