Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,

I am writing this letter in appreciation of the countless hours of contemplation, consideration and direction that I have found in your writing. I have always been my own person, free in thought and will, creating the world that I live in through the trials of life. However, from my early days in school, to the early years in my professional career, I lacked organization and had trouble “staying on task”.  I could not seem to find anyone to explain, in a manner that made any sense to me, how organization really worked. I was so frustrated, for I had all this talent and creativity but could not use it to save my life; it was like living in a thick fog. My marriage was struggling and I wondered how I would be able to show my young children how to survive in this world without them losing their sense of self, happiness and dignity. Would they grow up to be hollow, with nowhere to turn for a concrete example of how to function as adult men?

          The solution for me is in your writing, Mr. Hamilton. I was able to come to the conclusion that whether there is a “god”, some “ultimate creator” or the work of natural selection, the answer lies within us. We have the power to make decisions, act upon them and be accountable for the choices we make. However we were created, the power is ours to improve our situations. To outsource that authority to any other entity is a slap in the face to one’s self and to any creator loving enough to give such a gift. I found that I was guilty of waiting around for someone or something to come along and save me, my wife and my kids. I discovered that I had made a mess of things by being reckless through my inactions and that I essentially needed to be reborn in my efforts to live a happy life. Furthermore, I discovered that many enabled me to be this way so that they could in turn, continue their own reckless behavior. In the process I saw that my kids were going to suffer greatly from this lifestyle. The love in your writing lies within the fact that we have the ability to properly organize and take control of our destiny, no matter where we are in our lives. I was reminded of two quotes I had read by Jesus and they are; “know ye not, ye are all gods?” and “what I have done, all men shall do, what I am all men shall be”. Between these writings and yours, I was inspired to change the way I was thinking and acting.

          My wife and I could not work out our problems, I bought a house and for the first time in my life and became self reliant. The big challenge has been changing all my bad habits into a productive, organized effort. I woke up just little too late, for I was affected by the downturn in the economy. But things could have been much worse had I stayed in the trance of my destructive ways. I have been practicing the techniques outlined in your writing and my “superiors” no longer have control over me. I am always two steps ahead of them and don’t have to worry that they will be able to take advantage of me. My future is bright again and my creative abilities and talents have increased ten-fold. I have started a business and also have been promoted at work. Things are still a little tough right now but my life has certainly turned around. The best story here is the knowledge I was able to pass on to my children. Their parents are once again happy and they are very happy boys. My oldest son has become president of his elementary school, his peers love and respect him and he does not have the element of frustration that I grew up with. My youngest is very bright as well and both kids are ultra-creative. They are a shining example of what we can all be if we work a lot smarter and love more deeply.

          I hope your message gets to everyone, I hope people will be open minded to your writing and learn to truly love themselves. I hope people everywhere take the personal authority to create an honest world for their fellow inhabitants and stop waiting for someone or something to save them. I wish success to the TVP and the NEOTHINK society.

Thank you so much Mr. Hamilton, may you and your family live forever in peace and happiness.

Sincerely, Joe


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March 2025