Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink must be introduced!
Dear Mark:
Thanks for notifying me of your difficulties introducing yourself. the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Party to our society.
It is difficult for me to understand opposition to the introduction of an alternative to our current political and economic system. Neither of these systems are successful, they have taken us to the second great depression!
In addition, to needing alternative solutions to our problems, this is a democracy built on free speech! The introduction of the Neothink approach with its efficient use of resources, its increase in motivation and wealth for the working Americans is imperative.
Is happiness and wealth our enemy? We working Americans are willing to accept possible improvements in our life style. The Neothink methodology will improve our business organizations and economic performance. Why would we not want this?
Are the present efforts of both government and business too involved in corruption and dishonesty? Does Mr. Mark Hamilton’s proposal frighten them?
Based upon fear being their only objective Mark Hamilton’s Neothink must be introduced! If they fear it. it has merits!
The media supports the status quo because that is the source of its revenue! The media fears progress and change! They object to sharing the wealth. They will not print the truth if it is a threat to their advertisers! Neothink offers an acceptable improvement to our economic and political system. Neothink is for the many not just the few!
Dr Charles H Mott
Mark Hamilton is one of the hardest and diligent workers that I have known
Mark Hamilton is one of the hardest and diligent workers that I have known. I believe that Mark Hamilton is a good listener that in turns helps him to achieve those important attributes in order to become a good teacher. I always learn something new when mentors me. Mark Hamilton has demonstrated very high qualities. He has continuously shown that with discipline and hard work a person can achieve their goals. These values when learned at a young age can be assuring and rewarding, not only at a young age but even when you are older you can appreciate them more. The most important value to me is responsibility. This high value comes through in his mentoring skills. Lawrence Severson
Your ideas and the ideals of the society have given me hope
Dear Mark,
Thanks to your books, and the society, I have hope for the future. Your ideas and the ideals of the society have given me hope that the future will be better, if we all join in to make it so .
I am now living a life that may not be one that others will say is useful, but it does give me time and opportunity to do some major thinking on things that I’ve read in the multi generational books. I’ve seen things that when I stop to think about them, I can associate them with the thing that I’ve read in the books. And I can see the need for the society’s principals to be propagated throughout our society.
So I want to thank you, Mark Hamilton, for all the things that you and the society have taught me. I’m still trying to apply all the principals to my life and job. But I am learning, and hoping that I will see the day that these laws of life are used by all people to the betterment of all of us.
Keep the faith and the hard work moving right along, because I can’t wait to see the Twelve Visions World come into being.
Thank you, for choosing to mentor me and introduce this great idea and hope to me, and now all the world!
Your Student,
I have been fortunate to be a Neothink member…
I have been fortunate to be a Neothink member and to have read the Neothink literature. If we could reach more people, and we will, there will be a big change in the way we live. It will be a life of honesty and total freedom.
Louie Kosegi
I want my Family and Friends to know this Beautiful TRUTH
Dear Mark Hamilton, I want to take this opportunity to thank you for inviting me into your Society. I knew right away I wanted to know more. I ordered and read all three manuscripts. I knew I would never be the same. It was like I had waited all my life for this. IT kept getting better and better my eyes had been opened to the real truth. IT was like some where inside I had already heard this many times before. IT had come from some where inside of me. Now Mark Hamilton from the books and tapes I am learning how to live the life I was meant to live. I want my Family and Friends to know this Beautiful TRUTH. Thank you, Thank you so very much for the Neothink Society and the Twelve Visions Parity. The Twelve Visions Party is in Actuality The World’s Peace Formula when The PRIME LAW TAKES EFFECT. Thanks Again, V. A.
Mr. Mark Hamilton
Mr. Mark Hamilton,
According to the last e-mail I had sent, I realize I can not control how others are going to live their life when they are somewhere else. Some of them drink too much, or smoke, or don’t save money, or what have you.
I want to give everyone a clean slate. Why? Because they are a human race and they normally make errors sometimes just from living daily lives.
Things of importance is a necessity that needs to integrate into the consciousness of everyone. The human race is important. Sure they had severely upset me in the past at different times, yet let’s move forward. Lets find a way to correct the issues that went astray in the past in a manner of noble respect and honor. It is still building…the human race that is. Today, when I walk out the door to my daily activity, I will mind my own business, yet I will look at others as normal human beings looking for a destiny, looking for their own path. Today I choose to remain in love with Terri, and greet others with some privilege, and look forward past what they can not see or know of and wish them the best for each of their lives, and watch each one of them grow in happiness.
Patrick B. Rasmusson
I want to thank you so much for everything you changed so dramatically in my life
Dear Mark Hamilton
I want to thank you so much for everything you changed so dramatically in my life. From a depressed and negative person, to the most positive and happy person I can be. It is now approximately three years since I joined the Neothink society. I have read all the literature and was your apprentice and listen to all the audios online since beginning of 2009. I was really wonderful and the best part of this is that its not necessary to be highly schooled of if you are poor, everyone can join. You help almost everyone who want to change.
It is now years that I was in a terrible financial difficulty. I tried for 4 years to sell a shop that cost me monthly thousands of rands. My whole life was a mess. Suddenly a buyer appear and within two weeks the shop was on his name. My luck start to change and since then everything in my life changed for the good. I cannot tell you how happy I am now.
I now know how to change all negative things in my life to positive things. I hope someday I can meet you and tell you everything. I live in South Africa, but I hope to see you sometime on the beaches of the world.
Hope everything go well. Have a wonderful day.
Elbie from South Africa
Mark Hamilton is undeniably recognized in my heart chakra/center
I would personally like to thank my mentor Mark Hamilton for the once in a lifetime opportunity to experience, learn and benefit because of Neothink Society values upon added values to infinity!
Mark Hamilton is undeniably recognized in my heart chakra/center. You are an essential/core key member of our Family of Love here on this earth.
You offer a grand, very real perspective of a Science, Business and Art Civilization in which everyone is a valued individual in our world with unequivocal universal rights for a peaceful, prospering, happy, long lasting life. Go Twelve Visions Party! Your life’s work is admirable, astonishing, remarkable, life-altering and awe-inspiring!
The words Thank You just don’t seem to be enough to express my gratitude…I look forward with much anticipation to a Better World…One that values humanity, the animals, the Earth and the Universe. Much Love!
Kelly J. Arndt
Mark Hamilton’s Neothink is the future
Neothink is the future, Neothink beats every obstacle that exists on this earth, Neothink if persevered with sheer discipline and can lead anybody anywhere they want to go , I am Almas Nambabi an African born from the poor of the poor from a country that has a past of colonialism and the most racist system in the world ” Apartheid” until i discovered the life changing works of Mr. Mark Hamilton, and today I am free from initiative force and deceiving mysticism that has ruled the human mind for centuries. Do not buy what the mainstream media is telling you or writing to you, because in the end they don’t care a single bit about you or your affairs. The intentions of the Twelve Visions Party is all for the good and prosperity for humanity.
-Almas Nambabi
If you haven’t read the works authored by Mark Hamilton…
If you haven’t read the works authored by Mark Hamilton, then you are not aware of what is going to be of your future, as a proud reader, I do suggest that you refrain from propagandized hypocrisy and giving into what “everybody knows” the current so called ” masters of the earth” are controlling the global financial systems controlling people’s debt and jeopardizing the future of our future generations, with Neothink you will become an independent being , free from mysticism , free from corruption and deception
Mark , we haven’t met , but I am sure we shall see each other in person in the coming few years.
I am sure there are plenty of alternatives to fight back ,.. like movies , music, more books etc .everybody in the Neothink Society that has talent of the arts can contribute greatly.. WE SHALL ENDURE THIS WAR FOREVER!!!!!!! FOR the sake of sane human beings.. if they blog we blog back, if they post we post back all the way.