I get into this ” Neothink ” society…

This testimonial is coming from the heart and I would to share this to the whole world who happens to read it.

I am a Filipino who migrated to the United States and become a US citizen with great hopes and aspirations. I started working from the ground – up. The sequence was….from a Fast Food Grill Worker ( Mc Donald ), to a Kitchen Help at The Hilton; to a Warehouse at Macy’s; a Warehouse at Ross Stores; to a Mail Man at USPS; and the last one is being a Real Estate Agent.Carrier wise and financially successful; but with the down-turn of our economy…..I’m back to square one. My two properties were foreclosed and my debts is beyond my head….with a real experience of ejectment, debt collectors harrasment, IRS audit, Court Judgement of my debts, Identity Thieft and you name them…..I had tried them all. ( Inspite of my hardwork and a very dedicated person to pursue happiness in life ).

With strong determination and focus of what life has to offer….I get into this ” Neothink ” society….as I received a personal invitation to join and become a member. My membership starts with….my discovery of my-self and where am I heading through…..when I purchased the first book of Mark Hamilton ” The Heirloom “. There were three large heirloom books that I read, again and again to capture the real meaning and purpose of our existence….and I was very happy that I was able to discover my true self….my passion….and purpose in life. So I join the TVP ( Twelve Vision Party ) as a visionary. Before I decided to be a visionary…..I was able to share my frustrations to other visionaries….who also was having similar bottlenecks in life.

We need change….change in our system of government. Inspite of all our hardworks,aspirations, dreams, and purposes in life….we are TRAPPED by the system. You will be able to understand more about this if you know how to integrate ideas and events you’re going through in life. I have openned my two eyes and I am willing to bring about CHANGE as a Visionary under the TVP of California.

How can I change the system? My answer to this is….begin in  your-self. Create your own, better than what the present government has offered. With all my readings, meetings with fellow visionaries….we are able to decide a new system for all. Make all the people healthy, wealthy, and happy guided with our very own Prime Law under the TVP of California.

This testimonial is dedicated to all the people who happens to read and are in doubt of what they are now doing.

Simplicio D


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March 2025