Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category

Dear Mark Hamilton


I don’t know If I am yet qualified to offer a successful testimonial,  However, I felt that I owed you an over view of my progress since receiving my NT Package of Inside Secrets.    I want to whole heartedly thank you for selecting me,  I am working on my new future.   I have accomplished a few goals.  Reading  the literature gave me a confidence and inspired me.  To know that some one of whom I had never know cared of my success,  I have had a  lifetime of challenges and I have managed to move forward, but know I feel as though I am not alone.   I opened my very small Office in March 2008, I received my first Heirloom in March and read the mini day instructions,  I have to be honest I jumped around in reading,  I get very sleepy, so to keep myself mentally alert it helped me to jump around,  I am going to go back and re-read each Heirloom.   So okay back to my accomplishment,  Since I opened C & M Financial,  the Real Estate Industry has literally come to staggering  halt.  I still get a transaction here and there, but I can’t make the money I need to pay my Home expenses.   I knew I needed to see if I can do something in conjunction and still utilize my Office Space so I have used the mini day tips to get my License to sell Medical Insurance,  I am currently working as an independent contractor for the National Association For Self Employed and I going to help those individuals that need simply a very basic medical plan,   So you see I have accomplished my  goals and this has taken place from March of 2008 to Present.   But my real essence lies is using my hands-on creative skill,  I love working in home Interior designing decorating and taking something distressed discarded and bring it back to life and use it and make it live again,  I was sitting watching HGTV the other night as I do every night,  I will watch other shows but always end up back watching shows that provide my mind with new ideas,  I just feel my heart skip with this true love in watching what others have created and want to do the same, and so my home is constantly evolving,  bottom line I got some information and called on it and found out that  I can enroll for a 90 day on-line course  with  Haverhill to get certified and start to working for them  I will be able the amount of time I will want to work,  I may need to do this until I become recognized for my talents  and then offer another  service that will make my heart thing,  However the almighty dollar will cause me to put this on hold,  but I have not given up, I am so close I can feel it.   I will find a way,  So stay tuned for this,   If you have any suggestions and or see something I could do differently,   I would greatly appreciate it.   

Thank you sincerely,

Cindy Mora

Still excited about life, I am embarking on my next career


For as far back as I can remember I dreamt that I would one day become a renowned professional. I knew I was going to do something great. But the problem was I had difficulty in deciding on what it would be. As a consequence, I spent my life going from one profession to another, and job to job, searching for the right one. I started out wanting to be a professional musician. Then I decided that I wanted to be an insurance agent. Next, I decided that I wanted to be a financial and estate planner. Finally, I decided on being a computer professional. Thinking back, I wish I had tools offered by the Neothink Society at my disposal when I was younger. I would have saved myself a lot of time trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. As a result, much time was wasted chasing unsatisfying pursues.  Although I had a success career, I now sit back wonder how much more successful my life would have been, if I had the remarkable tools I discovered in the Neothink Society throughout the course of my life.

Still excited about life, I am embarking on my next career. Being in the Society, it instills a fire in you, a deep yearning to live your life of a value creator.

With the Society tools under my belt, I feel an overwhelming sense of confidence and joy. I have discovered my essence. I know how to power think my future into my present. I am excited and overjoyed with life’s possibilities. I wake up each day with great anticipation of what the day will bring.

If my story strikes a chord and a yearning in your life, I encourage you to take a look at what the Society of Secrets has to offer. I invite you to discover your true essence in life and get on the pathway to true exhilaration. Just remember, you don’t have to live a life of boredom, unhappiness, or stagnation. You too can have the joy I do. A life of exhilaration the way James Joyce’s Ulysses lived, but without the dishonesty.

Melvin G.

Over the past few months I have used Neothink on my job


Over the past few months I have used Neothink on my  job. I have only worked for this company for a short time and was able to turn a crew that had lost money on the books into a crew that was turning a profit in a short time. I want to thank Neothink for the tools I have been given, I see that this information is priceless. Like any tool if you leave them in the shed and don’t use them, they will rust and be no good to you. I am trying to use the Neothink information in my personal life as well, as I am faced with the challenge of putting my life back together after a divorce. I know now that I can accomplish anything I put my mind to using the Neothink tools I have been given.

Thank You
Bryan Kent Shaak

One day I received a letter in the mail that seemed to describe my quest…


Many years ago in what I thought was the land of the free I felt that there were secret to becoming wealthy and successful. I felt that I needed to be wealthy enough to become detached from the one thing that I felt a slave to. The monetary game of life was holding me back. The rut that we fall into was all based on scraping to pay the bills and struggling to make ends meet. Once I found the secrets, then I could become the person I was meant to be.
I fashioned myself as a modern day hunter, warrior. What I was hunting was the keys to success. This took the ways of a warrior. There are many things one has to learn to become a hunter
Any good hunter gets to know their prey but my prey was not any animal or living thing. My prey was success. One has to stalk the prey to learn all of the habits and routines of their adversary. Learning and reading was the best tools available to accomplish the stalking that I needed to do.
I learned many, many things in this quest to bag success and find happiness. At first the learning was slow and I was not sure of the reason. It took the ways of a warrior to handle all my failed attempts and to keep on hunting.
One day I received a letter in the mail that seemed to describe my quest but it also said things that I thought was kind of funny at the time. My curiosity got the best of me and in my hunt for success, they were offering me knowledge towards this same goal.
I ordered and received my first book out of three at the time and when it arrived I started to read it and could not get interested. When asked to order the second book I hesitated but went ahead and ordered it. Again I started reading it and did not have much interest. Despite my apparent lack of interest I ordered the third book when it was time to place that order.
When the third book arrived I again started reading but this time I could not put the book down until I was finished. When I finished reading the third book I said to myself that I did not give the other books the time I needed because there was obviously more here than I had thought. Now I was excited. It was time for me to read the first two books and find out what I had missed.
Now I have always been an alternate thinker and searched through many things before reading this literature. I could give you a detailed list of all the things I read up on and took an interest in but that would take a long time. With these books I found that I had kindred spirits in this world with me and I was not the oddball rebel that nobody understood. The reason most did not understand me was because I always thought there was more than what they were telling and teaching us. I asked questions and took the value out of the answers I got instead of accepting the answer as fact.
Then the time came and I was invited to meet others. I was invited to essence meetings and to a web site. I was still reading the first two books as this came about. In the essence meeting with Mark Hamilton I listened with great intensity and like little Johnny in the back of the class who wanted to share the answers I could not wait to voice what I thought.
Now I am not going to paint a rosy picture of everything that happened from there because that would not be the truth. In many ways I was the same oddball even with the group I was meeting. I knew I understood the literature. This should not be happening and yet I persisted. In my persistence I started to meet some of the genius that I was looking for but I also bumped heads with some who did not see some of the things that I saw.
I was learning at an accelerated rate now that I read the books and implemented things into my life. Finding the truth about many things was a little disturbing and even caused quite a bit of anger and bafflement for me. How could others treat one another with such purposeful malice? I knew the answer to that but it still struck me, How come they get away with it? I knew the answer to this also, because we let them. How can we stop them?  Again I knew the answer; it was to make everyone aware. How do we make everyone aware? The answer to that was being provided by the new society that I was watching form right before my eyes.
Success was taking on new meanings for me or should I say that I was remembering what success really was. My financial situation was not improving at all. It was even sliding backwards and I was going into the hole. We were all hit by what mainstream society was creating for us, it did not have to happen, but the few selfish elite knew that they would benefit from our suffering by gaining more control over our lives. This could not happen if everyone saw through their play for power.
Now I embrace the fact that I may be an oddball. I have very good company in this classification. Albert Einstein was a bit of an oddball as were many of the great thinkers through out our history. What made them the oddballs was the ability to keep asking questions and not excepting any of the answers as concrete fact that can never be questioned. They took the hard road of continued searching and not excepting just any old answer.
At this point I would say that I have bagged success but the hunt continues and this warrior is still part of the hunt. The new game in this hunt is world peace and individual empowerment for all the people. Now it is true freedom for all people, this is what we hunt. This true freedom will allow for the evolution of mankind. Allow for individuals creations to continue unencumbered by to illusion of the self indulged few. This freedom will allow for the shift in our consciousness to occur to a point where we do not look for outside authorities to provide the answers for us.
With honesty, love, respect and integrity the warrior of the new age hunts for what mankind has yet to achieve. In this new society I see that all good things are possible but I also see that it will take each and every one of us humans to become a part of the hunt.

Join us in making the world a better place. Join us in bringing about a shift in consciousness that benefits everyone and not just the few. Join us in creating a world that our children and grandchildren can grow and prosper in. Join us and become a creator yourself. Join us and take action that will stop the regression of our society and mans self destructive existing path. Join us and become the person you are meant to be. Join us and enter the Twelve Visions World.

Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me…


Mark Hamilton, I would like Thank this Genius for finding me and setting me on the Right path to find my FNE, I know what I need to do to get there, I am now working my FNE. Now I will set myself free to do what is in my heart. When Mark found me I was going on the wrong path of life, and then He sent me a letter and I sent it back in and soon after I received a booklet and as I read that booklet I knew I just had to find out more about what was going on in this Neothink Society, So right away I ordered my first book The NT Discovery, and when I received this first book, I opened it and read all the Bold Head Lines first then I turned back to the 1st page and read, at first it was slow going because I really didn’t read books that much, but as I read I couldn’t put it down, I just had to find out more and more. The mini days are great I tried them at work, but with my job it didn’t work to well for the job I have is a end without an end job! It took me about 2 to 3 weeks to read the book, and then I received a letter to send for my 2nd book and I did, when this one arrived I opened it right away and started reading it and once more I didn’t want to put it down, I even took it to work with me and left it in my truck and at lunch I would go out and sit in my truck and read while I ate my lunch, while I was in my truck I was in my own world the Twelve Visions World, For this is the world that I want to be part of I thought. for I have found out things that I have felt all of my life and I knew there had to be more in life than what I was seeing and hearing everyday. It took me about 2wks to finish, and then I sent for Miss Annabelle’s Secrets, I was ready to put forth what I had read and search for the people that I had read about, Because I so wanted to meet these Genius For now I want to live for ever and I want for all of this to come to life, I look forward for when we set the world free of Neo-cheaters And to set aside our differences my Brothers and Sisters and to shed mysticism and put forth the Prime Law. For then will we be one with the Twelve Visions World and Mark Hamilton. Thank you. Kenneth Farlin

Hello Mark Hamilton


How awesome to be able to share my experiences with you personally.  I received my first book in 2006.  I read it and took some notes .  My job as a housekeeper in a church became more fulfilling.  I no longer had trouble finishing tasks on time.  My husband and I had grown apart.  We divorced.  I left my book at my dad`s who threw it out.  I ordered another book by mail
and read it.  Still stuck in stagnation, I put the book on the shelf.  My ex-husband came by one day and handed me a sealed envelope.  It was from Neothink dated 2006.  I bought a used computer and attended my first meeting in September.  Completed level 2 this month.  Also, attended live seminars on the web and read some in the web library.  Got in touch with some great people including an A-team leader in New Orleans, LA.  Hope to attend my first Club-house meeting in McComb, MS this month.  Hope to start a business of my own and/or lead an A-team myself before long.
I am receiving power and energy by cutting through the mysticism to the essences.  Last week I had a dream about experiencing a wonderful euphoria.  I would start to wake up, but, did not want to leave the beautiful place.  I would love to do some telephone marketing in this area.  Please send me some names and numbers.  I am on my way to becoming the person I was meant to be.  I love you all.
Your abounding mentee,
Deborah Stevenson

Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly…


Hello Mark,

Below please find my response in regards to what Neothink has done for me:

1. Neothink has caused me to see the big picture clearly in the real meaning of life for me.  Together with power-thinking, I’m able to snap together puzzle pieces immediately.

2. It has affirmed the eternal honesty state of being in my future development with a clear plan of action.  With this plan, I will move forward in the never ending journey of my life, as a self-leader.

3. Neothink has measured and made known to me my progress in all phases of life. By honesty integrations of reality into my time and space, values are created, I’m able to take control of my environment and conditions thereof, where by creating time for all our future.   

Otto Beasley

Neothink has helped me…


By Member

Hello my (PM) Prime Mentor                                                                                  
The prime question for level 12:What has Neothink done for me: When I look back over the past
twelve months, I know and I feel, a great surge of confidence, has unfolded within me. This
unfolding of confidence, is really a shifting, and as you my Mentor has so properly stated a…
“jump” in my mentality, from that following mode to the leader mode or role.          

All my life I never went with the crowds, I have always been “my own person” meaning I
was not a “total sheep”. After studying under the most awesome, human being I have ever
encountered in my life,(you my PM).It has taught me I can create that world, that I have …
always dreamed of and I could do it by creating values, that in turn bringing and producing
a happy life, of course, this being achieved through puzzle building, adding piece by piece.

Early on from the letters ,the word mind blowing would come up, what was mind blowing
to me was, when I started to make this shift, in my mind, in my thoughts, it was then that I
started to feel the “power” you have always talked about. Once man breaks, or shifts from
mysticism, and gets a taste of the freedom, the creativity, the “power”, the happiest, and
think and know where this shift is and where it will take him, it is mind blowing. Neothink
has helped me to simply dismiss the neocheaters, which only had a shallow impact on me,
before I feel. The mere fact of being able to think for oneself, and control oneself, and all
of his or her actions, again brings that feeling of unexplained joy. Personally when I heard
the most profound words I have ever heard in my life, in level 3 when you my Mentor said
“Welcome Home” I felt something I have never felt in my entire life, as I speak about it now
my eyes well up, my mind, my body,  my whole being went through a sudden peace, a…
calmness I never felt before, for me it was like the opening of a door, and a cool breeze
flowed in, the very thing that sparked a slight “flash” a shifting for me I feel. Once I understood
what I had to do, and how to do it, the grip of mysticism, was loosed, and each day I feel
myself breaking it’s hold in all aspects. Neothink the hammer that smashes the veil of …
mysticism. Neothink that springboard to the Twelve Visions World the only road to the Twelve Visions World.

Roy Metcalf

Thanks to the Neothink Society I am coming out of my “shyness shell” and experiencing a better life


Thanks to the Neothink Society I am coming out of my “shyness shell” and experiencing a better life.
I am gaining valuable friends that I did not have before becoming a member.
I am learning more now than I have in the past.
I am also more productive with projects and accomplish them in less time with less stress.
I am dealing with problems now easier and with less trouble.
I am no longer being ripped off by scams because I now see through to the truth.
As I see reality more clearly, my life is becoming more fun and exciting!
Ralph H. Merritt

I started questioning life in general at an early age


I started questioning life in general at an early age. Always wondering why things were the way they were. Always thinking that life should be better than what I was seeing.
I am now 45 years old, on my second marriage, and mother of 4 beautiful daughters. Nothing has ever gone the way that I supposed it should go. Seemed the harder I tried the worse things got.
Upon receiving my very first letter from the Society last June, things started getting better. I must tell you that when I received that first letter I was definitely at a very low point in my life. I had even thought of suicide. I opened it and read the first paragraph and threw it on the table declaring that it was a bunch of bunk!
But I did not throw it away and I was pulled back to reading it everyday. I responded to that letter and my life now has meaning. I consider that first letter from the Society to be the most important piece of mail I have ever received.
I read all literature from that point that I received from the Neothink Society with a religious conviction. THIS WAS IT!!! This was what I had been searching for my whole life! Answers to my biggest questions. Answers that nobody else had ever offered.
I am now a very PROUD member of the Neothink Society!
Applying the knowledge gained, from reading the Society’s literature, to my everyday life, has allowed me to add more value to my life than I have ever known. The LOVE I have found here is what I ALWAYS said life should be about. EVERYTHING about the Society IS what life should be for ALL!
So… If you receive a letter or an invitation from The Society of Secrets. HOLD on to it for dear life! YOU want to be a member!
Mark Hamilton and ALL of my Neothink brothers and sisters, I am thankful each and everyday for ALL of you! With EVERY ounce of Neothink Love,
Deb H

March 2025