Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category

Your 3 Neothink installments shouldn’t be secrets

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton,
Neothink has pushed me so far on a left and right brain understanding on how the human mind operates. Its without question, If you didn’t come into my life and show me the basics on being a human being, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thank you so much! I don’t live in the past, present, or future. I live in the NOW! This is a universal way of thinking. With this type of mind frame possibilities are endless. I can go on and on talking but my actions are speaking louder than my words. Your 3 Neothink installments shouldn’t be secrets. They should be in class rooms all over the world! You are the answer for love, peace, and prosperity. Again, Thank you for shedding light on my darkness. As a Great mentor said, LET THERE BE LIGHT!
Your apprentice,
Gregg Flagg

Mark Hamilton, you are an HONEST voice in this world…

Dear Mark,
Thank you for all that you and NEOTHINK have done. Any person who feels that they have been lied to in life(and we have been) should read NEOTHINK. Any person who feels that there is more to life than struggle (and there is) should read NEOTHINK. Any person with the ability to think for them-selves (or strives for that ability) should read NEOTHINK. Honesty and value production and the right to pursue them are the most important things we possess. The loss of these things and our voices of truth and honesty would leave us all in a far worse place. The people in this world who lie and steal and make their existence and livings off the backs of good value producing people will do anything by any means to stop ANY honest voice it hears. Our very liberties and our right to exist in freedom are quickly being taken away from ALL OF US. Embrace the honest people you encounter and denounce the dishonest cheaters who steal from everyone and drag us all down. Mark Hamilton, you are an HONEST voice in this world and despite what may be said about you and/OR NEOTHINK, NOTHING CAN CHANGE THAT FACT. We must all remember one thing. If any person is being attacked for no real good reason than they must be perceived as a threat, and if that threat is the truth and honesty than look at who is threatened by this and ask them why! I will ask why and so will millions of others.
Keep up you good work. You have dedicated your life to making the world a much better place. Please don’t stop. You have my support and I wish you well!
Edward Wright

Mark Hamilton’s eye opening information has changed my life

The time and money spent on Mark Hamilton’s eye opening information has changed my life. The world is being run by people who are better off blowing smoke over the masses of people, so that the corruption cannot be detected by the uninformed. It is no wonder Mark is trying to be shut down, teaching people to think for themselves can be dangerous to the people in power.

Mark Hamilton is amazing

You are amazing! I learned a lot about the manuscripts presented to me. It was very informative
information. I learned a lot and discovered things from you that truly amazed me. I am so grateful that I was thought of to receive such valuable information that could really touch and change the life of others. You taught me how to organize and jot things down. How becoming as a child. Till this day I still feel as though I am a child. Everything that you have mention to all of us has been a great learning experience. Thank you so much Mark Hamilton

Thank you Mark Hamilton!!!

This has POSITIVELY affected me in such an incredible way, that words are hard to describe it, my life has taken a complete turn for the better, Thank you Mark Hamilton!!!

The information you have written is priceless.

Mark Hamilton
The information you have written is priceless. It has given me new insight, energy and desire. I hope your works will remain available for a long time. Best regards.

Dear Mark Hamilton,

Dear Mark Hamilton,
How can I ever thank you for all the wonderful changes that have occurred in my mind, my spirit and my life. Thanks to you, your literature and the Neothink society I am no longer lost or helpless prey in this world of dishonesty built on political and religious greed and illusions. Instead, I now have a clear vision of my future, and that of my family’s. For the first time in my life, and at 60yrs of age that’s saying something, i now know where I’m headed with a dogged calm certainty and resolute in my stance to further this great society. Seek ye the truth and the truth shall set you free, well guess what, I’ve never FELT SO FREE!!! as I look around myself these days at the people and the societies and the world that surround me, my heart aches for all those people still blinded and who, so far, have not had the precious opportunity to experience the liberating feeling of ” Miss Annabelle’s Secrets” and the life changing truths in the Heirloom packages.
I believe with all my heart that the WORLD needs to experience what i and my family and friends have experienced through the dedicated efforts of people like you Mark, a true genius and humanitarian. God speed to the Twelve Visions Party and to the people who work tirelessly to bring a better world to all of us.
Over the past twelve months I lost three members of my family, the last was my own youngest son, just three months ago, but i can tell you as devastating as it was, it simply drove home to me and mine HOW MUCH the world needs people like MARK HAMILTON in it and the beautiful dedicated people in the Neothink Society

Mark Hamilton and Neothink changed my whole life for the better

Mark Hamilton and Neothink was the answer to my prayers’ Mark Hamilton and Neothink changed my whole life for the better I had no control of my life I always seemed to fall victim to nature all the time bad things always seemed to happen to me beyond my control I hated my life and who I was, I was even thinking suicide. One day I was praying to God for Divine Guidance and wisdom I asked god to help me change my life for the better. But since I have become Neothink my whole life has changed I no longer hate who I am or my life the Neothink helped me break the grip this earth had on me. I am no longer bond to this earth their spell has been broken they have no more power over me I am no longer a victim of nature and I thank God for the day I became Neothink, The upper ruling class who told me they hate me and that they want me to kill myself because I am going to send 5 billion people to hell by fulfilling Neothink agendas I have been verbally attacked by the upper ruling class and physically threatened to bee beaten by the upper ruling class. I have hard Mark Hamilton and Neothink mentioned on TV plus the Radio I also hear that someone is coming and that they are trying to figure out how to introduce them to America sometimes I wonder if it is Mark Hamilton and the Neothink Society or the Antichrist like I hear some people say I also hear some people say that Mark Hamilton is Jesus Christ the messiah. Mark Hamilton does kind of look like Jesus with a haircut and sun glasses on someone told me one day. I don’t know I cant see the whole picture yet I have nothing but respect for Mark Hamilton and his paradigm shift plus the TVP for his literature and his ideas has changed my whole life for the better, May God bliss Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society and my Mark Hamilton and Neothink Society overcome this obstacle
Mark Duenas

I am here to say that Neothink has been a part of my life…

I am here to say that Neothink has been a part of my life for the past few years, and from it’s literature I’ve gained plenty of knowledge. I’ve learned a lot about myself and about this life in general. It taught me how to live a better life for my family and for myself. This literature encourages a better way of thinking and better standard of living. Trust that Neothink comes from a mind of geniuses who’ve shared with these special people, a wonderful gift that will be passed down to many generations, a gift that if used correctly will bring automatic health, wealth and love to those who read and appreciate this material. I am confident that Mark Hamilton will over come any obstacle that comes his
way. I am here for you as you are here for me .
Sincerely Yours, Simone G

I am becoming stronger in my new life…

I would like to start off by saying, I have not fully, or for that matter, not even partially comprehended the information to which I have received from Neothink. There is so much to grasp that it will take a very long time. However, as I read/use the information in my life, I know it is manifesting in ways to which I am not aware. The information when consumed in the soul, takes on a whole new life. It is not information one is use to receiving from the current establishment- anti-civilization. So as I feast on the new knowledge, to myself, I am becoming stronger in my new life which is being created; but only new to me because I have been living in darkness. Now am I beginning to see the life I was meant to live and I am walking in that life with a renewed self-confidence. My ability to see/vision myself in the Twelve Visions World is catching momentum, and I am all for a place in existence when the poor can become rich and live a life of freedom.
Riches, knowledge, and happiness for every man, woman and child.

March 2025