Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category
Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions
Dear Mark Hamilton,
The Neothink Society, indeed, brings out the very best in individuals (my strongly held opinion)…I certainly think it has in me. My wife thinks so, too. We now share all experiences and events in our lives with greater intensity!!
Am also relating to others in a far improved way! Basically, I really like who I am, now, and where I am going in and with my life…at 60+ years of age…this is the new 20 for me…it really is all a state-of-mind. My renewed intensity and vigor for the gusto of life (ie: the Child-of-the-Universe concepts as articulated so well in Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions literature…are definitely a societal value folks). They are nothing short of amazing to me. I have a very strong desire to live & prosper (circa Star Trek) for a long, long time (another 90 years will work—at least given my present mindset) to experience it all—and all is a lot!! Great stuff (Hamilton’s Twelve Vision’s literature)…recommending it highly…please, get it, study it, absorb it and apply it…it is very logical and makes sense. It really does change lives for the better if absorbed in the full intended context with wide scope accounting! However, this is not a quick fix…so, be prepared for a fantastic mind voyage and hoist the sails!!
Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions bring into focus the conceptual idea that society’s business value creators either are OR definitely should be highly prized, valued and exalted for their individual societal contributions (our new “hero” paradigm). When is the last time anyone in this anti-civilization heard very much about something like that? I suggest very little on the 6 o’clock news, very little in the newspapers, none in all of the political pontificating, very little from pulpits, and very, precious little in our anti-civilization…period. Moving back to positive, the Twelve Visions literature stimulates and really does allow creative thought to cleanse the mind via the vanquish of mysticisms that plague us. Contribution to or better yet creation of something entirely new of actual value to and/or for society becomes the new, intoxicating, & individualistic norm, doesn’t it?
I recently joined a Southern California (Twelve Visions) Clubhouse…it has been a fantastic milestone in my continued Neothinking / Twelve Visions journey. To be finally affiliated with like-minded individuals who really do “sincerely” care about each other in a deeply moving and very passionate, affectionate way is great! I have you, Mark Hamilton, to personally thank for that! You, obviously, are a very caring (30 years worth of value creation…or so) person, yourself. I highly value you for having provided that amazing contribution! It simply flows from your Twelve Visions literature—I marvel every single time that I ponder them (the Visions) and what they mean to me and how they encourage me. I feel…pride of who I am now, the power to take back what is deserved (ie, am referring to that which has been taken from me mostly via government’s bogus laws, rules & regulations), control of my future, happiness from the journey, and the desire to share it (the Visions) with others, in-other-words “what used to be boundaries” is now “boundless limitlessness”. They (the Visions) have helped me more than you will ever know in myriads of ways, many that I have lost track of. All have worked to focus me to be a new and improved me…I am without a doubt a work-in-progress…it is the journey (roughly 3 years+) and I am thoroughly enjoying it more than ever! What a journey it is…highly recommended to all comers, especially new comers…the emphasis being on “highly”!!!
Finally, I have been heavily involved with 12 other like-minded budding, business entrepreneurs (via the Neothink Business Alliance) from all over the United States…this is remarkably extraordinary in that two months ago we didn’t even know each other…now, we are forming a very serious business enterprise (corporation) together. Much of the business detail has already been hammered out in weekly telephone calls and Webinar sessions (2 to 3 hours each…very intense Neo-Thinking activity)…it is literally wonderful…so much fun coupled with the intense work…the way it should be for everyone, all the time…I think!! Many from the Team will meet in Las Vegas very soon to finalize the business details, coupled with the immediate & strategic go-forward plans. THIS BUSINESS ALLIANCE AND AFFILIATION WOULD NOT BE HAPPENING WITHOUT MARK HAMILTON’S TWELVE VISIONS…THAT IS FACT. Credit must go to him for encouraging this Team, to hone and focus our ability “to power think (Neothink)”, thus to believe, take action, excuses be gone…get ‘er done! Our objective is to have the business (corporation) up and running before Christmas 2009. We “can do” (borrowed from the US Navy Seabees)…& we definitely shall do! I can’t wait!
If anyone reading this hasn’t yet…please, seek out and join a local NeoThink Clubhouse, get the literature, read it, translate it to an actionable plan, implement the plan…see you “all” on the Beaches of the World!
Paul S S
Mark Hamilton – Thank You
I want to thank you for changing the way I think. You have filled my mind with powerful positive energy and it feels exhilarating. You’ve taught me that I am one-hundred percent responsible for everything that happens in my life. Your literature has inspired me beyond any other source of encouragement. I feel as though I have already entered into the Twelve Visions World. When the rest of the world joins the Twelve Visions World, every value-creating human will feel just as excited to wake up every morning no matter the circumstances. I don’t think that there is another person alive who loves humanity in a more reverent way than you do. You are the most dedicated person when it comes to transforming this world into a place where poverty doesn’t exist and pure love reigns. I believe in you Mark Hamilton. Thank you for the invaluable knowledge and immense inspiration you’ve brought into my life.
Connor S
A letter from Mark Hamilton
I am a Neothink Society Member since 2007. Prior to becoming a Member I was going through many challenges in my life. Searching for meaning in a meaningless world of confusion and struggle. Often feeling there was no hope of things ever improving. Deep within me I wanted to help make this world a more honest fair place for all to live and enjoy our short life span on this planet. But what I was witnessing in life was mostly corruption on all fronts, from abuse of power in Governments, Religion the Law and in the Education system. It appeared to me to be a futile quest for change, there seemed to be no answer as to how the world could change and become a better place for all to live. I had begun to despair and to lose the desire to even think that perhaps I could make a difference. The world seemed like it was on a collision course of further disaster, perhaps even annihilation.
Then one day in late 2006 I received a letter from Mark Hamilton, in this letter I was told how special I was and how I could become the person I was meant to be, and live the life I had always dreamed of. That I could have success, wealth heath, and abundance, even change the world. All this was possible simply by becoming my own Authority and taken self responsibility. Although somewhat skeptical at first, once I began reading the literature from Mark Hamilton, I was amazed by the pure honesty, and shocked by some of the eye opening facts of how we have allowed ourselves to be controlled by so many false authorities. Mark Hamilton tells you the truth as you have never heard it before. His work is different than anything you have ever read or heard before. His writing is pure genius. This man is a genius.
The Twelve Visions Party is the political leg of Mark Hamilton’s work. The Twelve Vision’s Party will benefit all of mankind. The Twelve Visions Party will give the power back to the people. Remove all those who control and abuse authority. It aims to make all of the people rich including the poor. The personal benefits and opportunities that will be available for individuals and our families will be amazing. The business prospects will open up like never before, a surge of genius’s will arise and cater to our every need. Health wealth and happiness will become the norm. Isn’t that what everyone wants’ for each other? If we want things to change we have to make the change ourselves. The Twelve Visions Party is our last hope for humanities salvation.
Albeit I do not reside in the US, I know that only by depoliticizing America and ushering in the Twelve Visions Party will America become the world stage for the rest of the world to follow. A new world filled with renewed hope honesty, prosperity and happiness will become the norm. That is the world I want for you and for me.
I thank Mark Hamilton for inspiring me, for helping me make the change in my life, for opening my mind and eyes to the falseness and corruption that is prevalent in all governing bodies to day. I thank you for showing me the Value and personal life advantages that the Twelve Vision Party can bring to one and all. I have the deepest respect and love for Mark Hamilton and all the members of the Neothink Society. I am so happy and proud to be a part of this unstoppable movement.
With respect
Marie C
I’ve been reading Mark Hamilton’s literature…
My Name is Yon C. I’m 28, father of twin girls now nearly 2 years old, husband to my remarkable wife, physicist, and seeker. I’ve been reading Mark Hamilton’s literature for about four years. My name got on a list, and Mark Hamilton sent me a letter letting me know about his books. I was cautious. I looked up the organization online. I found some of the books had been made available online, and so I read them there. I was amazed by what I read. Here is an author who has a remarkably refreshing and vibrant voice! When you find something interesting, exciting, and valuable, it’s natural to learn more about it. I wanted to know: “What is the Neothink® Society?” It’s a very good question!
You have perhaps heard the expression, “think for yourself” or “why won’t people just think for themselves” – there is this idea that some people, perhaps, don’t think for themselves. But have you ever met someone who realized he or she DIDN’T think for himself or herself? I never have. We all think that we think for ourselves. And we do! But thinking and analyzing can be complex mental processes of connecting idea to idea – and many of those ideas may perhaps be built on incorrect assumptions. I remember a time, I was sure that the stove was cold; I was wrong and burnt my pinky. We do the best that we can with what know.
So what is the Neothink® Society? What is the literature that Mark Hamilton offers? New ideas! These new ideas gave me a chance to look at some of the old assumptions that I was using to understand the world. They weren’t pushy ideas — just new, clean, exciting perspectives — “what would life be like if you looked at it like this?” Many of the ideas you would probably already agree with! But the REAL FUN came when I found some ideas that CHALLENGED me to look again! That is where the real growth is. To look at a new idea that doesn’t seem to agree with what you’re use to… but at the same time it cuts to the heart of the issue and lays it bare! That is an exhilarating experience, if you’re brave enough to look. I didn’t agree with everything that Mark Hamilton has written, and there are still some things I disagree about, but that does not in any way reduce the value of his writings. Ideas do not need to perfect to be valuable, sometimes we see beyond the perspective that the author had at the time he wrote his ideas. Things and people change, we grow; tomorrow, perhaps we’ll figure out an even more exciting way to describe this process of self-reflection and deepening honesty.
If I had known to check the stove, I wouldn’t have gotten burned. By reading this literature, I’ve had a chance to look again at many ideas that I once thought were true, and I’ve avoided getting burned in other ways since then.
One idea that I particularly love is the feelings we should have for people who are creating values. If a skilled surgeon saved the life of your child, you would always feel a special closeness to that competent physician, I know because both of my daughters need surgeries shortly after they were born. Those doctors saved the lives of my daughters! That special feeling I have for those two surgeons will never leave me. A value creator enriches the lives of others by finding a way to make things better – not just with a ho-hum fair trade – but with really incredible deals! Perhaps, once or twice in your life, you’ve come across a chance to purchase something and you looked at the price and it was TOO LOW – in disbelief you ask the cleric, “IS THIS RIGHT!?!” The owner comes out with a gigantic smile on his face and says, “YES! I can give you that incredible price, because I have worked hard to reduce my costs. Come back when you want more!” That amazing feeling is what value creation is all about. I have that feeling when I go to work! I get to give that experience to everyone that I meet! I am a value creator! I can say that proudly because I have done the hard work to get to where I am today, and I have earned these good feelings! I earn them again nearly every day by the way I interact with my wife and daughters. I earn these good feelings by offering my best to everyone I meet. Yet, at times I still slip at times and end up back in the life I used to live. I’m not perfect, and each day, each moment, those good feelings are right there waiting for me to earn them. I learned this philosophy in the Neothink Society. Reading the literature, I learned simple steps that I could start taking right away to create more and more values for myself, my family, my friends, and everyone that I meet.
It is hard to believe how amazing life can be. It’s even more amazing how big a difference this single idea about the importance of being a value creator has made in my life…just one idea among hundreds from Mark Hamilton that has enriched my life. If you ever get a chance to read something he’s written, give it a fair look, I think you’ll be glad you did.
– Yon
Hello Mark Hamilton
Hello Mark Hamilton,
I am very honored to write you and have you read my thoughts. About Neothink; I was and am extremely excited about what we are about and believe in. The introduction letter in the mail seemed to be the beginning of the life that I truly imagined existed since I was old enough to formulate thoughts … It began as fantasy, but I felt it in my heart that it had to be real. As others, I cannot claim that the anti-civilization hasn’t had a negative effect on me, because it has. My major hurdle is this learned or conditioned thing called procrastination. It has a hold of me and I am fighting it off. But believe me, my fight and loyalty for honesty and fairness in a new world is steadfast and embedded in my soul.
I have not formed an A-Team yet because there are challenging in my workplace, attempting to negating me from being a proper husband to my wife and a provider … (I got married because I’ve clung to someone that explained that she would love me until the end of time. Funny, I felt that way about everyone on earth, but to hear it from her made me want to nurture this isolated love).
I have read all the Multigenerational manuscripts and was shocked to find such truths. I LOVE IT! … Suddenly my life has meaning. However, I am past the shock and pleasures of simply being a part of this new world and am taking actions starting in the workplace. My wife and I are not in a financial situation to start our own business, but maybe one day we will … as I am sure this will eliminate a lot of these anti-civilization roadblocks and allow me more time to concentrate on spreading truths and sharing ideas through A-Teams and friendships.
Your dad was very insightful and you carrying this legacy proves wonders. You are special and I wish I could walk beside you on this journey, but your stride has you miles ahead of me. I promise you that I will make you proud in my endeavors to pursue truths in my path leading to the Twelve Visions World, somehow.
I brainstorm ideas and have one that will allow you approval, of course; I would love to write fiction that so closely borders non-fiction that it would be hard to negate or dispute it. The material would be not only enjoyable, but a learning tool only when you seek answers through a website or inquire about the author. Them my involvement would be exposed … then more contributions from me would began towards the wonderful Twelve Visions World.
I know what you are going to go through during the launching of the Twelve Visions Party and any other revelations, but your courage, belief, concerns, love, and visions shall comfort you. And know that our support for you is unwavering. Know that most of us has learned and some of us has always had the gift to see through smoke screens and aren’t easily persuaded to non-truths.
We love you, Mark. And we wish that we could play a larger role in your/our endeavors.
Love and Prosperity,
I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton
My journey began in earnest when I received a letter in the mail which I had to send back which I did. The letter stated I was searching for something but had not grasped yet. This was indeed true but I could never quite put my finger on it. It was elusive but I knew and felt that I would hear and read the booklet anyway. I was quite skeptical as I had been lied to many times before.
The booklet arrived as promised and it contained stories in it which were clever and all had a common denominator or theme even though I was unable to see it right away. The stories were varied and quite interesting and thus I read it within a day. About a week passed and I received another letter with an offer. It was for money and they would send me a book. I became extremely skeptical after that but it did have a money back guarantee so I decided I had nothing to lose and wrote out the check.
I received the first massive book and then the second and finally the third. Some parts were harder to read then others but I read them all. They were about various subjects that I had always thought but never was sure of. This literature was justification, I felt, that I was not alone in my thoughts. As I thought more deeply about the themes and how they all went to the very core or essence of what ever was written about.
The sleeper had awakened. I saw things as they really were and the motivations of the people, over a very brief time. Some people were on top and seamed like they did not care while the people on the bottom of the ladder seamed the most genuine. I found out why after reading those books by Mark Hamilton.
I then received an email which directed me to a site. I went there and after paying a small fee, I saw my mentor ,Mark Hamilton, on my Screen for the first time. After 12 months I learned even more while listening to his video’s. Everything that was talked about was eye opening and I was not the only one who partook of this knowledge.
Many people learned as I did I found out later. Eventually Everyone united at this websites’ forums. Everyone shared their individual insights, gifts, and knowledge. The fledgling community was being built just as it must have been foreseen. The knowledge flowed freely between everyone which was known simply as fellow searchers. As time and knowledge passed between us all, our little community began to grow and flourish. The many people who became enlightened and then awakened was extraordinary.
Because of this enlightenment the old paradigm or old way of doing things started to see the writing on the wall. The old paradigm had to fight back as they worked better in the shadows. Our little group ,with the help of others accross the earth, shall end up changing this paradigm now. We are uniting all over the globe now. In unity there is strength. We all have differences and idiosyncrasies but that is what makes us unique. The ability to rational and calmly discuss our view different view points and arrive at a mutual understanding of the issue at hand. The opposition wants everybody to be the same, slaves.
The many are controlled by the few through one thing, which has many sub-parts to it. Fear. A branch of that fear is anger. Knowing this I do not hate people but pity those that do so. Love is the opposite to fear. Acceptance of diversity leads to strength. Since we are all one anything else would be to self inflict pain.(?) Many people are now “AWAKE”. People are aware now of all the lies and propaganda they have been told.
To achieve victory for humankind and remove our invisible shackles, we have started a political party called The Twelve Visions Party. When we unite under this banner we will. take our world back. The time is now to come and first learn about what is now apparent to all. There will be many attacks against people who have united ,physical and slanderous. The main stream media, which hardly nobody believes anymore, will constantly begin to attack The Neothink Society and its ideals. Everyone has a right to their opinion as long as you have heard BOTH sides. The difference between us,The Neothink society and the person who started it all, Mark Hamilton, is we will listen and then judge by its essence if it is true or false. If the statement is true then we would integrate it and if the knowledge is not true discard it as an untruth.(awk)
In conclusion, A war for your mind is here. After you gain all the knowledge make your decision. The truth always surfaces for it is light and therefore not afraid to show itself and does not cower. Many great thinkers from various time periods knew this little fact and were punished for it. Now that there are many awake a new era is upon us. There will be a “fight” as the old paradigm dies and the new one emerges. Unification is power and light! Discussion is the key to any differences of opinion only if both sides agree to it in good faith. With all of this said I have one final word and that is Unite!
What Neothink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years
“Staying positive in a negative world is today one of man’s greatest challenges, but optimism and truth offer the guiding light to find one through the darkest corridors of negativity, and eventually, and with perseverance, into the purifying light of positivity, prosperity, and happiness”.
Indeed America faces it’s greatest challenge for America is slipping into darkness. Most people are beginning to realize that something is wrong, some still realize something is very wrong and others still realize that if nothing is done soon the lights will go out forever. The question to each and every American is what can the average man do? What can the average man do to break the shackles that binds him to a dying America? How can the purifying light of America be re-kindled? The answer is the Twelve Visions Party… it brings in a clean swipe of a political system gone mad. It ushers in everything this country was, is, and will be with out the hindrance of politicians and their self-serving ways performed in the name of the social good. Give this party a chance… examine it… hold it up to the light… It will be hard to deny its purity and its sincerity to “We The People”
I could go on and on about what Neothink and Mark Hamilton has meant to me over the past eighteen years but I think I’ve just summed it up right here… God Bless America!
Ozkar G
I am very grateful for the Neothink Society.
I am very grateful for the Neothink Society. I have been able to start my own production business. I have been able to do lots of networking. I have great moments with the information given. The whole should have the chance to be happy, by forming their own businesses! Traci G
Since I have discovered neothink from Mark Hamilton…
Since I have discovered neothink from Mark Hamilton, I have grown in so many ways
with so many tools and values I never imagined to be the best as a person that I am now.
I have been taught the importance of life through not just the natire of being a huan being,
also along the guidlines and values to what humanity is all about and all the beautiful gifts
and abilities there are to make this planet a peaceful and happier place to live.
I know from a personal experience, the reasons and understandings of Mark Hamilton’s honest
and trusting bussiness helps anyone, (and I do mean anyone), to learn and grow from his
material to be educated and most importantly to be aware of themselves and the world around
them. I have never known anyone to live their life for their family and for the greater good for
Humanity to make a difference on a macrocosm scale like Mark Hamilton.
To sum it up, Mark Hamilton is a loving valued driven human being that we all can respect and
appreciate his purpose here on Earth! I personally want to thank Mark Hamilton for his support
in which he has helped aide me for my well being and success!
Robert B