Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category
I am supporting Mark Hamilton
To whom it may concern,
I would like to testify to the whole world that I am supporting Mark Hamilton, his literature, the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party. Mark Hamilton has open up my mind to a whole new way of thinking. Thinking of good things to come and have hope for the future. Who else in this whole planet that is teaching that there can be a world without diseases? Who else is teaching that there is a form of government that can make everybody rich even the poor? Who else is teaching that human being should live to live and not live to die? Who else is teaching that man can overcome death and never die through biological immortality? All messages of good hope. I thank you Mark Hamilton. I am and will support you with everything that I have and all my being. Yours Sincerely, Kauvaha T
Mark Hamilton thank you so much for sharing this so important information whit us.
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express my thoughts on your Neothink live style. After reading your Books that certainly made absolutely perfectly sense to me this Nation needs to wake up and start to take responsibility for there own actions, rather than waiting for the politicians to dictate what there life style or future should hold they should use all that energy for there own and there families well-being. How quickly they could realize how happy, healthy, and exciting there new found freedom will be. Free from the interference from there own politicians and completely in charge of there own destiny. We all need Neothink if we know it or not.
Mr. Hamilton thank you so much for sharing this so important information whit us. Kind regards
Heinz H
“Neothink ARTS Co.”
To Whom it may concern: This is being sent to those who have expressed forward looking Neothinking concerns about our future as a Society and as a supporter of the life of our planet and thus ourselves:
This came to me in my open-state after awakening today: It fits into the thought provoking discussion on the ARTS Conference Call last Sunday by those wanting to use the phrase “free market Capitalism” in the Mission Statement of the “Neothink ARTS Co.” : To make up a new use for those old terms that many on the planet find distasteful: Neo-Capitolism, ie. a resource based supply and demand,…inserted into the Mission Statement:
(instead of over use of our planets resources, and the inordinate demand from consumers forever newer goods, the peoples of the Earth and its Leaders take into consideration what our planet has to offer and with this knowledge takes a conservative stance to not drain our planet of its resources and thus supports the sustenance of life and the survival of the human race. This facilitates research into developing new sources of energy and whatever other creations fall into the category of enhancing our planet’s base of offerings in the form of its life sustaining resources).
This approach was stimulated by Professor Jared Diamond’s presentation of looking into the History of previous dead civilizations that made those decisions guided by their leaders and the peoples themselves who did not recognize the necessity to reverse the trends that ended up with their demise=approximately a lifespan of 250+ years only per civilization. Our present civilization has dominated around 230 years thus far, so hopefully it is not too late to reverse the trend of the course we are on at this time!
Rob R brought up the links to Jared D’s talk, with comments by Bill Gates, in the Council of Mentors e-mail string. Please read: (I’m having Yahoo mail complications & will senda PS…e-mail since right now yahoo will not make a draft for me to save while I capture that link)….Read his “talk”…but mainly the material below the video:
Love, Elaine
This is written in Love and Appreciation to Mark Hamilton.
Twelve Visions Party
Mark Hamilton
This is written in Love and Appreciation to Mark Hamilton. I love Neothink as well as TVP. THANK YOU MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!
What the TVP and Mark Hamilton Means to me is Americas Destiny, The rise of HOPE, TRUTH, and OPPORTUNITY for all around the world . THE PRIME LAW–NATURAL LAW–THE UNIVERSAL LAW
THE TWELVE VISIONS PARTY is the ERADICATION of War, Racism, Cancer, Unemployment, Death, Destruction, Terrorism, Crime, Gayism, Lesbianism, Murder, Rape, Abuse , Rising Gas prices, Uninsured, Foreclosures,, Business Closings, Homelessness, Depression, Stress, Star- vation, Guns, Abortions, Bailouts, Politicians, Taxes, Dishonest Politics, Ego Justices, High Interest Rates,(astronomical) Fear, Misery, Loneliness, Single Mothers, Robbery, Teen Pregnancy, Hatred, Mental Health, Delinquent Fathers, Suicide, Education Deprivation, Aging, Divorce, Alcoholism, Adultery, Poverty, Rejection, High School Dropouts, Gambling, Lovelessness Prostitution, Prescription Drugs, Theft, Military Abuse, Swain Flue, Juvenile Delinquents, Americas Weight Epidemic, Disrespect, Job Losses, Deficit, Drugs: Heroin, Meth, Cocaine-Crack, and Many Other Drugs, No Insurance, Disease, Un-Curable Diseases-AIDS, HERPES,HPV, and HEPATITIS, Mysticism, ETC.
Martin Luther King identified in his 1963 “letter for The Birmingham Jail” that just Law rise from natural laws-universal laws. Just laws rise from objective reasoning of honest people discover- ing and obeying nature created reality.
For America to peacefully survive and prosper over the long-term requires achieving four
goals: (1) Outcompeting and the nullifying the hatred, dishonesties, and rationalities through- out religion, politics, education, and business. (2) Protect individual life and property rights at all levels of government and society, (3) Abiding by commonsense Secular-Natural law, and
(4) Establish the sanctity of legal contracts.
Mark Hamilton’s teachings are ones…
My name is Tony, I have been a member for the Neothink Society for a near 4 years, and the Neothink pages are ones of the most valuable information, in teaching. inside the multigenerational manuscripts are some of life’s most valuable morals, this knowable has helped me to transform my thinking in too many different possibilities and speeded up my knowledge of using the materials for the creation of endless possibilities for life to come…Mark Hamilton’s teachings are ones of the most powerful values as in this time of day in are world… my mentoring with mark Hamilton has lead me to understand, on how I and are A-Team members are here for are teaching from mark Hamilton, to help use the people to see that we have the greatest treasure right under are feet… as we are all protected from the negatives of are surrounding world, as we can lead are self’s in to future seeing greater than any other movement in the worlds countries, as we the people have the power to creation…as I hope we the people could see as I have to understand the great knowable the has been locked in a box from us the people for a longtime…as I have learned that we are free…thank you
I have recently joined Neothink Society …
Hello, My name is Justin. I have recently joined Neothink Society and i’m telling you that this organization is a complete breath of fresh air. Things that you thought you were alone in thinking about, a lot of other people feel the same way that you do. Some of the things that have been talked about within the society has brought light to the dark and understanding to the confused. Some health topics and economic topics that have been discussed has given me plenty of insight on what is really going on in the world today, particularly in the US. This is one of the most helpful organizations I have ever come across. Some of the other members have called in on webcast’s and have given the rest of us great insight into things that we never even paid attention to. My health has improved and my overall happiness in life has improved due to the society helping me find my way.
I,Mickey B
Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and Twelve Visions Party TVP has done for me
What Mark Hamilton, the Neothink Society, and Twelve Visions Party TVP has done for me.
This man, his movement and his teachings have been the most valuable thing I have ever received in all my life. We must all ignore the unjust ramblings that the media and the current government establishment will stir up because how could they possibly understand what they have not experienced for themselves. They are mearly threatened by what they do not understand; but as we all know, this is a free country and just because the government and the media does not understand an individual and what he represents does not give them the right to mislead the public into persecuting anyone. Especially when someone has not broken any actual laws. Mark Hamilton is a genius. He is a true man of value with a business (Neothink Society) and a movement (TVP) that has every right to continue operating in any way he sees fit so long as he is not committing actual force against others, which he most certainly is not. For me personally, I would be lost in a sea of confusion and depression without the knowledge and skills taught to me by him and other members of the Neothink Society. Thanks to Mark I have successfully eliminated every addiction that plagued me; including depression, drugs, cigarettes, drinking, and a loser mentality that has kept me down for as long as I can remember. I am a better man today than I believe I could have ever become without his help.
I feel healthier and happier than I ever even new was possible. I have found and managed to hang on to the woman of my dreams because of this, and I have discovered the business savvy within myself to succeed even in the roughest of times thanks to Mark Hamilton. I owe everything good in my life to Mark because he took the time to talk to me and help me overcome my personal demons. And he does this for every single person who asks him to. Without people like Mark Hamilton this world would surely be a much darker place for us all to endure. And without groups like the Neothink Society, we would lose the strength of diversity that defines us as a nation. Without movements like the Twelve Visions Party how could we possibly make changes for the better. I cannot wait to have an actual additional political party to provide more options to the American public for debate and problem solving to keep this country great. We owe Mark Hamilton a debt of gratitude just for existing as such a valuable, love-filled and giving person that he is. I thank you Mark Hamilton with all of my precious heart for what you have done for me. Without people like you, my life and our nation would surely suffer to no end. Your movement represents, for me, the chance at a truly rewarding life filled with love and happiness. No more dark days of uncertain fear and woe; but instead, an increasingly wonderful journey to a greatness never imagined by this nation of ours before now.
I was contacted by Mark Hamilton of the Neothink Society…
In late spring of 2007 I was contacted by Mark Hamilton of the Neothink Society and asked to consider becoming one of its members. Like many people receiving such messages, I was skeptical. Why was I being sought out? There was much alluded to, but not much was revealed. I had recently written and published an informative and unflattering “tell-all” book about “how church really works”. Was that possibly how the Neothink Society heard about me?? I did not know. (And frankly right now in 2009, I still do not know!) I however thought to me back in 2007 by saying, “What is the cost? And can I live with possibly losing that?” My answer to myself was to say “Yes, I could certainly live with possibly losing a few hundred dollars (the cost of initial membership and materials)”. I decided that the money that I would initially spend on becoming a member was something that I could lose if it didn’t pan out. I joined the Neothink Society in the summer of 2007.
The Neothink Society initially advertises that its members have “shockingly powerful secrets” that are only shared by becoming a member. I can honestly say, “That is true!” The information is very literal, practical, and yet so amazingly revealing that it is truly an exhilarating undertaking when encountering it. The information and teaching that is provided literally deals with essentially every aspect of human life and existence. Saying this is perhaps even more intriguing since I have graduated from both a Christian seminary (Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN ) with a Master of Divinity Degree (MDIV) and from a bible school (Living Word Bible Institute, Levels 1 and 2, Brooklyn Park, MN). Seminary and bible school are places where “in-depth” learning about “life” is supposed to take place. I can honestly say that the Neothink Society has provided me with more insights, knowledge, and inspiration (directly and by referral) than both seminary and bible school. In fact, the information and people that the Neothink Society has introduced to me has strengthened both my interest in and understanding of things that are considered “supernatural”, “paranormal” and “uncanny” in the Bible. The Neothink Society has also provided informational help that has not only benefitted me financially but has also helped the businesses of some of my friends and relatives with whom I have in-turn helped.
The newly created Twelve Visions Party is an outgrowth of the Neothink Society’s membership that is intended to begin engaging the world of politics with a completely new paradigm. I personally attended the Twelve Vision Party’s first national convention in Chicago, IL this past July 2009. The new paradigm being presented by the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is nothing other than radical HONESTY in politics. The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) will deal directly with questions of political, economic, and societal change. An underpinning tenet of the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is that of FREEDOM. The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) grasps, recognizes, and promotes the further advancement of the prosperity producing freedoms that began to slowly emerge and be championed in various books of ancient history such as the Torah and the Bible, and other similar freedoms which were propelled even harder and faster by political events such as the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215, The U.S. Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the U.S. Bill of Rights in 1791. People using and emulating such freedoms around the world have moved many societies away from menial living standards and thrust them into living lives where ever increasing possibilities for life, love, prosperity, and responsibility can occur. People’s minds have thereby been freed to become more and more. The greatest curse upon mankind is perhaps the curse related to not having freedom simply because people are not aware of HOW it can be achieved, beginning with the many small choices that every individual makes every day. Freedom is always tied to responsibility, even down to the smallest decisions as well as ultimately to the biggest decisions.
The success of the Twelve Visions Party is highly important to me. Furthermore, the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is also important for not only our current time in history, but also for all time into the future. I will categorically say that the success of the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) is needed to avert a world-wide collapse or even war at some point. The current political and economic structures both in the United States and in the world at large are crumbling. People are being kept both uninformed and oppressed. Only vibrant and direct HONESTY can achieve the needed changes. Too many cheating “authorities” in politics, entertainment, and also in business have gotten away with cheating tricks and claims that pacify populations and make people into “docile sheep to be slaughtered”. It need not be this way. Honesty must prevail. The Twelve Visions Party (TVP) must prevail.
Both the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) and the Neothink Society have and will provide great benefits to its membership. They will do the very same for anyone who joins! A true adventure it has been for me, and a great adventure is still promised! I encourage anyone and everyone to keep an open mind and check out both organizations by directly contacting them and/or publicly involved members.
Warren V
A letter from Mark Hamilton
Dear Mark Hamilton,
About a year ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton. Little did I know at that time how much that letter was going to change my life.
Upon receiving that letter for an offer to purchase literature that would forever change my life, I sat on pins and needles waiting for its arrival. Once it arrived I sat down immediately and started to read it. As I read the first book it piqued my curiosity and I couldn’t read it fast enough. I found myself forgetting about the Internet getting rich gurus that were the only ones getting rich and not me and completely got involved in that first 1000 page book. After that first book I ordered two more books.
Thanks to Mark Hamilton he lead me to join the Neothink® Society. Since joining the Neothink® Society I have made many friends. These friends are in my state, in the country and yes even in Canada. These friends are integrated honest and loving people that realize the government is amiss and want to change that.
They realize the corrupt politicians with their spend all attitude of our money for their so called do good image is not helping America, but hurting America by running us financially in the ground. Shortly after joining the Neothink® Society I realized I had to help change this trend also.
I understand the need within me for my family, friends and the rest of the country to change this corrupt government and bring in a fully integrated and honest system of government.
The only way to bring this system of government in is through the Prime Law as an amendment to the United States . You can see the Twelve Visions Party® national platform and the Prime Law, plus much more, on the website. Adding the Prime Law as an amendment to the United States Constitution will end the corruption in the government which will bring in honest integrated value creating Business Men and Women.
The Prime Law is the foundation of the Twelve Visions Party® and the members of the Neothink® Society. As an amendment to the United States Constitution it will bring universal wealth, health and peace, which has never before been known on the planet. Thank You Mark Hamilton for inspiring me to become a Value Creator.
The media is controlled by a parasitical elite class. The news programs are to report news, and news is both positive and negative, is it not? I pose this question then to all, “Do you really believe that of all the news reported in the media the majority of it seems to be negative?” You can rest assured that when the Twelve Visions Party® starts to attract media attention there will be nothing positively reported. Those that take the time to research the Twelve Visions Party® and learn what they really stand for will know the other side. Those that blindly follow the media will only have the one sided opinion of the media.
AMERICA the time is now. Wake up before it is too late.
Once again, Mark Hamilton, thank You
Bruce D H