Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category
Mark Hamilton You Are a Treasure
Mark Hamilton,
You are a treasure!
Your work is a huge societal value…without question————-unfortunately, there will be questions (tons of them)……..are you and are we ready? The time for the TVP to be heard is now for sure!
Best regards,
Paul S
Mark Hamilton, the TVP and the Neothink Society Transformed My Life
Mark Hamilton , and the T.V.P. combined with the literature of the Neothink society has completely transformed my life. I’ve rediscovered my dreams and taken steps to accomplish them, which in turn gave me so much energy people asked me what I was taking. I’ve also learned to accept my emotions and express them to family members, which has healed old wounds and opened rivers of love that I never imagined existed. My passion for life has returned and with the light of honest integrated reality as promoted by the TVP , I have hope that all mankind can experience their true purpose to create boundless happiness and joy by living their dreams without government intervention. In conclusion I have only just begun my life at 53 yrs old as it should have been all along, but the enthusiasm and uncontrollable exuberance opens up limitless possibilities for me, and it can be that way for you too. Throughout history society, religion,and lazy nay-Sayer’s have persecuted men who have dared to go against the status-quo (e.g. aristotle, copernicus, lois pasteur, darwin) and now mark hamilton. Yet these men of great courage and, unquestionable integrity ,armed only with honest reality changed the world. Please take some time read the TVP platform, don’t let the talking heads (news commentator’s who’s license to broadcast is issued by the government) or rumor mill bloggers tell you what to think and steal your chance for wealth, health and happiness, it’s a small investment to experience the life you were meant to live beyond your wildest dreams.
With respect and love may all your desires become reality.
Sincerely Michael S. G
My Journey with Mark Hamilton
I am sending you this letter to share with you, what you personally and what the Multi Generational Manuscripts, have meant to me. I will start by sharing with you where I was at just before receiving your invitation to become a member of the Neothink Society.
I was soon approaching my 56th birthday and my life was very depressing. I was 9 years away from retirement age, no savings, owing over $75,000 in back child support, which took over half of my paycheck. To make matters worse, I was on commission sales, and because of the economy, my income was going down. I had almost accepted the fact that I was destined to live the rest of my life in poverty, with no escape. It was like being in a pitch black room, or being in a dense fog, or being trapped in a complicated maze not knowing where to turn. My life was basically hopeless. To make matters even worse, I looked back to my senior year in high school. How promising things were then. I had a vision of changing the world. I was voted by my classmates most likely to succeed. In fact, I had not been to my class reunions out of embarrassment. I asked myself how I had gotten to this dismal place in my life, where did I go wrong, how could someone with so much potential have become such a failure. I am thankful that I did not have suicidal tendencies.
Four days before my 56th birthday, I received a letter in the mail. It was a letter from you, an invitation to join this society of geniuses. It stated they recognized that I was special, and that I was being asked to join them, this society was the Neothink Society. I was flattered but yet skeptical, so the first thing I did was get on the internet. There I found some people talking negative about it but I saw that none of them were in or had been in the society, but then I came across a website where others who were in the society were sharing how it had changed their lives and how thankful they were. I decided to find out for myself, I would rather take the word of someone who knows rather than someone who doesn’t. On my 56th birthday I sent in my request form. There began my journey. As it turns out, that was the best birthday present I have ever received.
When I received my literature from Mark, I dug into it, and as I read, it was like someone had turned on the light in that dark room of despair that I was trapped in, the fog was lifted from my life and I had clear vision, and I had true direction in the complicated maze of life. Instead of despair, I found my life full of hope and I was once again becoming happy. I could clearly see where my life was headed, and I also knew the direction to take at each juncture in life I came across. I could once again look in the mirror and respect the man I saw there, I could see that I truly was special. Through the literature I learned the true value of honesty, first with myself and also with others, for I realized that honesty builds society, dishonesty tears it down. I also realized how important it was to love myself. As these values toward myself grew, I also began to realize that each and every individual was special and my love and respect grew for them as well. This brought me to a place where I understood that we cannot give what we don’t have, in order to be honest with others, we first had to be honest with our self, to be able to respect someone else, we had to first respect our self, and in order to love someone else, we had to first love our self.
I then realized what you had really done for me through the literature and your mentoring, you had helped me to become a self leader, and in doing so, I discovered the true meaning of freedom. The simplest way to put freedom is self rule. As with any form of rule, there is a domain, in the case of self rule, the domain consists of the individual and everything that belongs to the individual. As in any form of rule, there is a leader, with freedom(self rule), that leader is the individual. I then realized why I had ended up where I was so miserable in life, I had been programmed all my life to be a follower. Looking to outside authorities for the answers lead me to be enslaved in my thinking, simply put, a follower is subject to that which he follows. By becoming a self leader, I was able to take control of my life. I took full responsibility for all of my decisions and in doing so, I was able to make wise decisions that would lead to desired results.
My desire is that all people would be willing to take this journey that I am on, the journey to true freedom through self leadership. I can see if that were to happen, the many problems that we see today would simply disappear, for people would not be looking for what they could get but instead what they could do. What they could do to better their life as well as the lives of others. Peoples focus would turn from consuming to creating, and in doing so prices would fall and prosperity would rise because of the abundance. But why is this not happening? Isn’t this what our Founding Father’s established through our Constitution. What I see has happened is that over time we have witnessed the establishment of a ruling class in our country called the career politician who is more concerned about holding office rather than protecting the rights of the individual. For that reason he is quick to pass sound good legislation that will get him votes but in essence take away our freedom. Our Founding Fathers were not career politicians, but were individuals who believed in the freedom and the rights of the individual and volunteered their time and resources to guarantee those rights of the individual through our Constitution. But over time, politicians and judges have changed the original intent to not guarantee those rights of the individual but to take control over the individual. We are no longer a government of the people, by the people and for the people, but a government of career politicians over the people.
This is why I see the importance of the Prime Law which would guarantee the rights of the individual by forbidding initiatory force against the individual, by another individual, group of individuals, or government. And the purpose of government would be to protect those rights. The Twelve Visions Party, based on the Prime Law is essential to bring about a change in the direction of our freedoms being lost and instead guaranteeing those rights and our freedom. When that happens, when individuals are freed from the burdens of big government, then prosperity will return, for business will once again flourish. Freedom must survive, not socialism as where we are headed if we continue our present course. Freedom is what made this country great and freedom will make it great again.
One last thing I want to share with you and is a great compliment to you and all the others in the Neothink Society, and this comes from my 20 year old son. We were talking the other day and he was sharing with me how when I first joined the society that he thought it was some pie in the sky group and really didn’t think much of it, but over the last year and a half he has watched what a difference it has made in his dad’s life and he told me that he can see how much I have changed and how happy I am now, and that he could recognize that the Neothink Society was truly a good thing. And that he too would like to start reading the literature himself. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you Mark for all that you have done for me.
THANK YOU!!! Mark Hamilton!
Dear Mr. Hamilton,
My personal path towards self-esteem, health, and financial independence (wealth) has been laid before me, courtesy of the Neothink Society, with special thanks due to the Founder of the Twelve Visions Party, Mark Hamilton. I say this with full confidence and stand by it with every bit of energy that my budding 20 year old body can produce—history will come to recognize Mark Hamilton as one of, if not the greatest of society’s benefactors, ever.
Does that sound like a bold statement, especially coming from a person whose lifespan would indicate that I haven’t the experience or knowledge to make such sweeping assertions? Perhaps in your eyes it’s a bold statement, but let me tell you about my personal experience and you decide.
Before I was introduced to the Neothink Society, my future was hopelessly doomed. I had spiraled downwards into an empty abyss and I had no way out of it until the Neothink society pulled me out of my lifelong trap. You see, I was a youth that had grown disillusioned to the point of giving up on life itself. Though I never would have, I couldn’t help the thoughts of suicide. At times, it just seemed easier…
Whereas I once scolded people who sat around and felt sorry for themselves, drowning their sorrows in alcohol and illegal substances, stress, insecurity and confusion led me towards that path. I BECAME that person who I once looked at as a “lowlife”. Time was passing and I wasn’t progressing. People warned me that I was throwing my life away, but I didn’t listen. I had grown depressed to the point it was hard to care. All I could think about was my future, how it was going nowhere, and how there was nothing that I could do could change that (or so I thought). I looked at myself and wondered, how in the world could I ever get where I wanted to be? It seemed impossible, the vision so far out of reach that I couldn’t even imagine it. Gone were the days of my childhood when I could visualize myself becoming somebody important, successful, who accomplished great things for the betterment of humanity.
But what happened to me? Before being introduced to the Neothink society, I was a sure-shot loser, a waste of talent, an unfortunate consequence of my circumstances. Without Neothink and Mark Hamilton, my potential would’ve been gone, forever…
Let me tell you about myself. Throughout my academic career, I’ve been a phenomenal student. In middle school, I graduated as the valedictorian of my class, of which I was very proud. My mother almost didn’t show up to the ceremony and my father, too drunk to go out in public, missed it, which was customary of him.
I was in the top 10% of my high school class, though by then I had started to grow disillusioned. I never once took a class for my core curriculum (math, history, science, English or Spanish) that was not “Honors Level”. My classes were always advanced, and sometimes even, “extra” advanced. For example, as a sophomore, I took AP Biology and AP Spanish (AP stands for Advanced Placement—college level courses for which you can obtain college credits), Two classes that, in my high school at least, were generally reserved ONLY for seniors. Additionally, I had an impressive list of extracurricular activities. I was sought after by many organizations in my school and my teachers constantly rained praise on me.
As a sophomore, a group of my peers, all seniors in their last year, elected me to be president of the Spanish Honors Society. Imagine applying to a college and being able to “brag” that I was elected President of an organization by my peers that were 2, 3 and in some cases 4 years older than me! My Spanish teacher, coincidentally the same woman who ran the organization, confided to me in secret that I had “what it takes”. She then went on to tell me she believed I could accomplish practically anything in life. In the course of the conversation, she told me that she believed I should consider becoming a diplomat. At the time, that was music to my ears. Now, years later, I realize that diplomatic immunity is really a pass to commit crimes in foreign jurisdictions. Now that I’ve evolved into a better human being, I no longer lust for this sort of power. But, all in all, to say the least, my academic performance and track record ensured that I was my guidance counselors dream come true.
A few days into my senior year, the story changes. I became my guidance counselor’s nightmare when I dropped out. I don’t blame him for being surprised—it caught everybody off guard. He pleaded with me, “Yosh, just finish the school year” but he couldn’t reach me. Everything fell on deaf ears. I walked out of Pascack Valley High school that year and everybody was left scratching their head…
It was hard to explain my motivations to other people. In truth, I was searching for “something more”. Throughout my life, I always had this intuitive feeling that the world worked differently than my teachers, parents, and authorities led me to believe. Soon, I would find out that there was a difference between indoctrination and education. When I understood that, I was able to make more sense of the world. Before that, certain things just never made sense. As a boy, I used to entrust my wellbeing to people until I started growing older. My mother and father were my role models until I realized that it was a bad decision to emulate neglecting, alcoholic parents. I used to consider myself religious until the scandal broke out and everybody found out that Catholic priests were molesting little boys. I used to think formal education was the best way to become successful, until I read John Taylor Gatto’s An Underground History of American Education. That’s when I realized education was being used as a destructive weapon against the populace. If the age-old adage “Knowledge is Power” holds true, then how can people be empowered if they’re misled through education?
The books I read at least allowed me to know that leaving school was a sane decision. Though people around me constantly criticized me, deep down I knew I was doing something that would change my life. I couldn’t see it then, but I kept with my plan. There was still a place for college, but something had to be taken care of first.
The criticism around me took hold, however, because I had grown distant from everybody. I went from popular and well-liked to somewhat of an outcast. In that solitude, I turned to alcohol for comfort. I guess the environment you grow up around really does influence you. We are all a product of our environments.
I kept searching and learning more, but the more I learned, the more hopeless I became. If you ever felt like the world was designed for you to lose, you should give yourself a round of applause. Your intuition is correct. As I found this out, I grew more and more depressed. What was the answer?
What I know now, I didn’t know then. Back then, I would’ve told you there was almost no hope. Now, I can tell you, unequivocally, THERE IS HOPE!!! And hope is spelled T-V-P. The answer lies within the Neothink Society and the new Political party, the Twelve Visions Party. The Twelve Visions Party means hope! Never in history has there been a party with the campaign platform “Make all the people rich, including the poor!” and the TVP is the only one that can accomplish this, ethically.
The first thing you should understand is Democrats and Republicans are NOT what they appear to be. They are NOT factions at war with each other. On the contrary, they work together to subjugate you. Go to Alex Jones websites. Subscribe to,, and Also, go to and listen to Kevin Trudeau. Those are good places to start. Seek the truth, and you will begin to understand how invaluable the Twelve Visions Party really is.
You are a product of your environment. Your children are a product of their environment. What type of world do you want for your children? It’s my guess you’d say, “A world where there is no poverty, no hunger, no crime. A world where terrorism doesn’t exist. A world free from oppression, sexism, racism. A world where everyone is FREE to be happy, healthy, wealthy and do what they LOVE”. The Twelve Visions world is something like heaven on Earth. It is better than a Utopia. A Utopia is a world that can only exist in a novel. The Twelve Visions World can exist in reality.
Contrast that to today’s world of crime, hunger, increasing job losses and the looming threat of terror. Today’s reality is a world where inflation threatens to completely wipe out your buying power. Today’s reality is a world where you are scared to let your children go to school, after Columbine, and more recently Virginia Tech. Today’s reality is a world where politicians threaten to tax you on the very air you breathe. What do you think a “carbon tax” really is?
This irrational non-sense would never occur in a government operated on the principles of the Twelve Visions Party and based on the Prime Law. In a world where everybody was rich, including the poor, crime would be non-existent. Ponder for a moment that most people in jail are there over a money-related crime. Can you see how crime would dramatically decrease or completely disappear in a world where everybody was free from financial worries?
Is it hard for you to relate to this sort of thinking? That’s okay! The Neothink Society’s multigenerational literature will open your eyes to the vast possibilities! My initial hesitation and skepticism faded quickly when I was overwhelmed with the value of these books. They are called “multigenerational” because they’re value will NEVER diminish. These books are timeless, aging like fine wine. Thousands of years from now, scholars will look back and realize that these books are symbolic of mankind’s greatest accomplishment, creating a New World, far from the New World Order that the parasitical elite wish to create.
As I’ve said, I was a great student in high school and scored well on the SATS (2020), but embracing the multigenerational books was the smartest thing I ever did. I’m so much smarter now that I ever was and I’m confident and happy with myself. I no longer doubt myself, and with my newly-discovered confidence, I easily with no effort got rid of the destructive habits I had picked up from my parents and the people around me. Nothing compares to the feeling! I can’t help but mention that since my thinking has expanded at least 10-fold, girls like me more (women too!). Pretty girls who shied away from me during my tough times now say to me “Wow! You’re so smart! You’re amazing!” And who do I have to thank for all this attention? The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton, who basically rescued me from drowning. I literally am indebted with my own life.
Now, the TVP will rescue humanity! I support the TVP, Neothink, and Mark Hamilton until my dying breath! I also know the founding fathers would, too.
I become deeply sad when I think of what the world will disintegrate into without the TVP. The thought is so haunting that I find myself slipping into mental states reminiscent of my super-depression before I was blessed with Neothink. Why? Because I know a world without the TVP would be hopelessly doomed, as I was. In fact, I’m so sure of it, that, should the TVP fail, I would never even consider having children, because I think it would be criminal and immoral to bring human life into a world where they are bound to become slaves to the elite.
All I can say is Thank you Neothink. Thank you TVP. And THANK YOU!!! Mark Hamilton! My children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will forever be grateful for the monumental work you’ve done over a lifetime to ensure their prosperous existence, safe from the irrational dangers of today’s society.
With Neothink, I quickly changed my life. I got my GED, applied to school, and was accepted on a scholarship. For years it was my dream to go to an Ivy League school. However, with the multigenerational books, the TVP, Neothink and society’s greatest benefactor, Mark Hamilton, I know I’m way better off than the snobs at Harvard. See you all in the Twelve Visions World!
With love for humanity, Yoshua O.
Mark Hamilton helped me to rediscover my child of the past
One year ago, I received your invitation to read the prime literature and I must say it came at the right time of my life. I had just experienced a 9 year nightmare after loosing one of my two sons in a car accident on a Christmas eve. This event led me to a series of bad decisions that ended my marriage of 38 years. My other son had no interest in following my footsteps in the business so I really had no purpose in living. My depression took over my life and other illnesses developed including cancer of the prostate, four by pass heart surgery, diabetes and a ruptured appendix. I though I was going to die soon, but I wanted to live so I got involved in several relationships with younger women but my religious beliefs did not allow me to be happy, I was always feeling guilty of my actions and so I ended them. My last relationship ended just 4 months ago after trying to make some sense of my life. She was a good person but we disagree too much in managing the business that we started together from scratch and also in managing her family matters. I was not happy at all, I was getting sick with every decision made so your letter gave the courage to end this relationship and start a new life. I have regain my sanity and even though I live alone in a small apartment, I feel free of pressures that harm my health and do only those things that I want to do. I have taken steps to improve my health by going regularly to a gym and doing exercises 3 to 5 times a week. Secondly I decided to open a small office and return to my real estate business as my second FNE next to beginning an
A Team and initiating the first TVP in El Paso Texas with your approval . My purpose for living has increased to help make this world a better place to live for my son and my two grandsons and every generation to come. I strongly believe that this world is the only place where we can live our lives, and be happy as value creators not as value destroyers. I am ready to do my part in moving forward the Twelve Visions World . Thank you Mark Hamilton
Mark Hamilton’s Multi-Generational Manuscripts are life changing. Mark Hamilton helped me to rediscover my child of the past and opened the door to the person that I am meant to be. I am passionate about our future in the Neothink Society. The Twelve Visions Party is the beginning of a whole new world. A world without poverty and crime. A world of peace and love.
Jill S
Mark Hamilton has two concerns
From what I can see, Mark Hamilton has two concerns. He cares deeply about the well-being and happiness of people and he is concerned about being attacked by what I call shortsighted, irresponsible and malicious adversaries who don’t want him to advance vital projects related to these ideals.
I have seen him speak through videos and have read some of his various works but otherwise only know of him through contacts with his associates and underlings. I met some of them during one of their conventions and will say that I’ve never been so readily accepted and treated so warmly by strangers in my life.
He heads up a group that promotes honest business ethics, economic growth (not the accustomed stagnation and industrial job loss that we’ve been seeing) and, most of all; he and his group place a higher value on life than any political party or, for that matter, religion.
I first encountered these people as a skeptic and pretty much remained that way for some time but going to their convention and seeing them face to face left me no doubt that they are for real, they are earnest, and that their “political” agenda – if you could call it that – will leave society much better off than those of other parties; and that includes the supposedly idealistic third parties that still rely on the same subtle, legalistic, and corrupted foundations.
Those who slander, defame, or otherwise attack Mark Hamilton and his affiliates can expect well-considered denunciations thrown back at them from this quarter. If such unseemly critics want to use the arts of intimidation, duck-and-dodge, usage of front men, or other cowardly maneuvers, they will be exposed for that too. I know what those who employ the convincing con artists and paid slaves of the media are up to and if they act inappropriately, they will be called to account for their actions. From what I can see, Mr. Hamilton and his people have lots of friends in unlikely places and people everywhere are increasingly able to see through certain people’s cheap and obnoxious smear tactics.
Signed R Thomas J
When I first received literature from Mark Hamilton…
When I first receiving literature from Mark Hamilton, I thought here is another one these money make opportunity that never works. But once I started to read the literature , It was not what I assume it was. Mark Hamilton and The Neothink Society encourage oneself to become self leader and to take one hundred percent responsibility of are own lives. There are many wonderful tool in the literature to accomplish that. I for one like the mini-day/power-thinking team .This tool has allow me to get thing done in one day, that would have taken a week, wonderful. Thank you Mark Hamilton for your time and effort and thank you also Neo-Think member for your support.
When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature
Dear Mr. Hamilton:
When I opened the email you sent us telling us that the government authorities may potentially end our cause of Neothink Society and TVP in the near future, I said to myself, this can’t be happening. I wanted to stress with my whole heart and soul that we cannot let them silence something we so strongly believe in.
When I first read Mr. Hamilton’s literature I realized all the time I had wasted on doing tedious things without value or importance for anyone. Neothink Society has meant a lot to me over the past two years and has changed my life for the better. I truly feel like a new woman and all my peers can see the drastic change in me. I have started to actually appreciate my family and am always working on becoming a better individual. Mr. Hamilton’s words are very close to my heart and have taught me how to achieve many great things I never dreamed of accomplishing. I believe that TVP is something that serves as an enlightening perspective for all those seeking for guidance for what our future may hold.
That is why I, Maria C. Rodriguez, testify that Neothink Society and the TVP movement is something marvelous that all humanity should want to explore. Let’s do our best to continue forth with this cause, that I’m sure has helped many people just like me.
Truly yours,
Maria C. R
My association with Mark Hamilton…
“My association with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society has always been completely honest, ethical and filled with a spirit to share value creating thinking and actions for the sake of ordinary people and citizens of our great country. Mark Hamilton has always delivered whatever was promised with the highest integrity and refreshing absence of a “pie in the sky” rhetoric.
E. Williams
Mark Hamilton
Mark Hamilton.
I really owe you for the stage what I’m at right now, the stage where I’m a new individual ,happy .healthy and almost wealthy, before I joined the society I was ok or like the vast majority , but now with the new vision and new me I gained from reading your multigenerational manuscripts and learning from your mentoring and the society members, I can and live and visualize the bright future a wait for me and for all people, I really want to thank you for your great efforts of writing in fact creating the multigenerational manuscripts and for your devotions of having these multigenerational manuscripts available to me and the public , I want thank you for your support and your fathering me and all the society members as will as creating the Twelve Vision Party TVP, even thou that you’re younger than a lot of society members, you still feel and make us feel your honest fathering.
with Mr. Hamilton’s dedications and fathering of the society members and the TVP that will bring the happiness and the wealth to the mass ,
thank you Mr. Hamilton for your sacrifices of your personal assets to father and support us in the Neothink society.
Mr. Hamilton I’m not here to list all of your favors and dedications to the Neothink society and the TVP because your efforts are more than to be listed.
thank you Mark
The New Me