Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category

Greeting Mark Hamilton

Greeting Mark Hamilton
I feel gratitude for what Mark Hamilton, Neothink Society Literature has done for my personal life and Business, I Deeply appreciate it.this Literature is very powerful life changes. I discover the power with in. And learn to integrate. Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party Is helping all the people in this word to have the life they mean to live.
Julio G
A Neothink man

This Society is here only for the benefit of all of us

This should not happen to this Society. The great values I have learned more and the help it gave me to open my eyes and heart up more will not be forgotten and I will always use in my daily life of my life. Why would anyone want to take away the greatest opportunity for all of us and I mean all of us in this world to be finally free, wealthy, healthy and be able to live forever. That would be a very big mistake. This society shows you for yourself that this world gives you this chance to grab this opportunity with both hands and not thing twice about it. The literature and Neothink Society has open my heart even more and show me the true value of life for myself which this world has taught me i have the right to have in my life if it benefits me greatly for a the best life that i can possible have and it says to go for it. So why fuse about it or talk bad about it. Its great for all of us not just for many but for all of us. We the people have tried all kinds of things to help us live better because we all deserve it so lets all try this way and give all we got to really make this world a better place for all of us finally. I mean this with all my heart, spirit and soul. Just think to really life as equal and no one better than the next person. We all can do what we want that is good buy anything we want go any place we want be happy and live forever . Man I would love for this opportunity to be offer to me. The reason why I would go for it is because I tried it all the other ways that system has offer to me and I have not be able to be what I was meant to be and I deserve it no matter what. It is long over due for me and anyone else who feels they deserve a better life than they have now and deserve also to be what they were meant to be which is to have there life living at its full potential with all the greatest things this world has to offer. This world has so much to offer too all of us in which we all would be so happy to have lived experienced it and cherish for our whole life. Tell me the truth would you the people grab this opportunity if it was offer to you. I am not saying the perfect life but a life in which you deserve to have. Which you will not have no stress over money, love, happiness and never miss out on nothing extremely good for your mind body heart and soul. So I tell you this if you stop this you will regret your life dearly and I am being very honest with you when I express this. This Society is here only for the benefit of all of us and does have so much to share with us which will change all our lives if you give it a chance to. This world is deep trouble and we the people need to do something now that will fix all our problems for forever not just for a little bit. Please take this testimonial very serious this is no joke I am being very fair minded and I am not choosing sides I am just seeing for WHAT IS and grabbing and holding to what really will work and work for a long time not just a little bit and it is the Neothink Society Group. If you would like to talk to be me more Henry Hobson III feel free to let me know it would be my pleasure to do this for you all. You then can see in my eyes and hear it in my voice that I am meaning everything I express with the upmost sincere truth. Have forever great days in your life forever.
Henry L. H

I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth…

I think Neothink was a very realistic approach to the truth about existence and a way to create unity in human beings breaking things down to a simple way of just being in the moment and believing what is in the moment is all we really got and need Neothink was about eliminating to many wishful beliefs giving you the principles to take control of your own life instead of giving it over to external authorities which from your own experiences leave you nothing in return, Neothink was about believing we are the truth and way to our own advancement if we just believe it, to me that is what every great teacher and philosopher throughout our history stood for and tried to teach us.

Dear Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton,
Although my involvement with the Neothink Society has been quite recent (since December 2009 when I received my first heirloom), the impact of your literature, of the Neothink society, and of the growing Twelve Visions Party on my life has already been profound.
First of all the literature: I am a person that attempts to start to apply the techniques I learn fairly rapidly. Although there remains much to be learned and absorbed, already my life has taken a quantum leap, in terms of the successful integration and application of business information, rational decision-making (and ensuing success) with respect to my personal life, and most importantly, the development of self leadership qualities.
These profound benefits have also been achieved as a result of my involvement and friendships with the Neothink Society, to the point of developing true, sincere, pure love friendships, and a continued, profound love for myself. My belief, Mark Hamilton, that your teachings, insights, and integrations make a SIGNIFICANT contribution to individuals, and NEEDS to continue to be imparted to the world, is one of the primary reasons why I wish to make my GIN business a global, sprawling, magnificent reality. Due to the Neothink principles apparent in the business, GIN will be, and is, a huge success. It was a priority for me to ensure that you were my upline, and that is another reason I chose Jill Reed to sponsor me – due to her commitment to Neothink expressed not only in her words and theories, but in her actions, and due to the fact hat she is directly enrolled under you. I wanted you, Mark Hamilton, to personally and financially benefit from my success. It is a personal belief of mine that when we support leaders, true leaders that display integrated honesty such as yourself, we support so many many people in that process.
Your writings and speeches on the Twelve Visions Party, and on the Prime Law, leave me with the cognition that a true solution exists for each individual on earth. As you stated, “reason is dead,” and I sometimes fear that individuals will not see the truth in what you write and speak. But in what I am learning on the Law of Vibration and attraction, these thoughts of mine are not to be dwelled upon, but rather the truth and beauty of what it is that you as the leader of the The Neothink Society, and the Society itself, are creating.
If these writings and the efforts of the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party were to be taken away, unfortunately I fear the absolute worst for the world. The time is ripe to continue to make strides in the NTS and TVP movements, and to remove, at the very least within ourselves, any iota of mysticism from our lives, and take full responsibility for ourselves and our results.

May you live forever, Mark Hamilton

Dear Mark Hamilton, although we have not yet met in person, the impact your, the Neothink Society, and the growing TVP have made on my life has been profound. In attending the New Jersey convention in March 2010, I caught a glimpse of what it felt like to have the lens of my glasses cleaned for very first time. I caught a glimpse not only of love, but of love in its purest form, as it is born out of rational thought and out of self awareness, and awareness of the world around us, the state it is in, and why.
I feel so much gratitude for each and every letter I receive from either you or your movement, and will continue to strive, to best of my ability, to contribute towards the world you are creating, by pursuing my essences within at least two of these three realms, and continue receive bountiful moments of pure love and happiness, as a result of the wisdom you have imparted and continue to impart.
May you live forever, Mark Hamilton.
With love and sincerity,

The Neothink society is no small time organization…

My name is Armando Vega, a proud Neothink member who has learned many valuable concepts that I could never learn in the ruling class society I live in. I have learned how to be an integrated thinker and an everyday value producer. This in addition to one day becoming a value creator which will enable me to finally fulfill my essence and the role of consciousness.
The Neothink society is no small time organization which looks to deceive people, quite the contrary it is the answer to problems in our civilization as we know it. To make business the fountainhead of all solutions and eliminate dishonest political market businessmen who continue to extract values from the value creators of the world. My benefit is in my new found way of integrated thinking to become a problem solver and create values for society as opposed to creating problems where none exist.
The TVP party will change this country and help make everyone including the poor wealthy. The cheaters of society are concerned about the movement because it threatens their way of being. A new world is upon us a place where geniuses can be freed from regulations and restrictions which for example, prevent the medical profession from making major scientific breakthroughs. We are approaching a time where the world needs change and prosperity for all people not just the select few. I know that the TVP will be the only party capable of making this dream of prosperity for all a reality.
As I have mentioned in my previous testimony I am a better person and truly complete with my integrated way of thinking. My ability to see through illusions is a skill I have developed thanks to the Neothink literature and clubhouse meetings I have attended. My desire is to continue learning more and fulfilling my potential as a value creator who can create more values for society. To prosper and teach others the Neothink way and hopefully in time the TVP movement will become the political party of choice. Those who want to take down the TVP and Neothink are fearful of the truth and are desperately trying to stop a train with lots of momentum. Long live Neothink and the TVP!

A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton

To Mark Hamilton,
A few years ago I received a letter from Mark Hamilton,and I purchase his literature. I read all and I gained so much knowledge, my life change for the better its so enlightening knowing about harmony,the universe and learning about yourself and the real value creator. Knowing the purpose of life is to live happily and the government must provide that condition; no initiatory force, fraud or coercion by any person or group against any individual property or contract; means freedom to all. We must have universal law wealth, health and peace.
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink society the TVP is the bridge for all humanity of the universe where pure love and honesty, peace, making people rich including the elderly and the poor along in great health and happiness for ever.
And, TVP’s aim is to depoliticize the present form of Government and release the geniuses of the world, to create values and meet our every need and feel the millionaire life. That’s why I am so proud member of Neothink society.
Mark Hamilton is so compassionate, so very genius, helping the whole world most especially to all of us, our loved ones, for all our children’s future!!! and most important we are all in the way to immortality life!!!
Wake up every one read and learn Mark Hamilton’s literature!!!
Luisa P

I later became familiar with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) movement and thought, Wow!

To all concerned:
The search is over because truth prevailed. I’ve come across all types of studies while graduating from Wayne State University on a full scholarship. During the four-plus years that I walked those familiar halls I searched, not necessarily for a profession (though I had to commit or else lose the scholarship), but I searched for truths during that whole college term. I found some truths. Those truths were mostly math and other scientific certainties. The rest were basically hypothesis, and conformity to man-made rules for survival.
Even during those college days I found myself praying for revelations of truths about the world that I lived in. After all, I felt my time here on earth wasn’t going to be a short stay and I wanted to walk knowledgeable and confident amongst you all.
By some strange twist of faith I came across the Neothink Heirlooms. I nearly fainted when I read them. I then went back and studied (studying) them because I couldn’t believe what I had stumbled upon.
The content enveloped and continues to envelope me. I later became familiar with the Twelve Visions Party (TVP) movement and thought, Wow! These courageous soldiers are putting forth an effort to bring about a better world. Unlike the common political laws that are interpreted thousands of different ways depending on the directions of the wind in Washington, these laws are written without ambiguities. The meanings to the bylaws and agenda are cut and dry.
I was so excited that I got into my somewhat reliable car and traveled to Chicago to be at a TVP event. My wife thought I was crazy, but she traveled with me. However, she thought I was just as nuts when I jump in that same car to head to New Jersey to attend the TVP convention with very little funds.
She asked me why act on impulse and fly by the seat of my pants about these matters? I simply said, “I have to follow my heart. It’s one of the reasons we’re together.” She laughed, kissed me, and responded “then it had to be worth it.”
These revelations doesn’t mean I’m a different person. I have no ill will towards current politicians or other dishonest people. As a matter of fact I can tolerate them better. But, I have to admit that I don’t feel guilty about knowing that there is work being done to unseat them and I’m taking part in doing it by supporting the TVP movement. and don’t worry it’s being done fairly and is being played by the rules that they set in place.
I simply know that the laws of attraction will cause them to lose those abusive positions of power and those unfair lots in life they currently occupy. They can’t truly be happy there anyway. Somewhere down the line when the TVP is rolling full steam ahead, they’ll confess that they weren’t really happy doing those clandestine deeds while they were in positions of power anyway. But not now because they suffer from Power Drunkenness and turn a blind eye to their actions.
I’m still the same kind, loving person I was before these Neothink revelations. However, I have noticed a slight difference in me. I now walk on higher grounds. I walk amongst the greatest, clearest and honest thinkers that are born of this world. I feel really good to know like-minded people!
Love & Prosperity,
Larry D. S

My take on Mark Hamilton is that …

Hello Mark,
I was very fortunate to have responded to a letter, send by the late Dr. F. W., in the late 1980s. I, then, was exposed to some of the discoveries this brilliant man made and published. I admit that some of the materials went over my head . Back then, I did not have the discipline and the knowledge that I have now possessed. I see things in a very different perspective now. Also, my priorities have shifted as I learned about how this world really operates.
Perhaps the general public is just not aware , because of having been purposely “dummd down” by the poor public education system, or people just do not care much past there own instant gratification needs, or simply because they live in a world where they are never exposed to information that is truly shocking, or have no thirst for knowledge, or expanding their purpose for a better life for mankind in this cursed creation.
My take on Mark Hamilton is that , finally, here is someone willing to do something good about interrupting the way innocent people are being manipulated, exploited, lied to and who knows what else by the media and the people who control them and everything else on the planet. So for the sake of a better future for ourselves and the rest of mankind, use your discernment skills a bit, and do your homework. Stand up and take a stand with Mr. Mark Hamilton while it is still possible. Do not believe everything you are being fed by the infected media. The truth shall set us free. Seek and you shall find.
Régis S.

I have learned many secrets

The Neothink society has made much information available to me, that i never knew.
I have learned many secrets, more understanding of the universe.
I am very happy to have the knowledge from the society.
Tom Heffron

February 2025