Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category
The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton has influenced my way of thinking
I have always been a lay back type person, but at the same time I was searching. Searching for something in life, but there was always something preventing my mind from developing or expanding to it’s fullest. Now that I have acquired the knowledge of Neothink I have become a new person. I am so happy to be part of the Neothink Society, and is looking forward to share my knowledge and insights with future incoming members as well as for my own personal development. The Neothink Society and Mark Hamilton has influenced my way of thinking through integration of knowledge, and it’s through this knowledge I am able to control my life, my environment and the universe. Every thing in my life now has a purpose and true meaning. I am truly grateful for the change you have brought to my Life.
Peter Sellars Level 10 member
What do you believe dictates the outcome of your life?
What do you believe dictates the outcome of your life? Within the heirlooms I have found that the outcome of my life will be dictated by the extent to which I am able to Neothink which is being dictated by the extent to which I am able to remove my mysticism.
It has been an exciting adventure to discover the extent to which I was relying on and turning toward outside authorities for virtually every problem and decision that up until now I was using to run and control my entire life. Now that I have learned that my two chamber brain is exactly the same brain that the greatest geniuses of all time had, I am able, with the information in the heirlooms, to turn within, through deep integrated thinking, and solve my own problems.
When you come up with that answer or solution for the first time, no matter how small or insignificant the task, you will experience an euphoria that will rush through your entire body, igniting all your senses and emotions. The light will be turned on, because any doubt of your ability to experience Neothink will be diminished and most importantly your confidence will grow by leaps and bounds as you start challenging yourself to tackle anything you are confronted with. Slowly at first and then you go back to the basics, you develop the complete outcome picture in your mind and analyzing the whole picture you zero in on the fuzzy pieces and get down to serious power thinking and bit by bit the piece becomes clearer and clearer and every once in a while, sometimes when you are thinking or doing something completely unrelated you get that AHA! moment and all of a sudden you have it.
When I began this journey, as the weeks and months passed and I wondered if I would ever be able to find Neothink there was something that I would like to share that kept me going. It was belief, I truly believed, it was that belief that I developed because I knew that this wasn’t just another hype and I knew this because my mentor, Mark Hamilton, was not just preaching another hyped philosophy, he has achieved all that he teaches.
This along with the desire to make the necessary changes in my life and the desire to always remain teachable and the attitude that my goal is to grasp new knowledge while realizing that I may never GET IT, I will always be advancing as long as I grasp what is being taught to me, somewhere out there in the future I just may GET IT. Until that time comes I will continue to enjoy all the learning which has added and continues daily to add value and happiness to my life.
Marvin Michaud
A-team business Kansas Integrated Visions LLC
A-team name Kansas City Kansas Southwest
To Mark Hamilton
To Mark Hamilton,
With the growing force that is slowly, yet persistently, and consistently lifting the veil of mysticism, up to now, clouding the consciousness of the world’s population by infecting everyone with a reversible, psychological pathology I’ve labeled: “Illusion, Confusion, Delusion Disease”, I think it long overdue to repay the favor of the antidote provided for this global condition by sending the few words you’ve requested detailing the growth and understanding of Neothink in my personal mind space.
Actually, “detail” is a somewhat miss-leading, and, perhaps, an inappropriate word to use here, because I tend to be a little long-winded, in general, and saying this might play into that tendency. Not that there’s anything absolutely wrong with that, but to be quite frank, some time ago I set a mental commitment to myself to get this out to you no later than the end of this month; and, by golly, I’m going to keep it. Additionally, since all the “Dissertations” already sent by other members of my A-team, have been on the short side, well . . . enough of that.
Just let me say as one of the 7 integral members of my team,” Integrated Thinkers”, attempting to stay involved with as many salient aspects of it as I can, including the TVP, I have, nonetheless, been a little reluctant to incorporate the mini-day/power-thinking team into my “retired-individual” lifestyle. A reluctance that fortunately has taken a very noticeable turn towards the light, as a flower does on a bright, and very sunny spring day; with hesitance replaced by understanding made unavoidable via the integrated connection that links the mini-day/power-thinking team (which, I am finally, at long last, taking initial steps to utilize) to Neothink, “Self-capture”, “Company Capture”, and way, way beyond – to “Super-puzzles”, whispering hints of their presence, starting at the individual, passing the global, and accelerating towards the Universal level of magnitude; which, of course, is the “”.
Let these few words just spoken then, be a token, sufficient to firmly place “my foot in the door”, with new arrivals expected daily, to fulfill my promise, there will be more.
Loren C. Taylor
I have enjoyed all the level meetings with Mark Hamilton…
My Updated Testimonial
As I sit down to write this it is a snowy, cold, blustery night in Dublin, Ohio. I am getting so excited about what we have been working on in 2008 and now in 2009. We, meaning what we have started calling ourselves the Three TVP musketeers and Dartanian. The names that most have heard on our TVP calls and other calls are Michael Dilworth, Kenneth Townsend, and Jeff Smith. We have replicated ourselves with the second musketeers who are David, Patricia, and Jill. I have been honored to be a part of these TVP calls and also on the Wednesday night A team call with Mike and Steve and the Tuesday night Heirloom call with Chuck and Ted.. I have grown every time I have done one of these calls.
It astounds me to look back and see where I have come from. I remember getting my letter and then getting my first Heirloom book. I devoured it and couldn’t wait for the second one.. It opened my world up to a whole new way of living and thinking. I was in an apartment then and was so excited when I contacted my first Neothink brother.. It was Greg Mauter and we met at a restaurant in Toledo, Ohio where I was living at the time. We spent 3 hours together and it was like meeting a long lost brother.
I have sense met many more Neothink Society brothers and sisters in person and through the calls that I have participated in. I truly have an ever expanding family of fully integrated honest, loving, geniuses. I get real pumped up on calls now when I see people getting on from other countries and I know that this Neothink mentality will change the world.
I have enjoyed all the level meetings with Mark Hamilton and review them whenever I can. I love the website and have seen it get better and better. I am looking forward to mentoring as many people as I can by introducing them to Neo think and our parallel society we are creating. I have known what my FNE or Friday Night Essence has been from the beginning and have used these on the calls. One of the things that I love to do is act and write scripts so that is how The Taking It To The Streets came into existence. That is why I have been in sales and marketing for twenty plus years because a good sales person is a good creative thinker. I am currently with a home improvement company and have been able to use my Neothink tools I learned from the Prime Literature to not only get a promotion but have been offered to go to Dallas, Texas and be the City Director of Marketing, I accredit my mini days, ten second miracles, power thinking, and all the other things that I have learned in the five years I have been involved with the Neothink Society to this. I am looking forward to getting involved in the clubhouses, workshops, and most of all in the Texas TVP. I am currently checking hotels in the Chicago area where we will have our first TVP national conference. I am projecting having a place nailed down with a website up by February so our people can start making reservations and travel plans. I want to end with a Big Thank you to Mark Hamilton, Eric Wallace, and F.R.W. for your literature, insights, and for the mentoring. I am so thrilled to be a part of this and with my musketeers and my many new friends in the society we are looking to help BRIDGE the anti civilization into the Twelve Visions World. BRIDGE standing for Bringing Real Innovation Declaring Genuine freedom to next generations Experience.
Jay A. Solether, Porthos of the Three TVP Musketeers, TVP coordinator of the Columbus A Team and mentor in training
After reading Mark Hamilton’s, three Heirloom’s…
After reading Mark Hamilton’s, three Heirloom’s, They took me back in time, to when I was younger? when I was the happiest, not a care in the world? It’s like I had that extra boost of energy. Like the child of the past! That extra energy, has always stuck with me! No matter how bad things got, even when I had very little friend’s, and when I would just sit at home, just my mother and I, or when she would go to the bar, or even just myself, sitting at home? I would always find something to do, to stay preoccupied, so I would not get board? I have been through a lot of tragic things in my life time. But through it all, I was always able to pull myself out of my trap? No matter what kind of trap it was. I dropped out of school at the age of sixteen, living out on the street’s, and managed to survive? But I never had that opportunity like million’s of other people, to move forward in life? But with out mark’s help? I would have never found the person I was meant to be in life! And after reading about the mini-day system, I was able to do more for myself, and to figure out my FNE, in life? and with down stream focus, you can accomplish anything your heart desires, always remember one thing? We all need to think ahead, before saying or acting on anything. We would all get further ahead in life that way, instead of just reacting to thing’s. I know this from experience. My oldest daughter Ania, she’s twenty now but when she was three yrs of age, I noticed that her deep motivational root is, that she is fascinated with the world around her, and I am the same way. When you have down focus. you enjoy every day, all day long, for the rest of your life, and not let anything stand in your way. BY MICHELLE ANDERSON.
The Neothink mind has opened up avenues in my life that I did not know existed
The Neothink mind has opened up avenues in my life that I did not know existed. Every day I wake up, I feel like things have been taking away from me, things that did not belong. I do not feel the urge to fight with myself wondering if I do this or if I do that what the consequences will be, because I have absorbed secrets and tools that help me manage my day before I even wake up. Blocking me from all the bad things that the Anti-Civilization can throw at me in a day.
It seems my mind goes to the core of my body and defends off all the neo-cheating thoughts that I like to think of in scientific terms as of not allowing mystic filled neuro-transmitters to cross the synaptic cleft reaching my brain, telling me to act in ways that are not beneficial to myself or anybody else. Without absorbing the secrets from the heirlooms my mind and body would not have the strong foundation that it has that helps manage it through the pearls of life.
After absorbing the secrets and unblocking the negative thoughts that filled my head, I was able to help come up with the name for our A-Team. At the time the choices were being presented, had I not absorbed the secrets from the heirlooms, I would have not been able to free my mind enough to think at that time. Along with that I was also able to use the secrets from the heirlooms to help me shed 60lbs. I followed the Neo-diet taking away all my bad cravings. Now when I gain a few pounds by falling off the diet, I find it very easy to jump right back on it and lose the weight. I have been able to keep off the weight for 1 year now. I find it very easy to fight off the cravings that once filled my mind and body. The weight lost section of the heirlooms not only helped me physically but the secrets that I absorbed help me get to the essence of the forces of nature when dealing with your body.
Right at the end of the summer I could feel my body strongly pushing me to not eat. I believe this is how my body reacts to the upcoming summer months, it wants to be thin and look good, so it craves less. The totally opposite thing happens during the winter months, your body craves more, wanting you to pack on the extra fat to help insulate your body for the upcoming months. My mind and body have been going through this cycle all its life, until I received, read and absorbed the secrets from the heirlooms. Now my mind and body do not succumb to those forces of nature any more allowing me to sustain my weight. These are just some of the things I have absorbed from the heirlooms. I like to talk about them more than I like to write about them, I get more information out that way, but as I finish writing this, this does not seem that bad at all, I can probably get use to doing this.
Thank You
Tarmail Jackson
When I began this journey with Mark Hamilton…
Neothinking has changed my daily thoughts as well as my plans and actions for the future. Instead of wishing, hoping or praying for things to change neothink engages my mind to action for creating the changes I desire. This has dissolved the inertia of faith in my life replacing it with a life that bears fruit.
Neothinking has permanently changed the way I think. Years ago I was told if I changed my thoughts, I could change my life. Unfortunately I was not told how to change my thoughts. Neothink clicked into my mind and shifted everything into a new way of thinking. This has caused me to change many things in my life, practically everything in my life. I live a different life now. So it was true about changing your life when you change your thoughts, but only neothinking accomplished this change.
There are obvious and not so obvious ways neothinking has transformed my life.
I had a mistaken view of society and held ‘important’ labels on certain individuals, who are the select few with ‘power’, authority, wealth etc. I now realize this is not the case. This view I am aware was from strong programming that began at a very young age. As a teenager, I was constantly reminded to do as I was told. The rest of course is to obey God. Talk about confusing!! Neothink has set my mind free. Instead of thinking someone else is in charge I realize there is no one to follow. I have known this and was an independent thinker but found my limitation was in manifesting my dreams into reality, not knowing how to overcome limitations. Neothinking puts me in control of my own life. I now seize the day. Instead of feeling powerless, I get to choose my outcome. I fully utilize this choice in small and big ways. I am experiencing the exhilaration of my new integrations.
Neothinking changes how I see other people. Instead of getting frustrated with people, I choose how I need to respond to them or not respond.
I have a greater appreciation for the special qualities in others. I have more tolerance, understanding, and compassion for others because of the things I now understand and at the same time have less tolerance for people who talk too much while doing too little. I have shifted my thoughts to what steps I can take to make a difference, now knowing that one person can make a dramatic change in society and in the world.
I am more deeply moved by political agendas and read the papers and follow what is going on very closely. I never cared about these things before. I am very interested in the Twelve Visions Party. Even though I am not directly involved, I think about and care deeply about the TVP and its role and purpose in the Neothink Society. Neothinking reaches far beyond my integrations, seeing larger pictures, bringing smaller ones into greater perspective.
I am enjoying doing things I used to dread. I did not enjoy being on the computer. I am building my second website, this one is for the Church of God-Man. I have several more websites yet to build. I am finding it fun creating them!
I have more faithful friendships and it is obvious the changes that have come about in my dealings with people. I have learned to see my emotions objectively and when they are and are not enhancing a situation. This has been a very pivotal shift for me in improving business relationships. Working in and for the anti-civilization remains to be challenging, however I am able to handle things more effectively. This has been rather amazing.
Applying Neothink I am able to figure things out. Soon after learning Neothink last year I accepted a marketing position. In the past opportunities like this would have passed by me. Thinking this way has stretched my confidence. It is exciting to integrate and seek the right pieces and fit them together. I have accomplished success in this and exceeded the expectations of the people I market for. I am grateful for the experience and now neothink the integrations of my own business as well as my integrations with the Neothink Society.
Neothinking has increased the productivity in my day. I accomplish in a day what used to take me a week. Of course that’s the effectiveness of the mini-day or I should say the necessity of the mini-day. Neothinking needs the mini-day to function. When I see people doing nothing it strikes me more deeply. I realize the importance of scheduling down time.
I always wondered how those ‘super-achievers’ did it. I am excited to now be one of them. This year, I was teaching at the college, marketing and working on many other projects as well as continuing my own education. Neothinking has changed me. Instead of dreaming, I am doing. With my bookshelf full of self-improvement books I have read, none of them changed my life or helped me manage my plans. They all told me to do it without a real sense of how. Neothinking has changed that.
All of my thoughts are shifted through neothinking. I have a greater accountability to myself, with greater expectations. It is exciting when I complete my projects. I now see how short days are and pack as much as I can into each one prioritizing my actions to bring into reality the things that are mine to create.
I have always been a ‘doer’ but neothinking has taken me to a different level and changed the things that I do.
When I began this journey with Mark Hamilton, he said we would be completely different people at the end of the year. I wondered what he meant but I now understand.
I look at my life now and my creativity and productivity and it makes me feel a little sad to think of what I might have done if I had known these things sooner.
As I learned neothinking as well as many other insights, this past year has brought profound change and intense work in my life and now instead of looking toward the end of my life, I am ready to accomplish the things I have dreamed of and to dedicate my life to sharing value creation and neothinking with others. This is the most important change neo-thinking has made in my life, planning for life instead of planning for death.
Since consciousness cannot die, (cease to exist) Neothink is the final evolution of consciousness because Neothinking cannot integrate death or thoughts of death. Neothinking can only think of life. More specifically, “The Abundant Life!”
Marlene Hudson
I am very very very…………………….grateful to you
Dearest Mark Hamilton,
I have just been reinstated by Yahoo. I can now send mail from my account.
I am so………..grateful.
Hey, Mark, I need help in another issue. I need you in the next lives thereafter in human form to watch after me. I need in all our next lives (reincarnation), to be unconditionally loved and to be nourished emotionally deep. I also want to look extremely beautiful — like a Goddess inside and out perfect in every way, having my health, and being very financially wealthy from my family, and much protection for myself, family, and close friends.
In this life, Mark, I was so……verbally abused. That set the tone for a spiral downward in my life. Like I said, in prior email thank GOD for you and Jesus in my life.
I want to have you in my life. I love you deeply in the deepest religious soul and mind way. I know you are with me. I hear you talking wonderful, positive things to me: ex: “You will be restored”. And then I experience visions which are lovely and light a lot of light. This is incredible.
I want to meet you. I want to embrace the Neothinker in you.
I am very very very…………………….grateful to you.
I need to know in what way I can help you — if you need it. I will do my very best in helping you.
And, Mark, I hope to see you run in the elections in 2012. I will support you.
Love, Beth
Now that I have finally made it to Level 12, and Mentor instead of Apprentice, where do I begin!
The appropriate place to begin is to Mark Hamilton: Thanks Mark for all the time, training, guidance, and instruction you have provided over the last couple of years. Thank you for the Prime Literature prior to that which is the basis of my understanding and vision now. Thank you for bringing me LIFE and the ability to Neothink!
As a child growing up, I was always the smallest one around, therefore, the one the playground bullies enjoyed the most. Until 7th grade, I was the smallest of my class (even smaller than the girls) and bullied, beaten, shoved around, degraded at every opportunity. Didn’t do much for my self-pride, but I did learn to, at the least, protect myself from serious damage; and on a few occasions even made an effort to stand up and be heard.
My mother was a screamer and beater; it seemed like nothing made her happy! Dad was the silent type, who sat in his chair with his cigarette and beer and let the world flow by; but somehow we understood that he did love us in his own way. He was a steel worker; mom was a typical stay-at home mom to raise the kids. When things got to be more than I could handle with mom’s constant yelling and swinging, I would grab my gun, by fishing pole, my knife, and disappear in the back-woods for hours or days at a time. Here I learned that the world around us has so much more to offer than the civilization I was being beaten into submission to. The stars in the country sky; the birds singing in the breeze, the animals scampering in the underbrush … THERE is where I found happiness and life!
In school I was on the track, soccer and wrestling teams; and did very well. My favorite sport was wrestling, and I was #6 in the state at 120 pounds my senior year. I was actually in the running for the 1968 Olympics at 127 pounds; but lost out when I broke my ankle in the semi-finals. Yes, I was that good, and that close – but again, my accomplishments, my goal, was taken away!
Then, I graduated from high school and escaped as fast as I could into the Navy. Remember those high school senior days? Letters almost daily in the mail about “think about the Army”, “think about the Air Force”, etc. Yup – I was thinking! In the late 1960s what was going on? Vietnam! If I have to do military time (the draft was active then), I’m not going to wait till the government tells me where I fit; I’ll join the Navy! Then, if I have to go to war, there will be tons of steel around me!
And, of course, being a snot-nosed kid out of high school, what did I know about a career or my Friday Night Essence (didn’t know the term then, but from dad I learned, if it ain’t fun, it ain’t worth doing!)? My testing and abilities made me best qualified as a Hospital Corpsman – working with doctors and nurses in the hospital. At least part of the time; the rest of the time was with the Marines as a front line Medic – ducking bullets and eating mud along with them; providing the emergency care when someone got injured or shot. Ever watch MASH on TV? My job was the same as Hawkeye – patching bullet holes and hassling nurses! The only steel around me was that little pot sitting on my head! One day I looked at that and thought – where did I go wrong? Who did I tick off to deserve this? A field of endeavor I enjoyed, but not in this situation.
Well, that was only 6 years; the rest of the 20 years of my Navy career was: 3 years in a submarine as doc of the boat; 3 years on an aircraft carrier as assistant surgeon; clinical duties around the world in hospitals and clinics with clinical specialties of orthopedics, physical therapy, occupational therapy, urology, infectious diseases, allergies, immunizations, emergency room, surgical assistant, trainer and/or supervisor, etc. I served 20 years of patient care, with 11 medical specialties total. Being a healer was fantastic to say the least.
No longer the one scorned, snubbed or bullied; but the one everyone came to for patching up, easing pain, or just a shoulder to cry on. I had found my nitch; I thought!
During this time I got married and had 3 wonderful children. When my first child, my daughter, was about 1-1/2 years old, my wife said to me “I’m tired of playing house!” – and I knew then that this would not last; just like everything else in life. I held it together for 25 years before I gave up the battle. Can’t make a marriage when only one cares; and how many times must one hear from his own children “we don’t want you here” before he gets the message. Another life built, another life taken away; another success/failure – which?
During this time I became very involved in the church. I was a deacon in 2 Baptist churches, a trustee in another, an AWANA commander for 6 years, on a Christian school board for 6 years. In the Navy I had worked with orphanages around the world. With all this, I had over 3,000 who had called me “dad” or “unk”; but my own 3 would have nothing to do with me.
I gave up and left. My daughter accused me of being mentally, physically and sexually abusive (all false! Just done in anger). She married a New York State Trooper, and he and/or one of his classmates were always somewhere watching me. I got tired of being followed, waiting for me to screw up; so I left the state! I now live in Florida. During this time, I was severely depressed and probably should have been in a nut-ward. Every morning I woke up my first thought was “damn, another day to put up with”. Then, in the middle of this depression, my landlord’s daughter, a beautiful young teen, came to me and asked to have a talk about my past. She told me she thought my daughter was a fool for doing that to me, and the comment she made brought me out of that depression and again to search for purpose in life. She said “Look at me! I’m not ugly! If you were that kind of guy, you would have been all over me months ago! But, you have never done or said anything out of the ordinary. I love and respect you like an uncle – and your daughter is a BITCH!” Tara snapped me out of that lowest point in life.
I moved to Florida. I have some family here; with my sister, a few nieces, their children, boyfriends, husbands, exes, children, probably about 50. NONE of them wanted me here! NONE of them have stepped foot in my home for the 12 years I have been in Florida, the 6 years I have been in my own house. Again snubbed and pushed aside as if I am the dirt on the sole of their shoes.
Then, Mark Hamilton found me! I don’t know why, but I responded to his letters and purchased the prime literature. I studied and grew in understanding. Did I learn anything new? Not really! But I did learn that the things I believed that made me so “strange” to the rest and unwanted was the way things should be! I learned that being a self-thinker is a good think! I learned that setting goals and working hard create positive values for self and others is the ONLY purpose in life! I again found joy and value in teaching and guiding others in understanding the teachings of the Prime Literature.
I found that my childhood dream of building a farming community, providing jobs/homes for the homeless, a home for widows and orphans, a school the the children, a community of peace and love was not so unusual after all … there are over 2000 of us here across the nation with the same dreams. Mark’s 12-vision world is the same vision I have had since the early 1950s. I even had one beautiful lady with 25 years as an NT tell me – “Finally, someone who has the same vision Mark has!” when she evaluated our A-Team and Clubhouse setup.
I have finally been recognized for my faith, my beliefs, my dreams, my ideals – and Mark has promoted me with the first group of his Mentors! I am one of the 300, as he calls us. My business, Florida Space Coast A-Team, is one of the first 31 launched to assist the others. My partner, Pablo, is more of a brother to me than any member of my family has ever been. Now I can post on the Educational Board and reach THOUSANDS at once, instead of a handful. Finally, I am the teacher, the value creator, the essence builder that I have always dreamed of being; and my visions of 5 decades is finally coming to fruition.
And how did this all happen? Because Mark Hamilton found me and gave me a chance. Mark Hamilton had the open arms I had sought for 5 decades! Mark Hamilton has the same visions and dreams that I have; and together we WILL bring this dream to light in this world of chaos and hatred!
Charles “Doc” Morris
CEO and Neothink Society ® Mentor
Florida Space Coast A-Team, LLC
Dear Mark Hamilton
Dear Mark Hamilton,
The initial invitation letters from the Neothink Society struck me as amazing writings in themselves, yet I resisted. The thing that convinced me to invest in Neothink was the mention of displaying my art and music at one of the Clubhouse Meetings. I had been working to find my audience and this idea spoke directly to my soul/inner child/higher self and my business self.
I received my literature and read it in 8 days, writing many pages of notes with new mental integrations like I had never had before. After 2 more long, yet highly energized weeks, I received an invitation to a Clubhouse Meeting. The next day, Wednesday, I called to RSVP and was offered the chance to play my music at the Clubhouse. I suggested a Clubhouse Drum Circle and that’s exactly what happened – my new team/family stomping/clapping/chanting/banging/moving to our own music. And this happened one day short of 4 weeks from the day I received my first book – the lure of the letter had come true!
By this time I was familiar with the web site and had music and video up on my Neo-Space. Reading NEOTHINK SOCIETY Secrets had connected me to Mark Hamilton and the Prime Literature; the Clubhouse and web site connected me to the body of NEOTHINK SOCIETY, the people.
When I called to RSVP about the Clubhouse meeting, I was also invited to listen to a national conference meeting that night (wed 10/8). One thing that came through to me clearly from the meeting was that Mark Hamilton wanted the leaders to video their testimonials. I learned my A-Team Coordinator was having some trouble with her video. I sensed the importance and on Thursday (10/9), I offered to help. At first it seemed she would not have time, then later she realized that she had asked the Universe for help with her video and here it was. So, Friday evening (10/10) we shot the video, and on Sunday we were able to upload it to her Neo-Space. It turned out wonderful! The focused mental and physical energy we experienced was the result of reading, learning, and applying Neo-Think. It was actually rather easy, and so much fun!
I now keep an essence journal. I’ve learned that my essence is akin to my creating value. The Society has welcomed my essence/value creation: I shot and edited an important video for my team leader; I shot and edited video of our Clubhouse meeting where I facilitated a drum circle to open the meeting; and, I offered to help with data management and now I will be gathering regional data about the introduction conferences.
For a second business of mine, I have set up databases, tracking reports, and analysis tools. Activities are grouped into mini-days. Very soon I will be working my mini-day schedule.
My plan is to update my written testimonial regularly (every few days), while my video will be updated once a month, so that a video update will be an addendum to the previous video(s).
I am Stephen Blank and this is my testimonial.