I do appreciate you Mark Hamilton!


I do appreciate you Mark Hamilton!   This is True!   I also appreciate your Father, Dr. F. R. W..   I remember receiving that first class, red and blue bordered envelope in the mail for the first time over a decade ago.  Dr. W was pushing NT.   I wanted it.  I got it.  I devoured it.  Got first computer because of him.  Had to special order his poker book as it was out of print.  I wanted to learn how to play poker and he promised me he could help me.  I will say that I am better than I used to be.  Anyway, back in those days, I had to work and work I did.  I devoted so much time to it that I did not order any more NT information, but thought about the information from time to time.  I began to understand just how powerful his message was and I vowed that later I would learn more.  I saw the logic and the peeling away of the outer layers of the onion to expo se the fresh, tender center.  Absorbing indeed.  Anyway, I finally retired and bought what I thought (think) was going to be my final residence.  I bought it May and in July guess what I found in my mailbox.  A first class, red and blue bordered envelope in the mail addressed to me.  When I saw the words Neo-Tech I fairly leaped with exhilaration.  I knew that instant that I was going to get to the crux of the matter, and soon.  I knew this before I even opened it.  Whatever you were selling, I was buying.  I wanted it all.  As soon as I got the Heirloom Packages I fairly devoured them and could not wait for the next.   Mark Hamilton, My Man, My Mentor, My Guru, My Savior and clarifier, how can I ever thank you enough?  I can’t.   My life is truly focused now, on me, and on the aspirations of Neothink.   I will succeed.  I had succeeded in feathering my nest somewhat as I am Retired Army and worked long and hard for fifteen years after that as a Long Haul, Cross Country Independent Trucker.  Bladder cancer got me three years ago, but the Doctor’s got it before it did any lasting damage.  V.A. upgraded my retirement to 100% and with my savings and Social Security I make it rather nicely.  Can’t live extravagantly but comfortably with all of the amenities, mostly.  However, Neothink gave me more aspirations to achieve.  Becoming a highly successful poker player in my dotage is becoming more of a temptation and, I believe, a realization.  I would like to be successful to help the Neothink group to achieve their goals, and I want to be there also.  Neothink to me Mark, is the clarifier.  It brings all of those ambiguous and misunderstood thoughts swirling around in your head in query to center.  Those thoughts are opened up and examined and then put back together with understanding of how the whole pie is made.  Eureka!!! Mark Hamilton, you are an exceptional individual, as was your Father before you.  Frank R. W. is in my library in more spaces than one.  Mark Hamilton is also to be found several times.   I will stand with, and for, Neothink for I am convinced that they truly do know of what they speak.  Wisdom of this magnitude and clarity is a rare event indeed.  I bow to you, My Mentor, but only to you and Neothink.  You have put the spring back in my step.  I can now go forth and laugh at life.  I can now go forth and enjoy life.  I can now go forth.       My deepest respect and Gratitude.       Chris G


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March 2025