Archive for the ‘Written Testimonial’ Category

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express…

Mark Hamilton, Words will never be able to express how much your prime literature and mentor-ship has meant to me or the Neothink process and ALL the wonderful people who have brought it to me. Like everyone else who has learned to tell their own personal stories on learning to use their TSM’s and FNE’s to create values, below is the first completed example of my own Neothinking processes that I like to term as a “Deconstruction” process. I am proud of it and I share it with you in the hopes that you can find a place for it in your future publications and to the mentoring of others. You are one of only three who will see this article before I share it with the rest of the world professionally and the most important. Please feel free to do with it what you will. I hope it brings you as much joy to read it as it did for me to write it. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING! Much love, peace, happiness, wealth, and health to you. Mary Stephens (formerly Mary
Kennedy) from Tennessee

My journey with Mark Hamilton has been a great success for me and for my family.

My name is Royd D.Garcia. I was born on March 7th 1972 in the City of Newark in the State of New Jersey. I’ve been a member of the Neothink® Society since September of 2005.
Around the time I received my first “Multi Generation Manuscript” I had already been married 7 years and living in an apartment with my wife and our two year old son. Prior to receiving, what I consider to be priceless books authored by Mark Hamilton, my life had been spiraling downward into what seemed to me at the time to be a hopelessly dismal future. Often I would resort to drugs and alcohol to escape from my own reality in which of course did not make matters any better. Before I realized it, the damage had already been done. I slipped into a state of depression that if not for a dear friend who understood and helped me snap out of it and my strong love for my family, I would have taken myself out.
Upon reading the works of Mark Hamilton it became very clear to me why my life had gone the destructive, almost fatal direction that it did. As If the books were not enough, Mark Hamilton had committed himself to mentor me for a whole year, free of charge. I must take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for what this man did for me and a countless number of others. I believe that if it were not for him I would have slipped back into a dejected state.
My journey with Mark Hamilton has been a great success for me and for my family.
Today I’m happily married with two children, own a house, make my own decisions and hold my head up high. No longer do I wake up dreading the day before me. No longer do I have a desire to drink, smoke, or use any destructive stimulants to hide behind reality. I’m no longer the victim. The principles I have learned from reading the literature and effectively applied have improved my life immensely. Going forward I now accept one hundred percent responsibility for everything that happens to me in my life.
In 2007 I began to congregate with other members and it was during this period when a few of us decided to team up together and take it to the next level. With guidance and direction from our mentor Mark Hamilton, we formed a business. We would provide services such as monthly clubhouses, intro meetings and workshops. Today we are still in business and continue to grow our business to provide better clubhouse meetings, coordinate regional events, and build our State party.
My partners in the business along with the members who participate in our clubhouse are some of the most loving, trusting, people I have ever met. These people have become family to me. I can’t help but to get a little emotional at this point because these people are the ones who lift me up no matter how difficult the challenges that lie ahead may appear. Despite these challenges they manage to keep their spirits high and keep their focus moving forward. I can’t give enough emphasis to how grateful I am for these people.
I must be candid in stating that politics has never been of any interest to me. The journey I’m taking on now is not within my essence but I feel it is necessary to accomplish our goal of making the Twelve Visions World a reality. I have had the honor and privilege of working side by side with integrated, honest, and determined individuals who of which together are building the foundation and continue to build The Twelve Visions Party® of New Jersey.
What the Twelve Visions Party means to me is hope for our future, our children’s future and thereafter. After reading Mark Hamilton’s “Twelve Visions” that he so magnificently shared with us in his book, I realized that these visions are not fantasy and could very well be actualized. My goal is to become the best I could possibly be and to help make the Twelve Visions a reality.
The Neothink® Society is where I belong. It has shown me how to live a better life. I support Mark Hamilton and admire his tenacity and persistence in creating a better life for the good of himself and of all humanity.
I am very proud of our New Jersey Team and I look forward to the day that we as a Society can all live a prosperous, healthy, and happy life.
-Royd Garcia

As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…

For those who happen to read this: All of your eyes, if you can read….because there are those who read, but still in doubt of what we are and what we are here, for?……As an apprentice of Mark Hamilton…I’ve learned deep in my heart, that ” THIS IS IT “….I’ve read the 3 Heirlooms, meet Neothink members face to face, listen to tele-conference, joined a business entity with NT members, a TVP CA visionary, Natural Cures and Global Information subscriber and member….and in my own little way a warrior ( for life’s existence in a more meaningful ways ) with a secret weapon to protect myself and fight against those who takes advantage over me.
There’s nothing to be afraid of….Mr. Mark Hamilton….we are protected by what we believed is true….whatever happens….the Truth will come to surface….even if they are going to destroy us ( our movement ). We need the Change….only, majority are still blinded by their beliefs….and they will start seeing it more clearly when we are stop, we are destroyed, or jailed…..because, they will ask ( the public ) what are we dying for?
We Are Here For A Better World the Twelve Visions World. No more killings ( terrorist ), no more hunger / famine, no more diseases or H1N1 scare, no more corruption, no more recession / unemployment, and most of all; no more human made laws that protect the interest of those who are in the authority. NO MORE NEO-CHEATERS.
In my open testimonial to the public….we are not asking you to join us….just do something, in your own little ways to protect yourself and learn how to fight back against those who cheated you. You just made yourself…a warrior….seeking for a better world.
The fight had begun….and you are going to finish it…..Mr ____?
Jun Demavivas

Dedication: Mark Hamilton’s NT Warriors

Since I first joined this group of earnest and inspired writers, all of whom are intent upon placing a wall of protection around a shared dream that we all have, that of actually living a wealthy, healthy, and peaceful life here on this planet, I have felt the Love and Service-oriented kinship of all of us literally knit together this protection, which makes all of us feel the in-coming Twelve Visions World as beginning to manifest not only in our hearts but in materiality here on Earth.
I cannot tell you just how this participation makes me feel, since it is a feeling new to me=that of being able to share my dream with others who are working for the same dream as I…I know we all have been working together for several years, but I find this is the first time this great a number of us have walked side by side within the same experience. I find this to be a first-time discovery with a group of individuals, coming together in Unity and Love as we are. I imagine that most of us have had to travel certain roads relatively alone, and I would find that all of us might be able to feel similarly to what I’m feeling now, if I were to ask. Perhaps even Mark Hamilton might be feeling something of this caring support of others, and the power of what a few mortals can accomplish courageously in our “hour of great dreams” being realized for the first time here.
May this dream survive the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” into a living life form that can become a thriving Twelve Visions World, inspiring all to join with us to continue to make this dream come true! Each of us is no longer alone in our working for a better world for ourselves and for Humanity, for all our progeny to come…
Love with All, Lila Bennett
One of Many, One of Few
Pioneers of The Neothink Society
And Twelve Visions Party

You will be making history!

Being an NT Warrior has brought a lot of happiness into my life, it has given me a feeling of self accomplishment. Having been able to help get the six Mark Hamilton websites moved to the first page in Google is quite an accomplishment. Seeing the BBB ratings for NT publishing company go from an F to a C in just a couple of days, and knowing I helped with this brings me a sense of self-importance. Working alongside my NT Warrior brothers and sisters and reading their constant stream of e-mails each day helps me get to know each of them individually on a much closer basis.
I would like to encourage you to get involved with this elite group of Neothink® Society Warriors and help continue our forward movement.
You will be making history!
Become involved with encompassing Mark Hamilton in a shield of value, which you have helped to create and it will bring you feelings of joy, delight, happiness and pleasure. Your participation in the ongoing and upcoming projects is essential to the success of the Twelve Visions Party®! We can accomplish anything when we work as a mastermind group, the more of us that are participating in this elite team of NT Warrior’s the sooner we will reach our goal!
Kenneth Townsend

Before Neothink, I always felt I was swimming upstream in life…

Before Neothink, I always felt I was swimming upstream in life. I always felt I had one hand tied behind my back and I was helpless in making any real changes in society.
Being a part of the NT Warriors has changed all that. It has been one the most empowering and fulfilling parts of my life. I am finally on the leading edge of making a real difference in the world through being a part of the Warriors.
The camaraderie and closeness of the team is unbelievable. I have never felt anything like it before. Not to mention the wonderful direct link to Mark Hamilton and the interaction with him that is part of it. Knowing that I am on the front lines making a real difference in Neothink’s forward movement is an amazingly fulfilling feeling.
One of the best parts about being an NT Warrior is that the assignments and missions are able to be completed by making a few simple posts online. No rocket science here…If you’re passionate about Neothink and you have an opinion that you can type into your computer, then you’re able to be part of this wonderful team.
It surprises me how such little work can be of such immense value to the progress of Neothink. The synergy that the Warriors leverage has already moved mountains. And we as a society need as many people participating in the NT Warrior program as possible. I encourage everyone to get involved with the NT Warriors! Bring on the Twelve Visions World!
Jeff Smith

I would like to express my gratitude and amazement with Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP

I would like to express my gratitude and amazement with Mark Hamilton, Neothink and the TVP
Out of no where during years of the most desperate financial and loneliest time of my life, I received a Orientation Booklet from Neothink after receiving a letter asking me if I would like to receive the booklet. At first I thought it was bologna, but I noticed the letter interested me so I asked for the booklet.
When I received the Orientation Booklet, I feel then, was when my life changed(this was a little less than four years ago). I couldn’t put it down. I read it and felt myself thinking, what if all this is true, wow, that’s the life I want to live. The booklet told me of things like, becoming wealthy, being more attractive to have a romantic love life, and many other things that I prayed for.
At this time, or prior actually, I spent years of not being able to pay my bills because of playing catch-up from a nasty break-up with an ex-girlfriend. Which led to long periods of loneliness because I never had the bucks to take a lady out or anything. Also at this time, I was a Born-again Christian I was kinda backsliding as they say, but I still believed in Christ as my personal Savior. During this time I studied the bible, and other supplemental books using the bible, and prayed, and prayed, and begged, and pleaded with god to answer me or help me. Nothing. I went to churches, talked to other believers, everything I could think of and, Nothing.
After I had the booklet a few days, and studied every word in it, I thought and thought, and saw that it was worth trying. So I scraped up the money to purchase the first heirloom pkg. It was the thickest book I ever had, but I studied it like a mad-man. Hours and hours everyday. I was so excited, I could hardly stand it. I couldn’t wait to get back to that book to learn everything I could. As I’m looking back on it now, I was very happy. I was happy and I was exerting myself in reading and studying like never before. I read that heirloom thru twice. I started applying things I learned and it was incredible at what I could do. Without even realizing it, I was becoming intelligent, clear thinking, and focused. I couldn’t wait to get the second heirloom pkg. As soon as I got it, same thing, I studied and studied, and I was so happy. I learned even more tools and more ways to enhance the tools I learned prior. Plus, I learned how to be myself with great pride and fulfillment. I wasn’t such a looser. Then, when I received the third pkg, well, I knew then, I will never ever go back to the stagnant life I was living before. It was amazing. I will not speak of the things within them, because that is for anyone to find out for themselves. I will say, the pure honesty and firm but gentle control within all those pages are so much more worth the nominal fee(note: at the time I was broke and barely came up with the money, not because it cost a lot, but because I was broke) for the books or the effort it takes to study them. But I did it, and anyone else can too. You can actually make your dreams come true.

My Neothink Benefits

One way I benefited from Neothink is:
I’ve been in bands for approximately nine or ten years. Actually one band (that I created) for seven years now. The first couple of years when I started were a great learning experience, but I had an idea in my head(or my minds eye I should say) of how I wanted a band. So I quit the band I was in and created my own. Also at the time, my girlfriend who was with me in the prior band joined forces with me. We worked amazingly hard, day and night, and practiced and practiced. Learned over seventy-five songs in two weeks. We looked and learned how to get gigs, and tried things we either knew or thought would work. I was so happy doing this, I didn’t even realize how much effort I was putting into this until I looked back on it. Much more too, but I think anyone reading this gets the idea.(note: this is years before I found Neothink or Neothink found me.)For about two years we went strong. Then out of no where, my girlfriend and I fell apart. To this day I don’t know the real reason.(note: which tore my self-esteem to pieces). This resulted to five years of loneliness, and severed the band, my dreams that came true, died all at once. And as I said, financially devastated me to where I could never catch up. I bought her a vehicle and we made the payments together, but when we split, she insisted on keeping the vehicle. Plus I could never afford the payments and insurance on my own, but she felt she could. After a couple of months, she fell behind in payments, filed bankruptcy,(note: this is after she sabotaged gigs we had booked after our split, and she refused to cooperate with me to do those gigs, so she destroyed any chance I had of doing them because I needed the money big-time)and totally destroyed my credit. So I gave up. I still practiced my guitar and all, but didn’t try to seek other bands or start another one for a while. What I learned from Neothink later, was, all that effort, and ideas, and dreams coming true, contained a secret that I didn’t even realize at the time. Especially during the most depressed times. Coincidentally, when I received the first heirloom package, I was just starting my band again. Through all my sorrow, I realized I loved music and wanted to be in a band, as the lead guitarist. As I studied Neothink, I started applying the tools I learned. All of sudden, I was immensely happy again. Neothink helped me realize, through all the sorrow, to focus on the light in my life and how to have control of it. To cut to the chase, here I went again, but this time, with successful tools that I never dreamed of. No, I’m not a big-time, major, famous band, but I saw that if I wanted to, I can. The more I applied what I learned from Neothink, the more magnificent results evolved. By the time I received all three heirlooms and read them three times through each, I felt power I never knew I could feel. I could see things far more clearly and could plan the paths I wanted to take with great confidence. Already knowing pretty much what will be before I get there. And this is real. Not something I imagined, or hoped, or prayed for.
Another way I benefited from Neothink is:
I started meeting girls again. This time was different though. I had a relationship with a girl I always dreamed about as a teenager. I couldn’t believe I was kissing and touching a woman that I wanted all my life but didn’t have the courage, or confidence to ask out. Also I met and had a relationship with a woman that was the most beautiful woman I laid eyes on. We didn’t last long but we both understood we liked each other but intelligent enough to part without bitterness or regret. I look back though, and I’m amazed at that to this day. So all those years of loneliness totally dissipated. All of a sudden, women noticed me.
Another way I benefited from Neothink is:
My regular job I always liked. Not to boast or brag, but I’ve always been an energetic person. Very hyper. Some might think this isn’t a good thing, but they are always people that are not energetic. So all my jobs, I’ve done well.(note: This is as viewed by my bosses, because I always went above and beyond to get my work done).I would break company records in accomplishments as far as work completed. My recent job is no exception. But, once I learned some tools from Neothink, I started doing things I never knew I could be good at. Everything I tried, I did well, because I now know how to make it succeed. Did you read that? I NOW KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT ALL SUCCEED.I benefited in so many ways from Neothink, I couldn’t possibly list it all hear and now.
I’ll be honest, I’m not a millionaire,(yet)but I know I can be. It’s within my grasp. It may take a few years, few months, or a few minutes, but success is within my grasp, because Neothink opened my eyes in a way that I didn’t see. I always thought some things that were different from the normal world, but I know now, that was Neothink. Amazing, tremendous, happy times lay ahead, and I’m going towards them. As age and health problems may lay ahead of me. I know with the knowledge Neothink can bring the world, everything can be cured, explained, accomplished, and controlled with pure honesty, and reality. All this is real, not just hope, or prayers, or wishes, or dreams. Total, un-argumentative, factual reality. That’s what’s amazing to me.
Think about it, the more you do something, the better you become. With Neothink, the more success you accomplish, the better you become at success. Fact! I’m not just saying money, but everything you do, or dream, or want. Power. You actually become powerful. In a honest, and real way. Not as a belief, you know what you have to do, not just wonder.
If just one person comes to realize that Neothink is what can solve all of mankind’s and nature’s problems, through my testimony, that would be so joyous to my heart. Because I know the journey they are about to partake in is full of happiness, success and quite possibly, world changing solutions and ideas. So lets go and enjoy this amazing journey.
William D (Bill) from New Jersey.

Mark Hamilton, has taught us to look at all of the rational facts for ourselves…

Mark Hamilton, (a peace loving man) has taught us to look at all of the rational facts for ourselves, by doing our own research on what he has to say, in the ways of honesty integrations. Now, when new information is discovered and accepted about facts, facts will change of society. For there is only one perfect law (rational integrated honesty/Prime Law) in the universe, and that is everything must change. The principles of integrated rational facts will help you to discover what ‘IS’. So, know what the facts are before accepting an illusion of lies from the media and others, about Mark Hamilton. Mark Hamilton, has demonstrated his love for those that have made him their enemy, by sharing the Prime Law of love to all of society.
Soon, there will come a time that those (value destroyers) that produce every little value in society, if any, will want to stop Mark Hamilton, from bring the honesty mentality to the public, because of the threat to their dishonest earning and unearned power off of the USA public and the world, with their illusions. They will try to prosecute him to destroy his honest works to the world, with their dishonest media and by other means, as they did prosecute Jesus over two thousand years ago. Honesty needs no defense!
Since being exposed to the Neothink Society principles (for over twenty years) and the Twelve Vision Party, as mentored by Mark Hamilton, I have been able to live the principles in my life, as a responsible self-leader, the life I was meant to live, with integrated honesty.
Blessed is Mark Hamilton, for helping so many to know live as it should be lived. All of the principles from Neo-Think, which I have applied in my living, has bought out the unique genius we all can process from inside us, and not the genius of the status quo. The genius that I discovered within me (with honesty integration), helps me to create and produce great values for all of man kind.
In my Neo-Think studies, I found that there are two mentalities (encouraged by philosophies), honesty and dishonesty, evolving in the world today. We live by the principles of our accepted philosophy. The most noted philosophers are Plato and Aristotle, for over the last twenty-five hundred years.
The Platonian philosophy decreased the value of all conscious being here on earth to day, which led to valve destruction in these times that we all live. His philosophy takes away the individuals rights, which sets in place external authorities, a ruling class, the elites, and value destruction. The core meaning of his philosophy, means altruism, the cause justifies the means. Sacrifice of the cause! Whether if it means giving up your life, rights, property or taxes. The Platonian Philosophy (mentality) gives you happiness after your death.
The Aristotle philosophy: the coming mentality to society today, stresses the individual’s rights, because when the individual right is protected, all rights are protected. He also defines that the conscious human being is the most precious value in the universe, and that not even one should have to sacrifice any of his values other than by choice. This philosophy, also defines that an individual has the right to create and produce his own values for himself and others through business, without initiatory forced, fraud, or coercion. Aristotle’s Philosophy: says creation own values of happiness during your live.
Mark Hamilton, has discovered the missing piece to bring this new mentality to fruition, through his Twelve Visions. He found that flawed man can’t be trusted with implementing the universal law with honest integrations; therefore, man must be under a signed contract, which will manage him, instead of him manage it.
Mark Hamilton, has created and produced most value in society with his Twelve Visions Plan, than any man or woman that has ever lived on planet earth. To those that are reading my testimonial, please join with Mark Hamilton and the Neo-Think Society, so that we can eradicate suffering, poverty, crime and war from our planet.
Thank you Mark Hamilton!
Otto Beasley

Founding Father’s Secret Meetings

March 2025