Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Thank you for the opportunity to communicate with you directly.
First let me convey my sincere condolences for the loss of your father and mentor. It was very sad to receive that news.
My understanding from the meeting of 8/19 was to write a testimonial for the Neothink society to use. Although this is a letter directed at you, please use it as you see fit if it will benefit the society.
I hardly know where to begin.
Because of you, I am on a journey that otherwise would have been lost to me. I am very grateful for that. Although I have not yet found the success in many areas of my life, that you have so profoundly laid out before me, I remain undaunted.
I have just started my second reading of the multigenerational manuscripts to recapture the exhilarating inspiration I felt in the first reading. I must admit it was difficult for me to keep up with the apprentice meetings and reading the first time through. All of the information, all those pearls, were easy for me to intellectualize, however, applying the knowledge has been quite a struggle. The inspiration of iron grip control has, for the most part, eluded me so far. Therefore I’m certain a second reading is in order.
I will say that I have improved. I have read more books in the last year than I have read in the last twenty or thirty years. This too, I want to thank you for.
Currently, I am working on making my actions align in harmony with my thoughts. Over the course of the last year or so, there have been many things I wanted to convey to you, alas I let them slip back in to the ether.
I think you would be disappointed with my progress to date. I have been sitting on the sidelines and not integrating myself with the clubhouses or A-teams or the TVP except to attend conference calls. Please have patience with me. I want to be living proof of neothink success.
Again, I want to thank you for opening a line of communication, and I hope it will remain open that I might write to you again in the future.
Mark B

Mark Hamilton has enlightened and inspired me.

It was the spring of the year 2008. I was in good health and determined to live to be at least 100 yrs. old. While I was tilling the garden I contemplated that I would like to someday dig the grave that I would eventually be buried in. Perhaps even design my own headstone. Here lies Carl Jess Okeson “He lived a long happy life” Since I thought there was no way to avoid the ultimate fate.
Now that I am part of the Neothink society the concept of living an unimaginably long life fills my mind everyday.
I look forward to becoming a millionaire. I have a vision of a dream house I would like to live in. These are aspirations I have gotten only after becoming a Neothink society member. Before I was settling on just getting by.
I have broadened my horiZons and experienced value enhancement just by commingling with members on the Neothink website.
The Neothink literature by Mark Hamilton has enlightened and inspired me.
When I first became a member on the website and I joined a clubhouse, I wanted to know what steps I could take to bring about the positive changes that Mark Hamilton wrote about in his literature. I was happy to find out a political party had been started called the Twelve Visions Party or TVP for short.
The success of the TVP would bring about many positive changes for me and all members of my family and the world.
Businesses would be more productive unleashed from heavy tax burdens. Technology would soar as more money could be put into research and development.
Employers would compete for valuable workers and a worker could pick and choose the job he or she wanted according to the benefits desired. Rather than now unable to find a job and taking whatever is available.
The value of our money would increase as competition for our dollars would increase by business, not to mention no taxes for us either.
As we become a working model for the rest of the world, other countries will reduce their governments to a protection only government and competitive businesses will handle the needs of the people, their valuable workforce.
We aren’t doing anything illegal by electing the President and political party the majority of the people want.
We live in the worlds greatest country that will allow this to happen. We should take advantage and put ourselves first rather than the organizations that control us. Thank you.

Mark Hamilton I owe you my life…

My name is mike c. I live here in Madera CA .
I would like To share my testimonial I’ve been in this Society for more
than 5 years. Currently I am 63 years old….Deep into religion I provably
related to Tracy Alexander testimonial on NEOTHINK discovery the difference
between us is that I spent over a 1/4 Century looking for answers, and HELP
Mr. Mark the knowledge I gain in your prime literature is priceless!! I am a
different person may be I haven’t achieve success Yet…BUT this new
knowledge of neothink it’s helping me to achieve my goals.
Mark Hamilton I owe you my life thank you to open my EYES I see the life way different
now. This a journey to freedom this is a journey to the REAL KINDOM
OF GODMEN Mr. Mark you game HOPE you give hope to my love ones. and
to the people I know.
THis is an awesome JOURNEY for me this wisdom that I acquired
in you prime literature goes beyond anything else BEYOND any monetary
Mark I am 100% with you in this mission……..
Not to worry Mark we will WINNN!!!
Twelve Visions World

We are Entrepreneurs and Freedom Fighters Mark Hamilton!

Dear Mark Hamilton;
Words of encouragement to you personally.
Your writings and authorship took me out of a stagnated slumber and geared me up towards new hope for us, our children; grand children and a future worth living and co-existing in.
Your sincere words speaking a truth we all can relate to; except those who depend on predatory feeding to survive.
Authors and other artists has been the target, or envy by people who got a personal kick out of the efforts to destroy. Conflicts and wars has been created by those who wanted to maim and kill and make a buck in the process.
I know something about how the Press works.
I had personal front page attacks(national Newspaper) when I did human rights work in the past. I found ways to deal with the press. I filed a complaint to the Press Ethical Board(Norway) when being denied equal time in one paper. It came out alright; one needs to push back.
I made a list of all the papers I could find and sent out Press Releases regarding progress in Human Rights Case. (The US has quite a few independent newspapers left; unfortunately I don’t know all of them.
How about finding these papers and send them a Press Release containing the data in your ad. They’ll print it for free. I’ve seen recently that people are getting involved in newspaper-issues with their comments. It is mine and others perceptions that newspapers in business needs and wants contributions as they had to lay off staff to stay in business. READERS LETTERS are a good way to get positive exposure as well.
If it gets to the point that attacks occur; heavens forbid, there is a short to the point way to handle. Just counter one issue real fast with documentation to prove it’s wrong (a lie) and publish this as it will DISCREDIT the attacker and make his/hers words neutralized. (one word for it)
It is important to act fast and furious right away.
This should discourage the attacker(s) and prevent
a Black Marketing Campaign which takes a lot more energy to handle.
Now if you start with the independent papers (older readers; who gas a lot to loose as the have several generations to protect) you will build momentum and support. My tip is that freedom loving states that
strongly supported the Constitutional issues in the last election and has later followed up with legislation to protect States Rights like Montana and Tennessee
just to mention two examples. There is also 25 states
that has rejected in one form or the other the Real ID act (I don’t have the names of the States in front f me)(
What I’m trying to say is these Sates with their independent Newspapers would be where Press releases and Reader letters should go to gain gradual support.
I just had to respond to your plea of help Mark, and I believe this will be helpful. The above is just thinking
on my feet.
Mark the truth will prevail. I agree time is of the essence. You have more potential support out there
that would sign up for your TVP Party in a heartbeat,
that anyone could imagine. There is also a number of other groups that could and should be approached with your message. More Press releases; inexpensive and effective.! 1 1/2 to 2 pages with a bullet pointed HARD SHEET up front. We are Entrepreneurs and Freedom Fighters Mark Hamilton! Nothing can really keep us down.
Trygve G

when I purchased the first book of Mark Hamilton…

This testimonial is coming from the heart and I would to share this to the whole world who happens to read it.
I am a Filipino who migrated to the United States and become a US citizen with great hopes and aspirations. I started working from the ground – up. The sequence was….from a Fast Food Grill Worker ( Mc Donald ), to a Kitchen Help at The Hilton; to a Warehouse at Macy’s; a Warehouse at Ross Stores; to a Mail Man at USPS; and the last one is being a Real Estate Agent. Carrier wise and financially successful; but with the down-turn of our economy…..I’m back to square one. My two properties were foreclosed and my debts are beyond my head….with a real experience of rejection, debt collectors, harassment, IRS audit, Court Judgment of my debts, Identity Thief and you name them…..I had tried them all.
With strong determination and focus of what life has to offer….I get into this ” Neothink ” society….as I received a personal invitation to join and become a member. My membership starts with….my discovery of my-self and where am I heading through…..when I purchased the first book of Mark Hamilton ” The Heirloom “. There were three large heirloom books that I read, again and again to capture the real meaning and purpose of our existence….and I was very happy that I was able to discover my true self….my passion….and purpose in life. So I join the TVP ( Twelve Vision Party ) as a visionary. Before I decided to be a visionary…..I was able to share my frustrations to other visionaries….who also was having similar bottlenecks in life.
We need change….change in our system of government. In spite of all our hard works, aspirations, dreams, and purposes in life….we are TRAPPED by the system. You will be able to understand more about this if you know how to integrate ideas and events you’re going through in life. I have opened my two eyes and I am willing to bring about CHANGE as a Visionary under the TVP of California.
How can I change the system? My answer to this is….begin in your-self. Create your own, better than what the present government has offered. With all my readings, meetings with fellow visionaries….we are able to decide a new system for all. Make all the people healthy, wealthy, and happy guided with our very own Prime Law under the TVP of California.
This testimonial is dedicated to all the people who happens to read and are in doubt of what they are now doing.
Simplicio D

Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Neothink Society, has changed my life.

Mark Hamilton, his literature, and the Neothink Society, has changed my life. My life has become better and better, each and every day because of them. Every aspect of my life, from my professional life, my love life, my living situation, have all changed dramatically for the better since I started reading the Neothink Literature over a year and a half ago. Reading this literature was the best decision I have made in my life.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party means everything to me. It literally means more happiness, success, love, and wealth for everyone on the planet, including myself. It will make my life, my loved one’s life, and everyone else’s life, way more enjoyable and healthy.
If Mark Hamilton were to be silenced it will be more devastating to the world than I think you understand, especially if you have never read his literature for yourself. Someone who will bring so much value to each and every person in the world should never be silenced. It will be a dark day for the planet when Mark Hamilton is silenced, and even darker days will follow.
I am forever great full for what Mark Hamilton has done for my loved ones and me. I want nothing more than peace and happiness for the world. If you have read Mark Hamilton’s work, you know that’s all he wants too.
Joe LoC

Mark Hamilton, and his literature

When I got in the Neothink Society my life was down. Now my life has change in so many ways. There are three things that did it Neothink, Mark Hamilton, and his literature. The twelve visions in the second heirloom, I open my mind and clear. And my movtivational in many ways my family and work. Oh yes my life is going to the right path. Now I have not fullest my life yet. But I know it is coming to me soon. Thank you Mr. Hamilton you gave me.
Robert D

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you for bringing Neothink this far and brought tremendous change in many people’s lives.
I understand what you mean. I do not have membership of your website because it was difficult for me to pay the subscribing fee due to financial problem. I helped my mom going through cancer treatment. She was not supposed to survive but she did and I am hoping she will. It was all because of you. I am happy for my mom. Thank you.
I know exactly what are you going through and how difficult is the anti-civilization. My husband’s ex-wife who is also a lawyer seems to be a neo-cheater. She is using my husband and taking social advantage over me by turning my in-laws against me and causing conflict in our relationship. Due to my husband’s mental illness I do not get enough support from him and he is not able to understand the situation. He even said one, “Go to hell”. and asked me to leave the house many time. I am new to this country and the culture and this is my first marriage. I had lots of dreams but it seems like all breaking. However, I learnt a lot from you and still have hopes to live a better life.
I wish I can give you testimonials but do not have the membership and also I do not go public. I born in a Muslim family but got married with an American who is not Muslim. In Muslim, you can not get married with Non-Muslim. If you do, it will be a huge problem not only for you but also for the family back home. My mom, my married sisters and every body will be under pressure of the community and will have severe consequences. Therefore only immediate family members know about my marriage. I try to avoid my public exposure especially to Pakistani people or Muslims in general.
You are doing great and I am sure you must be having more members than before. In past you may not have many members but because of your hard work and genius mind, there is a possibility that Neothink will win this time.
I wish we can cure the cancer of anti-civilization that is having devastating effect on our lives. The world will then be a much better place to live.
Wish you all the best.

I fully support Mark Hamilton and the Twelve visions party

I have been a Neothink customer for 16 years. There has never been a more mind expanding collection of printed materials in history! Upon exposure to these profoundly integrated and honest collection of words, I have been transformed. I fully support Mark Hamilton and the NEOTHINK SOCIETY/Twelve visions party in their vision of reaching the ultimate goal of a truly free society and biological immortality to all who desire it. The time has arrived for Neothink integrations and foundational principles to be brought to the application phase for all the world! I hope to contribute in any way that I can. Thank you Mark Hamilton!
Marc M.

With the endless wisdom of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts…

Dear Mark
With the endless wisdom of Mark Hamilton’s manuscripts, which took me months to read, it is not possible to say in a simple word or paragraph the enormity and magnitude of knowledge, information, understanding, explanation, insight and vision he has launched to society and to my life personally. Very few people leave such a deep imprint on the lives of the masses as Mark has done. His genius will be witnessed by the world.
Timing is prophetic as the current presidents campaign was in response to the people’s cry for ‘change’. The change we see is not the change we seek! The change we seek is coming with the Twelve Visions Party! It will be the greatest Replacement since the writing of the Constitution and is in many ways accomplishing the same objective, which has been lost through a subtle deception of “Leadership” We need self-governing people!
We need schools that teach children to be self guided value creators. Following the leadership of the government has led to America losing her way. How Americans have lost their way can be summarized simply. By following the path of least resistance, allowing government to rule us as an external authority over our lives and relying on ‘programs’ to take care of us, we have relinquished the creative power of our own lives into the ruling dictates of laws and rules of what we can and cannot do. America has become a ‘handicapped society’. This is due to losing personal power. Does this sound like freedom and pursuit of happiness? We willingly ‘allowed’ government to make the rules and laws thinking we need external guidance, until realizing when we see the damage unfold and restrictions on our every move, that this trust of service to the people for the people and by the people was mistreated and turned into a power play to control us. No embellishments are needed as to just how bad this has become. Everyone is aware of the condition this country is in.
The Constitution states that if government fails to live up to the Constitution that the people have the rightful place to keep its original words and shall take action against such tyranny. This is the WHY of the TVP. Everyone has the right to live free, prosper and pursue happiness. How many Americans are happy and prospering? Our prayers sound like that of slavery.
When I read the vision of the TVP it sounded so simple I was stunned by the fact that it is as profound as it is simple; eliminating flaw filled man from laws that manipulate the truth. With a Protection only Government, we will eliminate the external guidance and control both causing and allowing people to govern themselves. This will fill people with excitement and fear at the same time, because there are no more ‘free rides’. For the cheaters this will be terrifying but for the value creators of society this will be the most liberating experience of our lives. We will change the future for our children and future generations.
Everyone knows things are terribly wrong, but they confess their helplessness in multiple ways, ‘when will someone do something?’ ‘You can’t fight city hall’ ‘Who is going to do something?’ ‘What group is going to stand up and help us?’ These are direct quotes I have heard. The last one struck me the hardest because I knew then and I know now that group is us and the TVP.
“That you may have Life and have it more abundantly” (Bible)
“Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness” (Constitution)

March 2025