Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category

I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society


Dear Mark,
I would like to thank you for sending me the letter inviting me to join the Neothink Society. prior to receiving you letter I was existing in a rut running from home to work, work to home day in and day out. When I first received the letter I was leery and not sure weather I wanted to return it and I didn’t. A few weeks later I received another letter. I read the letter and was very excited about it. I set it aside and forgot about it until Thursday. I picked it up and discovered it had to be returned by Friday the next day. I panicked because I feared I had lost my chance to join the society. I discovered I could fax the return application .
A few weeks later I received my first Heirloom book and started to read it. I got excited. I couldn’t put the book down. I read it every chance I got. I carried it to work and read it whenever I could. Before the start of work, at break times, lunch etc. If I could have figured a way to read while I was driving I would have read then too. I completed all three Heirlooms by July of 2008. Some where i read that I had to complete the Heirlooms before I could join a club house.  I wanted to meet the people . Early August I met Steve Fagan the first time for coffee. The end of August I went to my first club house meeting with the Tri-State A-Team of North Jersey. I enjoyed going to the club house meetings because they were very well organized well run and fun to be at.
February 4, 2009 I registered New Jersey Creative Visions LLC and started the Neothink A Team of North Jersey. I’m still active with the Tri-State A Team of North Jersey as well as managing my own A-Team. I just love working with the people in the Tri-State A-Team.
I also signed up as a delegate for the TVP and attend meetings every month. I have been so very active with all of the events that are going on its seems I never stop having fun.
I have meet so many new people and made so many new friends it seems my life was so boring before the Neothink Society.
Thank you very much for providing the opportunities.
With Love
Your Apprentice                                                       
Bob McCaffrey

Thank you Mark Hamilton for everything you’ve done for me


Hello my Prime Mentor,
I would love to share my testimonial with you.  Thanks to you, I now have a place to call home–from the bottom of my heart, thank you for letting me be apart of Neothink.
What Neothink has done for me is that my visions and aspirations have been enhanced by a thousand fold.  I knew when that letter hit my mailbox, it was my calling from the very beginning.  Now, I’m achieving some success thanks to the deeply-rooted common sense of Neothink.  I’m now currently in college on my fourth class–looking forward to obtaining all three of my college degrees in Accounting–which is my Friday-night essence.  Without NT, I would be an unfulfilled hack.  I live, eat, sleep, think, and breathe Neothink daily, although I know “monetary” success is to come my way.  Thanks to Neothink, I now found love with a Neothink woman and now enjoying every single second of it.  This is what I live for, to help accomplish first the monumental task of helping the Twelve Visions Party become victorious.  Thank you Mark Hamilton for everything you’ve done for me,  I can’t thank ya enough.

Your Apprentice,
Keith Dixon

Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society that believe in helping each individual


To: Mark Hamilton
I received a letter from Neothink Society November 2006. I had been invited to join a exclusive group of individuals from around the world was ready to share their knowledge of how to achieve wealth  in all areas of life. My first impression was to go forward and look into this by ordering the Neothink material that had been offered. My first book once I started reading I could not stop it held my attention for days and weeks and weeks turn in to months. I was amazed at the honesty that was shining threw and the knowledge that kept me reading. The wonderful information was eye opening, a wide scope to view life and my life experiences to be able to look at the world in a objective way, and how one can succeed in life. I have to be honest their was some doubt if I would be able to succeed and survive. But the Neothink literature on Self Discovery lit a burning desire within me that took off like a rocket, gave me the confidence to achieve in my life what ever I desired. Since I left my job and started my own company it has been a fast pace of growth. This Year 2009 our company has done ¾ of million dollars in service work in the construction field. We are project next year to be doing 2 to 3 million dollars in service work. We are very excited about the future. Thanks to Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society that believe in helping each individual to find the creative ability that each of us have. Everyday life has become exciting. The mentoring has been life changing. The key is to want more out of life and Neothink offer the tools and knowledge for each individual to go after their dreams and desire. What a wonderful contribution to mankind. Once again that you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society.  
Larry Johnson

Mark Hamilton and Neothink has returned my childhood to me…


If I ever had a childhood, I don’t remember it. I was an orphaned statistic. Because of a few basic survival skills, I was always expected to behave like a grown-up and therefore was treated like one. Today, at 40 years old, Mark Hamilton and Neothink has returned my childhood to me to live as it should have been. I am no longer abused, neglected, or ridiculed for learning, growing, or advancing in the world.

During my teen years, I was considered a social outcast. My adoptive parents were very strict on me. They would only let me participate in church activities or chaperoned ball games. I found solace in reading and creative writing and gained intelligence, knowledge, discipline, responsibility and the overwhelming desire to be on my own. Older and more distinguished people praised this in my character and I was labeled a goody-two-shoes, a nerd so to speak. In my desire to “fit in”, my behavior rebelled against my parents in that  I took the blame for the trouble my peers got into and let them take advantage of  and bully me. I had this idea that my self sacrifice would prepare me for the abuse of such a cruel world. I was  anything but a typical teen, yet this is what was expected of me. Every now and then, when my parents decided to reward me with a little leniency, I had to beg and plead to be invited to a party or social gathering. I was  always  embarrassed, humiliated, or totally ignored. Today, through the integrations of the Neothink family and apprentices, I am the one being sought out for my learned lessons, advice, abilities, and other priceless values of character and being including that it is not the world that has gone bad, but the people in it has accepted tragedy and tyranny as the general way of life. I have gained access to a wealth of information on every walk of life through countless pieces of literature that I never would have known had it not been for Neothink. Neothink is teaching its members to reverse this ideology. Words will never express how grateful I am or how much I appreciate Neothink for choosing me to help fulfill this purpose.

This abusive and destructive behavior followed me into my older  years as I became the shadow in everyone’s limelight. I had the intelligence to be everywhere at once but I could never be found. I was the proverbial “Jack-of-all-Trades.” But at the same time, no one wanted or needed any interference from me. I was always called upon to organize and clean-up a mess. Yet, I was cast aside and never acknowledged or allowed to take credit for my endeavors or talents. Once someone was through using me, I was shut up and locked away until further notice. I was a prisoner within myself. I did not know who I was supposed or expected to be. Religion looked like an easy way out, but there was just too many requirements of basic human existence and ritualistic demands of free thinking to give up. Then one day, Mark Hamilton and Neothink unlocked my cell and destroyed the key. They have taught me the confidence and bravery to defend all things good and  honest. The  ability to say “no” to evil and destruction is a lot easier to do now thanks to Neothink. Today, I have the freedom to choose, to believe, to love, to live, to celebrate being a human being, but most of all I have the freedom to be myself. There’s no one else better qualified.

All in all, whether they be veterans, apprentices, or incumbents, Neothink members have been taught from their day of invitation until now that there are three paths of society for the human race to follow. There is the society of “that is”, the society of “what appears to be” and the society that “knows the difference.” Neothink is the society that knows the difference. While the societies of “what appears to be”, and the society of “that is “run an even battle of spreading chaos and confusion  for the human being’s purposes, functions, systems, and processes in the world called the “anti-civilization”, Neothink, the society that “knows the difference” is ahead of the battle to teach their members this difference so that they too can relay the message of pure love and honesty to the world. Neothink provides a wealth of information that can make their members the healthiest, wealthiest, happiest, and the most beloved of all without the use of external  authorities we call the anti-civilization forevermore.
Mary Kennedy

Visionary Mark Hamilton’s teachings had allowed me…


As a toddler, I was so excited when I was first allowed to play outside alone without supervision.  I practically ran outside but stopped suddenly when I got a certain distance away from our home.   Darkness overcame my mind.  “What is this?  Where is it coming from?” I asked myself.  Realizing that it came from most of the people, I asked myself, “Why can’t they see as clearly as I can?”  I had an urge to sit and think about it but remembered that it was my time to play the way I wanted to and went on my way, thinking that I would come back to this.  Visionary Mark Hamilton’s teachings had allowed me to once again remember that first encounter with the world outside my home.
My testimony will be about the Fish and Game (F&G) regulations, because they affect me and the people around me the most.
The earliest experience I can remember having with the F&G regulations is when I was a preteen, about ten to twelve years old.  I overheard my farther asking my mother why we had to pull out our salmon fishing nets at certain times of the day.  She had replied it was because they were not catching enough fish somewhere further south of us.  A year or two later I heard them talking in concerned tone of voices and asked my mother what was happening, only because I could not speak our language well and my father could not speak English well enough either.  I can understand our language to some extent, but not enough to carry a conversation.  She told me that the F&G regulation enforcers had cut up a person’s salmon fishing net because it was set during a closure period.  I wondered what had prevented that person from pulling out his net because we, at least most of us, are always abiding by the law.  Later in life my father had to get rid of his dog team because it became too hard to feed the team.  By limiting the amount of fish that my parents were able to catch, they were forced to purchase a snowmobile with what little money my father had and by trading fish and fur with a local western trader/gold miner.
The next I can remember of the F&G is that they were flying low over the walrus herds to scare them off the ice-packs, to make it hard for us to catch them.  Another one that hit my heart and mind was from further up north of where I live.  There was an eighteen year young lady missing from berry picking.  A bear was known to be in the area and the F&G would not allow the local hunters to hunt the bear down.  They were told that they would be put in jail if they did.
More recent regulations that affected me were that we were not allowed to catch more than one hundred salmon for the entire year.  Most of us did not follow that but only got what we needed for the winter and not the extra needed to trade for other seafood not available in our area.  The Caucasians in the neighboring town were allowed to seine further up the river, even if they held the majority of the jobs.  I did not see those recent regulations on paper nor did I personally see the Caucasians seining but was told about them by more than a few people in my area.  These bias regulations in my area hit me hard.  They fueled the desire to get the Twelve Visions Party® launched even more than before.
We can do it, no matter how small we think we may be.  All it takes is the need and we have that need for the Twelve Visions Party®.  That need for the medical, energy, and all other industries to progress as we have seen happen in the fairly unregulated computer and communications industries.

I want to Thank You for your work and for finding me…


Dear Mark Hamilton,

Since I was very young, I knew that the world wasn’t suppose to be this way. I didn’t know what to do or how to find out what I could do to change it. My whole life I kept searching, reading many books, but not finding any answers.

Then One day I get a letter in the mail, telling me that I was special and that we could not only change ourselves but change the world.

After reading the 1st 2 books I knew I found what I been looking for whole life. Then after reading Miss Annabelle’s Secrets and I felt so strange reading about a world that I dreamt about all my life. I know now that I will become the person I was meant to be and to find my Friday Night Essence.

Seeing what is going on in this country today scares me. We lose more freedoms everyday and most people don’t care. Capitalism seems to be a bad word, in a country that became great because it was built on Capitalism.

I want to Thank You for your work and for finding me.

Charles Moore

Neothink Society means the world to me because …


Neothink Society means the world to me because it changed my whole life around in my thinking process, Business, Life, People , Success and the true meaning of life literally. Before Neothink and the help of my Mentor Mark Hamilton I was a trouble child lost in this world at that time of no meaning, full of lies, dishonesty and no way out of poverty itself but a thought and a feeling for a better life. Twelve Visions Party can do the same for anyone in every ways of life. After I discovered Neothink  I became a Genius in Business / Art and thru Neothink  I discovered the true meaning of life with happiness, knowledge and ideas of how to help change this world.


Hello Mark Hamilton


Thank you so much for being the man that you are and sharing the ability to Neothink with us.  I was just saying to an National A-Team Coordinator just this week that my self-esteem has exploded exponentially and it is all good. 
Linda Mokeme

“What did I have to lose?”


Dear Mark Hamilton,
When the Neothink® Society first reached out to me in the fall of 2004 in fully integrate honesty I had to say that I was skeptical.  After a lifetime of experiencing all the dishonesty and scams over and over again I had built a “brick wall” to shelter myself.  Yet there was something compelling about the Neothink® marketing material that touched my heart.  I did my due diligence and concluded, “What did I have to lose?”  Fortunately for me I had been studying “economics” for five years when Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® society approached me because I was aware that we were in the “information age”.  I was also aware that information was the “new money”.  From the Neothink® marketing materials I discerned that their product was information.

Mark Hamilton is an exceptional man


After years of struggling helplessly because of a disability that was diagnosed by medical doctors in 1984 as Multiple Sclerosis my Neothink® journey gave me “iron grip control” over my body and my life.  Before Mark Hamilton and the Neothink® Society I had reached out to others for help with minimum results.  It is with great sadness that I have to echo the words of the “musical genius” Michael Jackson “They Don’t Care About Us”.  I have literally been through hell.  I have been abused repetitively by countless others.  I have been abused by individuals working in positions of authority (doctors, nurses, lawyers, managers,
clergy…).  I have just recently come to terms with the reality that some individuals working in every industry are motivated strictly by the money.  In 1999 I was employed in the healthcare industry and our director was a registered nurse.  Her lack of compassion and cruel treatment of the employees in her department makes Dr. Jack Kevorkian a “saint”.  Just I began attending church regularly again in 2002 the minister stole $100,000.00 from the church tithing funds and although he was married he was having an affair with a young female parishioner.  This is the second time in less than a decade that I had experience the similar situation while attending church.

In every aspect of life I have learned beyond a shadow of a doubt that “it is all about the money”.  The love of money is unquestionably the root of all evil.  I have experience the evils of “greed” repetitively.  As an individual that has traveled around the world several times I can say with absolute conviction that Mark Hamilton the founder of the Neothink® Society is a man that I have come to love and “trust”.
As a seasoned networker I have met countless individuals across the globe and the word “trust” is not a term that I use lightly.  Mark Hamilton is an exceptional man.  He is a caring a giving individual that brings immense value to the overall human experience.

I give thanks daily to the universe for Mark Hamilton and the ability to Neothink® which has empowered me to live the life that I am meant to live minus the dishonesty.  Mark Hamilton is a giant among men that I am truly thankful to have the pleasure to know.  Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions World is “powerful” with a mission to “help everyone, everywhere live the life that we are meant to live minus the dishonesty”.  Being a part of the Neothink® Society has transformed my life into pure “magic”.  I have acquired the body of my dreams my hair is manageable my confidence level is way up.  Just last week a female doctor friend of mine and her hair stylist concurred that I was “fine”.  A young attorney friend of mine posted the question on Facebook “ What is your definition of fine?  When we finally talked one on one over the phone I told her that I was my definition of fine.  (Of course my ex-husband is chasing me on Facebook – too bad so sad)

A songwriter wrote:
“If anyone should ever write my life story for whatever reason there might be, you’ll be there between each line of pain and glory because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me”

Thank you so much Mark Hamilton – You are loved a lot! – The Twelve Visions Party and the Neothink® Society rocks!!!

Linda Mokeme

March 2025