Archive for the ‘Testimonials’ Category

I simply could not stop reading the material…

Dear Mark Hamilton,
In 2006 or so , when I received a letter inviting me to be a part of the Neothink Society, having a daughter in High school and being divorced I was pulled in to discover what this was all about. Fortunately I took advantage of your offer and got the first of the heirlooms, read and was motivated to purchase the second, intrigued and inspired by reading both publications. Miss Annabelle’s story put me over the top in visualizing the picture puzzle and getting the pieces put together.
Being a slow reader, and disorganized, it took some time to discovering the value of Marks literature. I simply could not stop reading the material, did more reading in these last years then I did my whole entire life, I’m am now 70 years old I feel better than I did in my 50’s and am the happiest that I have ever been.
I thank you and will be forever grateful. I am looking forward to integrating in activities and telling everyone who will listen to see for themselves the value, and how things can change for everyone in a better world.
Horst Stresing

Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society

Mark Hamilton is probably the most honest and goal oriented, business driven individual I have ever known of. I have benefited tremendously from his writings and teachings. it is like nothing else I have ever seen. nothing else even comes close to they’re advantages. Thank you Mark Hamilton and the Neothink society.

Mark Hamilton is a great American

Hello. My name is Michael Crozier. I read, all of Mark Hamilton books. Mark Hamilton is a great American. He has great vision and ideas, to bring value back into, every area of your life. Please get his books. They will change your life. They have changed mine. His ideas will make America and the world a better place to live.

Once I became a Neothink member I became like a superman…

Dear Mark Hamilton:
Since I became a Neothink member in March 2003 my life is so deference now, open my own business and became a self-leader been on my own boss and making money i could never made it without your literature and you been my mentor…..
I feel so thankful to you and the great Dr. F. R. W. I feel so lucky to have you is my mentor, my heart in my spirit it is taking a journey of the most greatest historical moment in my life with the Twelve Vision Party.
The Twelve Vision Party is the man kind evolution to everlasting riches, health, happiness and live for thousand of year or fever it is the party of of pure honesty wish everyone will be rich including the poor and poverty will cease to exit .
Once I became a Neothink Society member I became like a superman I could feel and see the future and read people mind and action, I know who could I trust or keep around me……….
I feel so happy and exited on this great journey with The Twelve Vision Party knowing that we going to live in world of love and peace we most act now and save our world, and we most move on with the twelve vision party to take us to the future to the Neothink mentality……
Mark: thank you for been my mentor

This is a testimonial to support a great man named Mark Hamilton

Mr. Mark Hamilton
My name is Richard Roque. I want to first say thank you. I’m sure you receive many emails and letters thanking you. I personally feel I must let you know that the literature combined with the essence meetings with you have helped me to break free from stagnation …from a dead end life.
What was my life before is no more. I have become free from external authorities at all levels.
I have been able to use the literature to help me pursue my dreams , guilelessly and effortlessly which I believe is very important, effortlessly. Once I had absorbed the literature and began applying the methods I found that I was able to break free ..not only physically but emotionally and psychologically. As I did this and applied the other methods I was able to bring my dreams into existence…I Identified that which takes up my downstream focus…and began to try and make money from it. As I developed these things I realized I was playing at life. As I went through the ” work ” I didn’t’ notice that I was working …others did. For me it was just fun.
Through all this I have developed my lesson plans for my clubhouse. I also have developed 12 essence meetings modeled after the 12 essence meetings I attended with you, which I thought was a brilliant idea. I believe that I should pass down what was important to me as well as critical info such as the prime literature – the prime law, the Twelve Visions Party.
I am becoming a new person. I must focus on my own mysticism and short comings so that I may advance, but with out the Neothink literature I would not have the opportunity to become the person I was meant to be.
I would like to send you a better dissertation but felt that I must let you know that I look forward to taking part in this historic event.
I will be contacting a clubhouse near me so that I can begin to integrate and take on an active roll in the Neothink Movement and begin my own clubhouse.
Once again,
Thank you,
Richard Roque

Mark Hamilton’s literature has laid the ground work for the world as it should and could exist today

Mark works day and night planning strategies to improve the Human experience for all people of all races worldwide. Mark’s ultimate goal is for every person to live the life they were meant to live, in a free world. Mark wants to see us all enjoying optimum health, and living happy and fulfilling lives. Mark Hamilton’s literature has laid the ground work for the world as it should and could exist today. It reveals a blueprint of how his visions of a Wonderful World can come to fruition if his master plan is followed. It really is quite simple, and easily attainable. We need to adjust our thinking to what should and can be, and replaces the status quo ways of living that we mechanically follow today.
Mark’s vehicle to bring about this change to a Wonderful World is the Twelve Visions Political Party. The Twelve Visions Party will be a protection only government that will allow mankind to live the lives we were meant to live without being stifled by all the regulatory agencies, and self serving politicians.
As Albert Einstein once said, “Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds”
As Mark Hamilton’s literary works and ideas become well known by the main stream media, and world as a whole, he will undoubtedly experience Violent Opposition from Mediocre Minds! Please do your own due diligence, see beyond the false accusations, to discover for yourself What Really Is!
Bruce Akins

Since I have read Mark Hamilton’s books…

My name is Andrea, I am from Iowa.
I want to thank to Neothink for opening my eyes to a new knowledge and a new meaning of life.
Since I have read Mark Hamilton’s books and other publications from the society my life have changed remarkably for the good.
I respect myself more, I respect others more, I have more hope for the future of this world.
Changes are feared but sometimes are necessary. Our founding fathers were probably cataloged as crazy or evil… but look what they have accomplished.
We, the Neothink and the Twelve Visions Party members, are going to be labeled as crazy and evil too,… very soon.
But let me tell you, from the bottom of my heart, that the changes that are coming are necessary and they are going to take place. These changes are going to bless humanity…
This final line is for you,… the reader of this testimony:
You will enjoy the results of those changes too and you, just like me, will feel grateful for them.
Receive my love,
Andrea (Iowa)

I say Thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton

To whom-ever It may concern.
For a little more than a year now I have been studying and reading from a vast source of information contained within the books
written by Mark Hamilton [ The Multi-Generational Manuscripts, The Neothink [ R } Society, The Twelve Visions Party, } along
with many others. From these books you will discover things that you were taught as a child to be possible but faded away as you got older and you finally realized that the Deceptions and Manipulations of the People [By The People In The Power Positions of All
Governmental Levels Social, Educational, and even our Biblical Leaders. Too many of our Politicians up through the years have Allowed the Greed for Money & power to engage in the Manipulation of Destroying, and Stealing of Our God Given Sovereignty, Freedom, and Human Rights. There are too many Americans that were born in the last fifty or sixty years that don’t realize that our
Government Controlled Schools have been Dumbing Down the people for the last Ninety Seven years. I mean every level of ALL
SCHOOLS . We have here in America Millions of Laws, Rules and Regulations carefully designed to prevent us from being able to pursue the freedom 0f Life, Liberty, and Happiness. How can we call America the land of freedom and be so oppressed by the Governmental and Agency control at the same time. In 1955 my first job after getting out of the Air Force was installing fuel tanks and fuel systems in the Boeing B-52 Bombers in Wichita Kansas. The people from my area would have lunch in the same area as two or three other groups would. I was getting to know different people who were doing some very interesting inventive projects at home. I was especially interested in one man who was working on a carburetion system for his 1954 V8 Pontiac. I wasn’t able to get a chance to talk to him about his project because about 5 or 6 days after I got there he did not show up for a few days and my asking about his absence started a long conversation with several of the guys he worked with. He had made an up draft fuel
system that gave his Pontiac over 50 Miles per gallon of gas. The normal mileage for those cars was 15 to 17. He wanted to manufacture and sell his product but these guys informed me and all of the others that he was forced to sell it to some agency for $125,000.00 He never came back to work while I was there. That was my first experience at seeing the real truth about how the Government can steal what ever they want. He did not want to sell but was forced to sell it because, [ It was called a Fair Market Price & he was told it was an Offer He Could Not Refuse. ] I’m sure many of you out there will know what that means.
So now as I look back on my almost 60 years of Adult life I wonder, why are we so stifled from having our Freedoms of Life
consisting of Health and Well being, A Real Education & Opportunity to pursue Wealth, to Trust Respect and Love Each other, and have Liberty of Growth in all of the above?
All of these things should be there for every Human Being, not just for the Elite and people in political power positions. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to pursue their essence of self without hindrance if it is beneficial or of value to mankind & creates no offense to their fellow man. Knowledge of Health should be one of Mans Most Important Natural Concerns of his Life.
This should be taught at an early age. Too many of our Doctors & Medical Science Schools have been so Corrupted and
Blatantly Misguided by the Pharmaceutical Companies that it makes me sick to my gut.
I sincerely Believe Mark Hamilton, his Brother and their late Father have done all of their writings with the hope of being able to show people of the world and especially here in America that every living person could be living a decent quality of life. It really could happen and and I believe it could be done quite rapidly IF?. IF is a most powerful word for only being two letters . Knowledge is also very powerful with eight letters. IF KNOWLEDGE could be spread through out America to ALL of the people to
inform them with all of the Facts covering the Political History of America from 1913 to now we would probably have a revolution on our hands. Health atrocities alone would be mind boggling.
The Evil and corruption in our so called Civilization with all POWERS&FIAT MONEY, Actually Being in the Hands of the most Elite of People Controlling our Government Using Our Politicians and various Leaders that WE THE PEOPLE ELECTED to DUMB US DOWN Through Our School Systems Causing it to be easier to Keep Us So Divided between our selves so that we don’t have the trust or respect for our fellow man or woman that we should have. We are wary and a little fearful of some of our neighbors and people we don’t know because in this day and age our world is full of Manipulators and Liars. Our Politicians Are the Most Talented at Deception because they have been Trained for it. The most of them are Lawyers and Judges. These so Called Politicians are destroying the quality of Life Liberty and Happiness for we the people What do you think it would be like in America today if we had been required to pass a paralegal course in Basic Law before being graduated from High School. I think it would make a Tremendous difference if we had that one item requirement. Most of my grandchildren have been home schooled and have been
made aware of our Governmental problems.
After I bought Marks books I started to use the computer and due to my arthritis and three crooked fingers I am very slow at getting much written so this has taken me several hours to do. I just want everyone to know, THE TRUTH CAN SET US FREE IF WE ALL STICK TOGETHER AND FIGHT FOR IT. !!!
I am very thankful for having the opportunity to acquire Mark Hamilton’s books and I am very impressed and pleased with the
straight forward What is, is which is simply [ not so common, Common Sense. ] I have not read every thing in these books but I have learned many things about life in general that I had given up on. I was able to feel the natural feelings that Mark talks about in these books. Tons of great information about starting a business or improving the one you have. The importance of Love and Honesty in every thing we do is of great value to our selves and everyone we Communicate and Integrate with. We all will benefit from looking in the mirror and thinking about some of these things we have read. I know these books have been great for me.
I do know that I love and care about the few people that I have met Personally and I have learned to have these feelings for all of them I have heard on the webinars.
I sincerely hope the people that are introduced or discover this Society of People will do some serious research into these books before they make any pro or con decisions. If they will look into the general essence of this entire society of people who are, with Mark Hamilton’s writings, becoming charged like a newly charged battery. They come away with new ideas, and new wonderfully positive feelings about their lives, the lives of their children and grandchildren. Its all about integrating, being honest within our selves, learning to trust, respect each other and working together creating values for the betterment of mankind. In this process of a new way of life we will discover that we really can learn to love our Neighbors and Truly feel and Enjoy Them.
I say Thank you Mr. Mark Hamilton.
This is very long so if you feel the need to omit or edit part of it feel free to do so.
John W Pepper My family & Friends call me Wes

I thank the Neothink Society

Hello Mr. Mark Hamilton;
Sir; thank you very much for sharing the Neothink Literature. I appreciate it. I thank the Neothink Society. We need this kind of movement that will eradicate the dishonest ruling class everywhere. The dishonest people have their networks and they keep on harming everyone. It is the responsibility of the honest people to stick together.
The media is powerful. It is hard to tell who to believe and what to believe. There is so much going on everywhere. Different channels and radio stations have their own bias. They favor the special interest they represent. The ruling class is squeezing the working class. I am a doctor. If I do not get paid for my services, how can I run my clinic. Similarly, if businesses do not have cash flow, how they are going to pay the employees.
This society and TVP movement gives tools to the educated people to enter the arena. In the world, criminals and organized crime have more resources and power and they are hurting the innocent people everywhere. This requires an organized movement to fight these dishonest people.
I will give you my personal example. This is what happened to me (10 years ago in Chicago). I am a doctor. I am no threat to anyone. The ruling class did not like that I was learning more. They started manufacturing cases against me, because I am originally from Pakistan. Up till now, they have not given me the Green Card. I started legally; but the low class people I worked with continuously thought that I did not deserve authoritative position, that I did not deserve a better position. They just wanted me to be lower than an illegal person who crosses the border from Mexico. This is ridiculous.
These low class people made condescending remarks and robbed me of my money, of my promotions, everything. I am attaching EVERYTHING what happened in the hospital. The doctors who were writing recommendation letters for me; just turned against me because they did not like my hard work, my personal growth; they were jealous. This dishonesty goes up to the ruling class. I am trained to be a doctor (Internal Medicine physician) and they have made my life miserable so that I cannot practice Medicine anymore. It has been 10 years and there is no relief. They destroyed my career and now are not letting me back in the hospital. It is ridiculous how powerful the dishonest people are and they help each other.
I do not want to fight these politics anymore. I want to go back to Pakistan. I am practicing Muslim and I felt unsafe here in United States. I am looking which country I am made for, some country in the Middle East or Europe or Australia. I have not wasted my time. I have learned a lot will take all my experience with me wherever I go next.
We have to keep in touch. Thank you very much and have a good afternoon.
May God bless you and your family.

I am grateful of the value I received from Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature…

I am grateful of the value I received from Mark Hamilton’s Neothink literature and Neothink Society, as the knowledge gained from them can help the average person like myself with valuable life advantages that most people don’t know about and free their mind of mysticism and irrationality that they have been exposed to all their lives.
But what is more exciting and important to me about Neothink is the establishment of the Twelve Visions Party because its success of getting into White House, in as early as 2012, can help provide all the people with true, unconditional FREEDOM, PAY NO TAXES, allow businesses in all industries and geniuses to create new and better technology, enabling all the people to buy goods and services at fractions of their costs today , the two most important of which are each individual’s health and each individual’s protection against initiation or threat of force or fraud, using new military, police, and medical technology, to only serve one purpose: “To make all the people wealthy, healthy, and safe, including the poor”.
The Twelve Visions Party can start the new American Revolution and more importantly at this worrisome time in history, the never before seen HUMAN REVOLUTION, that will forever bring peace and prosperity to the world, not just in the United States.
TVP will allow businesses to build new and better military and police technology, to therefore bring more and better military and police PROTECTION to all the people, which is the only purpose of any government.
TVP will allow businesses to create new science and medical technology to cure diseases, including aging, and prevent or contain pandemics with new technology to catch up with or surpass and stop new or reemerging diseases, as the diseases gradually adapt to modern vaccines and antibiotics.
TVP will eliminate decades of increasing inflation as new and innovative technology created by burden-free businesses and geniuses will make goods and services extremely affordable to all the people, which includes benefiting from new medical technology for each individual’s health. New and better technology provided by businesses will mean more jobs are readily available and fulfilling to the all the people, in all industries.
Without the urgent success of the Twelve Visions Party in 2012 will mean business as usual for another four uncertain years under the Democratic or Republican party to try and fix our economy and growing poverty, in the short term, by borrowing more money or raising taxes, besides maxing out annual taxpayer funds, like some kind of luxurious credit card, without considering the long term consequences of all their policies and bills. With that in mind, people will most likely still be in poverty in the long term with the current policies in place set by both parties so far. Do we want to continue seeing this trend reoccurring every four years, always at the expense of taxpayer money? Flaw filled man made laws, instead of a universal prime law, will continue to keep businesses in most industries and geniuses from creating and improving technology that could truly benefit all the people for the first time in history. The Twelve Visions Party is reaching out to the masses now for a chance to save and change the world.

March 2025