Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category

If we continue to carry on in our belief system for another 50 years of so, what is to become of society as a whole?


So, the BIG question to ask ourselves is:  If we continue to carry on in our belief system for another 50 years of so, what is to become of society as a whole?  Can we honestly say that the mess we are in today had nothing to do with leadership?  What illusions and trappings have we fallen into?  Go ahead, ask yourself these questions and I dare you to come up with an Honest to Goodness answer…If it is due to our old thinking and old habits isn’t it about time to make some changes?  Aren’t you sick and tired of being sick and tired of this repetitious mental loop we’re all apart of?  I don’t know about all of you out there, but it’s high time we start to think anew.  And, that’s where  the NEOTHINK Society comes in.  It’s time to think new thoughts.  Form new thought patterns, get off the old conveyor belt and merry go round…

Mark Hamilton and Neothink has brought another perspective at viewing reality.  Looking at life on a grander and wider scale.  Not through the scope of narrow minded thinking.  I’ve searched for answers all my life and never, ever came across anything remotely close to what I’ve discovered through the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party.  

Following the herd was never a part of my life.  I knew there was more then what we were lead to believe, by our constituents, peers and society in general.  

My life path has taken me from that of a follower to that of a leader.  A leader and creator of my own life.  No more letting outside influences rule over me.  I make my own happiness, if someone around me doesn’t like what I’m about or what I’ve become, so be it.  They are entitled to their own opinion.  I on the other hand know that it’s ultimately my own thinking that can change my feelings within seconds.  If only, this information was made available to me in my younger years I would have been able to avoid all of the heartaches and obstacles in the past.  

I consider myself privileged to have these bits and pieces of information so beautifully written in helping me to gain prosperity, health and happiness with out any guilt of dishonest gain.  

I have truly found the answers I know so many of you are searching for.  Don’t be afraid, follow your inner feeling and guidance.  This knowledge will set you free…

Thank you Mark Hamilton, thank you for being the ONE for releasing this message to the world.

Very grateful for BEING…Giesele B.

Mark Hamilton has provide the tools to expand my mind


For most of my life I’ve been in a rut. Spinning my wheels trying to figure out how the pieces fall into place. Mark Hamilton has provide the tools to expand my mind, and understand what it, is I need to take control, of my own life. I’ve never been more Happy in all my days, at least that I can remember.  It’s time to shift the Power back to the people, and let them be in charge of their own existence, to see that we all want the same thing, to be free. And to love one another without prejudice, and to want to lift others up upon the same plain.  
I am greatly appreciative for all the words that have brought me to were I am in life today. Everyone should understand that Mark Hamilton’s best interests lie within their own best interest.  
Thank you, to the late Frank W., and thank you, Mark Hamilton for seeing this through..

Mark Hamilton – Thank You


Dear Mark,
I love my life and I have to thank you so much for showing me that I don’t have to feel guilty for anything or be bullied by anyone ever again.  I have come a long way, I was so naive about what should I do?  What on earth was I thinking when I thought “Is this all that there is in life.”  When I started reading the Neothink I could not stop reading and knew that I had found the society that I would love to be a part of so I got involved with the twelve vision party (TVP)  Time will be our friend, life will continue to evolve and wealth and creation of a better world.  Contributing to the society and creating a better life for all who want to be healthy, happy and loving every testimony that is written is something that we are proud to be a part of and I want to say that being involved with such great loving people in Neothink who all want the best for every living being.  Motivation is what has changed about me and never give up is my saying.  Just say that my cup runs over should sum it up pretty nicely.

Jeanne M

Encountering Mark Hamilton…


Encountering Mark Hamilton through his writings and meeting the people in the Neothink society has been one of the most uplifting things in my life. You cannot find a more honest and caring people than those who make up the Neothink society, all of whom like myself have been mentored by Mark Hamilton.

Neothink Society members are the most patriotic individuals that you can find in almost every country of the world today. Their love for their fellow man and the anguish that they feel for the suffering masses is unequaled. Why do the masses suffer for the most part? The answer is corrupt politicians who instead of serving the people as stipulated by the various constitutions of their country usurp power for their own on glory. Using the power entrusted to them by the people, they by their actions, votes, corrupt every arm of government for their own selfish gain, leaving the masses to suffer.

Neothink Society members everywhere abhor dishonesty, injustice, corruption and violations of the constitution and the many ills that currently plague governments everywhere. The wish of every Neothink Society member like myself is to help to create a flourishing society where everyone strives to put more value into society than they take out and a real return to the real “rule of law.”

Mark Hamilton’s writings show everyone how to become honest, creative, productive members of society. His writings have contributed tremendously to my growth and I am so grateful.

The success of the Twelve Vision Party of which Mark Hamilton is a part of, will mean a true return to the rule law. A different breed of politicians will emerge to create conditions that will enable value creation explosion everywhere. This will in turn cause prosperity explosion that will uplift everyone.

My wish is that everyone in our society will honestly seek to find out what Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Vision party stand for and if they do, they will find out how patriotic Mark Hamilton, the party and its members are and without question they will support the party as I and my family does.

Ndubuisi A

Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK LITERATURE


With gratitude and pride I have embrace myself to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK LITERATURE because it is an outstanding privilege to be part of an immense fountain of knowledge, a treasure in the book shelf of the libraries — through  Mr. Hamilton and his literature I have learned through real wise examples of successful people business lessons and ethics that has empowered my mind and has reactivate energy to see and to discover the numerous opportunities and benefit that I can create and work on or work for — Neothink literature is like a powerful spark plug that keeps the mind away from dying, away from a destructive path of communication. It is getting the right instructions to became a real human with the understanding of how to use our experiences in an age of maturity to apply in our children and be a good example for the rest of the people, with the great benefit of understanding responsibility and without the frustration!   Because with NEOTHINK LITERATURE we learn to have an open mind, we understand the failure from the past and we know how to manage the present and future, it’s the reason why Neo Think  literature can be a great benefit for anyone in any part of the world – Neothink literature is the missing part of every human in the world, without this knowledge a human is incomplete … Just as Jesus  Christ said “man cannot live from bread alone” – we the humans need knowledge to feed our mind and soul as well. And just to share …  from Neothink literature I have also benefited from the excellent and proper diet treatment that is within the literature —  this knowledge  is to choose to live a enchanted productive life for the rest of our existence, because with this literature we learn to understand about how politics works! Yes it is an amazing deal !  And we can participate too! Mr. Mark Hamilton has a platform name Twelve Vision Party — which is a real driving force for anyone in any part of the world because the person would be able to understand the responsibility of that politic position with the advantage of really understanding about the ethics  of that responsibility and  area of opportunities with the names on it! — Neothink Literature has been for me a great accomplishment that I have done in my life, thanks to the enrichment of Neothink Literature and Society today I am A student of a college business license and my life and house is full of ideas and projects that fulfill my everyday life with new reasons to go on!
With great appreciation I would like to send a Billion of thank yous to Mr. Mark Hamilton and his NEOTHINK LITERATURE!

Jany I A

Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party


Greetings to everyone who reads this,
This is my long overdue testimonial to the Neothink Society, Mark Hamilton and the Twelve Visions Party. Several matters – all of them linked to gaps in my knowledge – have delayed me in the production of this testimonial, but perhaps in some ways that is not a bad thing because my knowledge is now more complete than at any other time. I am far more certain of where I stand. Gaps have been filled in my understanding and I am now able to speak out with confidence based on a more complete awareness of the facts that fully confirm that what I am saying is absolutely true. Therefore, in what I have written here, I mean what I say and I say what I mean. And I can now say with total honesty that I feel one hundred percent a part of the Neothink Society and all that is associated with it!
Never in my life before this time have I come anywhere close to the experiences that now are becoming a daily occurrence for me. My mind is undergoing an empowering transformation that is exciting beyond anything else in my experience. For decades of time my life experience has been enshrouded in perplexing mystery. Unanswered questions about the direction my life was taking have haunted me for years; questions such as, Why is my life fraught with an ongoing succession of predominantly negative circumstances and experiences? Why have I become locked into apparent failure in virtually every major area of life, while at the same time having volumes of evidence to indicate that I possess natural abilities which should have produced a life of resounding success and abundance? Over a period of several years I set myself to document a detailed account of my personal history by setting up two separate but integrated projects, I called them my Personal Life History Project and my Personal File Project. These were aimed at unraveling the mystery which has surrounded my personal life for as long as I have been on this planet by providing a detailed documentation of my natural abilities integrated into an account of the events of my life, set out in detail in their chronological sequence – a project integration which I hoped would provide me with the answers I needed and reveal the path to permanent solutions.
My efforts, while certainly a fascinating undertaking, failed to produce a satisfactory means of resolving the mystery. Questions aimed at understanding the process of cause and effect at work in my life which had produced the chain of circumstances and experiences I was living through remained for the most part unanswered right up until very recent times. Prior to undertaking the two projects, more than forty years of involvement with religion had failed to provide me with solid answers. Nothing I put my mind to had led to satisfactory answers or any kind of lasting solution. A vital dimension was missing from my knowledge, but I had no idea what it was or where to start looking in order to find it. All I had was the dilemma of many, many questions without answers and a life full of bewildering problems, seemingly without solutions.
But . . . fast-forward through the years to a new development in my life experience: I became a member of the Neothink Society. There has never been in all of my experience anything that even comes close to the Neothink Society and the incredible insights I have gained from the writings of Mark Hamilton and other material obtained through the Neothink Society. In the time I have been a member of the Society I have come to know – and to know that I know – what the answers are to those perplexing questions that have mystified me for so long. Now I know, as I have learned over the past few weeks from some astonishing material obtained from the Society, just how much my own thought process has had to do with directing the course that my life has followed. I now know that my own mind has produced every single experience I have lived through along the way – both good and bad experiences. My own continuous output of thought impulses has had everything to do with the direction in which my life has traveled . . . And that is one hundred percent fact! I now understand that in order to chart a brand new course for my life, a course that will lead to the life I was meant to live, I need to seat myself at the control console of my mind and reprogram it to transmit a new combination of frequencies that will direct my life along its new course, this time moving me toward vast horizons of positive change . . . It opens up a whole new world that once seemed alien and beyond reach; I now have the means to reach and enter that new world – and that is exciting!
I still have a great deal to learn. What I possess at this time is just the beginning of an understanding, but the knowledge I now possess has set into action a driving force which shall become unstoppable! Knowledge I needed, but lacked throughout my life, is now in place. That vital life-changing information came to me through the Neothink Society . . . from nowhere else. I have started in earnest to break through into a new way of thinking. The old barriers are crumbling and collapsing. This is like nothing I have ever experienced at any time in life before now. During my years of ignorance I was never alone in my lack of awareness and understanding of that missing dimension in human knowledge. I had most of the rest of the human race to keep me company. What I didn’t know, I didn’t know that I didn’t know!
The information imparted by the Neothink Society, in a major portion through the writings of Mark Hamilton and others, truly is information that needs to be made known to all people of the world. Once understood and applied, such vital knowledge could transform every human life on this planet – it would literally transform this entire world in a way that would benefit every living being on Planet Earth. Bearing all that in mind, we have through it an illustration of how a great change for good will come about when the one party on the political scene that is founded on these same life-transforming principles, the Twelve Visions Party, comes successfully into office. It will mean great change for us all. The TVP will set into motion a process of dramatic change – positive change that will first of all be felt in America, then ultimately across the entire globe. People everywhere will learn to live their lives as self-leaders, to chart their own course through an incredible life most have never yet even suspected is possible for them to experience. It will, for the first time ever, open up opportunity for all people of the world to come to a recognition of, and to actually become, the person each was meant to be. To put this fund of essential knowledge into place and at the disposal of everyone around the globe, the Twelve Visions World must soon become a reality!
Let’s make it so.
David Knox

My deepest gratitude goes to you Mark Hamilton

My deepest gratitude goes to you Mark Hamilton. I’m not sure if you know this but you saved my life. I was going through some rough times before I read your discoveries. I was overweight, smoking, drinking, using recreational drugs, and slowly heading towards deterioration and death. I sank into a state of depression. Not long after reading your discoveries and applying them did I begin to break out of that funk. I began leaving behind all those damaging habits and exercising regularly. Every day I wear a proud smile on my face and I am thankful that you took the time to mentor me these past few years. I’m blissfully happy and forever grateful for the good you have done for me and my family and how you have positively shown me a better way to live. Thank You!
-Royd G.

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton:
We have dedicated our life to develop a new method of education to create a new kind of human being for an honest and upright society. After that, we have knocked on many doors to market and implement such a wonderful technique but, illogically, we have found nobody interested in developing such a wonderful tool for humankind, and could not understand the reasons behind it. We were about to give up when a year and a half ago we discovered the Neo Think Society and since then our life has gone through many changes. I will name only a few of them: My wife has recovered her health that had gotten worse in the previous years. Although I am a Psychologist I recognize that with NeoTink’s simple formula, our relationship went to a higher level, allowing us to enjoy more our life together. Your ideas, through the NeoThink philosophy, have given us a deeper comprehension of life and all the injustices committed every day. At the same time it has provided us with new tools to improve ourselves, our relationships and our businesses. It has helped us to finally put together the whole picture of life giving it a new meaning and dimension with new beliefs. But MOST IMPORTANT for us is, that it has given us hope again that, with the new course NEOTHINK is redirecting society, it will allow us to finally find ways and people interested in applying our educational system globally to produce the geniuses the world needs.
Thank you Mark!
Armando and Lilian E

Thank you Mark Hamilton for coming into my life

To Mark Hamilton: I am a proud American, an ex marine, veteran of the Vietnam war who has served our country and a recipient of the purple heart. I have read your prime literature and it makes me proud to be included in the efforts of the Neothink society. Approximately one year ago I received an invitation to join the Neothink society and in it you offer me the food I needed to cure and ease the pain of a wound to my heart that was bigger than the one I received in Vietnam. Nine years ago on a Christmas night, I lost my older son to a car accident. This event drove me crazy, as I made a lot mistakes that ended my marriage of 38 years. My depression took over my life and I developed cancer of the prostate, diabetes, four by-pass heart surgery and two years ago I had a ruptured appendix. What else could go wrong I asked myself, but my only other son did not want to follow my steps in the business and I closed my real estate business. He was suffering perhaps more than me since the family was disintegrating and no one was making any sense. I tried going to church, but it didn’t help at all, The VA clinic send me to group therapy with other veterans who were possibly hooked on drugs or alcohol and I felt insulted since I don’t even smoke. They thought that I was on denial so I stopped going to those sessions. I had lost my family so I tried living with a new family twice before I received your invitation to the Neothink society but they didn’t work. In my last relationship with a good woman, it kept me active in a new business, but our management of the business and the family was always in conflict and I was getting sick to my stomach with every decision so I finally ended this relationship in April of 2009. I have found my home in the Neothink society, since it has open my eyes to a new world of positive thinking and like minded members. My son’s accident and all of the events in my nightmare made me doubt my purpose for continuing to live, but the goals of the Neothink society for a better world to be happy in this planet has led me to change my way of thinking and now I want to live a little longer. I want to be part of helping humanity to make the leap from the bicameral mentality that instead of just reacting automatically to the forces of nature, they learn to think for themselves and become self leaders. I want to be a part of the movement to eradicate diseases and help cure cancer, aging and other diseases. I want to be a part of the twelve visions party to make our government more efficient and eliminate so many costly programs and taxes. I enjoy the meetings with the other members in the web site as we all learn from each other as we integrate our neothinking. I, since becoming an active member of the society, have learned so much and feel free and happy again. I now enjoy a better relationship with my only son, his wife, and my two grand sons. It is because of them that I want this world to change to one of value creators instead of value destroyers. I want them to live in a planet of peace not in a planet where people must look over their shoulder to see who is trying to hurt them. Lets make a difference. Thank you Mark Hamilton for coming into my life.

Mr Mark Hamilton–YOU–your NeoThink Society–the Twelve Visions Party…

Mr Mark Hamilton–YOU–your NeoThink Society–the Twelve Visions Party–your multigenerational literature are just SO SO SO INDESCRIBABLY WONDERFUL!!! For my family and me the thought of living in a civilization that is filled with HONESTY AND LOVE–the honesty and love that I HAVE FOUND WITHIN THE NeoThink Society. The SAFETY within just living life with the TWELVE VISIONS PARTY as a structural guidance system is something that all of us are anxiously waiting for.
JoAnn C

March 2025