I have an amazing journey to share with all of you.

I have an amazing journey to share with all of you. As a young girl, I was always interested in researching everything I could. I never took anything at face value. If it did not make sense I searched further for the right answer. I always looked up to the stars and enjoyed them wondering what they really were. I noticed that through the years the moon seemed to be getting closer to our world. As I grew older, I remember people saying, Do Not get involved with the “System” (meaning the government) as it will eat you up. And now all of us know what that meant. It is eating us up. I disliked our society for many years as I do know that we are in a world of the right and the left, the good and the bad, We all have choices until we die. I disliked all of the abuses in the current society. And now they claim that all people like to hear “BAD” news and FEAR sells. They have shoved this down our throats for so long that it has become the normal with alot of people. What a shame.

In May 2007 I received a letter that changed my life. It was an invitation to my future. I responded to the letter, figuring that it was probably another sham. I started corresponding with Mark Hamilton, read his books and was completely shocked. It was the beginning of learning the answers to all of my questions. Mark Hamilton was kind enough to Mentor me once a month for one year. What a beginning to my most amazing journey.

I now am a proud member of Neothink (new way of thinking). I now have people, knowledge, abilities, health, and insight that I never knew existed. I can research anything and all of the answers are put in front of me. It is shocking. I can see right through the facade that the government likes you to believe and most people are still gullible enough to believe them. What a shame. We at Neothink call the present society, Anticivilization.

I have listened to people complain about this present society but either do not want to change it or do not know how and do not have the answers about how to change it.


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March 2025