Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category

As a TVP® Warrior, I am an extension of Mark Hamilton’s values

Value Shield:
As a TVP® Warrior, I am an extension of Mark Hamilton’s values.
He and his Neothink® Society have provided me great value.
I am honored to have been selected by Mark Hamilton to represent his beautiful Twelve Visions Party®.
Because of my teacher Mark Hamilton, I am more disciplined and able to focus my energy on what matters most now in our world.
I have started the “Military School of Genius’s” and give full credit to Mark Hamilton.
His literature is what will enlighten others like me to step up and become self-driven leaders.
Kind Regards to my friend Mark Hamilton,
Ralph Merritt

I for one, will believe in Mark Hamilton

I am a 59 year old, father of four and have10 grandchildren. I joined Mr. Hamilton several years ago with the Neothink Society. I am not by any means a great scholar, nor a wealthy man. My attention for reading is poor. My only income is social security disability, which doesn’t amount to much. Mr. Hamilton, with his books, showed me something that I always dreamed of. That I could change my life, and be a much better man than I have ever dreamed of being. No, I am not wealthy, but my outlook is totally different than it was only a few short years ago. I know that when I am totally focused on what I have been taught, and I put it into action, what ever it was, has come to me. Through his manuscripts and his letters to me, I know that there is absolutely nothing I can not do or accomplish. When I can focus, I’ve reached goals that were beyond my comprehension. I have never been one to keep my eye on the prize, so to speak, but it somehow worked out each and every time I thought about anything and put forth the effort to see it through, the prize was mine for the taking. And when I have so much to do and I sit back for a few minutes to think about how to get everything done, I can micro manage my time by and do things in order or groups and give myself a time limit to do what ever I need to get done, sure enough, everything gets accomplished and with time to spare .I founded a Philadelphia Mummers Band called the Irish American String Band back in1999. At the time, no one thought I could do it, including me. Well it got started and some others took over and literally, pushed me aside. After joining Mark Hamilton’s society, I was able to take control back and remarkably, in the past two years when there was no money from our city to have our parade, my band, the Irish American String Band was able to march with full costumes up Broad Street. Now, at this time, bands that were power house bands for many years, are in jeopardy of closing down. There is not enough money for any of the bands to earn thru out the year to pay for costumes which in some cases run well over the $100,000.00 mark. These bands are in serious jeopardy of folding and some how my little band is staying alive. I know that the “Ruling Class” will attempt to discredit Mark. In the same way that Kevin Trudeau was. But for me, I truly believe that Mark will come out on top. We, here in this country, believe in what the media tells us to believe, and they will tell you over and over again that Mark is a scam artist, Just like our elected officials, they only tell you what you want to here. They tell you enough times, over and over again and we believe it. Then as soon as they get elected, and do not deliver on their promises, we all say that we knew they were lying. Well, I for one, will believe in Mark Hamilton. Just ask yourself these simple, little questions. Can you answer any of these old commercials.
1 I’d walk a mile for a ……
2 …… is the one beer to have when your having more than one.
3 …… taste good like a cigarette should.

I am a Neothink member and a supporter of the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Reader,
I am a Neothink member and a supporter of the Twelve Visions Party. Words can hardly begin to express how the education in the Generational Manuscripts has begun to change my entire life. As one of the baby boomers we are taught that we have few choices after a certain age in life and that we are expected to accept what is planned for us by our ruling class government and peacefully settle into old age awaiting death. This is not true. I have learned through Neothink to love life again with an excitement for what the future will hold with the Twelve Visions Party and Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton is to be commended for his visions and effort that he is so intent on bringing us, the human race. The same love, energy, and time spent on his own loved ones, he is now sharing with you. You can learn more about TVP @, We all owe it to ourselves and Mark Hamilton to educate ourselves on the issues at hand. This is not difficult to grasp, it is hard facts explained with solid solutions that will take all of us to support the end results for a better standard of living that we should all have. I am now retired, but throughout my working years i was always told how to think and act, when to sleep, when to eat. That was always acceptable in our lifetime without the knowledge that has been now given to me through Neothink. I now have a mentor that has all positives for forward moving mentality, happiness, health and wealth for my future and my family. Our current structure of government needs to change if our standards of living are ever going to change. TVP is a strong rational solution to these issues. I am a strong supporter of these changes and Mark Hamilton. Also our educational system, where you have a minimum of 50% of our children on Ritalin so they can be controlled while being taught to blend into society just as we were instead of expanding their minds with no limit. Since entering Neothink we have experienced all walks of life and every nationality that truly love each other for the betterment of mankind., instead of all of the hate that flows through our world today. If we want a better world for all generation to come and nationalities, I believe we must support Mark Hamilton and the TVP. I intend to be a part of this movement for the rest of my life. I hope to meet and greet you soon in the TVP family or at one of the National Neothink clubhouses. Working together for the same cause will be exhilarating, powerful, and beneficial to all of mankind. Please join me in my quest for a better tomorrow through TVP and Mark Hamilton
Thank You
Rick R.

The process of change is often feared and misunderstood

The process of change is often feared and misunderstood, but it can lead to growth and rejuvenation. Mark Hamilton and the TVP is replacing stagnation and depression with happiness and self reliance. Which brings value to the human existence, and the next step to evolution that this world so greatly needs.
Anthony Powell Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Mark Hamilton is a very passionate and caring man…

Over the past few years, I feel that I have been reborn through reading Mark Hamilton’s literature; and his life mentoring lessons has enriched my life. He has taught me to be a self leader and that I can be the person that I was met to be. My life has changed over the past year with the Twelve Visions Party and what it stands for is a better life for all mankind. I can see a brighter future for me, my children and future generations.
Mark Hamilton is a very passionate and caring man of mankind, that is trying to prevent us from destroying all the good and beauty in the world. He creates beauty. Example of that is the Sky Walk at the Grand Canyon. When he talks about health, wealth. safety and make the poor rich in the political platform this is for all mankind. The political system that we have is crippling us from advancing technologies in future. One Example of that would be in the medical field.
Some of the values that I have learn from Mark Hamilton is that there is abundant of wealth out there. That everyone can share the wealth and not just the few in the elite class.
To this day, I am glad there is a Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party in my life.
Otherwise, I would of never known that life could be more fulfilling and with a purpose.
Thank you, Mark Hamilton
(Ali) Alice Rinebold
P.S. I am not a writer

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party means the world to me

Neothink, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party means the world to me. I can hardly begin to explain in words the values that have been provided to me through this society.I used to be a searcher. Always looking for the real meaning in my life. I never accepted a lot of ideas and ways of mainstream society. I intuitively always felt that things weren’t right on many levels in our society. But, I couldn’t figure out what it was. So I had a feeling of dissatisfaction and malaise while always wondering what it is I was searching for. I was looking for answers. Then came Neothink. It was an epiphany for me. I was never the same. Everything I read and learned made sense to me. They answered the intuitive unanswered questions I was looking for. Life now had meaning for me. I had a new found hope. I hope that the Neothink society can continue to grow and eventually be accepted by mainstream society. We will all be better off.I want to live in a Neothinking world, like in the novel “Annabelle’s Secret”, which is the best book I ever read. Nothing would break my heart more than to see this all this destroyed.Mark Hamilton is an awesome guy and would make a wonderful leader one day. Please give him a chance. You know how corrupt our government and media is. You can’t trust what they say. Marilyn Siddiqi

“Thank You Mark Hamilton!”

At the crossroads of my life, filled with confusion, uncertainty, chaos, disappointment, and arrays of many other things; I had no where to rest my feelings. What or were does my destiny lie? That question, an unknown equation. I had written a song describing the emotions of not knowing what to do or where to go and I asked the Lord to show me the way please. I have been searching for so long what else is it to this gigantic ball of confusion?
The next year, I received the mysterious orientation letter and wondered what does this all mean? So, I answered the call and ordered the books and the rest became a remarkable part of my life’s history. My favorite book is Miss Annabelle. That is because each character connected directly to me in ways that made me feel that I was actually inside the story. Even though the characters were not exactly like my personality, but enough of the adventure related to some parts of my life’s experiences. I marveled and wondered – did the author know me personally in another life time or something? My life personally is filled with many stories. The Mark Hamilton Book was like receiving a unique technological gadget.
Let me explain. It was like again, standing at the crossroads and not seeing a pathway to take. While gazing blindly into the yonder; this gadget in the form of a book appears and opens. Then, magically roads that were invisible suddenly appear and layered with maps. Then, my body transformed into powerful engines of the mine that carried me over the roads to many destinations never before seen. Wow, what a powerful piece of technology! How can a book turn an ordinary person into a super nova engine with bright lights? Well that is the rejuvenating experience that everyone in the world needs to receive. It is like a gift of Life. Thank You Mark Hamilton for the wonderful Gift. “It is like an Adventure to Infinity and Beyond; Connecting Master Minds together as One.”
Thank You Very Much!!!
Debra W. Domino, Texas

Mentor Mark Hamilton has the vision

Our founder, friend and mentor Mark Hamilton has the vision that will bring this country and the world a new beginning with peace and prosperity for everyone. We are bringing forth these ideals through the Twelve Visions Party now and for many years to come, with the Prime Law and a protection only style of government, that will return our country to a true Republic as designed by our forefathers.
Please know at this point in time in my life, I have made a great change in the way I think and act, from a few years ago. I attribute these good changes to the writings and mentoring of Mr. Mark Hamilton and of course to the wonderful friendships I have made in the Neo-Think Society with all of the like minded people, that have also been inspired and mentored by Mr. Hamilton.
As a true Neothink person, the primary function is to remove all bonds of external authority and rely on myself to make judgments and actions to guide my progress through this life in accordance with the Prime Law, by the way this is called Self Leadership. We must always be honest with ourselves and others to be free from the need to seek approval from any perceived authority.
Here is an example of what can happen to us when we use the good business information Mr. Hamilton has given us in his mentoring and writings. I have used “self capture” to secure my financial future and that of my family, by getting involved, with my Neothink friends in our LLC, in a large project that will bring prosperity to us and the community, of course this is only the beginning as we will progress through “company capture” and “world capture” to go international as well. Note: the how to is in the literature by Mark Hamilton.
I can only assure you that what Mr. Hamilton has given us, indeed will change our beautiful country and the world to bring peace, wealth and health to all the people everywhere!
Peace and Love to you and yours,
W.T. Singer “Bill”

You have personally enhanced my life

Mark Hamilton, I have not met you personally however I do know your inner most thoughts and intentions by the communication you have shared through books and literature you have shared to me and others. In many ways I feel you are more open and vulnerable than my closest friends and family members. This is due to the fact that you are direct and straightforward for the sole purpose of enhancing society’s current way of dealing with everyday stressors. You have personally enhanced my life and those I now affect around me, by helping me be more efficient so I can contribute more efficiently to those
in my inner circles. By teaching me to take the chance and use my love without all the twists & illusions that in the past came with it, I can now do more not only with close friends & relatives but I truly believe I can make my dreams come true by helping strangers and distant associates with combining all of our talents & dreams and make our lives far better than our current just getting by approach. You are free to give my E-mail address if anybody wishes me to go into detail on how you have helped me contribute in improve others way of living and my own in the past year. Thanks for caring and daring to change city hall. your friend Steve Frank

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Thank You Mark Hamilton for all the interesting and exiting literature I have been reading trough the last 2 years. Since I am from Norway, I don’t know of any Clubhouses or TVP here. I hope someday we can start both in Norway.
Yours sincerely with all my love
Thore Sjursen

March 2025