Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category

My personal thanks to an honest and truthful business man and author

Mr. Mark Hamilton.
My name is Bill S. I am not a professional writer, so all I can do is say what is in my heart on this testimonial. I am a retired building contractor, I served with the USMC in the Korean War and I have a great little family to love and protect. When I first came into Neothink I was at the lowest point in my life. I had lost my wife of many years to cancer, a thing that I believe, through our efforts in Neothink will be eradicated for all time. I had reached the point of not caring about going on in life, however my children were very caring and helpful and assisted me into living again. At around this time I received a letter from the Neothink society that informed me that I was special and was selected to receive honest information that would change my life, so that I could live the life that I was meant to live; a healthy, wealthy and peaceful life in a safe environment. So far it has been just that and still improving, thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society; of course to bring this about and keep improving, I needed to become involved and study the honest and revealing literature of Neothink by Mark Hamilton. It is now three years later and I can honestly say that my life has really changed and continues to change for the better. I am involved at the local level with my A-Team, this is a group of like minded people that are seeking a better life through the Neothink society and the Twelve Visions world. I am also involved at the state (Texas) and national level with the TVP. This is a mostly non-political party of free enterprise business type folks (men and women) who only want to bring about a safer and freer society that we can all live and prosper in. To those who read this, please know that the only ones involved in the Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink society are good, honest, hard working folks, and what matters to them is to bring everyone in the United States and the World the system that will make all the people rich, including the poor. Please read and understand our literature before you fall victim to the many untrue stories and blogs. My personal thanks to an honest and truthful business man and author, Mr. Mark Hamilton.
Thanks Mark, with love and peace. Bill
PS: To anyone who has not studied the Prime Law-read it because it is your only hope of Real Freedom and Prosperity.

The Teachings of Mark Hamilton

At 21 years of age, my life’s values and mindset have evolved to something I’ve always hoped/dreamed for thanks to the writings and teachings of Mark Hamilton. All my life I was raised in a low income family never really able to appreciate or enjoy the finest things in life due to a constant financial struggle. As I grew older, as we all do, leaving the fantasy childhood mind as we grow into our adult self’s ready to become part of the world, my experiences worsened. At first I only saw myself and what I needed to do for my own happiness. Shortly thereafter, I started taking a serious look at the world, the way we live, the evil that resides here on this beautiful planet; from criminals to corrupt politics, specialized education, false values, and the worst of all…the majority of mankind still believes our origin is due to the magical creation from a mystical God…something as easily fake as a vampire or ghost.
I started to see how easily we have all been forced out of our natural, peace full, state of mind that is truly our human nature. Children are proof of this. All children our peace full life embracing explorers meant to explore existence. We simply fill them with lies and false guilt/ meanings/philosophies to tell them that all of our accumulated negative disgusting history is a direct result of Human Nature. I was forced this way of thinking like all of us in the public schooling of our America. Its false and telling people its false is wrong to. Any kind of force on another conscious life form should be condemned to the worst prosecution allowed by law. But back to the point you cannot tell someone their beliefs or values are wrong. What we all must do is to send a message to ourselves worldwide(the entire living human populous). To simply take a step back and ask ourselves…. Are any of us really and honestly doing anything that has a fundamental purpose in the survival and progress of the actual human race a nd our individual selves? The answer is more truth full in just and observation of the world around you. What’s on the TV..What you hear from political leaders… anything that tells you how to live your one of a kind life. We are all unique and brilliant creations emerged from the miracle of life. Yet since the birth of consciousness within our species we have but only a few responsible accomplishments. We are led by the least intelligent group of people within society. We believe money rules all when its simply and measuring system of value created by us Human Beings/Value Creators. When I was entering high school to hear that Life is a random event in which you follow down this long path of stress and forced knowledge to maybe one day become successful and happy. To my surprise my mind did not like what I was hearing. It sickens me that people are happy and feel a since of deserving when they hear how retirement works. Its a mutated form of slavery. I ask the question who in our world suggested that people should work, work work work breaking there back for decades to then get a life break and financial freedom to the point where their so old and enjoyment of life has passed. Its disgusting and this is only one small aspect of how our live’s our manipulated. We are living in a revolutionary era of our species. Its something undeniable and unstoppable. Either we together as the human will succeed to exist and accomplish all goals within physical reality. Or we will parish and fall to the forces of nature as did the dinosaurs and we have until now. Our minds and lives need not to be controlled or told what to do. We are all geniuses with special gifts for all of society. Our suppressed conscious brains need to revaluate our lives. This generation on the planet needs to look at all the facts and knowledge on our world to understand how special we are. Mark Hamilton is the man who has brought the most significant piece of literature and a philosophy that is the most genius within the Human race. His writings and teachings are of value to anyone who can think. The opportunity to put our lives in control before the governments and religions of the world put an end to us all. If you disgrace this man before understanding and informing yourself on all this man believes you are truly a disease. There will be no place left for you within our universe. and certainly not in heaven. This is our last chance as a species to take control and evolve to the Twelve Visions World. An idea we all have been putting off for centuries because someone falsely created the concept of god so that Man could control Mankind. Neo think is our future, it dissolves all dishonesties within our minds, obsoletes religion/politics/authority. By simply being interested in what Mark Hamilton and us of the NeoThink Society have to say you will be doing a great deal of good. If you believe the false Illusion the media will place over you as they do every day then you do not belong here. In this century we the fighters against ignorance and control. We fight for the first time in Humanity actual freedom to everyone. If you stand against this movement you are the equivalent of evil. That’s what this is all about.
Ignorance VS. Intelligence
Religion VS. Science
Evil VS. Good
Freedom VS. Control
Creation VS. Destruction
Life VS. Death
Beliefs VS. Facts
If you want to edit any of this please do i just wanted to get everything out of my mind hope all goes well keep me informed if there’s anything i can do
Mike Z



MARK HAMILTON and the society has change my life for the better…

Hi my name is Alice
when I was first introduced to the NEOTHINK SOCIETY. I was a little skeptical about the society but I reader the letter and got the books and after reading all three of them . I could see all the honesty and love for all the people in MARK HAMILTON and not just for some people but all people all over the world. and meeting MARK HAMILTON and the society has change my life for the better I am happy and have a love for life it not a burden to live I feel free in my mind and soul. it a joy to live and to see the future thru the TVP. I’ll learning to lead my on life and not let other people tell me how I should think or be have more confident in my self lost fears doing things I would not have done if I had not met Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society they help me to use my mind in ways I didn’t know I could. we need the TVP it will be life changing for all the people the poor, middle and the upper class for the better.don’t be afraid of Mark Hamilton or the NEOTHINK SOCIETY use your head think for your self. don’t listen to what other people have to say 95%of them don’t know anything about Mark Hamilton or NEOTHINK SOCIETY they are afraid of what they don’t know so you find out for your self. I have learn it better to find out for your self about any thing you want to know first hand that way you know what you are talking about and not talking out of fear of the unknown

To Mark Hamilton , Coming straight from the heart…

To Mark Hamilton , Coming straight from the heart, I am backing you 100% and the Neothink , your 12 vision are what this world need to pull away from the stagnation of the old system and old way that do not work , to many are dyeing even as I type there are many cure for illness that have been stop, people need to crawl out of the hole that other have try to place us in ,, thing can change people need to wake up we can all make a difference , we all have to find the essence of what is be for time run out ,, there are thing I have stop and it has been work ,, you have help me focused to keep pushing for word , I was on the right track all these year , never really knowing why till now , it has always been in me and would shine at time pull in for the inner to the outside now , and will do what it take to I brake the ties that have banded people to where they were I can change the dark clouds that surround those , I have done it and I will keep working with the force of energy to change what I can as fast as I can no matter where I may be in a day , changing the course of energy that is around other getting rid of the negative forces … it was once said if think you can move a mount ion you can ,, we need you as you need us we can make the change for the better for the love of staying alive for as long as we can .. always deep within though you can and we can as well as I will Michelle

Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society

Hello Mark,
I would love to shout this testimonial from the rooftops, but as it is, use it as how you see fit and please know that it is heartfelt and sincere.
I no longer question how I became a member of the wonderful Neothink Society, but appreciate that I am a part of this wonderful society.
Please understand that my background is very interesting yet common. I was, what you call, a product of my environment. I ran with crowds and got into what most kids got into … Trouble. Fortunately, for me those troubles were overcome by what we call “fortunate chances,” or maybe “conscious interferences” in life.
However, I attribute those “fortunate chances” to my will of, not necessarily wanting more, but to know more.
Life had to be more that just the short flash of time of our stay here on earth, and the never-ending hurt that we endure.
I remembered asking myself during the loss of my father, “why?” I don’t know if i ever answered that question mentally during those adolescent years, but no one else’s explanation sufficed … That’s for certain. Even after all these years I’ve come to realize that it was inevitable at that time, but that he died too soon.
There are and were questions to many occurrences that couldn’t or can’t be answered at the moment in question, but being a part of the Neothink Society allows me to seek answers from a real-life perspective … Not just an “anti-civilization” perspective where the hurt is compounded because those misfortunes are explained away by priest, parents and friends as a way to ease the pain only … Forgive them. For they know not what they say.
They explaining that he or she lived a happy life and it was “their time”. They never never explain that they did nothing to contribute to society … left no existing value to anything (not even their kids in some cases) … otherwise, in these cases we would have prayed that “their souls” are not lost forever due to their lack to pursue true knowledge.
During the death of a love one, priest, parents and friends appease us by comparing the common loser and non-achiever with the great achiever and compassionate person … confirming to us that their destinations in life were far different, but in the inevitability of death (the end), they are alike. This is their ultimate reasoning (or teachings) in life … That everyone is equal.
Well, being a part of the Neothink Society, reaffirms a sensation that has dwelt in the pit of my stomach as a child … the gut feelings that I had throughout my adolescent years … and remains in the consciousness of my being as an adult … That I am not only a part of the “here-and-now”, but that I am also a part of a much larger picture. I am a part of a Conscious Universe.
“No man is wholly free in the anti-civilization. He is a slave to the man-made laws of the land and their wealth and fortune … Else the people restrain him from acting according to his will alone.” Euripides (485 B.C.)
Larry D. S

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party

Dear Mr. Hamilton,
I sent this to Judge Stephens, Maryland Clubhouse Coordinator, to submit to you, however, I am not sure he understands the importance of this matter. My apologies if you have already received this.
Problem: On the twelve vision world website there is a statement that the national parks would be sold to industry right at the time a national movement is taking place to save the parks from industrialization. , seen by the PBS week long series on defending the parks land and wildlife, the Sierra clubs nearly 100,000 signatures pledging to protect them, and other conservation groups efforts. This is a significant number of voters.
Solution: Instead of selling off the parks and perhaps other National Treasures, such as museums why not turn the parks over to the Audobon Society, (the original caretakers) the Sierra Club and similar groups for management of these lands and wildlife?
Groups use donations and fees for maintenance; government appropriations through taxation are not needed. The groups function through donations and member fees; administrative political actions they are involved in such as, lobbying, mobilizing voters, etc., takes alot from their budget. This plan would allow the money they presently spend for legislative reasons to be transferred to operational management of the parks and museums. Plus the entrance fees already available to the daily operation and through volunteerism the Parks are funded.
TVP has less opposition from voters. Voter image would be that the TVP are conservation advocates who see the prime law of protection as encompassing our indigenous wildlife and national parks. These lands are of such natural beauty no single adjective can fully describe them; people view them as national monuments and a birth right. Besides the fact ‘going green’, organic, conservation, sustainability and responsible technology is in, its everywhere!
Government regulatory beaucracy is no longer required. Because not just one group owns the parks, their regulation ( administrative duties, expenses and needs) are pretty much ensured. They’ll police each other.
Cons- Personally, I cannot think of any argument against it so I’ll leave thinking up these to the national committee members
Best Regards,
Clara T

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for providing the framework…

I would like to thank Mark Hamilton for providing the framework, through the ‘Twelve Visions’, to unite us all.
About 5 years ago I received a letter that said I was special. I bought the book and found that there are other people that think like me. I bought two more books each of the letters came while I was away. This made it difficult getting them sent in on time. I have grown in both ability and understanding by using Neothink and connecting with other like minded people.
I was about half through the third book when I got onto the web site. I joined some of the chats and met others from my state. We have been working on the Neothink concepts as laid out in the multi-generational texts.
The Twelve Visions Party will bring prosperity for all. Putting the Government back in its place accountable to and representing the people. With the Neothink Society and TVP there is again HOPE.
Judi C

What I would say, if I were asked what Mark Hamilton, and the Twelve Visions Party mean to me…

What I would say, if I were asked what Mark Hamilton, and the Twelve Visions Party mean to me………..
-Good morning, and how are you today?
I’m fine. Though I am very concerned about the present condition of the economy.
Oh? Do you really think it’s worse than any other normal down turn in the economy?
Absolutely. As far as the health of the economy is concerned, we always have peaks and valleys. But this time everyone agrees, it is much worse than a typical recession.
Are you concerned about the future of this country?
Yes. There seems to be a general sense of panic by our leaders. There are a lot of initiatives being implemented to straighten out the economic mess, but none seem to be well thought out as to how they will affect us in the long term.
How is it affecting your outlook on the immediate future?
I’m afraid that all the “quick fixes” are adding to, and postponing a much worse economic scenario.
Do you have confidence our leaders will solve our nation’s problems?
No. The “quick fix” ideas do not address the underlying problems.
What is the underlying problem?
Too many restrictions are in place that don’t allow the “geniuses of society” to be able to use their creative abilities to solve our problems. If not so restricted, society would progress much faster in all areas, like the lightening fast progress we have made in the relatively unrestricted computer industry.
Do you think it’s time for citizens to hit the panic button?
No. I believe it is time to act, but not to panic.
Why do you seem to be taking this gloomy outlook in stride?
Because I believe there is a solution to this national crisis, and it is at hand.
What do you think the solution is to this unprecedented crisis?
We need government reform. We need to reshape the government to reflect what the “Founding Fathers” intended it to be.
Is there anyone with a realistic plan to accomplish that?
Yes. A man named Mark Hamilton.
What does Mark Hamilton offer as a solution?
Mark Hamilton’s goal is to establish the “Twelve Visions Party” which would recapture the spirit of what our Fore Fathers intended government to be in a Free society.
What would the :Twelve Visions Party” do to solve this dilemma?
The “Twelve Visions Party” will protect all individuals from all initiatory force, and will allow the creative “geniuses of society” to rapidly provide the means for heath, wealth, and safety for all people.
How will this Twelve Visions Party get established?
The majority of people now recognize the need for vast improvement in government. They will investigate what Mark Hamilton’s literature ,and the T. V. P. offer. Then they will vote into office, candidates who will implement the changes needed to bring about health, wealth, and safety for everyone.
What you say Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party will provide sounds great, but why should I believe it’s more than just another pipe dream?
I would encourage you to decide for yourself if what I say is true, by reading Mark Hamilton’s Neothink Society literature. I believe you will be as impressed as I am.
Bruce A

Mark Hamilton, has not only transformed my life…

The literature that I’ve received in the Neothink society and Mark Hamilton, has not only transformed my life, but , has tremendously positively affected my niece and nephew for I have taught them what I’ve learned, and they are soaring as young children at ages 6 and 9, beyond their parents dreams. As far as the political movement, everywhere I go, everyone I meet, all are starving for this new political party, they have had enough of the bickering between the parties, and are realizing that’s something’s not right and we need a party for the people, not a party that argues with each other over issues that do not mean anything, while things do not get any better, whichever party is elected and in office! People have had enough, time to Unite, not be swept into the divide and conquer of the current political 2-party system design! People are sick and tired of the “I’m for this” and the other party is ” I’m against that” The I’m for and your against current 2-party system is no longer holding water, it’s childish in nature and people have had enough!

March 2025