Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category

Love you Mark Hamilton and all who are involved too…


Florence Sizer  Minnesota
I’m 85 years young. I have been reading  the literature of Mark Hamilton, Eric Savage and Mr. Wallace since the 70’s.I knew it was going to be “BIG” so I bought all the books I could afford and read them. The more I read the more I hoped I would live long enough to see the twelve visions become a reality.
I have always been a homemaker, raising 6 children, so I don’t have the qualifications to join an A Team. I get so excited when I listen to the A-Team and national meetings to hear what is being accomplished.
The local meetings are too far  for me to drive so I have started a mail order business so I can make enough money to move to and live in Minneapolis and attend meetings in St Paul, the sister city. It might take me a couple years but that is my goal.
I really want to be part of this huge movement. I think it is such an honor and privileged to be involved in changing the world. love you Mark Hamilton and all who are involved too.
I have a 3 year old grandson that can use the computer, knows the numbers, alphabet and can read. I wish he could attend the school of geniuses. He made me an Easter card, found pictures on the computer and signed it Love, Thomas.
Love to all, Florence

First of all thank you for inviting me to be apart of the most phenomenal…


Hello Mark Hamilton, my name is Alexander Johnson, I live in Spokane Washington.
I am one of your apprentices.  First of all thank you for inviting me to be apart of the most phenomenal, and rewarding experience of my new life. Yes, my new life as it took a very heart wrenching turn almost three years ago as I lost the woman I love to a horrible disease called Lupus. Since then I needed a place to heal and figure out where my life was going. That’s one of the reasons why I left Southern California, and moved to Washington. I bought a great home on the edge of the forest, in the country, yet only 10 minutes from downtown Spokane. Currently I am a Pharmacy Technician, working for a large chain store.
You have moved me in a direction I never thought possible, to be a member on the ground floor of what is to come is the most exciting, and rewarding experience given to me, thank you. Your dedication, and hard work to bring all of this to me, and the other apprentices will pay off in so many ways that we are just beginning to unfold the Twelve Visions World.
You are so correct about how we play as adults. We move to a different level of play. Our creativity is what keeps us alive inside.
I must confess that I have been a little slow in moving forward, in fact I felt somewhat lost for a while. Working Nights is unfortunate for me, cause it doesn’t allow me to attend the meetings LIVE, and I feel as if I’m missing so much not being there in the moment.  I recall when I was able to attend the first A-Team Meeting, Wow, what a motivational and rewarding experience that was. The very next day I set up the web site for the Rimrock A-Team. I am Still working on the video and will have it finished very soon. I apologize for the delay, as I am still very new to computers, I do need some help with questions regarding Proxy Servers. While viewing my meetings with you, my Mentor I get cut off towards the end of the meeting, and can never finish it completely. As a result it keeps me at the third level, where as I should be at the fifth level by now.
Mark, please allow me to continue with you, and grow into the person I am meant to be. My integrations have shown me a very positive yet very difficult road we have ahead. It’s not easy to accomplish the greatest thing since the invention of the wheel, but I see where we are going, and through hard work, and perseverance we will succeed.
Thank you for all your of time and positive energy.
Your apprentice,


My son’s name is Mark Hamilton Wilson


Mr. Hamilton,

My name is Alexander Hamilton Wilson Jr.. My son’s name is Mark Hamilton Wilson.  I found it
interesting to note that your name is Mark Hamilton.

I especially want to thank you and the Neothink Society for the timely contact with me and
offering me the opportunity to be part of the Neothink Society. I have been very moved by everything presented in the Heirloom Books and especially the things that happened to Miss Annabelle, her twelve students, and those who she and her students came in contact with. I love to see, hear or read about the Triumph of the Human Spirit.

I am 66 years old and I am retired. I am having a difficult time identifying my Friday Night Essence and it bugs me. One thought that came to me yesterday was to try to remember my childhood years and to pinpoint what it was that I was told I could not do or what could not be done. I hate it when I hear someone say that to a child.

I have studied the Level one lessons and am now enjoying the Formula for Biological Immortality.

So much of what I read in the Heirloom Books generated in me responses of Ahah! When I read about the Immortal evolved Conscious Being bringing the necessary conditions about to create a new Universe and then saying ” Let their be Light “. I exclaimed to myself ” YES! “

I have been convinced for years that what a man or woman conceives of, he or she or someone
else will bring to fruition sometime in the future.

Lastly, I am totally enjoying your lessons and what has been reawakened in a man that thought he was in the end days of his life. I do not feel that way anymore. Thank you.

Thank you also for being my Mentor.

Alex Wilson

I am not afraid anymore!


I have been religious most of my life. When I was first contacted by Neothink I was very critical of the society. I wanted to study this society  and find out what made it tick. I was living in a desperate situation. Whether to worship god or follow my own path. I had terrible nightmares and visions making me scared but I kept on reading and studying the heirloom packages. One day I read about our Neothinker. It all fit together. I had been thinking that maybe this is how things really are for a long time but I just ignored It . After reading about this I understood how things really are. The stress that had made me have all those nightmares disappeared. I feel like a new person. All those bicameral thoughts are leaving me. I know someday I will be completely cured of the old way of thinking. Life is good.
I personally believe that right now it is most important to defeat the Republicans. They really represent everything you say you are against. After that try to influence the Democrats.

My own personal agenda involves a combination of the Law of Attraction and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). I think this what will save the world.
You need to reduce the amount of anger in the world with EFT (tapping on acupuncture points) and moving toward the positive qualities in people with visualizations of what is really possible in the world. What each individual is really capable of and what the peoples of the world really need.

Barbara Shepardson

Afternoon Mark Hamilton


Afternoon Mark Hamilton:
I finished watching my first meeting, and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I read all three of the heirloom volumes and find it fascinating that I recently (last year) went through a very similar situation with my school Superintendent.  I retired from the Navy after 27 years back in December 1991, whereupon I went to work for a health care organization.  After 2 1/2 years I was let go during a reduction in force where an outside management firm decided that the organization had too many Directors (32) and had to get that number down to 12.  I was then hired by another health care organization, and after 18 months the same scenario occurred.  (Hospitals in the Philadelphia area were all trying to buy each other out or merge.  I unfortunately was caught up in the mergers).
I started looking a third time for another position as a Director of Safety & Security, but shortly decided I wasn’t going through that again.  I was already approved to teach Naval Science at the High School level so I decided to start looking for a position.  I was very fortunate to find a position within an hour from my house.  I worked there for 6 1/2 years, but had the opportunity to start a new Naval Science Unit at a school in South Jersey.  That’s where my encounter began!
The first year I couldn’t do anything wrong,  The second year the Superintendent started to become a slight bother.  By my third year … you guessed it, I couldn’t do anything right.  At both schools I was very comfortably and close with my Cadets (Students).  They were interested in the same path that I had traveled.  I continuously tried to instill in them the idea that they could come from any walk of life, decide what it was that they wanted to pursue in life, become a leader, and go after their dreams.
Although the Naval Science program is designed to develop young leaders, I don’t believe the Superintendent thought that so many of them would really go beyond where they were, truly start thinking for themselves, and start looking around at how things were being handled within our school district.  At any rate the Superintendent decided that I was not a good fit for his school district and didn’t grant me tenure at the end of my third year.  It has been a little bit of a struggle since then, but things are on the road to getting better.
I finished my second Masters Degree (in Education), completed the Principal/Administrator Program at Penn State University, and am awaiting my State Certificate (which seems to be a problem in and of itself).  I have looked into developing a private charter High School, but am really only in the early stages of the process.
In the meantime, I have owned a very small janitorial service for 11 years, but last year really hadn’t completed much work.  I am currently in the process of purchasing another small company so I can give my company a quick boost, if you will.  I’m looking forward to really getting on the path of developing value for others by providing a needed service, at a fair price, with quality being the priority.

Sorry for this being a bit lengthy, but just had a few thoughts that I wanted to convey to you.  I also might be interested in helping develop the area here in Philadelphia.  What are your thoughts regarding this endeavor?
Thanks again for the books and first meeting.  I look forward to gaining additional knowledge as each meeting progresses.  I totally agree with your story regarding making the small steps each, but doing it continuously, so that over time, a wealth of knowledge will have been gained.

Best regards,
Bill Adamson Sr.

I have been very excited about participating in our Neothink Society for many months now


Dear Mark Hamilton;

I have been very excited about participating in our Neothink Society for many months now. I have a Doctorate of Science in research and development and I was very successful as a surgical resident in spinal and cerebrovascular. For the past six years I have working immunology to inhibit the pathology of diseases and this has also caused me to focus on inhibiting degenerative cellular diseases. I was informed by some of the members of the Southern California Club House that you have others who are doing research in this area. Can you help me to work with them? I need a University laboratory environment to do more studies.
I am lacking finance to return to Medical School as this time.

Some thing else I would like to mention is that although Neothink Society is an excellent organization of problem solving and holds some very intelligent minds. I have encountered people who know very little about society of secrets and is using our organization as a spring board for Black Nationalism, and also an antisocial revolution. I find that these people have a great deal of dangerous attitudes against especially Caucasian people. Due to this phenomena I think may be we are a little too embracing of people joining our society and I see these people not as an ally but a danger to our diversity. I do think these people should be carefully watched and we should take steps to protect our society.

Please communicate with me in your ability. Apprentice Level Seven Dr. Bethany A. Barnes.

Yours in Medicine,

Dr. Barnes

I thank Mark Hamilton for this opportunity


I Larry D Williams Sr. will like to thank you for accepting me into your Neothink Society.  It is a great pleasure and I am learning so much from reading the society literature. I thank Mark Hamilton for this opportunity and being able to walk among the winners in life.  I did not know what to expect in the first meeting, for I wasn’t sure if I were ready.  But, I am ready to continue to walk with the winners.
My love is music for I am a bass player in the country music.  I perform with “JESSE BRYANT AND THE COUNTRY OUTLAWS”, for we trying to get an record deal with 17 of our orginals songs.  Please review “” for I know you will love what you hear.  We are love by everyone that hear us and looking for the right record deals to take us worldwide. I want to get involve in everything that the society have to offer, so please keep me inform.

Larry D. Williams Sr

Mark Hamilton


My Mentor  
I am in good health and hope the same with you. I hope that you receive my testimonial. I used the email I receive your mails. I hope it will assist to counter-down the media and government authorities’ ill-motive schemes. Other Testimonies will follow soon.
In April I was to receive the final secrets (114) from our society. I had send a cheque of 10 US $ as requested. Could you please confirm whether they received it? Up to know I haven’t heard from them nor received the final secretes. I do check routine in the postal address or the Email.
Mark I am eager to receive the secrets and I don’t know how I will react (Feeling). I miss to own and know those secretes and utilize them to my advantages. Am planning to achieve great accomplishment, feel real good, feeling secured and fulfilling my dreams. I need what other Neothink members is reaction and feel anxious.
I as still doing benevolent work at my medical clinic. Treating clients low (Earns) less I than 1US $ per day. Being woken at midnight to treat midday peoples children with sudden illnesses e.g. pneumonia, malaria only to charge them less and many are not able to pay. I am ready now to change my life.
Your Disciple

Thank you for helping me find my FNE


Thank you for helping me find my FNE and most especially, thank you for the opportunity to be able to share this value essence with my fellow Neothink family.
I will continue on your and our vision for the Twelve Visions World and, always will be available all the way
to helping move our society forward towards achieving your and our set objectives/goals

Thank you Mark Hamilton  

Michael Odita



The Neothink Society is an elegant society of integrated individuals committed to building life-long relationships of those who want to live a life of Health, Wealth, Happiness and Creativity in a Safe Environment, so these values will grow and thrive.

The Neothink Society is based upon the Prime Literature of our Society, which reveals to our members the fundamental truths and laws which govern success in life.

•    Learn how to use dynamic business tools to increase your productivity…for measurable real-life results.
•    Learn about wealth building by creating useful, valuable products and services, that the world “just can’t wait” to pay you for!
•    Learn how wealth is a lot more than just money!
•    Learn why honesty and integrity and some of your most valuable assets.
•    Learn to view the world from a new perspective, an integrated viewpoint, from which you can easily predict future events.
•    Learn how to break out of boredom and stagnation into exhilaration, by unleashing the true motivation within yourself.
•    Learn how to release the true wealth within yourself, nurture your genius, and create values which will enrich all mankind!
•    Learn to recognize the unique value each person has inside themselves, and how you can help them to realize their essence.
•    Enter a world of non-stop adventure and amazing discovery that will show you how to “play” at work, while having fun earning a living, doing what you love to do!
•    Become a member of a group of like-minded committed people, who intend to put a SMILE upon the FACE Of  THE WORLD FOREVER!

I have personally experienced all of these things since I became a member of  The Neothink Society.                            2

My dad told me once, “Be afraid to die until you have created something of value for mankind”.  I never completely understood what he meant by that.    Now, I do.  Now, I can do it and I will do it.  And the strange part is….I am no longer “afraid to die”, nor, am I afraid to live .

I am having so much fun, and have found such strong purpose in my life, that I never want to die!

I have made many valuable life-long friends.   I want to stay and play the game of life because now I have total certainty that I will win!  There are more exotic places I would love to see in the world. There are many exciting
things I still have left to do. There are millions of wonderful smart people I have yet to meet and learn from!

I didn’t always feel this way about life. In fact, I had almost given up because it was so boring, seemed to lack any meaningful purpose and was just not FUN anymore.  The Prime Literature gave me so many insightful truths into why I felt this way and what I could do to change life’s circumstances, that it turned my life around!

If The Neothink Society did that for me, just imagine what it can and will do for you!

If you are not yet a member…Hurry up and join!
If you are a new member, stick around…..The FUN has just begun!  And the BEST is yet to be!

Claire Marie Racine
Sacramento, California

March 2025