Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category

I have benefited greatly from Neothink and Mark Hamilton

I have benefited greatly from Neothink. It has allowed me to determine what is important in my life and pursue it fervently without any distractions. I am more focused now than ever and can see through the lies of the national media along with the brainwashing from T.V. advertisers.
it is refreshing to see through the political and governmental parasites attempts to control us. All in all it is a pleasure to be a part of this enlightening mindset. The paradigm shift has arrived and the tables are now turned.
Ladies and Gentlemen: My name is Reggie Hilton and I would like to share my testimonial on how the Neothink Society has benefited my life. This society and its teachers and mentors has giving my life new direction filled with hope for the future it has physically added years to my life where I feel like a Man in his early thirties though I am 51 years old I have changed careers from the corporate rat race to one of a self employed in charge of my life and destiny making it no matter the outside world economy which is in disarray were it not for Neothink I would probably be a freighted person controlled by all the negatives this world has become instead I am a energized confident man that looks forward to every day filled with new opportunities and possibilities. though I have limited income I feel in control of my finances for the first time in my adult life. My health is great my relationships with my family and friends are great. I also support The TVP party simply because its time for our world to get it right for our very survival and to take mankind to the next level of development which is to end poverty and disease and to create great enterprise for the world by reducing government from controlling our lives , and to do what it was meant to do. Serve and protect the public only, not to regulate every aspect of our lives.

My life has improved in so many ways…

Hello, this is the first time I’ve put the effort into doing this type of thing in writing. While I have not finished getting through all of the material I can say that it has opened my eyes to a wider more hopeful world. My life has improved in so many ways and for me that is wonderful. I still have a long ways to go but I can now look forwards to the journey instead of dreading it. Thank you for all the work you and your father have done and I can’t wait to see what happens next because I know it will all work out for the betterment of myself and everyone else in this world. Thanks and be well, John Young
There’s always something going to try to stop every that is good and it’s always the ones who’s afraid of the truth.
The one and only thing can stop Neothink is Neothink It’s self; Because we have find to get past all the untruth what bend set in our mine’s for a long time. But Neothink show’s us that life is not always what you see. Go for what you know and do It now. Mark Hamilton keep up the good work and take Neothink to the next level, ABRAHAM RICE


It has been almost 5 years since I first heard of Mark Hamilton. I have read his three heirloom volumes. I discovered some things that I had know all my life but never could put a name on. I discovered other things that really opened my eyes. Mark Hamilton is a brilliant writer with a mentality advanced far beyond most of us. Now that he has created the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) the powers that be will do their best to destroy him. The dishonest Media and the dishonest Politicians see him as a threat to their existence. The past year should open everyone’s eyes to just how corrupt, dishonest and out of control our government and the news media have become. The TVP is the best and perhaps the only hope of our country’s and perhaps the whole world’s survival. The TVP will put an end to the Government for the Government and against the people and change it back to what it is supposed to be. That which the writers of the Constitution of the United States of America foresaw. Government for the protection of the individual rights. I spent 8 years in the service of this country and even though I am in the twilight of my years, I would still fight for her today. I feel that is what I am doing here is fighting for my country and for Mark Hamilton. If the Politicians and the Media are not stopped they will destroy this country and all of us. The Twelve Visions Party must succeed.
Jerry P.

I have been reading your books and literature for almost five years…

I have been reading your books and literature for almost five years and before that my life was a living hell. I had a massive stroke that took most of my knowledge away and have spent 13 years trying to regain it . Five months later i had five heart attacks in two days and had three stints put in my chest. After that it was one thing after another with a floating bladder and numerous kidney infections, that i did not have but were caused from the fall that caused my stroke. Finally 4 1/2 years later they found the floating bladder when i told them what to look for. After that it was surgery and the doctor tacked my bladder to my tail bone and from then on it really was pure hell and did not believe it could get any worse but five years later i had cancer and got four times the normal dosage of Chemo that they had never given to another human and from then on it really was hell for i am penned to my home not able to travel or shop and it is one thing after another because all of my digestive system was destroyed and i have not been able to get it to working again no matter how many vitamins i take. About the time i got cancer I got my first book from Neothink and my life changed from that time. My mail was flooded with brochures from Research doctors and hospitals and i was able to make a little progress. I am still penned to this house and cannot go visiting or traveling because of things i cannot mention here but i am finally getting a toe hold and believe that within another year things will be better and i will owe it to Mark Hamilton, Frank Wallace and Eric Savage and their books showing that people were working hard to improve our United States and make it a better and happier place to live without having to pay out half our money in taxes and Insurance. I hope with all my heart that you succeed with your mission Mark Hamilton and there will be millions of people all over the world blessing you for what you and your family have done for us all. I will keep your books forever for they give you reason to hope when things are getting worse every year. I do hope you and your family and coworkers succeed within the next few years so we can live joyful and happy lives instead of always worrying about money, Internal Revenue and our world getting blasted from under us. You have my blessings and i hope with all my heart and soul that you win this battle that you have been fighting for so long.

Mark Hamilton is working to save the lives of all humanity

I could never say enough about what Neothink, the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and Mark Hamilton have meant to me. Mark Hamilton is working to save the lives of all humanity. Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society is exactly what the world needs to achieve the most important goal of achieving biological immortality. We all have goals, hopes, and dreams I personally work as an entertainer but whatever field you work in you must get on board and realize the supreme importance of the mission of Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society. I consider it a great honor to put my name in among those who support the Neothink Society, the Twelve Visions Party, and Mark Hamilton. I believe the Twelve Visions Party to be the most correct form of government in History. When I apply Neothink in my life I see amazing results and improvements in EVERY area. I support Mark Hamilton, the Twelve Visions Party, and the Neothink Society 100%; with all that is in me.

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink was a real eye opener

When I was young, I thought I was a pretty smart fellow. I have an above average I.Q. and I read a lot. Mark Hamilton’s Neothink was a real eye opener. It made me realize how dishonest I was in my thinking. Most people are just like I was before Neothink. They use non-sequiturs and unsubstantiated facts to support their illogical beliefs. They are slaves to their inane superstitions. Neothink can set you free from irrational beliefs. I speak from experience. With Neothink we can change the world from the irrational, violent world we have today to a rational, peaceful world.
Allen D. Davidson

Look through the Illusion

Look through the Illusion
Tell me what you see
Do you see profit mongrels or
do you see love for you and me
Do you see truth or do you see lies
Can you see through their disguise?
What are they saying
What do they wear
What do they represent
But, will they share?
Look through the Illusion then
Make your choice, and then
Let them hear your voice!
Maria Cronin

Are you Plato or Aristotle?

Are you Plato or Aristotle?
Mystic or Realistic?
Are you a negative or a positive,
night or day, A ying or a yang?
Slow down you say!
Is it important anyway?
Will you keep living in a dream
or live your reality?
Will you be honest or
a cheat?
Will you love or defeat
Will the two ever meet?
Do you choose to
Sacrifice or Produce?
You will have to choose to be
or not to be happy.
Maria Cronin

Mark Hamilton and Neothink has opened up my eyes

In the world of illusions nothing is what it seems. Remember we don’t live in a civilization. We live in an anti civilization with it’s controlled media. Don’t believe what they are telling you. It is one big lie. People lie when honesty will do. They just do. Mark Hamilton and Neothink has opened up my eyes. I plan to start the company without a company – a company with out a country. Just a couple of high end computers and a fast internet connection and I can operate from anywhere on earth. I am thinking of moving to the Ukraine. It is no longer safe to live here. Thanks Neothink and the TVP.
Chuck Neothink owner since 1987

The Neothink society is the most powerful, dynamic, and…

I would first like to start out and say, thank you. The Neothink society is the most powerful, dynamic, and uplifting individuals ever created out of pure love and honesty for our fellow man! A while back, I was stuck in a rut we all know well as , “The Rat Race.” I had achieved what most people would call a good normal life. I have a wife, a son, a home, a decent paying job, and a car of my own. That’s called the “American Dream”. However, I always wondered if there was something else to achieve or obtain to make life happier and more fulfilling. MY RUT- Go to work, do house chores, sleep, eat, go to work, do house chores, eat, sleep, and so on….. I have what I need to get by, and occasionally go out to eat with the family and vacation once or twice a year, but that is it. My question was, “Is this all there is until we die?” I just couldn’t grasp that this is our existence on our wonderful planet. I was bored, and in that boredom, was stagnation. Depression if you will. “I have achieved all that I will achieve in my life”, I thought. I don’t have a college education, but my wife does and I saw her having the same thoughts as I did. I see friends and family both educated beyond high school and not having that same dilemma. In my boredom, I would drink on the weekends that I had off. Not doing anything more than hurting myself and wasting time. I had no optimism or goals for myself at that time. Got into a little trouble from that time in my life and received a DUI. I said, “That’s it! No More!” and the rest just came into my life as if a gift from above.
I had my license taken from me for a year and felt as though it was the perfect opportunity to learn about something (including myself) that might just save me from this rut and depression. Just after my court date and trial, a letter appeared on my door step, and low and behold it was the first letter from the Neothink Society inviting me to get the first heirloom manuscript. I am so happy that I didn’t disregard the letter as junk mail and toss it. As I read the letter I wondered, “Is this a load of Hooey, or is this really as good as it sounds?” It spoke to me as if the people in the society new exactly how I was feeling at that moment in time! I had to purchase the book!
Since purchasing the first manuscript, I bought the other two and the Pax book as well. My life has been changed dramatically!!! I am on a life’s journey to have be and do whatever my heart desires. I have a new fuel pushing me through puzzle piece after puzzle piece in my journey toward achieving my goals. I haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of my ambitions, but the path I am on is so wonderful and uplifting, that I can’t come down of my high for anything. I haven’t had a “BAD” day in moths!!!! I owe a debt of gratitude to Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society for helping me to find the person I am truly meant to be. The baby steps and puzzle pieces I have put together to this point are small, but I have seen some positive results from the effort. Extra money to invest and save, happier all the time, better relationships with my family and friends, more mental clarity, and more self esteem (Just to name a few.).
These manuscripts and teaching of the Society, can make anyone more than they are today. In these days and times, everyone could benefit from these books. They will make people more independent and self sufficient and give them control of there lives and not give there control to external authorities. Independence is TRUE freedom……
Which brings me to my final insight. The Twelve Visions Party is not a “Quack” scheme or “Anarchy” plot as the media and government will try to make it seem in the coming months. Instead, it will give the control and freedom back to the people to create both for themselves and for others. I have seen the light in the manuscripts as stated above, but do believe it would be even easier and could accelerate my journey and puzzle building further with less authoritive pressure and blockages. The TVP movement is all about the rights of the individual and the individual only. You would have more rights then you do now to do what you want in your life without external authorities telling us how to do it and when. That freedom would allow people to create new products, ideas, cure diseases, create pleasure, improve health, and anything else the individual desires. Whether or not one agrees doesn’t matter. This movement is to help all man kind and eventually everyone will see the light.
In closing: Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Society for all that you have given me and your efforts to make the TVP movement a success. I owe many of my recent and future achievements to this organization for giving me the secret to a happier more fulfilled life.
Brian Normandin

February 2025